
Eyes for Details

Human eyes are a marvel of the Designer's ingenuity, even if Richard Dawkins and other atheopaths (who know nothing about ophthalmology) claim that it is "bad design" — which has been thoroughly refuted . Darwin said that the evolution of the eye by natural selection was "absurd", but because of his worldview, he chose to believe that it evolved anyway . Not only the design of the eyes themselves, but the brain has to be able to process the images so we can function. "Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him.” Just as quickly as He made the first human eyes out of dust, Jesus the Creator fixed two men’s broken vision systems as only a Master Biotechnician could. Today, new inner-eye wonders are regularly uncovered, exposing the eye’s miraculous origin.  One critical vitamin-like eye molecule bears the chemistry-friendly name “11-cis-retinal.” When this molecule is embedded in its

For the Love of Scientism

People are enamored with science. It is understandable, because scientists have given us fascinating glimpses deep into the universe, improved lifespans, advanced our technology and much more. Unfortunately, it goes beyond appreciation for the achievements of scientists. There seems to be a cult-like following of scientists. Source: U.S. Navy They are put on a pedestal and made into an all-knowing elite group. (Some people recognize this and joke, " Scientists have discovered  that people will believe anything when you say 'scientists have discovered that. . . '") This has been happening for a long time. In fact, "science" is spoken of as if it was a living being; watch for the reification when people say, "Science says". It is "scientism", where people are practically worshiping science and scientists. Sorry, but scientists are people and science is not an entity. Scientists speak of historical science (using what exists in th

Mythical Critters and Scoffers

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen An interesting and timely question prompted this article. Earlier, I wrote again about how facts alone can be incomplete . Giving information and evidence is good, but addressing worldviews and presuppositions are very important, and can give a more complete answer to a question or challenge. To briefly recap, everyone has a worldview based on presuppositions (things they assume to be true). When presented with evidence, we naturally use our worldviews to interpret it. When someone has an anti-Bible bias, he or she can easily reject evidence supporting the Bible (and especially biblical creation science). Cockatrice drawing by Oliver Herford, 1912 at Reusable Art Here is the question that I was given this morning (writing this the day before I publish it) at The Question Evolution Project on Facebook : If you can't make out the text in the picture, he wrote, "Hey again. Question for you. In Isaiah when it mentions cocktracies and saty

Why Didn't They Just Use Evidence about Camels and the Bible?

Edit: I fouled up and did Friday's post on Thursday night. Oh, well. Many times, Christians and creationists will point out that the evidence supporting the Bible and creation is on our side. However, we cannot just "out evidence" scoffers because for every fact, every bit of evidence, there is an equal and opposite rescuing device. That is, if someone does not want to accept the evidence, they will find a way to reject it. Everyone has a worldview built by their presuppositions, and their presuppositions are composed of beliefs, opinions and things that they consider self-evident truths. The "truths" of materialists are actually self-refuting because they are comprised of unsupported assumptions. (Often, they do not even realize that the things they take for granted as being true are unfounded.) Also, people will cling to their worldviews in spite of compelling evidence to the contrary. These will find excuses to avoid examining the evidence that suppor

A Moon of Saturn, A Possible Ocean, Wild Speculation

Evolutionary speculation does wonders for the mind — it makes one wonder if some people can think productively. They are so locked into their billions of years and "deep time" presuppositions that contrary evidence is ignored, dismissed and even rewritten through blatant deception . (Yet, when we point out their logical fallacies and point out errors in the science, we are called liars.) Saturn's moon Enceladus is an example of cold reality being given the "spin", and problems with the speculations are ignored. Especially how the planets and satellites fit the creationist models and defy evolutionary cosmology. NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute Far too often, evolutionists present unsupportable assumptions as facts, and will give speculations that are actually laughable. Unfortunately, Darwin Drones believe that stuff. Some of the science reports about the possibility of an ocean of water on Enceladus started off with reasonable extrapolations based on re

Evolution and the Origin of Life Problem

Proselytizers of evolutionism are divided on the issue of the origin of life. Many know that life could not originate on this planet. Period. One option is to distance themselves and say, "Evolution has nothing to do with the origin of life, it's only about the development of existing life". Untrue, as anyone who reads an evolution textbook or watches a documentary on it, or even checks Wikipedia , one of their sacred texts, will clearly see. To further distance themselves from abiogenesis (chemical evolution), some evolutionists push the problem out into space — maybe aliens did it . Credit: Image * After Of course, it is also easy to simply ignore the problem and make assertions, expecting people who want to believe evolutionary theories on the origin of life to simply accept them because "scientists say so". (Unfortunately, to many people are unable to think critically.) Watch for when they redefine terms to suit their own purposes, or make false sta

Genetic Clock Research Disputes Evolutionary Predictions

Your genetic clock is ticking. For every generation, DNA in a species is modified and becomes less similar to that found in the "parents". When using mathematical calculations from secular scientists and their assumptions, their DNA predictions fail. Derived from " Clock " and " Modified DNA " at Creation science researchers used the same mathematics and came up with preliminary results. These dispute evolutionists' results and affirm the calculations and predictions from a young earth biblical creationist model. Ticking within every species is a “clock” of sorts that measures the length of time that a species has existed on the earth. Since DNA is passed on imperfectly from parent to offspring, each generation grows more genetically distant from prior generations. Consequently, with each successive generation reproductively isolated groups within species grow more and more genetically distant from each other.  This is true for

Getting a-Head of Neanderthal Skull Research

Real Science Radio had a two episodes on Neanderthals. Research continues to show that they are not very dissimilar to modern humans at all. But more than this, Bob Enyart and Fred Williams had a special guest who has done extensive first-hand research on the skulls, makes no bones about it. Bob Enyart and Fred Williams from Real Science Radio, scene from promo video Most scientists are only able to examine plaster casts instead of the actual bones. Not so with Dr. Cuozzo: "Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams get to incorporate the latest genetic research while interviewing Dr. Jack Cuozzo, the jaw and teeth expert who has studied firsthand and x-rayed more Neanderthal skulls than anyone else, ever." You can listen to or download the audios at this link (both shows are on the same page), and there are several links that should keep the honest inquirer busy and informed.

Like I Said, Too Soon to Celebrate Big Bang Inflation Proof

When the "proof" of gravitational waves, the inflation theory and Big Bang was announced, some of us were unimpressed. Like so many other big deal announcements, we wanted to wait and let other analyze it before we either panicked or cheered. After all, various scientific evidences have been offered, Darwinoids (thanks to the commenter at The Question Evolution Project who used that word) were waving their proof du jour in everyone's faces. Then they get embarrassed when it is discovered to be bad science, a hoax, fraud or nonsense in some other way. Regarding the tentative discovery of gravitational waves, materialists went wild and pulled the same antics. I was one of those who thought that the celebration was premature . Nobel Prize? Looks like that will have to wait for a while — maybe for forever. After all, assumptions can only take you so far, and also tend to prevent full examination of evidence and phenomena. (Ever notice that creation scientists are more

Carbon-14 Found Where It Does Not Belong — Again

One of the ways that evolution hinders scientific progress is because of the multitude of assumptions made. For instance, so-called "junk DNA" was not thoroughly investigated for many years because it was presumed that since scientists did not understand all of it, it must be junk from our putative evolutionary past. Then evolutionists were embarrassed to learn that it's not junk after all . Dinosaur bones were not tested because of the presumption that they've been extinct for millions of years. Soft tissues were a real shocker ! Test diamonds for carbon-14? That's absurd, they're billions of years old and there will be none of that. Wrong, carbon-14 is in diamonds ! Carbon-14 physics/Wikimedia Commons Similarly, carbon-14 should not be in natural gas wells, so evolutionists did not bother to look. A creationist scientist had testing done, wrote up a peer-reviewed paper that was published by the prestigious Creation Research Society, and did an inter