
Showing posts matching the search for flood geology

Amazing Everglades

What comes to mind when someone mentions the Everglades down Florida way? Heat, wetlands, alligators, airboats, birds, sock a little poke sallet to me... Sure, those are some obvious traits, but there is a great deal more to this very large subtropical wilderness and national park . Everglades National Park is an amazing ecosystem, but not just one uniform piece of real estate. There are several systems called sub-biomes . Different critters have been equipped by the Master Engineer to survive, adapt, and thrive there. The geological origin is also quite interesting. Everglades, National Park Service / G. Gardner (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Some of the photographs I've shared on my weblogs included flowers that I later learned were "invasive." They are called that because they're not native to an area and get obnoxious by taking over. They're built to survive. The stories of alligators in New York City sewers are mostly myth. Unfortunatel

Mackinac, the Genesis Flood, and Medical Science

If you took a notion to visit Mackinac Island State Park way up yonder between the peninsulas of Michigan, it would be a hefty drive. Using I-75 from the state capital of Lansing and going in almost a straight line by the map, count on driving 3-1/2 hours one way. You would probably find it worthwhile. Despite spelling discrepancies with -nac and -naw, it is pronounced MACK-i-naw. The island is in view of the huge suspension bridge. A creation geologist can use the physical features to describe stages in the Genesis Flood as well as the Ice Age. Old Fort Mackinac from the pasture (cropped), ca. 1900, Library of Congress People who read biblical creation science material are likely to learn some things about the Genesis Flood, especially since it was not simply rain and the fountains of the great deep. As is observed, there are many megasequences laid down by water, and these span continents. Depositions occurred in stages. At Mackinac Island, some of the first laid down by the Flood w

Continental Erosion Observations and the Global Flood Model

Tibetan Plateau -  Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC Actualist and uniformitarian geologists are having to deal with more and more evidence for the global Flood. Current geology does not adequately explain observational evidence, including the coarse gravel sheets in south-central Asia. Rapid continental erosion and uplifts of mountains fit some creationist models. Tall erosional remnants indicate rapid, continent-wide erosion, which is consistent with the Retreating Stage of the Flood. While the floodwaters were retreating and eroding the continents, resistant rocks were transported long distances, as has been documented for the United States. A similar pattern of coarse gravel transport is evident in the mountains of south-central Asia. These areas are south of the Himalayas, north of the Tibetan Plateau, all around the Tian Shan Mountains, southwest of the Zagros Mountains, and east of the Tibetan Plateau on the west edge of the Sichuan basin. The character

Secular Dinosaur Bone Research Indicates Massive Flood

Darwin's Handmaidens on teh interwebs and social(ist) media often utter words of profound wisdom: "Haw, haw! You idiots believe in that global Flood!" However, they reject the Genesis Flood despite the evidence. How do they react when secular sources indicate a massive flood? Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Nobu Tamura ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) While some evolutionists are quick to run off at the mouth and make proclamations that are not necessarily supported by evidence, a study was conducted over 20 years on dinosaur bones. (For supposedly having joined the choir invisible 65 million years ago, I reckon that their bones shouldn't be sticking up out of the ground like that.) They were disarticulated (not joined together), the bones were sorted from heavy to light, and other details. The data clearly indicates a huge flood. Biblical creationists have seen evidence of the global Genesis Flood in many places around the world. This includes sedimentary rock formations spanning huge

Creation Science Stratigraphy Supports the Genesis Flood

Over at the Darwin Ranch, that bunch is a superstitious lot. It is considered bad luck to honestly search for and report on evidence that supports creation science, as it is bad for old earth beliefs and evolution — and their grant money. Especially regarding things related to geology. You know the cliché: "We have the fossils, we win", then folks link to atheistic and evolutionary sources to confirm their biases. Add to this the common lie that creationist scientists are not really scientists, and the Big Lie propaganda tactic is in full gear. Then the disciples of evolution light their prayer candles and chant to their pagan pseudoscience gods that people forget how to think and use search engines. When people do look up the credentials of creationists and the facts on the Flood, then every day is Friday the 13th at the Darwin Ranch. Meanwhile, secular scientists who want to simply go on about their jobs look at the antics of the Darwin death cult and go on with their a

Genesis Flood Geology and the Grand Canyon

When Grand Canyon is mentioned, most people probably know about the one in Arizona. There are other canyons that could be considered grand, but they are hidden away — under Greenland ice and others are underwater . They may be grander, but people can visit the famous one. Secularists say it refutes creation science Flood geology, assuming uniformitarianism (slow and gradual processes) to claim that it was carved by the Colorado River ( including Wikedpedia ) . Interesting that they cling to that story even though it denies science. Colorado River and Grand Canyon, US Geological Survey (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) "Okay, smart guy, how do creationists explain how it formed?" The global Genesis Flood provides the best explanation for the evidence. That statement is unsatisfyingly simple as an explanation. In fact, creationists are divided on how it formed. One view is that water built up during the Ice Age in lakes, then the natural dams breached. From

More Whopper Sand and the Genesis Flood

Secular geologists, probably eating hamburgers, pondering "Whopper Sand" and rescuing devices they can employ. Whopper Sand cannot be adequately explained through uniformitarian concepts, and are best explained by creation science Genesis Flood models . Here are two more problems for them. This "oil painting" is a USDOI photo  that was run through FotoSketcher (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by either party named above) This child occasionally wonders if people who are going about their business get a mite irritated when science folks swoop down on their activities. Oil companies found resources in areas that deep time proponents think shouldn't be there. The layers are very thick, too. Another major oil discovery in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico has been recently announced. Equinor, a Norwegian-based oil company, and partners Progress Resources USA Ltd. and Repsol E&P USA Inc. made the proclamation last week. This is an

Columbia River Basalts and the Genesis Flood

In architecture, entablature  is that area above the columns and below the roof , often found in classical buildings. The word has a slightly similar meaning to geologists. It involves basalts cooling from magma underwater,  forming above what are termed colonnades . This may seem unrelated, but up yonder in the Northwestern (formerly) United States, the  Glacial Lake Missoula flood that carved out the Channeled Scablands  plays a big part in the upcoming discussion. Not only did it make the Channeled Scablands, it revealed some of the volcanic basalt.  Columbia River, Pixabay / kxp13 Before Ice Age floods, there was volcanic activity that formed a flood basalt  that covered a huge area. Clues about the geology and the way lava cooled can be taken from the textures, and indicate that lava was traveling underwater. Entablature and other features in the Columbia Plateau are numerous, so secular geologists cannot plausibly explain what is observed. They should honestly consider geology mo

The Oldest Rocks Before the Flood

As anyone who has spent even a little bit of time examining biblical creation science knows, we emphasize the Genesis Flood. It explains what is observed in geology far better than uniformitarian (slow and gradual processes over much time) ideas. The Flood also shows that Earth is young, and that God judged the world. What seems to be largely ignored are the oldest rocks that were here before the Flood. You have probably heard of the Cambrian explosion , where fossils of critters appear  fully formed . Before that was the appropriately-named Precambrian. Roaring Brook Falls (NY), Flickr / James St. John ( CC BY 2.0 ) This one is where you can find pre-Flood rocks, and there is a planed (shaved flat) surface that spans the continents. During Creation Week, God made the land on the third day, which probably involved raising it up out of the water. A lot of land, a lot of water, a lot of runoff and erosion. Using biblical chronology, the Flood happened about 1,600 years after creation, s

Powerful Plants and Flood Recovery

Although it may take quite a while, plants find the nutrients they need. They also have a habit of growing and reclaiming land and getting into the foundations of buildings. I remember one time when the sewage for a house had backed up because a tree root had grown into the pipe. Plants are persistent things. They also play a big part in biblical creation science models. It is reasonable to use what is observed today regarding living things and expect that they acted much the same way in the past, yes? Creationists present evidence for the Genesis Flood, but it is understandable to wonder how plants played a part in the earth's recovery in the aftermath. Banding in quartzite image credit: Flickr / James St. John  ( CC BY 2.0 ) By the way, I really despise alphabet/Google/Blogger with a passion. This site may become an archive, so eventually the excitement may very well be at  Creation Cowboy  if I can get the hang of the interface. Back in 1980, Mt. St. Helens provided evidence fo

Successful Straw Man Attack on Noah!

A sign of intellectual dishonesty (and possibly laziness) is when people are unwilling to go to the source for information. They "learn" through gossip, disingenuous news sources , Web sites known for dishonesty and bias, make up their own "facts" from a little information and a lot of prejudice, and more. Too many people get their information about creationists from anti-creationist sites and the uninformed opinions of others. (Someone commented to me, "I have never actually spoken to a creationist. I don't know what you believe or why you believe it. Finally, I want to know. So I'm asking you." Although I am not the spokesman for all creationists , that is a step in the right direction. I gave him links to some biblical creation science organizations so he could get some first-hand information.) Similarly, people will go to sites along the lines of "I-Hate-God-Even-Though-I-Pretent-He-Does-Not-Exist-Except-When-I-Want-To-Hate-Him-And-H

Our Beautiful Wrecked World

Well, something escalated quickly. My prospector friend Stormie Waters stopped by my place, then we went into town for supplies. After loading up her buckboard, we went to lunch. Al Buehterawl and Lotta Lyez from the Darwin ranch joined us. Our jawing turned to the beauty of the canyons, buttes, arches, rock layers, and so on. I agreed and added that this planet is wrecked, and that nobody can imagine its splendor before the Genesis Flood. Lotta Lyez was incensed, and Al Buehterawl took a deep breath and railed against the Flood. Victoria Falls gorge and bridge, Wikimedia Commons /  JackyR  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Al and Lotta went on to make the ridiculous boilerplate remark from anti-creationists that there is no evidence for the Flood. I pointed out that if secularists would remove their uniformitarian slow 'n' gradual processes spectacles , they might be able to honestly examine the evidence and see that yes, there is a passel of evidence for the Flood. Lotta turned a shade of pur

Another Gilgamesh Great Flood Pretender

There have been scoffers for many years who simply dismissed the Genesis Flood as a fanciful tale or a complete fabrication. (Worse, there have been liberal Christians who have agreed with atheistic interpretations of geology and said that the Flood never happened, that it was local, "tranquil", or some other nonsense.) Many flood legends exist around the world, and quite a few are only fit for jawing with folks to fill time while riding the lonely trail — nowhere near believable. Yet, many of the flood tales from around the world have elements in common with the Genesis account. The Great Flood / Artist unknown / PD Some scoffing scholars insist that since the "Epic of Gilgamesh" is the oldest legend of a global flood that we have on record, it must be the original, and Genesis is a copy of it. Even a superficial reading of the Gilgamesh story (written as a fantastical poem) shows that it's another story that has some of the same elements of the Genes

Grand Canyon Flood Origin and Observable Evidence

Geologists who presuppose deep time and that present processes explain the distant past reject the Genesis Flood. That is to be expected, even though the Flood explains many features of geology. Unfortunately, the narrative drives the evidence for secularists, and some are even deceptive in their dismissal of the catastrophic formation of the Grand Canyon. NPS photo by  Erin Whittaker They will say that the Flood cannot happen and propose a model. Makes sense from a cursory glance: although the Grand Canyon is full of sedimentary rocks (deposited by water), the soft stuff deposited by the Flood would collapse. That is not what we see. However, their model is a false representation and is refuted by observable evidence. This is only one example of problems with their paradigm. Old-earth geologists claim that observations contradict the Flood model origin for Grand Canyon. However, recently exposed sediments at Lake Mead refute their claims and instead fully support the Flood

Dinosaur Extinction and Evolutionary Assumptions

A spell back, a reader of The Question Evolution Project on Fazebook messaged a link to us involving the dinosaur extinction impact theory with information on new fossil discoveries (several versions of the report are circulating). You know the basic story: 65 million Darwin years ago, a meteorite/asteroid/comet hit the earth and killed off the dinosaurs, but left other critters still alive. Credit: NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) I didn't get back to that link for a while. What I did find was some of the usual arbitrary assertions that secularists make based on deep time and evolutionary presuppositions. They also tend to go with the prevailing view (an impact by a space object caused dinosaurs to push up daisies), but also ignore the flaws in this theory. For that matter, scientists are divided on what caused dinosaur extinction. What I noticed right away is that scientists found catastrophic, rapid burial with lots of water involved. Really? S

Mudstones, Secularists, and the Genesis Flood

Secular geology is dominated by uniformitarian (slow and gradual beliefs), but when cornered, they invoke forms of catastrophe. One example is the Channeled Scablands . Another is mudstone, which was previously used in efforts to refute the Genesis Flood. It has been proven to form very rapidly. Mudstone in New Zealand image credit: Flickr / Rachael  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Indeed, it was proven to form rapidly before (see " Fast-Forming Mudstones and the Genesis Flood "), and things have become worse for proponents of deep time and gradual processes. To be blunt, it's nice to see that there are still some scientists who are willing to admit that part of their paradigm were wrong. To see them admit that this is evidence for the global Genesis Flood — that may happen eventually. A radical revision of the origin of mudstones in 2014 just got another surprising update favorable to creationists. Old-earthers have long pointed to mudstones as evidence against a young earth. The thinking

Sedimentary Rock Layers Refute Secular Geological Beliefs

Believers in the uniformitarian deep time approach to geology claim that the Genesis Flood is rejected because there are not enough rocks on Earth. However, this is actually a tall tale that secularists like to spread. In a similar manner to refuting human evolution by looking at the evidence , uniformitarian dogma does not hold water. Sedimentary rock layers at Big Bull Elk Canyon Credit: US National Park Service (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) When conducting investigations of sedimentary rocks, it was discovered that the deep time assumptions caused some hard problems for geologists. Important factors were downplayed or ignored, such as stages of erosion and varying thickness of rocks. Worse for them, current rates of sedimentation are too high. (This also has some mighty big implications for fossil dating.) Naturally, secularists commenced to some fancy storytelling and obfuscation, with a heapin' helpin' of circular reasoning. If they hadn'

Geological Unconformities and the Flood

What are unconformities? They are the nonconformists of geology. No, they are not people, but instead are rock formations that do not fit the deep time uniformitarian presumptions of secular (and compromising Christian) geologists. In fact, geologists have several categories but not a whole heap of agreement on the things. A view of the Grand Canyon, with the Great Unconformity visible Credit: US Geological Survey / Alex Demas (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Geology has a deep time stratigraphy approach built in. Americans use several different kinds of unconformities, but the British do not recognize them. (So much for scientific consensus, huh?) Unconformities are not outliers, but cover large areas and are rather common. Secularists cannot adequately explain them, but the catastrophic deluge of the Genesis Flood offers the best fit. An important distinction between diluvial and uniformitarian geology is their contrary interpretive approach to unconformi

Biblical Flood Best Explains Erosion

Gradual erosion over long periods of time, based on the consistency of current rates, do not give an adequate explanation of what has been measured. There are four reasonable methods for calculating continental erosion, and they indicate that a great deal has occurred. Extrapolating current rates backward and coming up with figures in the millions of years is unrealistic. Devil's Tower from East Side, PD, 1890 When using the Noachian Flood as a starting point, things make much more sense. There are many factors that uniformitarianism fails to explain, and in fact, this methodology raises many questions. Biblical creationist Michael Oard explains. Massive amounts of sediments, many kilometres thick, with buried plants and animals, were laid down early in the Great Biblical Flood (often called Noah’s Flood). These were cemented into sedimentary rock and the organisms were fossilized. Then the mountains and continents rose up and the valleys and ocean basins sank (Psalm 1

Finke River Troubles Uniformitarian Geology

G'day, Pilgrim. Beginning in the Northern Territory is one of Australia's largest and oldest rivers, the Finke River. But that's a mite misleading, because most of the time, it's not much of a river — except during a flood, then it's impressive. But uniformitarian geologists insist that it carved its way through mountain ranges, and that doesn't make much sense, what with the area being very dry and all. Finke River / Menphrad / Wikimedia Commons If you plug in the Genesis Flood model, then you'll have a workable (sensible) explanation for the landform without having to explain how the Finke River had enough water to do the job, and with less than "millions of years". The most remarkable feature here is that the river flows directly through the mountain range, rather than around it as would be expected. This phenomenon provides graphic evidence for the reality of Noah’s Flood, which elegantly explains how it happened. Mainstream geologist