
Genomic Data Wreck Evolution

In the thrilling days of yesteryear when Darwin roamed the earth, people believed in evolution through natural selection. As science developed, folks realized that Darwin was wrong. The science of genetics that was initiated by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) was hijacked and merged with natural selection. The science is still against it, but secularists believe it anyway — they don't take a fancy to admitting that there's a Creator. Apparatchiks for the Darwin Party roam teh interweb to pummel people who think for themselves and reject evolutionism, but they do not seem to understand what evolution entails. They certainly haven't kept up on the aspects of science that refute it, such as biology, cosmology, paleontology , and more. Especially genetics. Creationists have been presenting the truth all along. But evolutionists and atheists will believe despite contrary evidence (even from secularists) and despite lack of supporting evidence. Because evolution.

Dinosaur Fossil in a Strange Mix

Rusty Swingset and the hands at the Darwin Ranch like to present the fossil record as an orderly progression of simple to more complex life forms. They get on the prod when someone points out that fossils are frequently out of order according to the evolution narrative. Enhanced and cropped from Wikimedia Commons / andytang20 ( CC by 2.5 ) Point out to some tinhorns that some fossils are in the wrong place and mixed with other fossils, if you watch closely, you can see ghastly plumes of smoke rising from their heads like Ethel Rosenberg. Jumbled fossils support the Genesis Flood and rein in evolutionary excitement. In this case, a kind of Edmontosaurs in Japan caused a heap of excuse making. After all, they detest the truths of recent creation and the Genesis Flood. Researchers published the hadrosaur’s detailed description in the online journal Scientific Reports and named the fossil Kamuysaurus japonicus . Hadrosaurs, known popularly as duck-billed dinosaurs, had plant-eati

Creation and Hermaphrodite Animals

A lonely female notices that the population is getting a mite sparse and there are few or no males available for mating. What can she do? Well, if she is one of the species of hermaphrodites, switch over and become a male. Yes, there are a few critters equipped by our Creator to do this. Credit: US National Park Service / Caroline Rogers This is hermaphroditism, and most of its representatives are invertebrates. (A fake science version of this was an important plot point in Jurassic Park .) About two percent of bony fish have this trait. Believers in fish-to-fire marshal evolution occasionally give a pretense at explaining how this attribute came to be, but they are merely faith assertions, not science. From a creationist point of view, it makes sense to realize that the Master Engineer equipped these creatures with one of the ol' switch-a-roo characteristics. Reproduction is a complex, widely varied process, depending on the animals involved. For some animals, it merely i

Lunar Water Cannot Last Billions of Years

My soda was warm, so I wanted to stop by the moon and get some ice. I stopped by one of the hidey-hole craters and it was gone, having been smashed and scattered by a meteoroid or something. Another error for deep time, ice on the moon is not forever. Sure, these perspective things can be overused, but this one is pretty good. Credit: Unsplash / Valery Sysoev First they find water on the moon which threatens one of their lunar origin theories , now this. Water ice gets tucked away where it is hidden from sunlight and the solar wind, and it is supposed to last a mighty long time. However, secular scientists did not take into account all the activity up there that spreads the ice around and causes it to get out of Dodge. Rescuing devices like comets and the like seem weak — desperate, even. The truth is that the earth, moon, and everything else were created a few thousand years ago. The water detected on the moon by orbiters can only last thousands of years, not billions. A

Young Deep-Space Objects

We have seen numerous examples of how Earth and the rest of our solar system are younger than secular cosmologists expect, so it should be interesting to take a look out further. Current cosmogony has the universe clocking in at a tad over eleven billion years old , but the observed evidence does not support this. M72 globular star cluster, credit: NASA , ESA, Hubble, HPOW Cosmic evolution as well as real science depends on certain laws and rules. When observed data are recalcitrant, secularists circle the wagons and deploy rescuing devices that make things worse. The article featured below presents an overview of four examples of how deep time and the facts are not on good terms. Secular astronomers claim our universe is unimaginably ancient—almost 14 billion years old. Yet the Bible clearly teaches that God created the universe in the relatively recent past, about 6,000 years ago. A previous Impact article described how observations in our own solar system are much more con

Log Rafts and Animal Dispersion

Biogeography is the expensive word for how critters became spread around the world, and it is studied by both secular and biblical creation scientists. Creationists suggest models of how living things reached their destinations after — or during — the Genesis Flood. Proponents of universal common ancestor are left treading water with no answers . Image credit: morgueFile / stickerstack We have discussed animal dispersal before including the red fox , and also material on how animals can raft across oceans , including observed of animals using whatever was available to travel the Pacific after a tsunami . Evolutionists and atheists have ridiculed the idea of floating log rafts and the like, but some are hitching a ride on this concept. Mat and raft concepts have been floating around for many years. Dr. Steve Austin presented a floating mat model for coal seams, and others began developing this model for animal and plant biogeography. The following article discusses some of the h

Evolution and Back Pain

My friend Stormie Waters was in a discussion with her friend Ruby Slippers about back pain. They rode on over to my spread and wondered if I knew about it. So I commenced to doing what any cowboy would do, and looked up back ailments from reliable sources. Credit: Freeimages / kubelik2 The story goes that people who have back pain can blame it on evolution, as we got up from walking on all fours too soon. Evidence? Loose associations, circular reasoning, and especially Darwinian presuppositions. This is another area where evolutionary thinking has hindered medical science. There are all sorts of treatments suggested and prescribed, but they do not help. In fact, some are even harmful. There are secular scientists who are catching onInstead, medical doctors and scientists would be far more helpful if they realized that we were created, not evolved, and there are more effective ways of alleviating pain. That is good news for me because there is seldom a day that goes by where