
Fisher's Theorem Reversed

First, a note of explanation. As we have seen in many examples, quite a few people refer to simple changes as "evolution", attempting to conflate variation with universal common ancestor evolution, as popularized by Charles Darwin. I have learned from other biblical creationists to specify those differences in terminology, so you will often see the word Darwinism  on this site. Although most scientists have abandoned evolution into more advanced life forms alone as Darwin taught, people know what we're talking about when saying Darwinism. Also, it's a mite less tedious than saying some of the other synonyms, such as neo-Darwinian synthesis. The synthesis thing is where neo-Darwinism happens. Darwin was largely ignorant of the research on genetics by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him), and his philosophies were beginning to flounder in the early 20th century. Along came eugenicist, racist, and mathematician R. A. Fisher to the rescue. He formulated a theorem to mathema

Even Water is Designed!

If you think on it for a spell, you might realize that people who have plentiful water take it for granted. This here planet that our Creator gave us to look after is just over two thirds water. Interesting that we ourselves are also two thirds water. Sure, some of it is mix in with other fluids, but those fluids rely on water to keep us alive. Evolutionists who search for life on other worlds primarily focus on whether or not those places could sustain water, since it is necessary for life. Credit: Freeimages /  shivani If y'all don't mind, I'd like to have you to think a bit further. Ever wonder where it came from? I'm not talking about clouds, rivers, and things. Before that. Dumb luck at the alleged cosmic evolution of the solar system? Not hardly! Water has many characteristics, such as its chemical composition, density, surface tension, heat capacity, viscosity , and so on. Even though the logic indicates that water, as well as life itself, was designed by

Jurassic Coast Propaganda Playground Fails

Several places around the globe have interesting geological features, and are used as icons for deep time and Darwinism. As expected, they give a slanted view of what is seen, but leave out important information. A nice patch of land in England has been named the Jurassic Coast, and is rife with secular propaganda (as well as some fabulous scenery). Looks like a great place for a stroll. Jurassic Coast, Dorset; Pixabay /  Roman Grac The secular view of uniformitarian geology is heavily promoted, but does not explain the features. Some problems are the erosion layers, rate of cliff retreat, planation surfaces, and more. The evidence is best explained by the Genesis Flood, including the presence of fossils, which require rapid burial. Watch for evolutionary and deep time propaganda, old son. They are not giving you all the facts, nor the most reasonable explanation. Secularists need to cowboy up and realize that the world was created recently, and that's why all their speculat

Male Health and Genetic Entropy

Adherents of universal common ancestor evolution rely on atheistic interpretations of scientific facts, and they have a special fondness for geoscience. Evolutionists need the earth to be ancient, so secular geologists and paleontologists give Darwin the long ages he needs to perform his miracles. Many evidences for a young earth , using secularist methods, are largely ignored. One of these evidences for a recent creation is in biology. Specifically, genetics. Credit:  National Human Genome Research Institute (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Evolutionists are enamored with studying fruit flies, since they can induce mutations and variations (but cannot get anything other than freaky fruit flies). The science around mutations in fruit flies also applies to humans. Specifically, the Y chromosome in human males. Yes, really. Males have the a Y chromosome, and females have two X chromosomes. There's more possibility of damage (mutations) being passed along t

Noah: Man of Resolve — Book Review

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Several months ago, I read and reviewed Noah: Man of Destiny , by Tim Chaffey and K. Marie Adams. Just before Christmas, I was pleasantly surprised that Noah: Man of Resolve was one of the e-books on sale at Answers in Genesis, so I grabbed it. I'm telling you how I obtained my copy so you know that I purchased both books and was not given promotional copies or anything. The publisher and authors probably do not even know that I exist, let alone that I am writing reviews. It has been made clear that this is a trilogy, as seen in part of the name, "The Remnant Trilogy". (See how that works?) I suspicion that all three  were written as one large book and then separated into sections. I'm thinking that because the authors don't have continuity errors from book one to book two, which are more likely to happen when authors spend a lot of time off in their writing. Also, books one and two have "a glimpse of" preview of the next book

The Hard Side of Flour

That white, fluffy stuff found in most kitchens known as flour can be fun, especially when it is used to make something edible. I like that part. You can also play detective and sprinkle it on the ground to see who is intruding. Doesn't work too well in a brightly-lit room, though. You can also make glue with it . "But Cowboy Bob, I have a gluten allergy!" Was it properly diagnosed, or did you form an opinion? People cannot pretend to be doctors, so do not self-diagnose , old son, and do not eat the glue. Anyway, this post is about something more solid: petrified flour. Credit: Pixabay /  Julia Schwab Creationists share stories and articles about various items that turned to stone or something. Unfortunately, they don't check their sources. Some items may be valid, but when in doubt, go without. I suspicion that the reason some folks bring these up is to make the valid point that petrification, like fossilization, requires proper conditions, not long ages. T

Geologic Boundary and Evolution Dispute

The hands at the Darwin Ranch tell stories in the bunkhouse, especially about what they call mass extinctions. Their favorite is the story about how a huge rock fell out of the sky, making the Chicxulub crater and making the dinosaurs and a passel of other critters go extinct some 65 million Darwin years ago. Except for the dinosaurs that managed to evolve into birds, and for some other lucky beasts (yes, evolutionists believe in luck) that went on about their business. I reckon mass extinctions are choosy about who gets to be made extinct, huh? Asteroid And Earth image credit: / Idea go According to secular geologists and their compromising Churchian allies, there is a boundary between these alleged geological periods, the Cretaceous and the Paleogene. Tempers flare and quarreling occurs in the bunkhouse after guzzling pulque, since not all evolutionists believe that birds evolved into dinosaurs. More importantly, there is disagreement between genetic resu