
Showing posts with the label Darwinism

More Modern Evolutionary Racism

Darwinists try to distance themselves (or even deny) the racism in evolution, although that is well established . So what do evolutionary anthropologists do? Use more racism in their "research". The basic presuppositions are that evolution itself is a fact, and certain ethnic groups are less evolved than white people. In this case, the logic goes further downhill. A case of scientific racism? An anthropologist studied living Kalahari Bushmen for clues to the evolution of cognition. Human beings are long, long past any evolutionary stage anthropologists could claim they were going through 400,000 years ago when our ancestors allegedly learned to control fire. (Michael Balter in Nature asserts that date, even though evidence of cooking goes back millions of years in the evolutionary timeline; 6/17/09.) So what are anthropologists doing listening to the campfire stories of living tribesmen to draw inferences about our evolutionary past? To read the rest of this art

What Evolutionists Call Science

Creationists are in the wrong business. We want to promote critical thinking, show the folly of evolution, and promote the truth overall. Although the rewards are out of this world (literally), the big money is in evolution. Insist on your materialistic evolutionary prsuppositions, do some experiments, ignore obvious questions, feed the material to the gullible press, and you're doing well. Experiments in how flight evolved, how patterns on creatures came to be, the symmetry of physical forms, figure out where butterflies belong on the evolutionary tree — great stuff, and you don't even need to give a plausible model or explanation for how the alleged evolution happened, let alone why. Take a look at " Darwinism is a Constant; Just-So Stories Are Variables ".

Who am I Trying to Reach? Glancing at Stats

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There is quite a bit happening in the realm of creation science (I have posts scheduled for over a week ahead right now!), but once in a while, people like some personal glimpses and behind the scenes information, so here you go. The other day, the pastor and I were discussing my online creation science ministry. He asked, "Who is your audience?", and, "Who are you trying to reach?" The easy answer would be, "Anyone who wants to read it", but that is rather simplistic. I pondered these questions and realized that there are several answers. Some people use the Web as an occasional information and communications tool. They send out e-mail, newsletters, Weblogs, and they look up information when they need it . Then there are those of us who spend a great deal of time online, trying to make information available in our areas of specialty to the first group, and to people who "live" online. (There are also blogs where peo

What if Charles Darwin Had Never Been Born?

Sometimes, i's interesting to spend time speculating on "what if" in a fantasy world. Maybe Chuckie had never been born. Or perhaps he continued his studies in theology and became a Bible-believing pastor (theology was his only formal schooling, after all). It could be that he would continue his apprenticeship and become a medical doctor. Imaginably, he pursued is one-time interest in taxidermy with John Edmonstone. Or he could have run away and left no news. At any rate, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life , plus The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex and other things would not have been written. Perhaps Alfred Russel Wallace would have been the one to write his version of evolution and become a hero to God deniers. Maybe...perhaps...imaginably...could be...could's like reading evolutionary science, yes? There are people who think that Charles Darwin was

The Corrosive Effects of Evolutionary Thinking

In a previous post, I gave a detailed explanation of how militant atheism, evolution, paganism and Fascism have elements in common, and that atheo-fascists are aggressively pushing the pagan-based religion of evolutionism . After I posted that, I learned that Bob Enyart aired an interview with Dr. Jerry Bergman on Real Science Radio . This interview will be a good follow-up to the article linked above. Evolutionary thinking has been at the root of many atrocities. It was also a major factor in the making of mass-murdering monsters . Dr. Bergman and Bob Enyart discuss how this thinking has been behind the dehumanizing of people, racism, eugenics, genocide and yes, pagan evolutionism of the Nazi worldview. Ideas have consequences. You can listen live or download " Darwinism: The Universal Acid ".

Mutations Will Not Make You a Hero, Radiation Is Not Necessarily Your Friend

Many of us read superhero comic books as kids. Getting bitten by a radioactive spider, getting caught in an explosion of radioactive materials, receiving a massive dose of radiation could transform people into something extra-human with marvelous powers. Sometimes, they would be born with mutations that would develop into special talents as they grew older. It doesn't work that way. But hey, the comic book writers were trying to be creative and entertaining (as well as make a living), they were usually not trying to present scientific truths. Most proponents of Darwin's theory learned that natural selection (ironically, it was  first proposed by creationist Edward Blyth as a conserving factor ) does not lead to evolution. They moved into mutations and genetics. Blasting something with radiation ruins cells, it does not give them additional information. Even successful controlled mutation experiments usually have drawbacks as far as the organism is concerned. No super p

Audio-Video Podcast 19 — Equivocation and Definitions

Do not be alarmed. There are some expensive words in this one, but don't let those throw you. I only want you to learn one (and it's variations): Equivocation. It's a bait-and-switch trick used by atheists and evolutionists to "move the goalposts" and be deceitful. Bill Nye, Evolution Drones and others pull this stunt. Unfortunately, equivocation is very common, and even a part of humor. So, watch for it when someone is trying to manipulate you, and make an effort to avoid using it yourself. It is also extremely important to define your terms, as people have different understandings of the same word. Cultists and liberal Christians love to equivocate so they can deceive. Also, something different. Instead of the "Atheopath Follies", I did a "Religious People Follies" segment. The MP3 can be downloaded here .

More On Evolutionists Not Understanding Evolution

Last week, I posted about some evolutionists being honest enough to admit that they do not really  understand evolution. Today, you can read an article demonstrating that many scientists as well as Darwin's Cheerleaders do not understand their own belief system. Science would be useless without logic and critical thinking. Circular reasoning , straw man fallacies, formal logical fallacies and outright deception are used to keep the faithful fundamentalist evolutionists in line and fool people who do not put forth the effort to check things for themselves. Giving credit to evolution as if it were an actual entity ( Fallacy of Reification ) is contrary to evolutionary dogma — but people do it anyway. This happens frequently. The following article has several examples that can cause people to wonder about how poorly scientists and their press actually understand evolution. But then again, if the public was told evolutionary dogma in a straightforward manner, people would plainly

False Attribution and Fallacious Assertions in Evolutionary Materials

One thing that gets people flustered that need to learn more about creation science and critical thinking skills is the way that Darwin's Cheerleaders play "bait and switch" games with their words. For example, these bullies equivocate "science" into "evolution", and say things like, "If you deny evolution, then you hate science". Another bit of fast and loose wordplay is when they "prove" evolution by simply saying that something is proof, and use circular reasoning by assuming that it is true, therefore, the evidence proves evolution. Wrong. Many scientific findings get labeled with “evolution” even though neo-Darwinism has nothing to do with them. Reversible evolution:  A study on dust mites reported by Science Daily claims evolution can run backwards to previous states – a violation of an evolutionary principle called Dollo’s Law.  For one, the supposed phylogenetic analysis began and ended with dust mites,

Audio Saturday: Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview

The fact that the Nazi worldview drew heavily from Darwinism has been thoroughly  documented, despite the denials of evolutionists. Dr. Jerry Bergman has done considerable research on this topic , and has written a he avily-documented book. "Dr. Jerry Bergman has taught biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology and microbiology at the college and university level for over 40 years. He has over 900 science publications to his credit, in twelve languages. He has published 30 books and monographs and been a consultant for over 20 science textbooks. He appeared on Crosstalk to discuss his latest book, Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview . It is subtitled, 'How the Nazi Eugenic Crusade for a superior race caused the greatest holocaust in world history.'" You can listen to the MP3 or download it here . Addendum: The "Hitler was a Christian" nonsense is easily refuted here .

Evidence of Evolution — SERIOUSLY?

morgueFile/cielo  Not too long ago, I was fond of the "reality shows" that dealt with the paranormal. The investigators would look for natural explanations of phenomena before they would entertain a paranormal explanation. The door opens by itself? Yes, and opening a door down the hall would create a kind of wind effect, plus the weak latch — no spirits here, Bruce.  Similarly, critics of creation science create a straw man based on prejudicial conjecture : that creationists simply write everything off as "GodDidIt", and that do not want to know anything that is actually scientific. Yet, evolutionists will look for "EvolutionDidIt" as the first  explanation. Sometimes they do this despite evolutionary mechanisms that are postulated, and despite empirical evidence! In fact, they are guilty of circular reasoning, because they all ege that many things, despite alternative explanations, are considered to be evidence of evolution. People believe t

Darwin and Racism

"Although atheism might have been logically tenable before Darwin, Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist." — Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker Darwinism has given a kind of false respectability and "scientific" justification for all sorts of evils in the world. "How can you say that, Cowboy Bob? Evolution is a biological theory." A biological "theory" with cooperation from several scientific fields, and extended into social sciences. Evolution has been used as a support for communism , Nazism , abortion , eugenics , racism , and more. Racism has existed for ages, we all know that. People will always find an excuse to hate someone they do not like, or is different (and then justify themselves). But racism is strongly supported in evolutionism, and can be found in Darwin's own plagiarized ideas. Radar has an article showing this, and his article continues into another article, "Did Darwin

Biomimetics and Praise to Evolution

Amazing. Scientists study nature and attempt to replicate things in it for human technology . One name for this is "biomimetics". The obvious designs in nature are only distantly replicated, as the original Designer was far above human intelligence. And yet, evolutionists show their religious devotion to evolutionism by attributing a kind of wisdom and intelligence to it. This is ridiculous, even on the surface. The researchers employed a genetic algorithm , a search process that mimics the process of natural evolution , explained Wei Chen, Wilson-Cook Professor in Engineering Design and professor of mechanical engineering at McCormick and co-investigator of the research. “ Due to the highly nonlinear and irregular behavior of the system, you must use an intelligent approach to find the optimal solution ,” Chen said. “ Our approach is based on the biologically evolutionary process of survival of the fittest.” Only the most convoluted logic could link an “intelli

Podcast — Bob Enyart Flusters Eugenie Scott

Eugenie Scott, anti-creationist, anti-Intelligent Design atheist and popular liar for Darwin , made dog matic assertions about so-called "junk DNA". Even when this radio show was made, she sounded ridiculous with her assertions, obfuscation, dodging, dishonesty and basic silliness. This rebroadcast with additional comments shows the strength of the creationist position. Since the Web page is full of information, you may have to search for the download or streaming audio links. Let me help with that, they're near the top: Click here to access the debate .  

Evolution — It's Against the Law Part 3

It has become a sort of occupational hazard for those of us who present scientific, philosophical and logical material against evolution that we must deal with ridicule and abuse. It comes with the territory. What becomes startling is the intensity of attacks from Darwin's cheerleaders. (Personally, I believe it is because evolution is a foundation for atheism, so they feel that they must protect it at all costs.) Another startler is the lack of logic that the evolution thought police employ. Earlier in the day that I am writing this, a friend and I encountered the genetic fallacy, ad hominems, straw man fallacies, "moving the goalposts", appeal to motive, appeal to majority, appeal to ridicule and more. As well as simply wasting our time. Not only do these evolutionists fallaciously assume that people deny evolution because they do not understand it, but in the midst of their vituperative railing, they try to prove evolution by citing bad science. (Also, "You

Reinforcing the Fortress of Darwinism

Those of us who do research and have interactions online deal with substantial venom from Darwin's cheerleaders. They assail us with various falsehoods: Evolution is a proven fact The Miller experiment proves evolution Haeckel's drawings of embryos prove evolution There are no creationist scientists There is no science in Intelligent Design And so on, ad nauseum. Outside the Internet, where policies, rules and education happen, the foolishness listed above is negligible compared to the additional attempts made to protect "science". The way to make a concept impregnable is to use rhetorical devices to render competition out of bounds, and then nationalize the favored view.  An  AP  story demonstrates how this is done with evolution. John Hanna’s report on PhysOrg about draft science standards in Kansas renders any competitors to Darwinian evolution off limits. “Kansas is now among 26 states helping to draft new science standards  alongside the National Research

Misrepresentation, Creationism and Darwin's Weasels

This post will be in two sections. First, an encounter with a fundamentalist evolutionist and his blatant dishonesty. Second, an article by Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell of "Answers in Genesis" regarding Russell Garwood's urging of the faithful to "defend evolution". stock.xchng/mrscenter YouTube is a free-for-all with rants from atheist evolutionists. Nearly anything goes, including bad logic, misrepresentation and outright dishonesty. The Internet is a hotbed of atheists, but few sites are as enthusiastically pa- trolled as YouTube: This tinhorn is either very ignorant, or, as I strongly suspect, very dishonest. (Unfortunately, it is typical of people of his ilk who want to protect their religion.) The old "there is no such thing as a creationist scientist" line is invoked to provoke; it is easily disproved by anyone who cares enough to do an Internet search. Here are two links. First, "Who We Are" at the "Institute for Cre

Evolutionary Icons in Textbooks Still Fail

In late 2001, Creation Ministries International did an article about the 2000 book Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?  that showed how several of the "proofs" of evolution fail. Even in 2012, we encounter "proofs" of evolution that are outdated, discredited and even fraudulent. Some of these are the Peppered Moths, Haeckel's drawings (someone said to me, "Even though they were faked doesn't mean it's still not true"...agonizing), the Miller experiment and more. I maintain that some of Darwin's cheerleaders are victims of bad science and indoctrination, but they are also to blame for taking so much by faith and not investigating the flaws in evolution that so many of us are trying to get them to see. To be blunt, presenting bad information is indoctrination, not education. The educational system appears to be more interested in promoting a worldview and misotheistic biases rather than educating and training students to think critically

Happy Earth Day Birthday, Comrade Lenin

USSR souvenier sheet commemorating Lenin's 100th Birthday Здра́вствуйте tова́рищ! Славься, Отечество наше свободное, Дружбы народов надёжный оплот! Партия Ленина - сила народная Нас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт! Today is the birthday of Ленин — Lenin. Looks like I went "Russian" into this post. I won't get high "Marx" for it... More commonly, it is celebrated worldwide as "Earth Day". It is a multifaceted. One one level, it is great to take notice of our environment and make personal choices to keep things clean. It is difficult to image any thinking person who is opposed to such things, and most people seem to be observing it with good intentions. Earth Day is also observed by pagans [ 1 ,  2 ] , and there is other planet-loving wackiness, too [ 3 , 4 ] . But another level is more insidious. This involves government intrusion, taxation, regulation, political lunacy and more. It is strange that what should be a simpl