
Is Orbital Tuning Useful for Calibrating Ice Core and Deep Sea Sediment Dating Methods?

Scientists generally want accurate results. Unfortunately, secular scientists are using fundamentally flawed presuppositions as their starting points. These include an ancient earth, evolution, uniformitarianism and so on.  Ice cores  and sediments in deep seafloors are touted as excellent examples for an old earth, but these calibrations are loaded with assumptions, and cross-referenced with other assumption-laden methods. One of the most amazing examples of bad reasoning is the use of "orbital tuning" to support the other methods. Creation science Noachian Flood models explain observed data far better than relying on secularist fudge factors. An apparently strong argument for an old earth is the seeming agreement between multiple (and supposedly independent) dating methods which yield “millions of years.” Uniformitarian scientists claim that chemical clues within the seafloor sediments tell a “story” of climate change over millions of years and that this “story” agrees

Creationist Researchers Shows Human-Chimp DNA Similarity Much Smaller Than Believed

Evolutionary scientists used their presuppositions, studied some DNA, ignored the rest, and then said that the parts they did not understand were arrogantly declared "junk" left over from our alleged evolutionary past. Things became interesting when DNA was properly studied, and the "junk" DNA turned out to have vital functions. With sloppy science, preconceptions and so forth, evolutionists declared that the human genome was 98% similar to the chimp genome. Creationist researcher Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins has delved more deeply into the human-chimp genetics argument and found that the former "junk" gives further evidence against our alleged relationship to chimpanzees. It was once thought that the areas between protein-coding genes located around the genome were vast purposeless wastelands of alleged “junk DNA.” However, we now know that these previously misunderstood regions are literally teeming with functional activity that is key to life. Not only

Having a Blast With the Cambrian Explosion

According to evolutionary paleontologists, the "Cambrian Explosion" is the sudden appearance of most major phyla in Cambrian layers with no transitional forms. This has been a very serious problem ever since Darwin's time, since it falsifies evolution. The Evo Sith have attempted to make excuses, but they are weak and contrived. Further evidence from their own sources has only made the Cambrian Explosion even larger. To add to their consternation, the discovery actually supports the Genesis Flood models of biblical creationists. At the first appearance of complex animals, vertebrate fish were already there, a new analysis confirms.  Simon Conway Morris, an evolutionist and world authority on Cambrian animals, appeared in the beginning of Illustra’s film Darwin’s Dilemma to confirm the suddenness of the “Cambrian Explosion.” In that short period (about 5–10 million years in the evolutionary time scheme), some 20 new and diverse body plans (phyla) appeared fully f

Rapid Burial of Molting Arthropod

For many years, uniformitarian geologists maintained that fossilization occurred very slowly. Students learned that a creature died, sank in water, was gradually buried and then was fossilized over millions of years. Evidence accrued that this is not the case (including common sense, since scavengers, bacteriological action and other factors would make burial unlikely). People are learning that rapid burial and proper conditions, not time, are the keys to fossilization. Wikimedia Commons,  Marrella splendens , Burgess Shale, British Columbia, Canada; Middle Cambrian / Wilson44691 When an arthropod molts, it is not exactly a slow event. Finding molted skins in the fossil record is not much of a surprise, but to find a fossil of a   Marrella splendens  in the act itself is amazing, and a testimony of rapid burial. Creationist geologists maintain that the overwhelming majority of fossils are due to catastrophic processes, such as Noah's Flood. This find supports creationist Fl

Tyson Baffled at "Cosmos" Scrutiny

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is expressing surprise that the Cosmos  series has been examined by Answers In Genesis (among others; Creation Ministries International reviewed a couple of episodes ). AiG put a considerable amount of work in showing how he expressed his opinions as facts, gave incomplete information and did quite a bit of misrepresentation of Christian material. In fact, AiG wants people to watch the episodes, then use their material to learn the truth. Neil deGrasse Tyson, host of TV’s Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey, says he wonders why anyone pays attention to what Ken Ham says about science or about his 13-part Cosmos series. Tyson, in an interview with Alternet, suggests biblical creationists like Ken Ham and the scientists at Answers in Genesis are a small and insignificant Christian fringe group that only bothered writing weekly critiques of the Cosmos series to take advantage of media attention garnered through the Bill Nye-Ken Ham debate in February: You have to ask

Evolutionists, DNA is NOT Your Friend!

Uncle Pilty wants me to remind you that we use unregistered assault keyboards in the creation resistance army against the establishment of evolutionary dogma. Let's go... Evolution is called a theory (and many of its adherents refer to it as an incontrovertible fact), but it has very little resemblance to what Darwin popularized long ago. Today's Darwinism relies to a great extent on DNA and the amazing idea that we can have genetic mistakes causing us to evolve upward. Evolutionists will say that DNA is proof of evolution, and that they have made accurate predictions. Oh, really? Pixabay / PublicDomainPictures Darwinists will claim that there are predictions based on DNA that are fulfilled in evolutionary theory. That is not quite right. They use logical fallacies like circular reasoning , affirming the consequent , insufficient evidence (including ignoring other possible explanations for what has been observed), and so on. The truth of the matter is, DNA is a frien

Chasing a Comet With Rosetta

At this writing today is August 30, 2014 and the Rosetta spacecraft has entered orbit around Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenk. (It is an understatement to say that this is an ambitious undertaking, since the flight alone has taken ten years.) The Philae probe is expected to land on the comet in a few weeks, and several sites have been projected . Comet on 23 August 2014 - NavCam / Copyright ESA / Rosetta / NAVCAM And I thought the 1986 Vega probes that dealt with both Venus and Halley's Comet were big deals! Well, they were for that time. It's interesting to me that the Rosetta will be using outdated equipment, because a great deal has changed in the ten years since it was first launched. But "old" does not mean ineffective. Secular scientists are starting with the presuppositions that comets are building blocks of the solar system. By rendezvousing with this comet, they hope to find secrets to the origins of many things, possibly even life itself. Not har