
Deceptive Study Promotes Evolutionary Indoctrination

Can there really be any disputing that Darwinian indoctrination is increasing? Several posts referenced on this site show that babies are born ready to learn, read, and so on, but atheists insist that children are born atheist until they are forced to learn theism. Got a shred of science for that claim, Zeke? There are indications that babies are born with an innate theism and recognize that the world is designed. Misotheists in the secular science industry know this, and the best way to push out belief in God is to replace that belief with evolution. Illustration by  Sidney Paget , 1904, modified at Pixlr Photomash Studio In addition, misotheists accuse Christians of indoctrinating children, but those sidewinders are doing just that  under the guise of education . A recent survey claimed to show that how children are influenced to believe evolution contains bad reasoning and is deceptive. Anti-creationists want to reach as many teachers and students as possible to get them to believe

Hummingbird Hawk-Moths Exhibit Design

The Master Engineer must like flying creatures since he made so many of them, and with a variety of designs. That seems to be a reasonable assumption. Some of those creatures be nicknamed Zippy because of their bursts of speed and sudden changes of direction. One particular critter is not in my neck of the woods, but people in Eurasia can appreciate the hummingbird hawk moth. While most moths seem to be satisfied with being butterflies of the night, this one is out in the daytime. Like hummingbirds. Hummingbird Hawk-moth, Flickr / Umberto Salvagnin ( CC BY 2.0 ) These skilled fliers use a huge amount of energy, so they need a great deal of fuel. Hummingbird hawk-moths sip nectar with their long, thin proboscis. Time is of the essence, but they can tell where they've been, so no wasting time with repeat visits. Also, their agility in flight may cause people to confuse them with actual hummingbirds. If you’ve ever taken a lazy stroll through a flower garden on a warm day, you’ve pro

Warnings about Scientific Models

There can be no doubt that models are used extensively in scientific research, a subject we have discussed before. Models have a long history in science, and many were physical, not calculations on paper (so to speak). They have limitations and can also be used for nefarious purposes. Models (like computer programming and artificial intelligence) rely on the information they are given. Climate change models are known for having a basis in using data that will further an agenda, so inconvenient information is often omitted. Similar things happen with models involving the origin of the universe, evolution, climate change, and so on. Model of Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5, Unsplash / Matias Luge Some folks are concerned about the way modeling is conducted in the secular science industry. There are times when models are too cumbersome and better results could be obtained with less, but there are disingenuous reasons for those at times. They are useful, but not so much when they are used to

Ammonite Swimming Robotics Tainted by Darwin Worship

There have been many instances on just this site alone where some interesting research was conducted, but the scientists ruined it because they threw in the Darwin imprimatur. That is just an assumption, but the secular science industry wants such references despite their irrelevance. Extremely interesting research was conducted on ammonite fossils, and also using information from their nearest living relatives. Models were made using 3D printing, which were loaded with electronics and made to swim in water. The results were quite interesting. Asteroceras obtusum (ammonite), Wikimedia Commons / Nobumichi Tamura ( CC BY 3.0 ) The work conducted by the scientists was the result of extremely careful planning and engineering . As in those other instances, they gave themselves praise for their work (despite assumptions that were made and many limitations), but they threw around glory to evolution. (No word if they contacted the Darwin Ranch near Deception Pass to have prayer candles of C.

Radiocarbon Dating Failure on Ice Age Footprints

Down New Mexico way, there is a place called White Sands National Park because it has, well, white sands in the Tularosa Basin. The story goes that during the Ice Age, Lake Otero was in the Tularosa Basin. It was a nice place with a wet climate. This area is famous for fossilized footprints, and the radiocarbon dating came up with an age of 22,000 years for one particular set from the Lake Otero Basin. Since rock cannot be Carbon-14 dated, seeds that were found in the area were subject to the analysis. It did not go well. Lake Otero image cropped from NPS (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Those seeds were not dated properly, and the radiocarbon atoms did not come from the ancient atmosphere but from old water. After recalculating, the age originally assigned had to be discarded. They were way  off. Unfortunately for secular scientists, their desires for deep time and the methodology used raise several serious questions. Maybe if they get that correlation with the ma

The Absence of Alien Contact

Secularists know  that aliens exist out there, thataway — because evolution. Like other things related to atoms-to-alien evolution, they rely on the compex scientific principle of Making Things Up™. Those of us who are not content to simply accept "scientists say" want explanations. There is a glamorous idea of noble space aliens who are friendly, curious, and scientific. Do secular scientists consider that their invisible friends may be hostile, joyriding children, escaped criminals, trophy hunters, or conquistadors? Asking for a friend. Even so, secularists try to determine their motives for avoiding us. Alien spaceship, Pixabay / Lance One speculation is that Earth doesn't measure up. Our technology isn't advanced enough for them to initiate a first contact. Of all the nerve! There must be hundreds of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations, someone  must want to say howdy. See, I can speculate just as well as they can, and I do it for a lot less money. Materialist

Design Denial is a Science Stopper

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen From the standpoint of producing evidence for what they teach, biblical creationists can be baffled by the resistance displayed by anti-creationists. Some tinhorns claim that we never produce evidence — making such insipid claims on posts such as " Overview of Geologic Evidence of the Flood !" Material exposing evolutionary fraud and bad science is ignored or waved away. In literally thousands of books, articles, videos and such, Creationists and Intelligent design proponents have discussed how evidence for design is abundant. Instead of intelligently discussing interpretations of evidence, atheists and evolutionists go beyond insults and attempt to dehumanize us . Red-bellied woodpecker, Unsplash / Joshua J. Cotten When misotheists attempt to dehumanize us, it shuts down rational discourse. It also indicates fear on their part. Can't be letting evidence for design get wide circulation, nosiree! That's bad medicine for atheism. Further, what doe

Brain Fossil Unexpectedly Supports Creation

With improved technology and analytic skills, well-preserved fossils are discovered more frequently. Older fossils are also being reexamined with new technology. Yet another fossil from the Cambrian is causing consternation for evolutionary paleontologists. Sometimes it is a bit surprising that previously-studied fossils are reexamined, and certain details are studied that could easily be overlooked. Bones and other hard things — sure those are are expected to be fossilized, but when brains and nervous systems were involved, paleontologists are surprised. Neurons, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann Tiny worms in the Cambrian were found to have brains. Even secular scientists will admit that brains are incredibly complex things, but to have such soft things fossilize cannot happen with the slow 'n' gradual scenario. The critters had to be buried quickly, like all those other organisms in the Cambrian, during the Genesis Flood. Once again, a rewrite of textbooks on "how brains evolved&q

Some Evolutionists Dissatisfied with Museum Reconstructions

Believers in universal common have been known to patronizingly tell creationists and other evolution doubters to go to a natural history museum and learn. What people see are exhibits with tendentious usages of evidence, displays involving artistic license, and so on. Actual science, not so much. Remember, facts do not speak for themselves, but are interpreted according to worldviews , and then presented. Secularists presuppose evolution and make that their starting point. Unfortunately, many are so convinced that it is true (despite contradictory or nonexistent evidence), they play fast and loose with their presentations. Australopithecus afarensis , WikiComm /  Wolfgang Sauber ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Take a look at photos of  A. afarensis  (Lucy) models as well as other illustrations. I found some where a male specimen is gazing heavenward, as if contemplating the mysteries of the universe. Another exhibit has Lucy overjoyed that Alan arrived at the museum — or is that Steve? One model has

Oort Cloud Fails Secular Cosmologists

A frequent evidence used by biblical creationists in support of  the young solar system is short-term comets . These dirty snowballs have elliptical orbits around the sun, and with each pass, part of each gets burned away. If the solar system were as old as secularists maintain, these comets would no longer exist. Jan Oort used some jiggery-pokery to help save deep time by saying that way out yonder, beyond the orbits Neptune, Pluto, and all that good stuff, is a huge collection of comets just waiting to be stirred up by wandering stars and such. Then we have comets again, deep time be praised. NASA / JPL, based on illustration by Donald K. Yeoman (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) There is no observational evidence for this obvious rescuing device. Like invisible space aliens and the Big Bang, believers in cosmic evolution take this by blind faith. Some are determined to propagate the mythology, sometimes through ignorance, but probably by deceit: Used under federal