
Showing posts with the label Astronomy

Adjusting Billions of Years Pleases Darwin

It is no secret that Charles Robert Darwin needs his followers to sacrifice science and logic in order to give him huge amounts of time. Otherwise, he cannot perform his evolutionary wonders when there is lack of faith on the part of his votaries. But they come through. When reading sacred writ from the secular science industry, discerning people may notice phrases like "earlier than thought". New discoveries require adjustments, and the false claim that "science is self-correcting" is invoked . In reality, naturalists get tangled in their webs while trying to force-fit data into observations they have made themselves. This requires the hope that folks aren't skilled enough in critical thinking to catch them moving the goalposts, tampering with the evidence, and using dreadful logic. When caught defying real science, they try to evosplain the problems away. Rescuing devices are frantically created for things such as a star that is determined to be "older&qu

Secularists Have High Hopes for Webb Telescope

It was natural to doubt the James Webb Space Telescope may not blast off on Christmas Day 2021 as promised, since there were numerous delays over the years. Those with the tingly spider sense were right, and Webb went out there, thataway. Ten billion US dollars was spent on something primarily of interest to astronomers. They hope it works, since unlike the Hubble (which humor columnist Dave Barry called the " Hubble Orbiting Space Paperweight " because it failed at first), there will probably be no second chances. JWST artist's conception, NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Every once in a while, doomsday people issue hysterical clickbait that an asteroid will come "dangerously close to the earth" or some such. Visions of panicked people screaming in the streets and looting, cats and dogs living together — but the asteroid was ten times the distance between the earth and the moon . "Yeah, but by cosmic standards, boy, that's clo

The Protective Atmosphere of Earth

This is something that is easy to take for granted, but one way to appreciate air is when one is not getting any. Living things are designed to breathe without having to think about it, which would make for sleepless nights. Sure, most people know that the atmosphere has oxygen for us to breathe. But the atmosphere is far more than just a bunch of nitrogen, oxygen, and other gasses. Other planets have atmospheres, but they are nothing to write home about. Ours is unique. Earth atmosphere and moon / ISS013-E-54329 / NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Darwin's quockerwodgers cannot account for the origin of Earth's atmosphere, its six layers , how it is responsive to various conditions in space, its function in shielding us, and more. When reading about it or seeing pictures, wow, that sure is a mighty thick atmosphere — but that is because Earth is big. If everything were reduced proportionally, the atmosphere would be surprisingly thin. It testifies of ho

Lunar Recession and the Young Earth

Whenever the fact that the moon is receding from the earth is presented, one can hear raucous laughter from the Darwin Ranch* as far toward town as Stinking Lake. They bring out Lotta Lyez, the kitchen maid, to recite the rescuing devices. Ridicule is a standard operating procedure for misotheists, because (like dinosaur soft tissues) the implications are devastating for long ages. Papa Darwin needs lots of years his magick to perform. Using calculations of secularists against them, lunar recession is evidence for recent creation. Moon over Grand Canyon, Pexels / Eberhard Grossgasteiger At the current recession rate as an upper limit and calculating backward, the moon would have been  touching  our marble 1.5 billion Darwin years ago. That is not possible, obviously. The standard paradigm for secularists is slow and gradual processes, like we see in geology. From a creationist perspective, the moon has not moved away from Earth all that much. However, the small amount of recession is k

Martian Water and Evolution Fantasies

Heading up yonder toward the Darwin Ranch, just before you encounter the Winkie Guards, there is a place that people shun: Creek Road. They say strange things happen there, and it is home to a crazy hermit that screams at the darkness. He is suspected of providing peyote buttons to the ranch hands. Rusty Swingset, the foreman, has been trying to discourage recreational drug use, but such activity may explain the baffling speculations passed along as science regarding Barsoom . I mean, Malacandra . I mean, Mars. Background image derived from  NASA / JPL-Caltech Secularists are determined to deny and suppress evidence for the global Genesis Flood, but yee haw boy howdy, they are willing to consider that there were catastrophic floods on Mars. Liquid water is yet to be found, but secularists are obsessed with finding life there  (or Enceladus , or just about anywhere else). Evolution is of primary importance in atheistic naturalism, so life out yonder would somehow disprove the existence

Water in the Far Reaches of the Universe

Way, way out yonder, water was detected in a pair of galaxies known as SPT0311-58. The radiation from them was detected through the help of a massive object between them and us, which caused some gravitational lensing. Uncle Albert Einstein discussed how space is warped by gravity in a way similar to a bowling ball resting on a trampoline. Light from out there gets bent and distorted before it gets here, and that lensing effect made it possible to detect SPT0311-58 at the edge of the known universe. South Polar Telescope, National Science Foundation / Dr. Daniel Michalik Water has never before been detected so far away, but that should not be all that surprising because it is not in liquid form (that has only been found on Earth), and water in other forms is rather common out there. It's probably frustrating to secular scientists because this indicates problems for continually-Frankensteined Big Bang cosmogony. It also brings Genesis 1:6-8 to mind, which mentions the waters above t

An Extragalactic Extrasolar Planet?

In " Extrasolar Planets Thwart Cosmic Evolution ", we looked at three articles by astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle. He discussed the history of exoplanets, the methods used for detection, how astronomers know their composition, and more. Those planets are within our own galaxy. Detecting them is fascinating enough, but prepare to be impressed again because there is a strong possibility that an exoplanet outside our galaxy has been found. Those fun-loving astronomers have given it the whimsical name of M51-ULS-1b. This discovery is quite interesting. X-ray: NASA /CXC/SAO/R. DiStefano, et al.; Optical: NASA/ESA/STScI/Grendler; Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) This is a bigly-huge distance away, and the detection is reminiscent of that used for discovering the first exoplanets (this method may lead to further discoveries out there, thataway). In both cases, planets are around massive objects, but the latest one has quite a bit happ

Saturn and Pluto Still Troubling Secularists

Whenever we have to deal with secular stories of origins, we are confronted with errors in science, ignored facts, poor reasoning, and contradictory conjectures. We have seen numerous times where believers in hydrogen-to-human evolution have been stymied by observations that do not fit their expectations. The rings and moons of Saturn are vexatious to secular cosmologies in several ways, especially when attempting to account for their formation and deny their youth — at least, "young" in comparison to alleged billions of years. Pluto is also uncooperative with secular schemes. Saturn, some moons, rings image credit: NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) When questioning the age of the moons of Saturn, the age of its rings are also a part of the problem. There are no explanations that make sense, and many are self-refuting. Ring formation by collision is what can be called the " best-in-field fallacy ": best of the worst. Speculations about age and

Astrobiologists Obsessed with Life on Mars

People have wondered about life out there, thataway, for a mighty long time. Planetology was unknown, and planets were called "wandering stars" because they moved differently. Some even reversed themselves according to a perspective on Earth. The ancients often used them to represent their false gods. Later, it was learned that planets were not stars. Was there life on them? Mars was one of the candidates, subject of study, fiction, and erroneous science such as "canals". Today, scientists are downright obsessed with it. Gale Crater on Mars image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / University of Arizona (Slightly modified with  Clker clipart , usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Ignoring facts, defying logic and science, secularists soldier on in their quest to find evidence of evolution. They presuppose evolution, and the pseudoscience of astrobiology (I thought a science had to have something to study; there's no biology in the astro). Any possible exc

Extrasolar Planets Thwart Cosmic Evolution

Human nature being what it is, after people learned that planets orbited the sun and that the stars are also miniature suns, they would have wondered if those distant suns had their own planets. In the 1990s, the first extrasolar planets (exoplanets) were discovered. Seeing distant objects on Earth is difficult enough, and the problem is much greater with such huge distances. People see pictures of planets with romantic names like TOI-1231 b, but such detail has never been observed — those pictures are artists' renderings. NASA / JPL-Caltech / R. Hurt (SSC-Caltech) (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) I can't help but wonder if God built intellectual surprises into creation that would be discovered as we advanced in science. If you study on it a spell, you might realize that as scientists learn more about the world and the universe, they become more arrogant. Scientism and materialism become supreme, and atheism is on the rise while logic is being twisted beyond

Young Ganymede has its Faults

"Breaker breaker 1-9, izzat you, Ganymede?" "That's a big 10-4. You on my back door, Callisto?" "Yeppers! A few dozen of us moons have noticed you cracking wise." "I admit to having a few faults, good buddy." Okay, I was playing with citizen's band radio chatter stereotypes and the fact that in the American dating system, today is ten four. Roger that? Anyway, we have seen many times that the solar system does not act the age assigned to it by secular scientists. For example, Pluto and it's system are not what they expected. Also, the moons of outer planets show youthful activities , flustering believers in cosmic evolution. Now we will take a look at Ganymede. Ganymede as seen from the Juno spacecraft /  NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) This bad boy is the largest moon of Jupiter and is about the size of Mercury. Like other planets and moons, it defies cosmic evolution and testifi

When those Worlds Collide

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Once again, I had an inspiration from an unlikely source when my mind wandered off all by its lonesome. I have no idea why I was on the rabbit trail, but I was looking up When Worlds Collide . The book by that name was written by Philip Wylie and Edwin Balmer in 1933. Bookstores have it, and used copies can be had. Try your library. A movie based on the book was made in 1951, and that can also be found. Pixabay /  Neypomuk-Studios The genre of science fiction has a dilemma: Keep the science in it, or skip reality to garner more sales. Some manage to balance storytelling with science and speculative science, but willing suspension of disbelief is still necessary. Not as much as comic book superhero stuff, though. Sometimes people want to shut off reason so they can have fun, or mayhaps guys want to look at Scarlett Johannsson. Discourteous Celestial Objects In the book version of When Worlds Collide , two rogue planets are going to make life on Earth a mite diff

Stony Meteorites Stymie Secularists

Using uniformitarian  ideas  (slow processes over long periods of time), secular scientists have tremendous difficulties explaining the origin of stony meteorites (chondrites). Those other meteorites contain a great deal of metal, while chondrites are made of fine-grained chondrules.  Secularists claim they provide clues to the origin of the solar system, but that is just whistling in the dark. There are several stories told around the campfires at the Darwin Ranch about where the solar system came from, and Sherwood Tellit spins a find yarn about the accretion theory  and chondrites. Image Credit: NASA / Bill Ingalls (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Since none of the theories about the origin of the solar system are plausible, scientists pick the best of the worst — the " best in field fallacy ". Then they confirm their biases and interpreting data to make them fit. (Meteorites are considered remnants from the formation of the solar system and less contami

Circular Reasoning Silliness in Cosmic Evolution

Whether it is cosmic or biological, atoms-to-astronomer evolutionary concepts are being herded by unscientific philosophical biases and presuppositions into the corral of atheistic naturalism. Using some critical thinking skills, people can reduce the deception. We have two articles to consider regarding cosmic evolution. These provide clear illustrations from astronomy of several basic approaches used in biology as well. As discussed in other posts, everyone has presuppositions of unproved beliefs that are assumed to be facts. For the most part, people are unaware that they are using them. Supposed newly forming exoplanet PDS 70b, credits: NASA , ESA, STScI, Joseph Olmsted (STScI) (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) A rather impressive term is unargued philosophical bias.  Secularists assume that evolution happens slowly — except when it doesn't. Astronomers claim to be able to see a moon forming from dust around exoplanet PDS 70b (hey, that's my license plate

Plate Spinning and Solar System Balance

Plate spinning can be an interesting analogy for the balance of the solar system. Have you ever seen people twirl plates on thin sticks at carnivals and other entertainment venues? It has been around in various forms for a mighty long time. Sure, sometimes the plates may be tweaked for better results or even rigged, but the performer selects the right style of plate for the act. After getting set up, the plate spins nicely before wobbling, and it eventually falls. Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  אנדר-ויק  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) At creation, God put the universe in balance. The outer planets of our solar system contribute to the balance of the rest , but everything is running down. This balance, like everything else, does not improve over time. Even though fine-tuned processes keep the overall balance intact, our universe quietly transforms over time. The orbits of Earth, our moon, the solar system planets and their moons, and even the burn of the sun and other stars are constantly changing. The

Stupid Astrobiology Tricks: Life on Enceladus?

Every once in a while, something so outrageous comes across the news feed and I want to cry out, "Who pays these jaspers?" But we already know the answer, because they are paid from grants and the secular science industry — much of this is our tax grotzits at work. Consider bioastrology — I mean, astrobiology. Perhaps this child is not right in the head, but it seems that a field of science needs something to study. Atheists and evolutionists have no evidence for their invisible friends (a position held by blind faith), but they take their pseudoscience seriously . Once again, there are unfounded speculations of life on Enceladus. Enceladus image credit:  NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/PSI Those plumes of methane may be signs of life in hydrothermal vents under a huge ice crust. While there are thermophiles (organisms that live in hot temperatures) on Earth, there is no reason to think they formed out yonder. Bioastrologers — there I go again, I mean astrobiologists — are ignoring scie

Dusting off Betelgeuse?

We looked at the red supergiant star Betelgeuse a spell back in " Betelgeuse Befuddles Astronomers ". Like many atheopaths, it is not very stable. It is also the kind of star that could be expected to make its own big bang and go supernova. Indeed, it was showing some of the expected signs for that possibility. Then things changed. Apparently, that dimming of the star followed by its increasing brightness could be attributed to space dust, and then that stuff went away. Orion with Betelgeuse emphasized Modified from an image by Pixabay / sl1990 It is highly unlikely that someone said its name three times or took a huge can of pressurized air and blew off the dust. Besides, the dust out yonder is not exactly the same kind that we deal with. That kind of dust is important to deep-time conjectures, including star and planet formation. Secularists have incomplete cosmic evolution speculations that are rejected by biblical creationists. What was responsible for Betelgeuse’s unusu

Pluto Before New Horizons

In a way, writing science-related posts is a mite frustrating. Things become outdated quickly due to new developments. It is also exciting to be able to learn and post about those new things that come along. In some ways, however, certain discoveries do not entirely negate previous knowledge. In this case, Pluto. It was kicked out of the Planets Club in 2006 and sent to the minor leagues as a dwarf planet, or Trans-Neptunian object. (I'm still not over that.) In July 2015, the New Horizons (not related to the Moody Blues song ) probe gave us pictures and collected data to study. It did not go well for the expectations of secular planetologists. Pluto from New Horizons . Image Credit: NASA, Johns Hopkins Univ / APL, Southwest Research Inst Over the years, the mass of Pluto was estimated several times, making it much smaller than originally projected. Supposedly it had and effect on the orbits of Uranus ("Father Sky") and Neptune, but its mass is far too small. Apparently