
Showing posts with the label Christian

The Breath of Life

Some things we believe we cannot live without, and we want them right away. Most of those are frivolous when compared to those things that are essential to life. Have you ever been deprived of air for a while? You want those next breaths, and you want them in a mighty big hurry. Credit: Freeimages / Vincenzo Piazza If something or someone isn't breathing, there's no point in sending a "Get Well Soon" card. Ain't nobody home. Having the breath of life is one way that our Creator keeps us alive, such as providing oxygen in our blood to supply all those cells inside us. Scientists experiment on cadavers to find ways to keep us functioning, but they are more like objects than people when they are bereft of breath. God also gave the symbiotic relationship with plants that use carbon dioxide we exhale and give us oxygen so we can continue to breathe. It is a simple fact that everyone who has been or ever will be born will stop breathing and die. Those who have ...

The Truth about Vaccinations and Health

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In 2019, there have been severe outbreaks of measles in the United States prompting official states of emergency in parts of New York and the State of Washington . Border guards are becoming infected by diseases carried by illegal aliens . There are many diseases that were considered under control or even eradicated, but there they are again. Part of the problem is the anti-vaccine movement. Credit: Freeimages / Brian Hoskins Although vaccines have kept people healthy and saved millions of lives, some people passionately resist using them. (Although atheists will ridicule some religious people and cultists who suffered the loss of a child because of this stance, it is not just a "theist" problem, as some atheists are also anti-vaxxers.) For some reason, the anti-vaxxer movement is growing despite science and common sense. Many proponents of this act like they are more intelligent and have higher moral standards than the rest of us, which makes...

Christian Textbooks — Not Entirely

This post is courtesy of the "Through the Side Door" department. That is, I wanted to post this on Fazebook (which is linked to Twitter) "as is", but they were unable to validate the link. I already did that. No, I am not going to claim censorship or anything because that is not warranted. School Teacher by Jan Steen, 1668 Many Christian parents do not want their children attending the state-run indoctrination centers (often called "schools"), so they opt for alternatives. Those of us who reject evolution and millions of years because of both theology and science do not want to deprogram children and teach them the truth. After all, the government has control of them for several hours a day most of the year. Anti-creationists get furious when we undermine their indoctrination that is, in many cases, falsely called education. Christian schools? Possibly, if they are affordable. Unfortunately, having Christian in the name does not guarantee Bible-...

Evolution and the Ecosexual

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen WARNING: This article contains information that is not recommended for children, and may be disturbing for some adults. Researching diverse subjects for articles is often fascinating, but sometimes I find material that I find troubling, and take no pleasure in writing. Several of the links below contain mature content and profanity. Credit: Pixabay / David Bruyland When I first encountered the word ecosexual , I looked it up and then dismissed it as a fringe fad that would fall by the wayside, sort of like the word metrosexual . Instead, the ecosexual movement appears to have grown into a strange brew of environmental extremism, witchcraft, sexuality, evolutionism, and selfishness. Something else for you to study on is the way people are indulging in more sensuality nowadays. They are even seeking their identities in how they obtain sexual pleasure. Sex is a gift from our Creator, both for procreation and our pleasure. As we can easily see, it is bei...

Artificial Psychotic Intelligence

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A spell back, I was motivated to write about artificial intelligence and how it cannot compete with the Creator-designed abilities of human children . Another inspiration was given to me for the subject of evolving morality and AI , where some concept of morality must be programmed into a system based on the biases of the programmer. I reckon this is the third in the series. Most of these AI people would conceivably omit Christian ethics and biblical creation science, and probably include leftist opinions. They are likely to include atheistic materialist philosophies. The rest of us have to live with the choices of AI designers. Unfortunately, some foolishly believe that Darwinian processes are related to code, see " Evolution and Software – A Fundamental Misunderstanding – or an Outright Fraud? " Credit: Pixabay / Lukas Computers, robots, AI, whatever — they can only do so much, and their actions are based on how they are programmed. Fears of...

Abortion, Abolition, and Creation

This post will have two parts, the first one is a link to an article, and second is a link to a video on an important related topic. Regular readers may have noticed my conservative approach to theology, and biblical creation science seems to attract those of us who believe the Bible without compromise. In addition, my pro-life views have been made plain here several times. Once again, it seems that biblical creationists are pro-life as a whole; I have never encountered or read a biblical creationist who approves of abortion. Credit: RGBstock / Jean Scheijen In my activities online and in the physical world, I have noticed that there are few atheists who oppose abortion. This seems contradictory. After all, they believe that this life is all we have, make the most of it, pass along your genes (according to evolutionary thinking), then push up the daisies. It seems like they would fight for life everywhere. Unfortunately, atheists generally oppose the sanctity of marriage and p...

Modern Science and its Christian Basis

There is a common misconception nowadays that atheism is essential for science, and Christians are somehow automatically eliminated from scientific fields. Darwin's Flying Monkeys© insist that naturalism and atoms-to-atheist evolution are science. Truth is, there are Christians and biblical creationists active in scientific fields. Credit: RGBstock / Krzysztof Szkurlatowski The idea that naturalism is essential for science is based on presuppositions rooted in scientism . This view is self-refuting . For science to operate, conditions need to be reliable and consistent. The biblical creation science worldview consistently furnishes the necessary preconditions of intelligibility, but in atheistic and evolutionary worldviews, science is impossible — they must tacitly admit that their views are flawed, and must stand on our worldview! "But Cowboy Bob, you creationists are science deniers!" Not hardly! We deny bad science, and erroneous philosophies that are ut...

The Resolution Evolution Failure

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen So, how are those New Year's resolutions working out for you? Early in the year, many people have already failed on some. I disremember where I read it, but one piece of advice was to avoid giving yourself a thorough remake, and just pick a few. Add more later if you have a mind to. Even so, the question remains: why do resolutions fail? A Monkey Encampment , David Teniers the Younger, 1633 Dr. Albert Mohler brought this to our attention on The Briefing , so I got the bit between my teeth and ran with it. Seems that you can blame it on vertical (universal common ancestor) evolution. We can't stick to resolutions or be decisive because we've evolved that way so we can act quickly for survival. Sounds a bit Lamarckian to me. (He's the guy that said giraffes evolved long necks to reach leaves in trees for food.) It also seems live a pitiful rescuing device to excuse perceived flaws in behavior. Evolutionists use the scientific principle o...

Creationists and Credentialing

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There seems to be a fine line between rejecting material because someone dislikes the source (the genetic fallacy ), and using caution because the source is questionable. Some owlhoots fallaciously balk at learning science from creationists because creationists do not support materialistic presuppositions. Other times, material from individuals is questioned because they lack the proper credentials. Image credit: digitalart at Readers of this Weblog and The Question Evolution Project may notice that several creationary mavericks are absent from the corral that I choose for reliable resources. I'll allow that sometimes I'm a mite skittish when atheopaths are looking for excuses to discredit individuals or organizations since I also want to make good material available for readers and viewers, but do not want to give detractors fuel for their fires. Don't disunderstand me. There are very intelligent people who have no ...

Creation, Evolution, and Knowing the Opposition

Every once in a while, the hands at the Darwin Ranch at Deception Pass get a mite ornery and go looking for someone to slap leather with. Those of us in creation science ministries will, to varying degrees, encounter "debate" challenges from fundamentalist evolutionists. These come from people who are vituperative atheists, bullies, cyberstalkers , and those who simply want to try and make fools of creationists. I have seen many who express purile rage at God and his people, but are woefully uninformed as to what biblical creationists actually believe and teach. Instead, their primary sources are atheopath Websites who present biase d disinformation. Image credit: Pixabay / janeb13 Although I do not engage in actual debates, I have learned quite a bit about them in recent years. A basic concept that I agree with, whether for a formal debate or an intelligent discussion, is to be respectful toward your opponent. Another concept is that debates and discussions should ...

Revisiting the Flat Earth

Back on August 27, 2016, I posted on one of my other Weblogs about how atheists like to ridicule Christians for believing in a flat Earth. (Funny how they ignore the fact that the leader of the Flat Earth Society is an evolutionist . I reckon that guilt by association doesn't work when applied to atheists, huh?) Since then, I came across some additional — and disturbing — information. "A rendered picture of the Flat Earth model. The white around the outside of the globe is thought to be an 'Ice Wall', preventing people from falling off the surface of the earth." Image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Trekky0623 There is an increasing number of professing Christians (I suspicion that many are atheist owlhoots) who claim to believe that Earth is flat. This is why I said above that I find it disturbing.) Some of their reasoning is based on Scripture that is not properly understood, and I reckon that some want to think they're spreading "important" thi...

Creationism and Child Abuse

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Feral atheists and evolutionists are upset when Christians and creationists teach children about the Bible and creation, so they call it "indoctrination" — and "child abuse". Those really take the rag off the bush , since they're emotion-provoking falsehoods. Meanwhile, children get materialistic indoctrination in government-run schools. Most likely, they know what Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) said, "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." School Teacher , Jan Steen, 1668 Laurence Krauss, Clinton Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye, and others have expressed their imperious outrage that Christians would have the unmitigated gall to teach our children in accordance with our beliefs. Yes, it's wrong to deliberately lie to children when teaching, so we can agree with Krauss on that point. The rest of the claims of these tinhorns is simply prejudicial conjecture and bigotry. Fu...

Human Life and the Cold Road of the Evolutionary Worldview

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As secularism takes hold in the rest of the world, it eventually reaches Canada, and then the United States. Indeed, Belgium recently allowed a child with a terminal illness (whose name and age are unknown) to be granted a request to be euthanized . Now, many countries have a legal voting age of 18 or 21, presumably based on the belief that minors are not mature enough to vote. Currently, the voting age in Belgium is 18 , but a child has the maturity and wisdom to decide to end his or her own life? Not hardly! To further illustrate how Belgium is morally conflicted regarding children, that country may be lowering the age of sexual consent to a mere 13 ! What do you think is the root cause of these things? Increased secularization. A recent report in Canada's National Post  tells of how the academic journal Bioethics  discussed a debate about disallowing conscientious objectors to abortion and euthanasia to be barred from refusing these procedures...