
Showing posts with the label Creation Ministries International

Butterflies, Learning, and Memory

Spatial learning. Sounds like something out of science fiction, but the real meaning is actually quite interesting. Living things get information about their environments, remember, organize, and use it. A dog ventures out of the yard but a bigger dog snarls at him. He hurries back home to safety, having utilized his spatial memory. Humans and large animals have it, and insects that live in communal nests have been studied. Then scientists took a notion to study certain butterflies. Heliconius butterfly, Flickr / Wildcat Dunny ( CC BY 2.0 ) Complex learning skills were found in the Heliconius  butterfly genus. They seek out pollen for feeding along their routes, exhibiting long-term memory because they returned to their favorite diners. Researchers praised evolution, but that was a matter taken by faith, not actual evidence. In reality, the evidence shows that these tiny brains and how they are used are the products of design by the Creator. Gone are the days when many people (biolog

The Folly of a Tranquil Genesis Flood

There are professing Christians that cannot accept the book of Genesis as written, so they insert huge amounts of time between the first two verses of Genesis , say that the creation account was a "framework" , and more. Why these jaspers feel the need to add atheistic interpretations of geology to the Word of God is baffling. It seems that some people grab onto practically anything, no matter how silly, if it makes them feel better. How about a Flood that did not disturb anything? No torrential waters, no flood deposition (which biblical creationists have abundantly documented), but it was tranquil . Leaf floating in water, Pexels / Mathias Reding The theological aspects of a tranquil Flood are easily dispensed by looking at both the Old and New Testaments. Let's consider the physical. Granted, there was not a passel of physics and hydrology back when the idea was proposed like we have today. Even so, it should have been laughed away. Such an amount of water leaving no m

Validating the Early Israelite Kingdom

It may seem unusual to find material about ancient Bible history on sites that primarily focus on creation science, but we also uphold the accuracy, inerrancy, and authority of Scripture. Some among the faithless claim that Saul, David, and Solomon were minor actors in unimportant tribes. It may seem like reasonable speculations at first glance, but such ideas cannot be supported. While criticism is ramping up in some areas, archaeological evidence is being discovered that supports the Bible and refutes the critics. Meeting between the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon , Piero della Francesca, 1466 There will always be scoffers who try to undermine the historicity of the Bible. There are numerous instances where it was said to be wrong because "archaeology never found..." (which is a fallacious argument from silence), and then Scripture has been vindicated by later discoveries. We're talking about thousands of years, so many things have turned to dust and been blown away by

Birds of the Galápagos and Natural Selection

It may seem that when creationists mention natural selection, we are giving Darwinists a foothold. Wrong-o! Natural selection was first discussed by creationists, then the Bearded Buddha hijacked and twisted it for his own agenda. The true concept is very real. Darwin was on what must have been an exciting five-year mission aboard the Beagle , and there was a long stop at the Galápagos islands. We looked at the tortoises , now we will consider the even more iconic birds. Flightless cormorant, WikiComm / Lip Kee ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia Environments change, so living things must adapt to survive. Interestingly, evolutionists maintain that the loss of features  (such as when certain insects and birds — cormorants — become flightless) is evidence for their conjectures, but the truth is quite the opposite. Also, the islands have boobys, which are closely related to gannets. There are three main varieties that have differences in their actions. Natural selection at work. T

Galápagos Tortoises and Natural Selection

The voyage of the Beagle  where Charles Darwin gathered inspiration to add to his evolutionary conjectures would have been a dream cruise for many folks (his father paid for it). If someone took a notion to meet Charlie on the Galápagos, he would have had to saddle up and ride west from Ecuador. Except that horses cannot swim that far. Some of the giant tortoises have shells that kinda sorta resemble saddles, however, so there you go. Those are found in the uninhabited smaller islands of this group of volcanic islands. For being a great scientist, Charlie dropped the ball on making detailed observations of these critters. Giant Galapagos tortoise, Flickr / Sara Yeomans ( CC BY 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia On a side note, all tortoises are classified as turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises. Tortoises don't spend all that much time in water . These critters were once plentiful, but are now endangered. One reason is that whalers and others discovered that they were good eats.

No Sign of Evolution for Neurons

Neurologists confidently put their pinky fingers to the corners of their mouths when announcing that humans have one hundred billion  neurons. Those nerves obtain information from the outside world so the brain can sort it out and direct muscles. They communicate with other cells via synapses. Ever strike a match and hold it too long, then yelp and throw it away when you got burned? Neurons are involved. Also, it may come as a shock to learn that there is an electrical component to neurons. GnRH neuron, B. Ian Hutchins and Susan Wray , public domain Believers in baryon-to-brain surgeon evolution presuppose everything evolved from simple to complex. It was thought that neurons evolved from cells called choanocytes  because of superficial similarities between them and nerve cells. Interestingly, although there has been a marked increase of late in fossilized soft tissue, there is not enough to attempt to trace the alleged evolution of neurons. They conveniently overlook living fossils —

The Peacock Tail and Sexual Selection

There were several things that Charlie Darwin did not like. These included God, design, the Cambrian Explosion , and the peacock's tail. His version of evolution postulated that living things are the products of unguided processes and the cruel, inefficient process of natural selection. He also got the notion of sexual selection, which was essentially that males paraded before females who picked a mate that looked the best. The peacock was supposed to be a prime example of sexual selection, but those tail feathers — the train — are examples of intricate specified complexity. Peacock, Pexels / Soly Moses Peacocks are native to Burma, India, and those parts. Want a peacock tail feather? Wait a spell. They shed their train later in the season. Also, even though that massive train looks cumbersome, the peacocks fly quite well if they take a notion. The structure and design of the tail feathers is intricate even under the microscope, and colors are a combination of several factors. Thos

Miracles, Atheism, and Science

In discussions with professing atheists about God and creation, miracles are often an important topic. Posturing atheists try to shut down that aspect of the discussion with arbitrary assertions that miracles are simply impossible. The reasoning can be summarized as, "Because atheism." That is, they have circular reasoning and other logical fallacies at their disposal that were produced by an atheistic disinformation clearinghouse; there is little original or deep thought in atheism. One simple problem they have is that to make the arbitrary assertion against miracles, the same illogical universal negative must be invoked against God. Raising of Lazarus / Carl Bloch, 1870 Indeed, I remember hearing a radio discussion between an atheist a man had written a two-volume set where miracles were substantially documented, even in modern times. The atheist refused to believe in them  despite  the evidence. But then, they must reject evidence and even logic when it threatens their wo

Eradicating Falsehoods about Galileo

It is a fact that atheists are not known for their truthfulness, and this spoils things for those who tend to be honest. The article linked below was published in 2009 but it is still a resource to counter errors and falsehoods about Galileo that are spread by atheists. One frequent talking point by misotheists is the fiction that there is a war between science and religion. This is easily dismissed because there are scientists who are also biblical creationists. In addition, many founders of scientific fields were biblical creationists — including Galileo. Statue of Galileo from Hippopx , background changed at removebg , Jupiter image from NASA The rest of this post will look a bit awkward, as I am using speech to text from a hospital bed between tests and things before my open heart surgery. The Roman Catholic Church was open to what Galileo had written at first. In fact, his problems came from the entrenched science establishment of the day. They were fond of the ptolemaic system, i

A Caffeine-Free Mutant Tea Plant

Oh, the things that humans ingest! We are fond of our brown liquids, especially in the mornings, because many want the caffeine for for a boost. Is it hypocritical therefore to condemn people who take drugs for stimulation? Asking for a friend. There are people who want (or need) their brown liquids without caffeine. It could be from habit, or they sincerely like the flavor. Unfortunately, the decaffeination process often makes the liquids lackluster. Sure would be nice if there were tea plants that are naturally without caffeine. Well... Tea plantation via Hippopx A wild tea plant in China, named Hongyacha, has been discovered. It is a mutant and does not live in the sewers. Hongyacha lost its ability to produce caffeine, and some people are hopeful of carefully cultivating it. Believers in descent with modifications have a deceptive habit of falsely referring to loss of traits as evolution , but creationists know that God designed organisms so they can survive and thrive. Variations

Mantle Viscosity and Genesis Flood Models

When people need to get the oil changed in a vehicle, the word viscosity  is likely to be used. To oversimplify, viscosity refers to thickness. Drop a pebble in a glass of water and it sinks quickly. Do the same in a glass of high-viscosity motor oil, it is much slower. Maybe a geologist slices into a pie and thinks about cutting through the lithosphere and into the magma, but I digest — I mean, digress. Sort of. That liquid rock down below also has viscosity. This affects the thinner areas of the lithosphere. Earth crust cutaway illustration derivative, Wikimedia Commons / Washiucho (Public Domain) Uniformitarian geologists believe this thinning (deformation) is extremely slow, and creation scientists believe it to be much quicker. Secular geologists believe that glacial rebound affects viscosity in certain areas, but it has been shown to be similar in non-glacial areas as well. Creationists use Genesis Flood and the subsequent Ice Age in their models and find that rebound is much mo

Bacteria Build their own Compasses

Over the years, scientists have utilized the advances in technology and learned that simple life forms and cells are not so simple. This knowledge should make them appreciate the brilliance of the Master Engineer. Unfortunately, many prefer their incoherent materialistic worldviews. The word simple  is relative, as bacteria are simple when compared to people. Most bacteria are beneficial as well as possessing complex traits such as mobility . This mobility is further enhanced in an unexpected way: They use compasses for navigation — and do not have ready-made materials that are available to humans. Compass and map, Pixabay / Ylanite Koppens Folks might think that bacteria just meander and mosey around until opportunities arise to do bacteria stuff, but they not only use compasses, they build them! (When we build them, materials are commonly available.) Building them involves using crystals containing iron. The entire process is nowhere near understood, but scientists are still trying

Blue Sky, Red Sky

Hammond Suisse and I were out riding out of town on Folly Road, then noticed Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as it sounds). It was getting late in the day, and we saw the red sun reflecting in the water. He mentioned that he read " Nice Planet, Good Neighborhood, Great Atmosphere ." We got to jawing about the article that was linked in that post. While we both understand a little bit about light scattering to make the sky blue, we are unskilled in knowing why the atmosphere is blue, but then has those other colors early and late in the day. The Sunrize in Feodosiya , Ivan Aivazovsky, 1855 Our Creator designed our atmosphere to sustain life, and he apparently made the laws of physics so that the atmosphere itself is enjoyable. The material mentioned above provided a brief discussion about the colors of the sky, but not everyone gets why there is a variation in the colors in the evening and morning, but is pretty much the same during daylight hours. Someone wrote in to Creat

Web Weaving as a Dance

Have you ever spent a few minutes watching a spider in a garden or the woods weave a web? It can be compared to dancing solo, what with all of those precise moves and all. There are many types of spiders, though the typical webspinner in the garden is an orb weaver . Their webs look like — well, orbs. The work is intricate, using different kinds of webbing for different purposes. Sure would be nice to have this artistry recorded. Well, it happened. Hackled orb weaver, WikiComm / RudiSteenkamp ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia Scientists took a notion to film the way the hackled orb weaver moves it legs, which is vital to its work. Realize that it has an extremely small brain. While anyone can set up a camera, it won't get the detail that was wanted. Researchers had to program the video camera at a rapid frame rate so they could get the millions  of changes. Clearly, this specified complexity is the product of the Master Engineer; evolutionary speculations fail. They even cu

The Nebular Hypothesis and Failed Solar System Evolution

Pretty much everyone knows that the origins of the universe, the solar system, life, and humanity are fundamental questions. Believers in atoms-to-atheist evolution find science and logic abhorrent when they support special creation , so they come up with other ideas that are in keeping with materialism. There is no uniformity among scientists about the origin of the solar system, and there are several speculations that have their own adherents. The nebular hypothesis is the prize pig at the fair, the best of the worst . Artists concept of a protoplanetary disk at NASA People say that something is nebulous, meaning unformed or gaseous ( nebulous thinking is one example). In the imaginings of secularists, there was the extremely hot Big Bang, and eventually, swirling hot gasses came together to form the sun and planets. Except that this defies several laws of physics. Sure, some owlhoots may say, "A paper that says hot gases can contract," but those ignore important facts. He

Nice Planet, Good Neighborhood, Great Atmosphere

There are many things about Earth that make it stand out from the competition. The stellar neighbors are far enough away so their antics of giving deadly radiation bursts do not bother us, and our own sun is well-behaved . Indeed, even the planets keep the solar system in balance . Our Creator has given us things of beauty and order for our pleasure, and they also reflect his nature. The atmosphere of Earth is obviously supports life, including colors and displays that are simply amazing. 747 Solar Glory, Wikimedia Commons / Brocken Inaglory ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) You like rainbows, and those less common double rainbows? Same here. There are seven colors discernable to the eye, but the spectrum is actually far more complex . How about a circular rainbow ? Then there's something that has several names, one of which is glory . It has similarities to a rainbow, but is different in composition. A glory can manifest around objects and even the shadows of people, but special conditions invol

Hezekiah and the Tunnel to Siloam

Stormie Waters stopped by my place the other morning, and I asked her about a sluice gate because it was just mentioned in my reading material. She said she uses a small version in her prospecting and said big operations have larger devices. I learned that sluice gates control water flow. King Hezekiah  was a godly king when kings of Judah (like his father Ahaz) were wicked, idolatrous sleazebags. His achievements are discussed in the Old Testament. One of these was the tunnel connecting the Gihon Spring to the Pool of Siloam inside Jerusalem — which involved a sluice gate. Inside Hezekiah's Tunnel, Flickr / Ian Scott ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) This tunnel was an impressive feat of engineering, sluice and all. Some folks doubted that Hezekiah even existed because they reject the historicity of the Bible. Others did not believe that he was involved in this project. Extrabiblical verification was small and doubtful, based on a fragment that probably said "Hezekiah" and "pool.&q

Designing the Designer — Incoherent Atheism

Christians who have spent any time in forums, on social(ist) media, and even in person defending the faith have encounterd professing atheists who play word games. We are commanded to spread the faith (Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8) and to defend it (Jude 1:3, 1 Peter 3:15, Eph. 6:10-12). There are many times that misotheists are not asking honest questions, and we can see that they are dealing from the bottom of the deck, so we  should walk away . Having a basic knowledge of logical fallacies is extremely useful, as many of their challenges are trash. Image by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Ever notice that atheists cannot take a good-natured joke but have no qualms about firing off caustic humor about Christians? But I digress — sort of. Straw man arguments, often including personal attacks and statements railing against Christianity, are common. Others and I have countered some of these "arguments" with facts. Challengers often lie further (it's a lie when the truth is known and igno

Genesis Flood Geology and the Grand Canyon

When Grand Canyon is mentioned, most people probably know about the one in Arizona. There are other canyons that could be considered grand, but they are hidden away — under Greenland ice and others are underwater . They may be grander, but people can visit the famous one. Secularists say it refutes creation science Flood geology, assuming uniformitarianism (slow and gradual processes) to claim that it was carved by the Colorado River ( including Wikedpedia ) . Interesting that they cling to that story even though it denies science. Colorado River and Grand Canyon, US Geological Survey (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) "Okay, smart guy, how do creationists explain how it formed?" The global Genesis Flood provides the best explanation for the evidence. That statement is unsatisfyingly simple as an explanation. In fact, creationists are divided on how it formed. One view is that water built up during the Ice Age in lakes, then the natural dams breached. From

The Falkland Islands Wolf and Reduced Date Range

There was a critter on the Falkland Islands that puzzled Charles Darwin and others, since it seemingly should not be there. It had several names such as the warrah, Falkland Islands wolf/fox. It became extinct partly because people wanted to kill it to own its fur. Some pinheads thought it was a threat to sheep. Stuffed specimens exist in museums, and some interesting research involved taking samples of their mitochondrial DNA and comparing it (and mutations) with South American canids. The Warrah may have been a descendant of the maned wolf. Falkland Islands warrah/fox/wolf, WikiComm / John Gerrard Keulemans (public domain), modified at Pixlr So how and when did it get to the Falklands? The DNA testing is problematic for adherents of deep time because it conflicts with when secularists say canids entered South America. There is speculation that the warrah crossed land bridges, or possibly rafted on floating vegetation. New evidence suggests that Fuegian Indians were in the Falklands