
Bloodlines, Racism, and other Evolutionary Lunacies

It sure does look like the hands at the Darwin Ranch have been slipping away from Deception Pass, heading down Folly Road, and harvesting the peyote buttons that grow near there. Not only is peyote an endangered species, but it causes hallucinations — useful in making evolutionary propaganda. We have three connected articles to consider. The first is a prairie schooner-full of unscientific and illogical foolishness, such as moving the goalposts by redating inconvenient facts. Some falsehoods were mixed in: Although Neanderthals were fully human with ranges overlapping those of other humans (and a passel of interbreeding going on), dishonest Darwinists are playing fast and loose with dates associated with tool making. Speaking of Neanderthals, evolutionists are asserting they had the capacity for speech. (That is a big problem for them on several levels. See " Children, Reading, and Failed Evolutionary Paradigms " for more.) Although biblical creationists know they could talk,

Evolutionists Further Embarrassed by Coelacanth Fossil

Owlhoots riding for the Darwin brand have made numerous assertions about the distant past based on their naturalistic presuppositions, but are frequently surprised when evidence contradicts their views. While everyone has and argues from their beliefs, secularists should have learned a bit of humility over the years. Coelacanth replica / Wikimedia Commons / Citron / CC-BY-SA-3.0 For a spell, the lobed-finned coelacanth was an icon of evolution because by pure imagination, it was thought to have used its fins to walk up on land and commence to evolving. When they were discovered after that yarn was spun, the supposed early legs were used for the fish's own purposes and had nothing to do with evolution. It was also essentially the same as it was all those Darwin years ago. A fossil discovery reveals that the coelacanth grew to be much larger long ago. Many things were larger back then. However, the fossil became an ichthyoid elephant in the room: where are all the fossils between it

Children, Reading, and Failed Evolutionary Paradigms

Evolutionary assumptions carry a great deal of baggage, and most of it fails under scrutiny. Misotheists assert that "children are born atheist", which is absolutely unscientific and has been refuted — and evidence indicates the opposite . In a similar way, children are born with the capacity for language. Credit: slightly edited image from Unsplash / Iana Dmytrenko Indeed, since secularists know that children have an inborn knowledge of the Creator, they want to get that nasty ol' theism indoctrinated out of them and replaced with evolutionism . Children are not blank slates, old son, but were given many capabilities by their Creator. A spell back, we saw that children are born "wired" for reading . This subject needs to be examined further, as it causes a Gordian knot for atoms-to-anthropologist thinking. There is no scientific evidence that something as complex as language (including recognition of shapes) evolved from stupid early humans making grunting sou

More on Getting the Universe from Nothing

Здравствуйте on Cosmonautics Day ! Can you believe that is has only been sixty years since Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space? I was just a small buckaroo then. Anyway, this seems like a good day to consider further follies by naturalists to get everything from nothing. Image derived from a NASA illustration (Usage of original does not imply endorsement of site contents) Some misotheists will lie, saying that nobody believes that everything came from nothing, and when lassoed with the truth, they conveniently redefine nothing as...something else. I've been ridiculed for this, and the laughing emoji was hypocritically used on my proof by someone who owns the Krauss book, A Universe from Nothing . It's who they are and what they do. As we have seen many times, the narrative is more important to many than actually attempting science and learning the truth. There's never a sheriff around when you need one because these owlhoots are breaking the law. Specifically, the

Natural Selection and Building a Better Mouse

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen You have probably heard the expression, "If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door", which is wrongly attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson (even though sites like Brainy Quote spread the error ). Another saying is, "If you build a better mousetrap, nature will build a better mouse". Really? Credits: Original from RGBStock / Krzysztof (Kriss) Szkurlatowski , modified with cat, frame, etc. at PhotoFunia Purveyors of molecules-to-mouse evolution have been known to personify evolution, natural selection, and nature (or "mother nature') as intelligent beings ( which is reification ). Sometimes those beings make choices on evolution. Because they are invoking teleology , this is a direct contradiction of the random purposeless evolution that Darwin proposed. An article on irreducible complexity by Dr. Jason Lisle has images of a mousetrap at the beginning. Mousetraps have been used as illustrations for this pr

Secular Religious Indoctrination: Two Standards, No Waiting

When people who believe in creation want to teach their children, secularists chant in Vox Robotica, "That is indoctrination. We educate. Believe". Of course, secular institutions of alleged learning have children many hours a day, days a week, weeks a year. They indoctrinate in the atheistic state religion. School Teacher by Jan Steen, 1668 Secular humanism is a worldview that exalts humanity above all else, and its foundation is philosophical naturalism. Essentially, it is the religion of atheism in a masque. "But Cowboy Bob, there are religious people that have signed the Humanist Manifesto things!" Yes there are. There are also those who mounted up and rode with Michael Zimmerman's anti-creationist "Clergy Letter Project" , and some groups for the separation of church and state (the kind where anything Christian is to be kept out of public life). However, you are unlikely to find Bible-believing Christians among the groups. Also, these inhuman

Fake News for T. Rex Feathered Babies

Those fun-loving folks purveying evoporn persist in promoting the majority beliefs that not only did dinosaurs evolve into birds, but they had feathers as well. T. Rex young'uns allegedly sported them as well. Some of us demand evidence, not just inferences or just-so stories. Assembled with components from Clker clipart We have examined claims that fossils show evidence of feathers (one post is " More On Dinosaur Feather Fake News "), but there is no conclusive evidence for this. Not that it matters, really, because God may have chosen to make some with feathers. It is not a threat to biblical creation science (but perhaps a threat to real science and logic when Darwin's disciples illogically extrapolate that into proof they evolved into birds). However, there is still no real evidence for feathered dinosaurs. Some interesting paleontology was tainted by non-science when feathers on young ones was claimed. The recent discovery of a tiny tyrannosaur jaw bone fragme