
Dinosaur Tracks Trample Uniformitarianism

Uniformitarian assumptions such as, "The present is the key to the past", fossils (and tracks) take a very long time to form are being stomped on by a new study on dinosaur tracks. It is not time , but conditions, that explain most of the scientific data. (It's interesting how their fundamentally flawed worldview gives more bad science than good science.) In this case, the evidence further supports the Noachian Flood. Casual observers are not the only ones who puzzle over dinosaur footprint origins. After all, other animal tracks in mud are not fossilized today because erosive processes rapidly erase them. If a rock layer requires thousands of years to solidify, then how were dinosaur tracks recorded in them? A team of paleontologists specializing in "ichnology," the study of fossil tracks, just released a radically different explanation for the famous "dinosaur stampede" track ways in Queensland, Australia. Their analysis unwittingly confirmed

Solar System Conundrum

Titan image credit: NASA / JPL / University of Arizona  So much space exploration, so much guessing. Planets and moons are showing signs of being "young", with short-lived phenomena. The evidence shows that the solar system is not really billions of years old, and fanciful "explanations" without evidence are put forth. After all, scientists demand an ancient universe and an ancient Earth to fit their evolutionary worldview. As usual, creationists do not have to resort to "explanations" that avoid observed facts. Why are we seeing young phenomena in the planets if they are billions of years old?  Some scientists are abandoning uniformitarian assumptions and admitting we are lucky to be witnessing them in “ rare moments of glory .” In Nature this week, Maggie McKee interviewed scientists who are struggling with short-lived phenomena in the solar system.  The subtitle of her article, “Caught in the Act,” states, “ We may be seeing some of the Solar

Misrepresented Missing Link

"Question Evolution Day" is February 12! stock.xchng/bugdog The saga of puijila is not only a marvelous example of horribly misinterpreting data because of fundamentally flawed evolutionary presuppositions, but circular reasoning to "prove" evolution. Then, the desperate-for-evidence evolutionists and the journal Nature actually misrepresented the findings. They really otter know better. Of course, creationists do not have these problems, as the evidence fits the creationist worldview. For 150 years, evolutionists had not been able to find evolutionary ancestors for the aquatic group of mammals called pinnipeds—the seals, sea lions, and walruses. This was odd because they had found well over 15,000 fossil pinnipeds but they had not found any land ancestors that were on the way to becoming a seal, sea lion or walrus. Their ‘oldest’ fossil, a creature called Enaliarctos , looked like a modern sea lion, with fully aquatic front and back flippers, not

Happy Anniversary!

Two years at my unregistered assault keyboard, selecting informative material that refutes evolution and affirms that the evidence best supports creation science.

Reloading the Silver Bullet for the Evolution Werewolf

stock.xchng/busangane (modified)  The werewolf of evolution is dead. But it will not stay in its grave because acolytes of evolutionism keep giving it unnatural life. So, we keep taking it down with silver bullets of logic. Evolutionists claim that logic and truth are products of the mind, and therefore, products of evolution. Anyone with half a brain will realize that this is absurd. Just ask any psychologist whether or not people have different concepts of reality and logic. Further, brain chemistry changes. I am a diabetic, and blood glucose levels can affect my moods. So do the blood pressure medications. I used to be on antidepressants, and those things modify brain chemistry. The "logic" of a person with clinical depression or a psychotic disorder does not match with actual logic, it is ruled more by emotions than reason. Sometimes it's hard to be a human. So how can truth, logic, perceptions of reality, mathematics, morality and more be the product of

Armed and Dangerous Shrimp?

A fascinating fun fact is that the pistol shrimp actually shoots its prey. It has to do with the claw, compressed bubbles, amazing speed and temperature — and utterly baffling to the evolutionist. Like other critters, everything must be in place at the same time, or nothing works. Piecemeal evolution offers no plausible model or explanation. Do you like shrimp for dinner? Well don’t mess with this pistol packing hombre! Despite being a diminutive 1–2 inches (3–5 cm) long, the pistol shrimp normally has one regular claw but also has an oversized claw which operates as an acoustic weapon capable of producing ‘gunshots’ reaching over 200 decibels ( much  louder than a jet engine!). The violent implosion of this cavitation bubble produces the sound, the pressure of which is strong enough to kill small fish. Unwary victims approaching within an inch or so (~4 cm) of this oceanic ‘bush-whacker’ may find themselves staring down the barrel of a gun that is literally cocked and

Which Version of the Big Bang?

NASA/WMAP Science Team Explanations of the Big Bang do not comport with scientific evidence, and fall flat . Worse for evolutionists, they do not seem to realize that cosmogonists are not in lockstep about the Big Bang in the first place. To further complicate matters, the Big Bang story itself keeps changing in a futile effort to fit the facts. Having fatally flawed presuppositions are at the root of the problems. Some say that Christians should re-interpret what Genesis states about the origin of the universe to match the claims of the Big Bang model.But which Big Bang model are they talking about? Several versions have cropped up since Georges Lemaître suggested the idea in 1931. Although these versions all say the universe expanded and cooled over many billions of years, they differ significantly in the details of events. In 1979, physicist Alan Guth envisioned a major modification to solve a number of serious difficulties. He posited that shortly after the Big