
Showing posts with the label Psychology

Evolutionary Psychology is Quackery

Although some owlhoots try to say that evolution is only about biology, we know that they're being disingenuous. Darwin's fake science concepts have been used to "scientifically" justify immoral behavior , and are at the root of other evils in Western society. While the field of psychology is evolutionary and God-denying in nature , evolutionary psychology is incoherent at best, and controversial even among evolutionists. It's quackery. Made at Image Chef In this pseudoscience (along with evolutionary thinking in general), there is nothing special about humans except that we're more highly evolved than other animals. We are reduced to responding to stimuli, and our behavior is strictly functional, without God and biblical morality. Our behavior is "explained" in speculative evolutionary terms, many of which are contradictory and worthy of the tabloid press. The Christian worldview, beginning at creation, is the only way to make sense of the h

Shambolic Scientific Research Raises More Questions than Answers

The public has a strange love affair with science, adoring scientists on one hand, but having increasing suspicion of scientists and scientific establishments on the other hand. I suspicion that one reason for distrust is that scientists have a tendency to conduct incomplete research and then announce conclusions. This has been occurring with increasing frequency, especially in the profitable scum-to-psychologist evolutionary field. Image credit: Freeimages / max brown Psychologists were doing a study on brain activity and spirituality using an MRI and Mormons (why they selected that religious group isn't clear, that's the first question raised). The study lacked a control group, and had results that could also be explained by other stimuli than spiritual good feelings. It's discouraging when you'd expect this kind of experimentation from inexperienced children, but it was conducted by supposed experts. This also helps illustrate the flawed view that spiritualit

Labels and Speech Control

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article is written for biblical creationists, so it is not going to be presenting evidence refuting common-ancestor evolution and affirming creation. That will resume tomorrow. Instead, I want to try to make an impact on creationists, and help motivate you — them — us to stand for God's Word, true science, and especially biblical authority. Genesis is foundational to all major Christian doctrines , and we can't be compromising on the truth. My picture merged with name tag made at Sign Generator Let's saddle up and get to riding, there's some ground to cover. People are fond of labeling others. Now, I'll allow that some  labels are useful so you know where a person's coming from regarding discussions and that sort of thing. I reckon that we all use them in daily speech, to express our feelings (approval, disdain, or something else), and so on. I cannot advocate that we never use labels, sometimes they are useful and even acc

Science is a Beastly Business

It's one thing to learn about someone else by walking a mile in his moccasins, it's quite another to work at becoming an animal. A couple of scientists decided to get tax dollar grant money, live and eat like animals, and then writing books based on their "research". (Seems a bit nuts to me.) But they, or anyone else, cannot deny what they are created to be with mere assertion. Nebuchadnezzar by William Blake, 1795 Nebuchadnezzar, a king of the Babylonian Empire , lived the beast life in a much more impressive way — but not by choice, and not in a pretentious attempt at doing scientific research. Ultimately, he gave glory to God . These book-writing owlhoots had no intent at glorifying God. Such "research" is just plain silly, but fitting because secularists believe that humans are just another animal in common-ancestor evolutionism. The AAAS endorses two books where researchers act like animals. Thomas Nagel famously pondered what it would be l

Evolution and Agriculture

An earlier post discussed how evolutionists have limited understanding of human nature . We supposedly evolved, then sat around for a huge amount of time before showing any signs of the ambition we exhibit today. Similarly, those jaspers collecting our tax dollars are dodging the questions about how  and why  farming developed. Image credit: Morguefile / Jusben  (modified) According to the hands down at the Darwin Ranch, not only were we ignoring technology and cities, but we hadn't bothered to do agriculture, either. It just suddenly appeared in history, even though farming types moved around, interbred, and so forth. If you study on it, even their concept of late-blooming agricultural skills is inconsistent with an evolutionary worldview. The biblical creationist worldview makes much more sense, in that we did not  evolve but were created recently, and were intelligent from the get-go. That old Earth stuff really interferes with historical science, old son. If intellige

Bearded Dragons, Dreams, and Evolution

Ever notice that some people get a mite irritable when they don't get enough sleep? We need it to process events, and possibly help get some things locked down in memory. It's important to people and critters, and the need for sleep doesn't just apply to mammals. (I feel sorry for Basement Cat when she's had a bad dream, mewing in her sleep and then waking up looking afraid and confused.) We need REM sleep to get dreams, as well as the other kind. People and animals deprived of sleep can get a bit mentally disturbed. Sleep is a gift of God, who set an example for us by resting (Exodus 20:11). It looks like the bearded dragon goes into REM sleep stages as well. Bearded dragon image modified from Morguefile / cooee A simple study on electrical impulses in the brains of bearded dragons led to a study their sleep patterns, and it looks as if they do some dreaming as well. Unfortunately, some evolutionist jasper (who seems to be hallucinating from sleep deprivation) de

Getting Adequate Information

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen You're likely to hear people refer to themselves as skeptics, but they are probably using the word in its common form (needing evidence before accepting a truth claim) instead of identifying with the ancient Greek school of philosophy . Some apply the word skepticism to religious or supernatural views related to the irrational philosophy of agnosticism , while others could be termed hyper-skeptics, rejecting any and all evidence for God, creation, and so forth. (Kinda puts a burr under my saddle when they question little (if any) "evidence" for evolution while rejecting evidence for creation.) Charles Darwin is in a tree near my apartment. Being skeptical can be healthy. When someone makes a claim that a bit on the fantastic side, I reckon it's a good thing to want some evidence instead of being gullible. F'rinstance, here's Papa Darwin in a tree. Evolution be praised, blessed be! I proved my claim by putting a picture next t

We've Evolved — Now What?

Some people need to get out and experience life more. Especially those who are foisting evolutionary thinking on the rest of us. You see, they're spending so much paradigm time locked into a Darwinist mindset, they are presenting things that are mighty stupid. According to their timeline, humanity evolved, then sat around doing nothing for many thousands of years. Maybe that's why it's a "great mystery" when cities, artifacts and such are found showing not only intelligence, but ambition . Were they helped by ancient aliens? Not hardly! Assembled from images found at openclipart Secular scientists tend to display a lack of understanding about human nature, especially the important part about being intelligently designed by God, who created us not so long ago. Our scientific and technological development ran at full gallop and we progressed a long way in a short time. But no, we were supposed to have sat around for a long spell. What for, waiting for our pai

Imagining Transitional Forms

Why do evolutionists see things that are not there? Like a social media relationship status, "It's complicated". Scientists are not driven by facts alone, but by their presuppositions and other things. Since they assume that particles-to-paleoanthropologist evolution is "settled science", they frequently get a hankering to present evidence for evolution when none exists. If they were being scientific about science, these mistakes should be few and far between. Dreadful evidence for evolution is exhibited like a prize pig at the county fair, but there's really nothing to show to the judges. There are many articles about alleged transitional forms, but it seems to take someone who can take a step back and seriously examine what is trotted out, and then see that there's nothing to pay any mind to after all. Why did Piltdown Man fool the evolutionary community for over 40 years, and why are Darwinistas still chasing down bad leads? A bit of psycholog

Podcast — The Dangers of Modern Psychology

Psychology has been around in one form or another for a long time. We wonder why we act the way we do, why tinhorn anti-creationists want to "prove" their superior intelligence by acting like angry children (which includes libel, lying outright, and trolling), why the woman in the upstairs apartment throws leftover chicken on the lawn instead of using a garbage bin, and more. Sometimes, psychology is fun to ponder. Sigmund Freud / Max Halberstadt / Wikimedia Commons / PD Unfortunately, modern psychology is primarily based on materialistic and evolutionary ideas; perhaps that is why there are many schools of thought, and variations on those as well. None of them has the answers, old son. A psychologist present a buffet-style treatment drawn from several sources. Ironically for me, in my apostate time, I benefited from a variation on "probablistic atheist" Albert Ellis' REBT (who said that his views had nothing to do with his therapy methods). Psychology i

So There's a Lady on Mars?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Added next-to-the-last paragraph on 8-19-2015 This is one of my most unusual articles, and I hope it's both interesting and informative. Big news on the Web lately is the "lady on Mars" pictures. What's going on up yonder? Yes, I believe in UFOs. No, I do not believe that they are the products of extraterrestrial intelligence. Not only because of my theological views, but because of science. There are too many problems with the idea of life coming to Earth from outer space, but some UFOs defy the laws of physics , which would destroy its occupants. No, one of my views is more mundane: government testing, such as when they developed the Stealth aircraft.  My other view on UFOs is theological: that the really weird sightings and associated alien abductions are demonic activity. One point about that is how reports of the abductees who become born again Christians have the experience again, and call out to Jesus, the activity stops. Let'

Mental Machinery

When you stop and ponder it, you'll realize that your brain has a lot on its mind. It's always working, even when you're asleep. You're still breathing, pumping blood, liver and kidneys doing their things, all of those autonomic things. But what about how you process incoming information? Your eyes are always moving, but we seldom are aware of it. Add an object in motion (like the car that just now went by my window), the eye sends signals to the brain and the object doesn't become a blur. How? You get audible input, so how does the brain balance deal with multiple sounds? For that matter, we have a time dilation/contraction going on, anticipating or even predicting the future, and it is demonstrated when watching musicians at work. How can the brain process non-Euclidian geometries? The brain is using proteins, electrochemical impulses, all sorts of things, and it's plumb loco to believe that evolved and is anything other than something designed by the C

Guest Post — Literalgenesisphobia

A newly discovered psychological disorder classified under anxiety disorders-phobias is called literalgenesisphobia . This phobia is the intense fear that literal creationists are right and there is a God after all. This psychological disorder is rare phobia, but it is commonly seen in militant atheists and ardent adherents to the evolution paradigm. Brain scans have shown the lack of development in the critical thinking areas of the brain which, when compared to creationists brain scans, is seen to be underdeveloped and smaller than creationists. That is, the brain tissue that is used in the function of critical thinking which can be measure physically is smaller (therefore underused) in atheists, atheopaths and ardent evolutionists compared to the brains of creationists. Current research into this psychological disorder shows lack of social skills. They also exhibit inability to debate and present data empirically and coherently, resulting in maladaptive behaviours towards tho

Evolution, Psychology and Shots in the Dark

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Here is something ironic. Astrology has the trappings of science, and astrologers contend that it is  science, but  it is rejected by scientists . On the other hand, psychology does not have much that is consistent to really define it as science (repeatable, testable, observable, predictability, specificity and so on), yet it is considered a science. Darwinism lacks many of the same elements that define a science. If rejection of accountability to God was in the direct criteria to define science, astrology would probably be accepted as a science as well. Like astrology, psychology has a great deal of uncertain predictions that can be plugged into a wide range of possibilities to claim successful results. Modern psychology is generally considered to have had its genesis with Sigmund Freud (a.k.a. Frood-dude ). Freud, Jung and others were influenced by Darwinian ideas , and most psychologies are humanistic in their procedures. For the most part, there are se