
Showing posts with the label Dinosaurs

Hypsilophodon, an Overlooked Dinosaur

Hypsilophodon foxii was easy to overlook because it was small. Sure, we get excited about the behemoths because they were big and impressive, but there were others around that may not get as much coverage. Like the big ones, Hypsilophodon and other small dinosaurs were designed by their Creator to survive in their environment. Hypsilophodon reconstruction at Brussels image credit: Wikimedia Commons / MWAK A good deal of what paleontologists describe about creatures from way back when is necessarily speculative, but there are other aspects that make a lot of sense. Some of what we read and hear comes from comparisons with other animals today as well as the way they were built. It isn’t easy being so small, especially if you are only 1.5 feet (0.4 m) tall. Imagine being surrounded by massive long-necked sauropods or herds of Iguanodons. Just one misstep and you’re an instant pancake. Or what about those vicious killers, known as theropods, many times bigger than you and always

Asteroids, Volcanoes, and Dinosaur Demise

Secularists really have no idea what caused dinosaur extinction, and that is a thunder lizard-sized reason their stories keep changing. The alleged Chicxulub asteroid impact down Mexico way is the dominant explanation, but not all scientists are in agreement on that. Perhaps it was volcanic activity. Mayhaps it was a combination. Image assembled from components at Clker clipart There is an area in India known as the Deccan Traps that has significant lava flow layers. Geologists got a hankering to do some research, and tied this volcanic activity with the Chicxulub impact. Wait, what? There is quite a bit of distance between the two points of significant geological activity. If you take out the circular reasoning and fundamentally flawed presuppositions in radiometric dating , the relative timeframe can be useful. Bad news for old Earth advocates, though: the evidence actually supports creation science Flood geology models. In its October 2nd, 2015 issue, Science published a r

Design of the Tyrant Lizard King

Tyrannosaurus rex is arguably the best-known of all the dinosaurs, and has been prominent in movies, television shows, documentaries, and so forth. We only have forensic information from fossils. However, while there is a great deal of speculation about this critter, fossils do tell scientists a great deal. It had a very large head. Although T. rex did not have big arms and was subject to ridicule from other dinosaurs that could run fast, it had a large tail for counterbalance so it didn't faceplant when lunging for it's prey. If you were to stare one down face to face, what do you think would get your attention?  It had many large, pointy teeth.  These were different from its relatives but could take a huge chunk of lunch. Was it actually a predator? Fossil evidence suggests so and its design was conducive to predation. Rexie may have been a scavenger, especially the older, larger ones. There is no explanation for dinosaur evolution . Instead, we see that T. rex

Falsely-Feathered Dinosaurs

As usual in evolutionary speculations, the narrative takes prominence. Disciples of Papa Darwin see what they want to see. This happens quite a bit, and is especially prominent in their desire to find dinosaurs with feathers. There are two examples of bad science and evolutionary wish making in this area. Anchiornis image credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Kumiko  ( CC by-SA 2.0 ) Why are they so determined to see feathers on dinosaurs? Those owlhoots demand them for their unfounded belief that dinosaurs evolved into birds , and they sure can't allow that God created everything. So they find some filaments and cry, "Yee haw boy howdy! Feathers on dinosaurs!" Of course, they conduct poor science and use bad logic by ignoring other possible explanations for what they have found. The evidence actually refutes their claims and also supports special creation. We saw a previous report that scientists "saw" something that kinda sorta looks like maybe it could be re

More Dinosaur Tracks and the Genesis Flood

Dinosaur trackways have been around for a while, and biblical creationists are giving them quite a bit of attention lately. Although soft tissues in dinosaurs and other critters have been found, defying deep time speculations of secularists, tracks are also problematic for secular scientists. The Brobdingnagian trackways down yonder in South America are worthy of note. Credit: Jerry Daykin ( CC by 2.0 ) We know that tracks made in sand, clay, or other squishy stuff are not likely to fossilize because this process must happen rapidly and under the right conditions. The Cal Orcko tracks are numerous, first discovered in 1985 by a limestone mining company. When further tracks were uncovered in the 1990s, they realized that a bit of a mountain full of tracks existed. If you have a notion to see the trackways for your ownself, better get a move on because they may not be available much longer. Interesting that they can be seen deteriorating in just a few years, but secularists ex

No Dinosaur Feather Evolution

Got my unregistered assault keyboard ready for action. You with me to continue the adventures? We know that everyone has a worldview that contains assumptions and presuppositions. Scientists, along with us reg'lar folk, interpret what we observe through our worldviews, you savvy? Good. Even though there is no actual evidence that dinosaurs evolved in the first place, many of Darwin's disciples believe that dinosaurs evolved into birds. There is no evidence for such that flighty idea, either. What about feathers themselves? Unsplash / Alvaro Reyes There are a few dinosaur fossils that are said to have "protofeathers", but those are disputed. In addition, advocates of these claims must ignore other possible explanations for those impressions in the fossils. Even if a dinosaur did indeed have feathers, so what? It is not evidence that they evolved into birds. The feather itself is a complicated structure that the Master Engineer designed for several purposes, a

A Toast to Dinosaur Soft Tissue Rescuing Devices

When an employer requires overtime, the employee is expected to work efficiently and accurately with available facts. Also, the use of intoxicants is not allowed. Seems that the hands at the Darwin Ranch (yonder near Deception Pass) are ignoring good work habits when they put in overtime at the excuse mill. Case in point, more shenanigans regarding soft tissues. When soft tissues were discovered in dinosaur bones and shown to be more than a fluke, evolutionists were stricken with the inability to explain what they considered impossible because they "know" that the earth is very old and that dinosaurs took a group dirt name millions of Darwin years ago. In today's exciting episode, we have some denial of reality with flagitious evoporn presented as science. New Soft Tissue Discoveries A Jurassic ichthyosaur was found with more than just remarkably-preserved tissues, but also skin and blubber. Good science was used to discuss the biology, but they ignored the icht

Bird Evolution and Secular Miracles

To be an atheist or anti-creationists, someone has to believe in secular "miracles" of some sort . They believe in billions of years, the Big Bang, fish-to-fool evolution, and more despite evidence, not because of it. One of the most feather-brained bits of gullibility is that dinosaurs evolved into birds. Credit: RGBStock / Bern Altman If you study on the notion for a spell, you'll see that there's a passel of changes needed — far more than just having dinosaurs grow feathers and wings, then shrinking. The bone structure, breathing apparatus, the complex feathers themselves, and more need to be considered. Quite a few miracles of evolution. There are some links to help you out at " No Evidence for Dinosaur-to-Bird Evolution ". Modern bird fossils are found in the Cretaceous , and other problems are found to thwart the evolutionary timeline. The birds are extinct, but they lived and flew when dinosaurs lived. Darwin's disciples still manage to c

Ichthyosaurs Provide Genesis Flood Evidence

Before we commence to showing how ichthyosaurs are frustrating for Darwin's disciples and deep time proponents, I found out that something useful has been reissued. My Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Ring™ is kept in a glass case most of the time, but it shows signs of wear. Now trolls and other purveyors of evoporn can all have a new version! Image furnished by Why?Outreach (click for larger) Now, down to business. A somewhat baffling critter during dinosaur times was the ichthyosaur, which resembled dolphins and reptiles. There were several different kinds, and their name is Greek for "fish lizard". Dinosaurs had no evolutionary past , and their aquatic pals were also problematic, so instead of admitting that the logical explanation is recent special creation, evolutionists tried to come up with ancestors for ichthyosaurs. They failed , and not even their decoder rings could help. In reality, ichthyosaurs are examples of the design work of the Master Engineer

Evolutionists Upset by More Early Fossils

Rusty Swingset, the ramrod over at the Darwin Ranch, is considering hiring a staff counselor or facilitating an anger management course. That is because evolutionists keep getting upset over findings that do not support evolution or deep time. Problems for evolutionists are seen in out-of-order fossils . More recent fossil finds have them screaming like the simian ancestors they think are in our ancestry. Modified from an image at openclipart with hologram malfunction effect It's mighty easy to simply assign a value to fossil ages using the Fit the Narrative Method™. Problem is, when folks pick and choose what they like, and then something else is discovered that conflicts with the earlier assigned value, panic ensues. You often hear, "Earlier than we thought". That's because secular origins science is based on numerous fundamentally flawed presuppositions, including deep time and that evolution happened in the first place. Mayhaps they should stop asking how

Fossils Frequently Fluster Evolutionists

Years ago, I posted about fossils that are in the "wrong" place according to Darwinian beliefs. Angry atheists reacted with remarks that had the intellectual equivalent of, "Haw, haw! St00pid creatard thinks there are fossils out of place!" One offered to school me on the topic on his (now defunct) weblog. This was one of the earliest indications I saw that Darwin's Flying Monkeys© need schooling themselves, or that denial can be an ugly thing. Perhaps they should not listen to the claims of tinhorns like C. Richard Dawkins. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Cheung Chungtat ( CC BY 2.5 ) This is not an isolated case. Fossils are frequently found in the wrong order, and evolutionists have to ride herd on the evidence to keep it from wandering away and interfering with their stories. For example, Confuciusornis was a very modern-looking bird. The narrative of dinosaurs evolving into birds needed damage control when it was discovered that dinosaurs ate birds lik

Silly Dinosaur DNA Research

In the secular science industry, things are seldom as they appear — especially regarding origins. Now secularists are riding at a full gallop to the propaganda mill up yonder at Deception Pass. Do they really have dinosaur DNA? Somebody tell those owlhoots to bring those ponies back to the corral and step inside so we can talk a spell. First of all, to get real dinosaur DNA, you need to get it from a real dinosaur. I don't see any hereabouts, do you? Nor has anyone found some intact that hasn't degraded over the years. Evolutionary science and creation science are forensic in nature , so the researchers made numerous assumptions about the ancestry of dinosaurs. That's mighty difficult, since dinosaurs had no evolutionary past . In addition, they made the assumption that dinosaurs evolved into (or are closely related to birds), but such an idea is ridiculous . When unfounded, unscientific assumptions are made, the research can easily fall down like a house of cards. Thi

Tapestry Art and Noah

Tapestries are an ancient art form, and were extremely popular in Europe during the Middle Ages. Perhaps the larger versions were used to cover the cold castle walls as well as appeal to the eye. Since this art was made by hand on a loom, it had an advantage of being somewhat portable. The Wawel arrasses can be found in Warwel Castle in Poland. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / KHRoN ( CC BY-SA 2.5 ) The king, Sigismund II Augustus, he liked him some tapestries, and had a passel of 'em. Celebrated 16th century artist Michiel Coxie (the "Flemish Raphael") was involved. His scenes involving Noah and the Ark included dragons, the word in use before dinosaur was coined. Coxie wanted to be faithful to the biblical text, and after all, dragons were mentioned in books at the time; dragons must have been on the Ark. Dinosaurs have appeared in old art, such as the Angkor Wat carving , those at Bishop Bell's tomb , possibly the Ica stones , and others. Darwin's discip

Rewriting Dinosaur Evolution Again

Once again, the hands at the Darwin Ranch have to put in overtime at the propaganda mill. This is because the story dinosaur evolution needs to be reconfigured and rewritten yet again. This post will link to three articles — I have five or six available, but that is asking too much of y'all. Original image: The Passion of Creation by Leonid Pasternak, 1880s "Why does it need rewriting again, Cowboy Bob?" Evolutionists and other old-earth believers have their anti-creation assumptions and presuppositions. Then, they commence to plugging in data where it fits. When the data are recalcitrant to evolution, they torture the facts until they confess to whatever is needed. This includes changing the storyline. In today's exciting episode, we see how the narrative of dinosaur evolution keeps on shifting. What really takes the rag off the bush is when Darwinists claim that they have evidence for evolution that actually works against evolution , or get all fired u

Humans Causing Extinction

The observation that humans cause animals to go extinct is not exactly startling news. For believers in atoms-to-atomic engineer evolution, I will ask again: why should anyone care that some animals are endangered , and will even become extinct? Biblical creationists have an answer, but evolutionists are inconsistent because we are the dominant life form and can do what we want.  But we do care and try to keep various animals alive despite the naturalistic worldview. (By the way, ever notice that people don't care so much about the survival of ugly critters? Someone shared that, and it stuck with me.) Y'all might be surprised that despite my provocative and seemingly callous questions above, I'm actually angry while writing this. Elk photo credit: Unsplash / Abben S I'm not against hunting per se, (if people eat what they kill), but I get mighty riled when tinhorns want to kill critically endangered animals for photos and bragging rights. Also, "tradition

Bishop Bell and the Dinosaur

An annoyance for proponents of fish-to-fish warden evolutionists and other deep time enthusiasts are accounts of dragons in history . Remember, the word dinosaur had not been invented yet. The Bible also describes some critters that are only known to paleontology nowadays. After all, the Bible is a reliable history book. Spinophorosaurus image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Nobu Tamura ( CC BY 3.0 ) If you get a notion to head to England, then go north, you can find Carlisle Cathedral . (If you reach Lockerbie, you've passed it.) Why? Well, it's ancient, construction was begun in 1122. But for our purposes, there's the easily overlooked tomb of Bishop Richard Bell — it's under a rug in the floor. Etched in the brass are several critters, including some dinosaur-looking beasties. Long necks that look like they're dancing at a hootenanny, or maybe it's a bit of rasslin'. (I'm bringing that last one up because giraffes fight each other with their ne

Dinosaur Tissue Preservation and the Iron Maiden

If you want to get the hands at the Darwin Ranch on the prod, just mention dinosaur soft tissues. This is because soft tissues in dinosaurs and other critters is a threat to old earth uniformitarianism. From there, particles-to-parasaurolophus evolution is severely inconvenienced. There are several articles on that subject here as well as other biblical creationist sites. Metallized triceratops profile derived from an image a Pixabay from  Dimitris Vetsikas Ever since Mary "Iron Maiden" Schweitzer got fame for herself because of dinosaur soft tissues, evolutionists at the Darwin Ranch have been running the excuse mill at full steam. (They don't even get overtime pay from their cheap bosses.) One of the premier excuses was formed by Schweitzer: iron as a preservative. Dr. Kevin Anderson was interviewed by Bob Enyart on Real Science Radio. (Dr. Anderson is one of the scientists in Is Genesis History? My review is here .) You see, Dr. Schweitzer reckons that iron i

Dinosaur Extinction and Chicxulub Revisited

A common dogma perpetrated by the owlhoots at the Darwin Ranch is that a rock fell from space, smashed into the earth, and killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. School children learn to repeat this as a mantra, but consensus, popular opinion, repetition, and those kinds of things do not make for science. Also, even though the asteroid impact thing is told as if all scientists are in agreement on this. That'll be the day! Artist impression of massive impact. Credit: NASA Goddard Creationist scientists reject the asteroid impact extinction concept for a number of reasons, especially because basic science and logic do not support it. This alleged impact at Chicxulub has a prairie schooner-full of problems, and further research shows that the whole thing smacks (heh!) of bad science. The truth is that everything was created recently, and dinosaur extinction is a result of the Genesis Flood, a concept that secularists reject because it doesn't fit their deep time