
Cladograms and Mosaic Critters

Cladograms are fun examples of begging the question, since cladistics is a way of classifying organisms according to their features and their evolutionary ancestors. It's fun and easy to do, just arrange things according to your personal preference and molecules-to-metallurgist evolutionary bias, and lookie here, we got us science! Pardon the sarcasm, but cladistics is laden with biases and subjective reasoning. Image modified from Cockerellites liops / National Park Service / PD (Usage of original does not imply endorsement of site contents) A kissin' cousin of cladistics is the concept of mosaic creatures is when there are features that seem to belong to different kinds (birds with teeth, fish with lungs), so they are assumed to be transitional forms and called "mosaic". This phoney evidence is evolutionary wishful thinking. Fact is, those creatures were created to be what they are, with no stages of evolution in evidence. When describing so-called ‘t

The Universe is Falling into Disorder

One basic fact is that things go from order to disorder unless acted on by something outside. Creationists have given many evidences for a young Earth and young solar system, and one of the most famous is that of long- and short-term comets that can not exist for the alleged age of the solar system because they burn up. Secular cosmologists have come up with the Kuiper Belt and the purely imaginary Oort Cloud  to replenish the supply, but those don't help the speculations. To make matters worse for the "deep time" gang, there are many evidences for a young  solar system, including recent activity around Saturn . Comet Hale-Bopp / Credit: NASA Comets are a small part of what is being seen elsewhere in the universe showing how things are burning up and wearing out. What is seen reflects what biblical creationists have said all along: the universe is not nearly as old as secularists claim. To read the bad news for them, click on " Entropy in Space Seen at All Sc

Puny God of Evolution Receives Credit for Balance

Imagine a movie scene with a police officer, NCIS agent, old West sheriff, soldier, or someone in an action scene. He runs, jumps, dives over something, rolls a bit, and then stops to determine his next move. That's a lot of position changing, but our hero (or the stunt double) doesn't get motion sickness. The example is more extreme, but we change positions frequently in our daily activities without getting dizzy. Why not? Image from Clker Researchers reckon they have a handle on this. It seems that the spine sends out signals to let your balance control center know how to respond to voluntary motion. Unfortunately, these owlhoots gave credit to evolution for this intricately designed purposeful system that our Creator put in place. In fact, they gave glory to their puny god of evolution for planning ahead. There isn't a shred of evidence for evolution happening. That ain't science, pilgrim, that's a mystical religious view. Bodies bounce while jogging or

Real Science Radio Interview of Professor Steve Taylor

While it's helpful to read about creation scientists of the past and present , it's nice to hear actual interviews with them. It also helps silence owlhoots who lie about the lack of intelligence and credentials of creation scientists. Real Science Radio 's Bob Enyart continues his invasion of Britain with an interview of Professor Steve Taylor (not to be confused with recording artist Steve Taylor ). Dr. Taylor is an expert in electrical engineering, and has done work on accelerated mass spectrometry . He works on mass spectrometry at the University of Liverpool . National Electrostatics Corporation 250kV accelerator mass spectrometer in a biomedical laboratory. Image Credit: US Department of Energy Professor Taylor rejects evolution and affirms biblical creation. Steve and Bob discussed accelerated mass spectrometry, making a portable carbon-14 device, his work with his government in helping detect chemical weapons, and more. The interview begins at the get-go.

These Fists Were Made for Punching?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen On the October 25, 2015 podcast of "The Weekly Worldview" , Doug McBurney accessed his "Science — Really?"  file for some interesting items. Stuff that fungus-to-fighter evolutionists pass off as valid scientific research is just plumb loco a lot of the time, and Doug had a doozy to share. Image: ClkerFreeVectorImages / Pixabay Some owlhoots decided that the human hand evolved the ability to make a fist for the sake of punching an opponent without as much pain . They need to get out of the lab more and experience real life. If you throw a punch with your fingers in the proper position (the picture above is pretty good), that's a start. But if your thumb is sticking out, you risk breaking it when you strike. Also, the proper motion needs to be used for an effective hit. Once again, Darwinoids offer speculation without evidence, and it's based on the presupposition that we were st00pid brutes in the past. Nor do they explain h

Further Analysis of H. Naledi, and Refuting an Anti-Creationist

Edited 11-20-2015 A few weeks ago, I posted a link to an article on Homo naledi that had some good information . At that time, the Institute for Creation Research had a short response , and Creation Ministries International had one as well. EDIT: A more in-depth article from CMI can be found here .  Since then, ICR has published three articles (don't fret yourself, they're not huge or overly technical) that are worth your time. The research that muck-to-machinist evolutionists are passing off should have real scientists embarrassed, especially since the deceptive nature and shoddy work are blatantly obvious. Creationists have ideas that are somewhat differing from each other, which is not surprising given the nature of the disjointed information that the evolutionists published. But then, scientists do that; creationists do not need to be in lockstep . Evolutionists disagree on the classifications of our alleged human ancestors . You tell 'em, Captain Hindsight!

Evolutionists Go Nuts Over Primordial Soup

Some advocates of virus-to-virologist evolution try to distance themselves from origin of life problems by claiming that abiogenesis has nothing to do with evolution. People who have two or more brain cells to rub together can easily tell that this is false. If you study on it, you'll see that not only is the origin of life prominent in textbooks, documentaries ( just ask David Attenborough ), NASA , and so forth that deal with evolution, but you can't have anything evolve if there is nothing living. That means the origin of life is important to evolutionism. Savvy? Image by Rudi Williams , American Forces Press Service, 2002 Although the chances of one cell evolving by chance are about one in forget it, a few cling to the idea, and others put the problem way up in the nothingmuch of deep space. Some troublemaker at the Darwin Ranch dropped a string of firecrackers in the Origin of Life Corral, and all the horses bolted in different directions. Wild ideas about pansper

Deceptive Paleontology Reporting

People are a mite confused about the word fossil,  seeing as how it's used to mean old stuff as well as organisms that are permineralized (organic material is replaced by minerals) or petrified  (turned to stone). I could call my mother-in-law a "fossil", but people would know it would be a disrespectful term about her old age, and they would have sense enough to know that she doesn't fit any scientific use of the word fossil.  When it comes to old dead things called fossils, sometimes scientists as well as us reg'lar folk do it. Ian Juby mentioned the shilly-shallying over that word in this video clip, starting at the 20 minute 13 second mark . Hadrosaur fossil. The 2010 article referred to both  fossil  and  bones. Image credit: Mark E. Jacobsen , Bureau of Land Management Believers in particle-to-parasaurolophus evolution don't cotton to having the news of soft tissues and actual bones being found because those facts refute their long-age presupposi

Apes, Walking, and Evolution

Humans were built with a very efficient system for walking upright and keeping balance. The rib cage, pelvis, arm swing, muscles, bones, all of those things work together to keep us going and not falling. Walking changes when you're packing a firearm because it changes your gait and arm swing. For that matter, cowboy boots make me walk differently than my loafers. If you've a mind to, pay attention to your walking (or get someone else to do it so you can watch) when wearing different shoes. The point is that our system is very precise. People with the viewpoint that ancestors of humans and apes swung down from the trees way back when are all fired determined to think that humans are really not so special, not created by God, but by chance and things. Chimpanzees and gorillas are built radically differently than humans, and bipedal locomotion is difficult for them, but moving on all fours is efficient. (One way to usually tell when someone is in a gorilla costume is that

Science Stoppers, Real Science Radio, and Professor Andy McIntosh

Thinking people may find this hard to believe, but there are scum-to-skeptic evolutionists who insist that Bible-believing scientists are not really scientists despite their credentials. (Reminds me of that bumper sticker I used to see here in the US, "If it ain't country, it ain't music!" In their case, "If it ain't naturalism, it ain't science!") Some of this is also related to the claim that creation science is a "science stopper" because creationists believe that "God did it", and do not investigate further. Not hardly! Creationists give God the glory, but don't stop, they want to know how God designed things to work. Ironically, "Evolution did it™" is the real science stopper. Coal, diamonds, fossils, other things were not tested for carbon-14 because they "knew" there was none in those items; they were too old. It was found in many things after reluctant testing. Scientists "knew" th