
Beauty, and the Failure of Sexual Selection

Back in 1859, Charles Darwin gave the world his hijacked view of natural selection in  Origin of Species . It was in 1874 where he called his proposal evolution  and made his racist views known in Descent of Man . The second part of the latter book's title is  Selection in Relation to Sex . Essentially, he said that the good-looking males get the female mates. He did not say how  beauty and the female's ability to choose a handsome mate arose, and admitted that his sexual selection idea had problems from the beginning. Courtship  / Edmund Blair Leighton, 1903 People who know about societies and culture should question this principle, as it doesn't make sense even on the surface. Despite stories of romance, women do not tend to select the handsomest gent for marriage (I'm a prime example). Appearance is not the most important of criteria, which also include personality, humor, financial prospects, and more. Nor are women in charge, since men are involved in choosing some

The Religious Intolerance of Evolutionism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  We have seen many times that not only are atheists very religious , but evolutionism is also religious in nature . Obviously, people will object to both of those facts because atheism has no deity, and evolution is "science. Atheists are frequently disingenuous. One glaring example is their redefinition of atheism as "lack of belief" instead of "believes there is no God or gods". They conveniently neglect definitions of religion  that do not involve organized worship services or a deity. Secular humanism is a deity-free religion as well, and evolution is an  ancient pagan religion  that Charles Darwin gussied up in a lab coat.  Image credit before modification: Unsplash / Kimberly Lake The idealized form of science is very different from reality. Science should be sharpened through challenges and thinking beyond the consensus, and different ideas should be evaluated. If a theory or hypothesis turns rancid, it should be thrown away inste

The Painted Desert and Sheet Erosion

A few of the hands from the Darwin Ranch were having a spirited discussion at Ghost Ranch. Foreman Rusty Swingset and his lady friend Jacqueline Hyde organized a kind of working retreat to discuss fossils and geology. Why not, after all the overtime they've been putting in doing propaganda? They were cogitating on the book Dawn of the Dinosaurs  and noticed some mighty curious explanations about the colorful layers of the Painted Desert, petrified trees, and other things. Explanations for the features in the book struck them as dodgy at best. Credit: National Park Service / T. Scott Williams Stories by secularists are also inadequate to explain the petrified trees. ( Petrified Forest National Park joins up with the Painted Desert). They are just stumps with no roots. In addition, there is a passel of fossils. These are mixed with creatures of both land and sea, and birds as well. The storytelling is wretchedly inadequate. What we have here is an accumulation of evidence for the Ge

Biomimetics and Flapping Flight

Various forms of flight technology have made impressive advances. Hot air balloons are not sufficiently controlled, but fixed- and swing-wing can be quite impressive in their maneuverability. Fixed rotors on helicopters and drones can have precise control. However, the assorted aircraft with jet engines or propellers are actually less efficient than flapping flight. This is where biomimetics comes into play. Readers of this site recognize that word ( biomimicry  is also used), describing how people look to nature and try to imitate them for our use. Ironically, flapping flight was too difficult to grasp. You may have seen videos of primitive attempts at human flight that imitated flapping, but the intricacies were not appreciated until much more recently with the advent of precision photography. Credit: Freeimages /  evfab4 Some people just want greater challenges. This is the case in making insect-sized flapping drones. Many factors come into play, including durability, efficiency,

Disagreements about Dinosaur DNA Half-Life

Yes, I know, half-life  refers to the amount of time it takes for something radioactive to go through changes and decay. For example, Carbon-14 is unstable and is thought to decay into nitrogen-14 after 5,730 years. The term half-life has been appropriated for other uses, including how long half of a drug takes to leave a body. It seems fitting that since DNA deteriorates, similar calculations and curves are used for that as well. Secular scientists (as well as some of their churchian allies) are committed to narratives involving millions and billions of years, so they have having trouble with dinosaur soft tissues existing today and come up with rescuing devices to evosplain them away . If the half-life of dinosaur DNA in bone is 512 years, secularists have a passel of problems. This is causing cognitive dissonance because DNA in dinosaurs exists, but according to the narrative, it cannot. (To quote Chico Marx , "Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?") Debates are occur

Scrying for Evidence of Human Evolution

Over yonder past Stinking Lake is Deception Pass, and just a mite further the Darwin Ranch. The hands were all excited over their big review. This is not the typical annual review to see if someone has been doing the work and should get a decent pay raise. Instead, it is much bigger because they are being evaluated on not only propaganda, but substantial evidence to convince thinking people about human evolution. They have had over 160 years to prove Papa Darwin right. Modified from an image provided by Why?Outreach Quite a bit of news has crossed the radar of The Question Evolution Project , so we've been busy featuring articles that expose the propaganda, logical fallacies, incomplete science, blatant dishonesty, and more. Why do they need deception and bad science if there are "mountains of evidence" for evolution? Ask them. Science is supposed to be testable and empirical. Chuck's dream was based on speculations and faith. Indeed, blind faith ! He knew there was n

Stupid Evolution Tricks with Radiation and Mutations

After Darwin's idea of evolution through natural selection grew in popularity, it began to fade in the early twentieth century. Katie, bar the door! Gotta keep that ancient pagan philosophy dressed up in a lab coat going so there is an excuse for denying the truth of the Creator! The science of genetics, pioneered by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) was added, yielding neo-Darwinism. Skipping forward several years, the effects of radiation and mutations were also incorporated into the naturalistic monstrosity. Scientists seemed to have had a grand time researching radiation, but it did not go well. Artificially mutated from an illustration by Sidney Paget , 1895 The pagan nature of evolutionism was once again revealed, giving Darwin's version of natural selection the ability to make choices and decide from the mutation buffet which traits to use. They even thought that by subjecting living things to X-rays, forcing and accelerating mutations would make wonderful things happen.