
Showing posts with the label Bigotry

Strong Foundations Are More Important Than Ever

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Builders worth their salt know that they need to start with a solid foundation if they want their structure to be safe and long-lasting. As time passes, foundations may need treatment or repair from things like water damage, rust, termites, earthquakes, or whatever else may cause it damage. People don't cotton to having buildings or bridges cause consternation by collapsing. Image credit: FreeImages / Benjamin Earwicker A proper foundation is even more important in the Christian life. The basis for all major Christian doctrines is in Genesis , which needs to be emphasized. Related to foundations is biblical authority . Although professing atheists have no consistent moral foundation , the Christian church began ceding science to long-age and evolutionary interpretations. When that happened, cracks were forming in our foundation; today the Bible is disrespected, and secular views are accommodated through reinterpretation. Things that were clearly s

Anti-Creationist Overgeneralizations

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen During my years on teh interweb , I've seen many things and encountered a passel of things presented as arguments — many are dreadful. Something that really burns my prairie schooner is the way anti-creationists and atheists use prejudical conjecture , and make sweeping generalizations about biblical creation. One example is the controversial Ica stones that supposedly show dinosaurs, which some creationists have used as possible evidence for dinosaurs existing with humans. Although the jury is still out regarding the authenticity of the Ica stones, scoffers boldly assert that they are fake , claim that we commonly use them as evidence for our views, and then use this assertion against biblical creation science as a whole . Although some of the stones are undoubtedly fake, such a sweeping generalization is logically fallacious. Ica stones image credit: Brattarb / Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 How about the Loch Ness Monster? I'll allow tha

Conflicting Views and the Brain

Secularists are contradicting themselves by saying that there's a brain-based conflict"between "science" and "religion", and then try to find the source of free will in the brain , and also claim to know about ethics . Free will and ethics are spiritual concepts, and indeed, these naturalistic owlhoots conveniently ignore the fact that atheism itself is a religion, both legally and philosophically . Credits: Image*After Scientists are mighty arrogant these days, making assertions about things that they really are only beginning to understand. There are naturalistic underpinnings in studies, contradictions, and problems with definitions (such as the key words here, science and religion , since science is a philosophy of interpreting evidence). Science gets presented in churches, that should cause a naturalist some cognitive dissonance. Further, Christians are commanded to love God with our minds as well as h eart , soul , and strength. Worse, bigo

Scientific Paper Recalled for "Inappropriate Language"

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Evolutionist owlhoots are showing their blatant bigotry when a paper in PLoS One  used a bad word four times!  No, it wasn't ****, ****, or even ************, but it was far worse: the "C word". That's right, someone dared to say "Creator" — and they did it more than once. Researchers said that the human hand was the product of the Creator's design. Katie, bar the door, our propaganda mills are threatened by truth! Image credit: morgueFile / GaborfromHungary The use of the word "Creator" was not done to prove the existence of God or creation. That was not the reason for the paper, which was written from a naturalistic perspective. The Evo Sith were outraged, throwing down on PLoS One , demanding a retraction.  So they got one. Here is the retraction , which is mighty strange, since  the article is still there . This is a blatant illustration of what creationists have been saying for a long time, that secula

Science Stoppers, Real Science Radio, and Professor Andy McIntosh

Thinking people may find this hard to believe, but there are scum-to-skeptic evolutionists who insist that Bible-believing scientists are not really scientists despite their credentials. (Reminds me of that bumper sticker I used to see here in the US, "If it ain't country, it ain't music!" In their case, "If it ain't naturalism, it ain't science!") Some of this is also related to the claim that creation science is a "science stopper" because creationists believe that "God did it", and do not investigate further. Not hardly! Creationists give God the glory, but don't stop, they want to know how God designed things to work. Ironically, "Evolution did it™" is the real science stopper. Coal, diamonds, fossils, other things were not tested for carbon-14 because they "knew" there was none in those items; they were too old. It was found in many things after reluctant testing. Scientists "knew" th

Pterosaur Pictograph and Overgeneralization

Anti-creationists have been known to use hasty and overgeneralizations (among other logical fallacies) to describe the positions held by biblical creationists. The "pterosaur carved by Native Americans at Black Canyon, Utah" is a splendid example of how some tinhorns can act. They want to prove us wrong, but use logical fallacies to do it. Oh, please. This character who strikes me as a P.Z. Myers wannabe claims that it's "actual science smacking down creationist fairy tales" (straw man, question-begging epithet), and uses a fallacy of reification in the title, " Pterodactyl Murdered by Science! " Hard to take people like this seriously. Couldn't find a picture of the image under discussion that I felt I could legally use, so I made something up. Original image from US BLM , with pterosaur clip art . The facts are that some  creationists used the idea that the Native American pictograph looked like a pterosaur, but that idea was certainly

Faith Statements of Evolutionism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Evolutionists and atheists make statements of faith as if they were secular holy writ. Their fans adore this, and some people can be intimidated when such statements are made with confidence and authority. This is often mixed with pseudo-intellectual philosophical jargon. However, when people know the truth of what is being said, there is no cause to give heed to such assertions. Actual quote from Clinton  Richard Dawkins,  The Blind Watchmaker , 1996, page 1 Have you noticed that people tend to pay attention when someone speaks with confidence and authority? Imagine this: A crisis situation, and someone who is not in uniform takes charge of the situation. Even though that person is a stranger to everyone else, they often follow instructions. Of course, if someone toting a badge shows up, that's  the one most likely to be obeyed. People who are popular and make strong statements get attention and often get adoration. (Why people care about the opi

Placing Blame — Anti-Creationist "Morality" and "Logic" in Action

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Have you noticed that molecules-to-man implies improvement? I've never read or heard something like, "Wow, that critter had some bad evolving along the way!" Everything seems to be "good". Darwinistas have their starting point that evolution is true in all things. I keep posting research where good science is ruined by attempts to find how something evolved, or the presuppositions that evolution is the cause of everything, not just biological evolution. One of the many things these people insist on is that morality itself has evolved. But there is no improvement in morality. Things are going from bad to worse, and what was considered bad before is now applauded as good. But anti-creationist and anti-Christian bigotry are on the increase. Christian values are not tolerated by people who claim to be tolerant, and hypocrites who say they oppose bullying will engage the in cyber-bullying and stalking of creationists. Subjective mo

More On Anti-Creationist Bigotry

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Based on evidence and observations, I reckon that it's is reasonable to conclude that anti-creationists want us silenced. Some of those tinhorns are instituting legislation to make the teaching of creation science illegal . Over the years and scattered throughout the nearly one thousand posts and articles on this site alone, there is documentation of deception, double standards, outright lies and fraud, terrible logic and more on the part of the anti-creationists — if they can't silence us through legislation and activist judges, these bigots resort to bullying and intimidation tactics. For example, secularists organized a protest at an Answers in Genesis conference — at a church, on private property, attendance was voluntary, so it was none of their business. Their attacks on biblical Christians are escalating . In one sense, articles like this are almost immediately somewhat outdated, because new examples of atheist and anti-creationist bigotr

Genetic Fallacy AGAIN, Plus a Cascade of Carping

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edi ted 11-11-2015 The Genetic Fallacy is, in simplest terms, rejecting something because someone does not like the source. For example: Th e text in the image shows not only that the commenter does not like ICR, but includes other fallacies as well, including the ever-popular   ad hominem . And he wonders why he was banned from the Facebook Page? Seriously? Virginia Heffernan formerly wrote technology and culture for the New York Times.   She admitted recently that she is a creationist . Well, what kind of creationist, I'm not certain. (If she wants to discuss these things , biblical creationists will be glad to assist her.) What matters to her detractors is that she rejects evolution. This led to a slew of ridicule. Hamilton Nolan of "Gawker" said : "We are not saying you're a bad person, Virginia, but you should probably expect that, from now on, when people read your musings on, say, the future of internet commun

Increased Thought Control in the UK

Secular Humanism is a religion.  Evolution is religious in nature. It looks like the UK is forcing adherence to a state religion, and evolutionism is a cornerstone.  "Stop that, Cowboy Bob! Evolution is about science!"   An evolutionist disagrees:  ‘Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion—a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality. I am an ardent evolutionist and an ex-Christian, but I must admit that in this one complaint—and Mr [sic] Gish is but one of many to make it—the literalists are absolutely right. Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today. ‘… Evolution therefore came into being as a kind of secular ideology, an explicit substitute for Christianity.' — Michael Ruse The four biggest bigot groups in the UK are at it again. They already forced the teaching of orig