
Showing posts with the label Genesis Flood

The Real Story of the Petrified Forest

When I was in town yesterday for supplies, I bumped into Lotta Lyez and Al Buehterawl from the Darwin Ranch. Al was excited about a trip to Arizona, since the foreman Rusty Swingset allowed him extra time to visit Petrified Forest National Park . Al said it was breathtaking. He started to tell about its features, but Lotta cut him off to repeat what he told her earlier. It was the same thing in many ways that we hear from deep time proponents about gradual processes interspersed with volcanic activity. The truth is quite different. Giant petrified logs, Petrified Forest National Park, NPS / Hallie Larsen (usage does not imply endorsement) Not only are there thousands of logs that have turned to stone, but numerous colors that inspire people to say the place looks painted. Supposedly, forests were knocked over and were turned to stone over long ages. Also, there are layers of different colors. Those and other details that don't fit explanations from uniformitarian geology. Creation

Fossil Fish Brain and Evolutionist Absurdity

Here is another instance where fossils were reexamined using modern technology, and this fish skull fossil provided some surprises for the secular science industry. It was found over an 'undred years ago, then in Manchester, England. There was not much to look at because there was only the small skull. The brain and other areas were preserved very well. This indicates that it was rapidly buried in sediment. Secular scientists are moving away from the slow burial for fossilization story because of things like this. Fish image from Clker clipart, modified at LunaPic Once again, evolutionary thinking needs to be revised because this fossil is extremely old (by secular schemes) but it is not "simple" like the narrative requires. As we have seen so many times before, they are attempting to turn evolutionary defeat (which includes evidence for the Genesis Flood and recent creation) into a victory. It gets difficult to take these jaspers seriously. Over a century ago, a fossil

Log Mats Answer Genesis Flood Questions

Biblical creationists rightly make much use of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption, as it provides many illustrations of the Genesis Flood on a smaller scale. There are some unexpected things that were discovered later. Studying log mats led to further study that was useful. After the eruption, logs ended up in Spirit Lake and even covered a large portion of its surface . These and other log mats (basically, floating islands) have been studied by creationists and secular scientists alike, including for animal dispersion. Log mat on Spirit Lake, Flickr / Kelly Michals ( CC BY-NC 2.0 ) Misotheists have laughed at creationists for proposing that animals rafted after the Flood, but secular scientists also believe that animals have used floating logs and other conveyances to relocate. These things were huge. They were also their own ecosystems. There are several speculations by creationists about what happened after the Flood involving log mats, but these are feasible and many are based on

Ediacaran Fossils and Evolutionary Religious Faith

Way, way down in the standard geologic column is the Ediacaran layer, which has been receiving special scrutiny from secular scientists. It is below the Cambrian, which had the fossil explosion . As mentioned in the previous post , pristine fossils are being discovered and scrutinized with amazing equipment. These critters that lived on the bottoms of oceans were so well-preserved, scientists are actually able to learn what they had for their last meals! The suppertime plant molecules examined should not really exist if the fossils truly were about half a billion years old. Diorama of the Ediacaran, WikiComm / Fossiladder13 ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) One evolutionist was so enraptured, she exclaimed that this was a connection to our roots. (No word if she lit a Darwin prayer candle at the time.) Evidence connecting the Ediacaran biota found in these select fossils to humans is unconvincing. That's because humans were created separately, not evolved, and everything was created recently. The

Fossils too fine to be so Old

Fossils are everywhere, most of which are marine plants and critters. Many people find are unimpressive. The old story of how a fossil is formed is probably believed only by the most obstreperous secularist who is determined to keep the faith of deep time. To become a fossil, the organism needs to be rapidly buried. More and more fossils are being discovered that are pristine and reveal details of the creature. Obviously no fossils are forming today, but technology has greatly improved for analysis. Somehow, secularists insist that these things are very old. Snail on mushroom, Unsplash / Krzysztof Niewolny Study on it. Fossils are supposedly millions, even billions, of years old, but they are in fabulous condition. Delicate organisms such as snails have been fossilized (the shells having essentially the same minerals as those found today). Watch for rescuing devices to avoid evidence for the global Genesis Flood or recent creation. Don't get me started on soft tissues ... After an

Ham — Deified by Egyptians as Horus

Some comparatively recent history, say, within two hundred years such as  Butch, Sundance, and Ethel is disputed . For that matter, there is dispute about the tall tales of Paul Bunyan. Some say there is no historical basis, others say Paul was a combination of two actual lumberjacks . It is a fact that the Bible provides accurate history, and no claim has ever been overturned by historical records or archaeology. Biblical people were real, not myths, allegories, fairy tales, or anything like that. Threads of history and culture relate to Noah's son Ham and his relationship with Egypt. Horus, WikiComm / Eternal Space ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ), modified with PhotoFunia and others Repeated verification of biblical records over such great amounts of time add support for the divine authorship of the Bible. You've heard of the Egyptian god named Horus, right? Mayhaps seen the Eye of Horus symbol, too. Sometimes he's a falcon, other times a dude with a falcon's head, or other manif

Scientists Admit to Rapid Burial of Scelidosaurus

Scelidosaurus was a weird thing, plain and simple. It went on all fours but the front legs were shorter than those in the back. Mayhaps its contemporaries would see it when it was standing still and think it was crouched and ready to spring, but no, it was just built that way. It is known for being mostly complete and several have been found in the British Isles — except for that one that is found way over in Arizona. The first one was found in 1858. Scelidosaurus harrisonii, Wikimedia Commons / 5of7 ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) That premier specimen was sent to Richard Owen (who gave the world the word dinosaur .) He figured it was a land creature, but was washed out to sea and quickly buried. Paleontologists are coming around to that way of thinking, especially because of such excellent fossil preservation They will not accept the Genesis Flood as the most rational explanation. If someone has a plan that consistently fails, does it make sense to continue using it? Not hardly! Secular scientist

Columbia River Basalts and the Genesis Flood

In architecture, entablature  is that area above the columns and below the roof , often found in classical buildings. The word has a slightly similar meaning to geologists. It involves basalts cooling from magma underwater,  forming above what are termed colonnades . This may seem unrelated, but up yonder in the Northwestern (formerly) United States, the  Glacial Lake Missoula flood that carved out the Channeled Scablands  plays a big part in the upcoming discussion. Not only did it make the Channeled Scablands, it revealed some of the volcanic basalt.  Columbia River, Pixabay / kxp13 Before Ice Age floods, there was volcanic activity that formed a flood basalt  that covered a huge area. Clues about the geology and the way lava cooled can be taken from the textures, and indicate that lava was traveling underwater. Entablature and other features in the Columbia Plateau are numerous, so secular geologists cannot plausibly explain what is observed. They should honestly consider geology mo

Creationists and Ice Core Research

Proponents of deep time circulate their talking points (or so it seems; there is a great deal of similarity), and one of these is that ice core layers prove that the earth is old. Simply counting layers is not useful . Many ice cores have been drilled in eastern Greenland and the Antarctic. Biblical creationists do not shy away from challenges, putting their Bibles over their heads and simply chanting Scripture. No, creation scientists meet them. Although they do not have the funding of the secular science industry, they can analyze available data. EastGRIP ice core, Wikimedia Commons / Helle Astrid Kjær ( CC BY 4.0 ) It is interesting that creationists agree with their secular counterparts in the results of ice cores in the upper layers. In the lower layers, however, come the problems. Secularists presuppose deep time so Papa Darwin can have those years to work his magic. Biblical creationists presuppose a young earth. Each group interprets data according to their worldviews. While t

Secular Scientists Unable to Explain Mongolia Dinosaur Graveyard

Not so long ago, we discussed how secular scientists were baffled by a mass burial site over Nevada way for decades . Their latest effort at explaining what was observed was so bad, it was insulting to thinking people. What about this  Sinornithomimus dongi herd in Inner Mongolia? Some bones were discovered years ago. A team did some excellent detailed work at excavation. The evidence led into the base of a hill, and they retrieved over twenty-five of the critters. They were in the same rock layer, facing the same direction, and were well preserved. Sinornithomimus Scale, Wikimedia Commons / Slate Weasel (PD) Biblical creationists can easily explain what is observed through Genesis Flood models, including how they were trying to escape, the poses of the deceased, the fact that their conditions testifies to rapid burial, and even how this herd was all juveniles. As in other cases, secularists are locked into their worldviews, presupposing naturalism and not even considering the glob

Ichthyosaur Burial Explanations Getting Worse

As said before, Question Evolution Day (12 February) is multifaceted. In addition to speech and academic freedoms, it is an encouragement to get people to ride up on the hill to look at the bigger picture — and think . Folks cannot simply accept the assertions of scientists regarding historical science and origins. There should be a passel of red flags dropping when reading explanations about a group of ichthyosaurs that were fossilized. One flag is that secularists have been attempting to explain it for decades. The latest effort is...truly bizarre; that should be a red flag all by itself. Shastasaurus altispinus (ichthyosaur), WikiComm / Dmitry Bogdanov ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) On a quick side note, people group critters like these, mastodons, pterosaurs, and others with dinosaurs. It makes things easier when issuing postage stamps and the Bag-O-Plastic-Toy-Figures. And casual conversation. Ichthyosaurs came in various shapes and sizes, and there are numerous types. Some rivaled (and poss

The Genesis Flood, Doggerland, and the Ice Age

In uniformitarian beliefs, Earth is billions of years old and most geological events happened slowly. With their deep-time assumptions, there were multiple ice ages in the distant past that did not leave evidence of their occurrences. The so-called last ice age is what is usually discussed. Sea levels were lower for a good part of the Ice Age. Land bridges connected many parts of the world , such as Australia to New Guinea, Alaska to Siberia, the Weald-Artois Anticline connecting Britain and France, etc. People and animals traveled. That last one is the area where Doggerland was above water for a spell. Doggerland, Wikimedia Commons / Polaris999 (PD) Although there are speculations about places and events in the past, Doggerland was real. Artifacts are being found even now. Sea levels were lower, but the ice sheets melted and the levels rose again. Doggerland was submerged. The land bridge connecting Britain and France was destroyed. All y'all gotta stay put, c'est la vie. Sec

Badlands: Made by the Genesis Flood

When one mentions South Dakota, Mt. Rushmore may come to mind. More exciting to geologists are the Black Hills and Badlands. Millions of people flock to Badlands National Park  every year. It would definitely be a different kind of experience. Secular geologists have their slow 'n' gradual uniformitarian views of how the rock formations came to be, but their stories do not support scientific facts. Indeed, creation science models of the Genesis Flood present far better explanations of what is observed. Badlands formations with prairie grasses, NPS Photo / Troy Hunt (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Clay, mudstone, shale, all that good stuff is claimed by secular geologists to have been laid down over long periods of time — just look at the way it is now! Sure, some of that is happening nowadays, but this shows a mighty big flaw in their paradigm. Present processes are not a guarantee that things happened tin the same way all along. Come on, man, that's ma

Genesis, Ephesus Harbor, and Radiocarbon Dating

Rivers produce sediment through erosion, and they also pick up other particles, eventually dropping the silt when the currents decrease. At the mouth of a river, dropped silt changes the landscape. Harbors get clogged over time. The city of Ephesus was important in New Testament times, and was located on an estuary of the River Kaystros. This became silted up and useless as a harbor, and the silting was observed in recorded history. Geologists are studying the area but have troubles with the dating methods. Views of the harbor road in Ephesus, Flickr / ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Core samples were taken, but the radiometric dating involved has a great deal of difficulty from contamination and that cold ocean water inflates the results. There are also problems correlating dates with historical records. It is indeed unfortunate that secularists reject biblical history and creation science Genesis Flood and Ice Age models out of hand, since those would help them get better radiocarbo

Mitochondrial DNA in Denisova Cave

When given the right conditions, DNA can last a surprisingly long time without breaking down completely. There is a cave in Siberia that yielded information about the mysterious Denisovans, but very little is known about them. Like other people groups, they shared their DNA. This cave had mitochondrial (mt) DNA from three  groups of people, but researchers could not determine if they lived there at the same time. It appears that groups handed off that piece of real estate. There was a buildup of sediments in there as well, but secular dating methods are in disarray. Evolutionists are determined to force-fit different people groups into their classifications, but if they stripped away their assumptions, they might realize the differences between the groups are within ranges of people that we see even now. It would have been even more interesting if scientists went beyond examining mtDNA and considered nuclear DNA as well. At any rate, what was actually found is in keeping with biblical

Another Cambrian Fossil Frustrates Evolutionists

The  Cambrian explosion  has been a persistent problem for evolution since the time that Darwin roamed the earth. A passel of fossils are found from major phyla in the Cambrian, but no sign of transitional forms. Darwin's acolytes try to evosplain it away, but the problem remains insurmountable. Fossils of some tube-like thingies were previously found that were the subject of speculation. Finally, paleontologists have an idea of what the builders looked like. They got more than they bargained for. Gangtoucunia life restoration, WikiComm / Guangxu Zhang, Luke A. Parry, Jakob Vinther and Xiaoya Ma ( CC BY 4.0 ) As we have seen several times before, so it happens again: When faced with evidence that doesn't fit their schemes, evolutionists ballyhoo a sort of victory or evolutionary insight. Their knowledge of evolution has advanced. No, it hasn't, Hoss. Fossilized, well-preserved soft tissues were discovered. Also, the Cambrian explosion is strong evidence for the global Gen

Amazing Everglades

What comes to mind when someone mentions the Everglades down Florida way? Heat, wetlands, alligators, airboats, birds, sock a little poke sallet to me... Sure, those are some obvious traits, but there is a great deal more to this very large subtropical wilderness and national park . Everglades National Park is an amazing ecosystem, but not just one uniform piece of real estate. There are several systems called sub-biomes . Different critters have been equipped by the Master Engineer to survive, adapt, and thrive there. The geological origin is also quite interesting. Everglades, National Park Service / G. Gardner (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Some of the photographs I've shared on my weblogs included flowers that I later learned were "invasive." They are called that because they're not native to an area and get obnoxious by taking over. They're built to survive. The stories of alligators in New York City sewers are mostly myth. Unfortunatel

Mackinac, the Genesis Flood, and Medical Science

If you took a notion to visit Mackinac Island State Park way up yonder between the peninsulas of Michigan, it would be a hefty drive. Using I-75 from the state capital of Lansing and going in almost a straight line by the map, count on driving 3-1/2 hours one way. You would probably find it worthwhile. Despite spelling discrepancies with -nac and -naw, it is pronounced MACK-i-naw. The island is in view of the huge suspension bridge. A creation geologist can use the physical features to describe stages in the Genesis Flood as well as the Ice Age. Old Fort Mackinac from the pasture (cropped), ca. 1900, Library of Congress People who read biblical creation science material are likely to learn some things about the Genesis Flood, especially since it was not simply rain and the fountains of the great deep. As is observed, there are many megasequences laid down by water, and these span continents. Depositions occurred in stages. At Mackinac Island, some of the first laid down by the Flood w

Biden Vampyropod Testifies Against Evolution

It seems like a dubious honor to name a fossil squid after Joe Biden, but it also shows the leftist leanings of the secular science industry. (No word if this vampyropod used its tentacles to caress young  female offspring of other critters or if it sniffed their hair.) All that aside, the claims that this is an evolutionary ancestor are the opposite of the truth. Odd that squid fossils are found in Montana, but then, there are numerous fossil beds of marine creatures far inland. This one had (wait for it) well-preserved soft tissues. We are seeing — again — evidence of rapid burial, not the slow and gradual conditions of uniformitarianism. Things get worse... Syllipsimopodi bideni , WikiComm / Christopher D. Whalen & Neil H. Landman ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Old fossil squid compared to modern squid, no appreciable change. It's in the wrong place by millions of Darwin years, so evolutionists have to revise their dogma again .   That's because it displaces squids from being contemp

Enigmatic Clastic Pipes and Flood Geology

Ever see those rocks sticking up, especially in the American Southwest? They vary a great deal in size and are consistently vertical. Those are clastic pipes . Quite a few are found at the Kodachrome Basin State Park , but they exist around the world. Uniformitarian (gradual processes over long periods of time) geologists are baffled by clastic pipes, since clastic rock is comprised of pieces of other rocks that were broken and re-formed. They have several competing speculations on how the pipes formed. Some suggest they also exist on Mars . Clastic pipes at Kodachrome Basin State Park, Pixabay / Aline Dassel Deep-time views are inconsistent with what is observed, and would require some unlikely scenarios in numerous places. (That is, clastic pipes are not a one-off anomaly in a specific region.) Creation geologists agree with their secular counterparts that earthquakes played a part in their formation, but they would have had to have been extremely strong. Also, there is a great dea