
Showing posts with the label History

Racial Brain Collecting and Evolution

Everyone has presuppositions and worldviews, and these things drive science. Secular science assumes that the universe is billions of years old and that cosmic, chemical, biological, and other evolutions happened. Biblical creation science affirms recent creation, and modifications are not evolution. Evolution extends beyond academic and scientific discussions and influences the lives of people. While people disliked other ethnic groups different from their own, Darwinian evolution (and modifications) gave rise to "scientific racism" and greatly increased the problem. Smithsonian Building, Wikimedia Commons / Noclip (modified at Fotosketcher ).jpg Evolutionists often become incensed when it is pointed out that Charles Darwin was a blatant racist. Some try to improve history , but the facts cannot be changed. In the Victorian era and later, scientists attempted to justify racism and eugenics. They insisted that darker people were physically and mentally inferior to white folk

Utopian Socialism and the Heart of Darkness

Movements and philosophies are not the product of spontaneous generation. Instead, they grow from various influences over time until someone pulls things together and makes them popular. Charles Darwin did not create evolution , for example. Modern leftists are attempting to implement global socialism in some form despite its failings. Millions are dead because of it. Do they understand Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote? Probably not. Communism is a goal of socialism. Utopian socialism predated those guys. Order of Victory of Socialism (Romania), Wikimedia Commons / Borodun ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) The Cold War was a period of tension between countries controlled by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and Western nations primarily influenced by the formerly United States. Romania, Albania (once self-styled as an atheist nation), and most others formerly dominated by the USSR abandoned socialism and communism. The utopian socialist ideas were coming to the fore in the mid-19th ce

Computers Influenced MY Evolution!

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Like the late Rush Limbaugh, I illustrate the absurd with absurdity. (And sarcasm. So much evolutionary research is so irrational, it practically begs for sarcasm.) A spell back, I wrote about how some Darwinists were saying that people feeding birds were influencing their evolution . One of the simplest lessons there is that they were being disingenuous with the word evolution — again. It is who they are and what they do in order to trick people into believing that Papa Darwin was right. No evolution happened at all. For a lighter article, that will be my springboard to show that computers influence my evolution. Cowboy Bob Sorensen at the computer, image modified with FotoSketcher Centuries ago, I watched and eventually used my father's Woodstock typewriter . He was a pastor and typed his notes on it, and that machine was a workhorse. Strictly manual, and he used it for many years even though electric typewriters came out around 1925. I would be distracte

Whales in the Desert?

When the word Egypt is mentioned, several things can come to mind: Arid conditions, the Nile River, sand, Moses, God humiliating Pharaoh, a passel of whales  — wait, what? Sure. Things change over time. Indeed, the Sahara itself was once a nice place to go swimming . Whales in the desert are not easily explained by uniformitarian dogma. Indeed, the Valley of the Whales signage uses the ludicrous “dies and sinks to the bottom” boilerplate story for fossilization. In this case there are numerous whales as well as other creatures. Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley), WikiComm / Guy Debonnet ( CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO ) To have numerous well-preserved fossils (scientists can see what some had for last meals), it takes a catastrophic event. Creation science models of the Genesis Flood provide far better explanations than secular Just-So Stories. In fact, Flood geology here goes beyond fossilization and explains landforms as well. In the grand scheme of evolution, the legs of land-based animals developed

Moses Really Did Live 120 Years

The biblical patriarchs lived hundreds of years until after the Genesis Flood, but this is rejected by those who disrespect the Bible,. Even afterward, there were some who had impressive ages. These include Abraham at 175, Isaac was 180, etc. When watching movies like the silent 1923 or the 1956 The Ten Commandments , Moses was not exactly a spring chicken. They were not far off in that detail.  He was around eighty, and afterward led cursed Israel for the forty years of wandering in the wilderness . Moses died at age 120, but he was not decrepit (Deut. 34:7). Moses and the Ten Commandments , James Tissot There are people today that reach the century mark and even beyond, but they are not exactly vigorous. Skeptics, including some professing Christians, reject what the Bible says about Moses' age. They appeal to average lifespans of the time, ignoring evidence of long age from their own extrabiblical sources. (It should be noted that lifespan averages way back yonder or in the Medi

Hezekiah and the Tunnel to Siloam

Stormie Waters stopped by my place the other morning, and I asked her about a sluice gate because it was just mentioned in my reading material. She said she uses a small version in her prospecting and said big operations have larger devices. I learned that sluice gates control water flow. King Hezekiah  was a godly king when kings of Judah (like his father Ahaz) were wicked, idolatrous sleazebags. His achievements are discussed in the Old Testament. One of these was the tunnel connecting the Gihon Spring to the Pool of Siloam inside Jerusalem — which involved a sluice gate. Inside Hezekiah's Tunnel, Flickr / Ian Scott ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) This tunnel was an impressive feat of engineering, sluice and all. Some folks doubted that Hezekiah even existed because they reject the historicity of the Bible. Others did not believe that he was involved in this project. Extrabiblical verification was small and doubtful, based on a fragment that probably said "Hezekiah" and "pool.&q

The Falkland Islands Wolf and Reduced Date Range

There was a critter on the Falkland Islands that puzzled Charles Darwin and others, since it seemingly should not be there. It had several names such as the warrah, Falkland Islands wolf/fox. It became extinct partly because people wanted to kill it to own its fur. Some pinheads thought it was a threat to sheep. Stuffed specimens exist in museums, and some interesting research involved taking samples of their mitochondrial DNA and comparing it (and mutations) with South American canids. The Warrah may have been a descendant of the maned wolf. Falkland Islands warrah/fox/wolf, WikiComm / John Gerrard Keulemans (public domain), modified at Pixlr So how and when did it get to the Falklands? The DNA testing is problematic for adherents of deep time because it conflicts with when secularists say canids entered South America. There is speculation that the warrah crossed land bridges, or possibly rafted on floating vegetation. New evidence suggests that Fuegian Indians were in the Falklands

Sanitizing Darwin's Racist History Again

Sometimes when creationists bring up Charles Darwin's racism, it puts  burrs under the saddles of his followers. They claim it is an ad homiem  and a distraction, but the fact remains despite their protestations. It has also been extensively documented. His racism is extremely relevant, as it is entrenched in his evolutionary conjectures. We saw how a couple of his biographers falsely tried to say that his theory had a noble motive , the abolition of slavery. Professor Joseph L. Graves, Jr. is up to something similar. Celebration of Abolition of 1866 via NYPL , colorized at Palette , then modified at PhotoFunia The professor is celebrated as the first black man to get a doctorate in evolutionary biology, and my response is, "Big deal." Evolutionary biology is self-serving and has little value to real science. Also, how many black people are attracted to studying something this area? (Asking for a friend.) Seems strange to prop up a field where your "rac

Traces of Noah in Ancient Egypt?

Back on 1 April, Ken Ham posted that Answers in Genesis would be changing its name to Answers in Exodus . In some ways, Creation Ministries International could be Answers in Ancient Egypt. This child picked up some of their posts such as Adam referenced in Egypt , Noah's son Ham deified in Egypt , their chemists and perfumers , but I skipped the one about the Shoshenq redemption — I mean, the Shoshenq synchrony . Didn't understand it. Folks who read that material should see how some things work together showing how Noah was also known to the ancient Egyptians. Nun, god of the waters of chaos, lifts the barque of the sun god Ra ( public domain ) Today, we have a two-part article discussing the author's working hypothesis about references to Noah in Egypt, and he makes a strong case. The articles are heavily researched and not exactly light reading, and Gavin Cox tells us that he will be writing on related topics in the future. (He has also written many other articles for CMI

Horsemanship and Evolution

The age of the American cowboy on the great cattle drives was from 1866 to 1886. They moved longhorns from Texas to railheads in Kansas, but the need for that work ended when railways were established further south. They knew, and other folks who work with horses know, that a horse and rider essentially become a unit. American Indians, Mongol warriors, and other groups of people throughout history also learned the joys and efficiency of working with horses. Reality and history do not fit Darwinian beliefs, however. A Turk Surrenders to a Greek Horseman , WikiArt / Eugene Delacroix Evolutionists essentially believe that our ancestors swung down from the trees, but they were too stupid to do much. So, they sat around in caves for a huge amount of time, presumably waiting for their brains to develop. The evolutionary timeline of history has a whole lotta nuffin, then many accomplishments in a tiny section at the end of the timeline. Sense it makes no. When history is examined, people are

Ham — Deified by Egyptians as Horus, Part 2

In the first part , we examined evidence that Ham, a son of Noah, was elevated to deity status by the ancient Egyptians. Numerous comparisons between Genesis and linguistics, plus recorded history, make this concept highly probable. The author draws from additional material in the second article to support his claim. Some are admittedly speculative, and it becomes difficult because of the tremendous amount of time that has elapsed. Egyptian symbolism became modified and additional symbolism had been added for special purposes. Statue of Horus, Temple of Horus at Edfu, Flickr / Warren LeMay  (given to public domain ) Noah might have been flattered, being the father of a god. Well, there are linguistic connections between Noah and two of Egypt's gods! We know that eight people were on the Ark. Like other cultures around the world , Egypt has a global flood legend with notable similarities to the biblical account — Horus/Ham features in it. Enmity between Horus/Ham and his brothers ha

Chemists and Perfumers of Ancient Egypt and Israel

As noted by many, historical disciplines such as origins science, geography, archaeology, and other things are forensic in nature . To reconstruct the past (with or without Gil Grissom and people like that), procedures similar to law enforcement detective work are utilized. The Bible is a historical document that has never been refuted in any way, and there are numerous clues in the texts to help researchers go all Lt. Columbo. Genesis includes details about Joseph, for instance. Connect those with other historical facts, archaeology, and science, pictures of the past emerge. Sphinx and pyramid, RGBStock /  Michal Zacharzewski Someone was able to know that a certain mummy was of an Egyptian nobleman because of the smell. The better processes and perfumes for embalming were utilized by families that could afford them, so chemistry as well as history and culture provide clues to the bigger picture. Indeed, some of the containers were labeled as to ingredients and purposes, others were s

The Huxleys and Darwinian Deviance

A spell back, we discussed how the Huxley family was promoting Charles Darwin's myth of origins by developing conspiracies , but they wanted to keep up appearances in Victorian England. Looking proper was important in that era, perhaps more so than it is today. One reason is that they wanted to promote evolution, but did not want their activities to besmirch Papa Darwin. What was under the surface did not remain hidden much longer. For many atheists, Darwin is a sacred character. Satire, irreverence, and the truth about him are not to be tolerated. Some folks in the secular science industry are iconoclasts, willing to pull his statue off the pedestal and be straightforward about him. In addition, the extreme immorality of the Huxleys (who were some of Darwin's biggest supporters, remember) are shown as bearing bitter fruit. It is worth considering that evolution is the necessary creation myth for those who deny God. It is not just an intellectual choice (since the evidence for

Evolutionism and the Vietnam War

Although the phrase, "Ideas have consequences," originated in a 1948 book by Richard M. Weaver and is now almost a cliché, it still holds some validity. Misotheists get furious — furious , I tell you — when the truth about Charles Darwin's concepts are discussed by creationists. Although he did not directly  originate eugenics and social Darwinism , those developed from his teachings. Evolution had a direct influence on Hitler . Another gang of sidewinders that adored Darwin was the communists . There are others as well. Darwin's ideas also had consequences that were manifested in the Vietnam War. UH-1D helicopters in Vietnam 1966, US National Archives , US Department of Defense, public comain (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by anyone) Some jasper commented on a recent post, "As far as I know, Karl Marx never killed anyone." Maybe not personally, but his ideas hitched up to Darwinian concepts have led to the deaths of millions . American

Ham — Deified by Egyptians as Horus

Some comparatively recent history, say, within two hundred years such as  Butch, Sundance, and Ethel is disputed . For that matter, there is dispute about the tall tales of Paul Bunyan. Some say there is no historical basis, others say Paul was a combination of two actual lumberjacks . It is a fact that the Bible provides accurate history, and no claim has ever been overturned by historical records or archaeology. Biblical people were real, not myths, allegories, fairy tales, or anything like that. Threads of history and culture relate to Noah's son Ham and his relationship with Egypt. Horus, WikiComm / Eternal Space ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ), modified with PhotoFunia and others Repeated verification of biblical records over such great amounts of time add support for the divine authorship of the Bible. You've heard of the Egyptian god named Horus, right? Mayhaps seen the Eye of Horus symbol, too. Sometimes he's a falcon, other times a dude with a falcon's head, or other manif

The Holocaust and Darwinian Scientists

People are able to analyze in detail the numerous records, narratives, and all sorts of documents to learn about the evils of Nazism. They may think that Adolf Hitler dreamed up all sorts of ideas and implemented them when he came to power, but that is not the case. No dictator, rescuer, or movement on a large scale ever happens spontaneously or in a vacuum. The groundwork has already been laid. Charles Darwin did not invent evolution, but capitalized on ideas of his grandfather and others, all the way back to ancient Greek philosophers and Hindus. Hitler was also an opportunist, and Darwin was a big part of the Nazi plan. Auschwitz Gateway Sign, Pixabay / Krzysztof Pluta People are enamored with celebrities, and that is abundantly clear in the modern Western world. They seldom have knowledge about the subjects they rant about, and fans unthinkingly embrace whatever is being promoted. Similarly, scientists and intellectuals espoused Nazism even before Hitler became a part of it. (That&

Babylon, the Tower, and very Ancient History

Try a different kind of relativity. Kingston, New York has a corner in town where four buildings exist that were built around the time of the Revolutionary War. Quite a bit older than apartment complexes in the area. St. Augustine was established in 1565. Pretty old, but that would make someone from Europe yawn because they have some very old areas. Rome, Italy is thought to have been founded in 753 BC. Do we have a winner? Not yet. Take a look at Jerusalem, that  is old! But then...Babylon. Tower of Babel  by Lucas van Valckenborch, 1594 Babylon is the oldest city. Period. The Bible is the primary historical document, and Genesis tells us that after the global Flood, people weren't interested in obeying God and dispersing around the world. Nimrod was a bad dude  (even worse than Corn Pop ). He was a tyrant, organizer, city founder, and built the Tower of Babel. Nimrod was the Devil's quockerwodger . We have the Bible as history, and there are other historical and archaeologica

Ancient Egyptian Stone Supports Bible History

Imagine being a farmer working your field in Egypt and finding a large limestone slab bearing ancient writing. That thing was interrupting his task, but it is beneficial to scholars of history that he notified the Tourism and Antiquities Police. The slab — a stele  — is of interest to biblical historians. As creationists and many other Christians have long maintained, history recorded in the Bible has never been disproved (despite foolish arguments from ignorance and silence such as, "Archaeology has not found..."). Biblical history been affirmed numerous times, though it sometimes takes many years. Sphinx of Apries, Wikimedia Commons / Louvre Museum ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Yes, I know it is not a stele in the picture, but I did not think I had a legal right to use one. Follow the link to the article and you'll see a good image. The hieroglyphics on the stele are still being translated, but it involves Pharaoh Apries. These pharaohs were known by many names. This one was also c

Science Without Darwin: Pressure Cookers

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It was a mite busy at my place the other day, what with Ruby Slippers stopping by for a visit. Stevia Dolce, baker at the Darwin Ranch, also dropped in. While Stevia is having doubts about the stuff they promote out there by Deception Pass, she tends to believe the lie that belief in evolution is necessary for science. Bill Nye the Propaganda guy and others demand more evolution be taught and the public convinced of  its importance, else science cannot progress: Young-earth recent creation teachings are bad for science. These ideas are believed by the uninformed and by anti-creationists even though easily refuted by Dr. Raymond Damadian and others. How about the science of the pressure cooker? Pressure cooker, Flickr / Joel Solomon ( CC BY 2.0 ) Thinking back after my visitors left, I have distant memories of my mother's pressure cooker. Olive green comes to mind. This one had a pressure release valve on top that would rock back and forth, chugging to gradu

Genesis, Ephesus Harbor, and Radiocarbon Dating

Rivers produce sediment through erosion, and they also pick up other particles, eventually dropping the silt when the currents decrease. At the mouth of a river, dropped silt changes the landscape. Harbors get clogged over time. The city of Ephesus was important in New Testament times, and was located on an estuary of the River Kaystros. This became silted up and useless as a harbor, and the silting was observed in recorded history. Geologists are studying the area but have troubles with the dating methods. Views of the harbor road in Ephesus, Flickr / ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Core samples were taken, but the radiometric dating involved has a great deal of difficulty from contamination and that cold ocean water inflates the results. There are also problems correlating dates with historical records. It is indeed unfortunate that secularists reject biblical history and creation science Genesis Flood and Ice Age models out of hand, since those would help them get better radiocarbo