
Showing posts with the label Intelligent Design

Nature's Web Designer

Ever have that experience of walking through the woods, a field, or maybe an unused building and getting a spider web in your face? Turns you into a karate master , some say. Well, yeah, I don't reckon many people like to be startled with that sticky stuff, especially if they've seen too many scary movies or been reading up on dangerous spiders . Now, your toughest cowboy has to watch where he's working in the stable, woodpile, and such, and check very carefully at the outhouse. Image credit: Freeimages / Aleš Čerin That web site you just ruined is strong in its proportions, and has different kinds of webbing. Some parts will give a bit before breaking so the whole shootin' match doesn't come down easily. If you study on it, spider webs are masterpieces of design, the ability for which was given to spiders by the Designer, and not by time and chance evolution. Take a good look at a web glistening in the sunlight sometime, and don't bring it down. Spider

Genome Increasingly Unfriendly to Evolution

When using language, there are basic rules for proper communication, especially in written form. Using dialects, slang, idioms and such can make you mighty hard to understand when writing off a letter to greenhorns. Like so. Computer languages are very complex and specific, and an error in coding can disrupt the entire process in some cases, or render something tedious at best, such as faulty HTML code. Computer languages are very linear, going in only one direction. What if a language worked in several directions, including three dimensions? Proselytizers of goo-to-geneticist evolution often assert that DNA proves evolution. Not hardly! Genetics research is not a good employee at the Darwin Ranch, contributing information that affirms creation instead of evolution. The genome is amazingly complex and structured, obviously the product of our Designer. A recent press release from a prominent European research group started off with this amazing proclamation: “A new study from

Flighty Evolutionary Fantasies

Purveyors of molecules-to-mallard evolution believe they have some ducky explanations for the origins of flight in various creatures, but they have one small problem: the explanations are anti-science. Sure, they sound good to the uneducated and will satisfy True Believers®, but cannot withstand scrutiny. "Swallow in Flight" image credit: morgueFile / AcrylicArtist Evolution is supposed to be gradual and accidental, relying on mutations (with a bit of help from natural selection). When different creatures have similar abilities, Darwinists use the fact-free faith-based claim of "convergent evolution". What makes things worse for them is that for something to evolve the ability to fly, everything has to be in place at the same time for this to happen. Otherwise, nothing makes sense, and evolving the necessary apparatus for flight one piece at a time would be harmful for the organism; such specified complexity happening by time and chance is ridiculous. No, th

Serial Cells Frustrate Evolutionary Ideas

Although biology is foundational to amoeba-to-man evolution, it is not supportive of the concept. Increasing knowledge of biological functions supports what biblical creationists have been saying all along: life was intelligently designed by God, who is revealed in the Bible, and evolution has no part in the matter. Background texture from Image*After Serial cell differentiation is a system-intensive process require a great deal of energy from an organism. This is to keep certain cells from proliferating too rapidly, and is a hindrance for mutations. Single celled organisms replicate as fully functional cells, and they maintain cellular integrity through a system of direct epigenetic inheritance, or ‘cell memory’. Some tissues in multicellular organisms proliferate in the same way. However, the majority of tissues in adult multicellular organisms don’t. Most tissues in mature multicellular organisms replicate via a method called serial differentiation.2 Cells go through a se

Eye Variety and Evolution

There's no shortage of tales to tell by evolutionary owlhoots for the sake of propping up their presuppositions. What does the variation in eyes throughout living things tell you? Simple answer first: the variety of eyes tells you that there's a variety of eyes. National Geographic  people are saying that they can reconstruct the history of evolution based on computer programs and speculations. Evidence for evolution? That'll be the day! Cats' eyes have a tapetum lucidum that reflects light back through the eye so they can see better in the dark. Part of the story is that "convergent evolution" (a theoretical excuse that is used when there is no actual evidence) for eyes happened at least 40 times. Also, evolution is given a demigod status here, too, exhibiting creativity and thrift. Not hardly! This evolutionary storytelling is also an example of ignoring certain data and alternative explanations. The best explanation is that the Creator designed diff

Tales of Whale Evolution

As we have seen many times (and further examples are scheduled here), telling stories about evolution takes a great deal of imagination, but precious little actual evidence. When facts are examined, Darwinistas need to backpedal to change the stories — or ignore the evidence and let people continue to believe outdated material. Humpback whale image credit: via Wikimedia Commons Tales of whale evolution have changed over the years, but the simplified version: we all evolved from sea creatures, then some mammals commenced to thinking they liked it better in the water, so they evolved into whales. Even worse, some evolutionary sidewinders are telling distinct untruths based on their "here's evolution because we want  to see it" paradigm. Vestigial hind legs and a pelvic girdle? Nope, those are used for making little whales . The same falsehood is said about hip bones. Ethics and integrity in science, indeed! There is nothing "vestigial" in whal

The Puzzling Colugo

If you get to roaming around the jungles of Southeast Asia, watch your step, know when and where to look (what with many being elusive and all), you'll find a whole heap of beasties that defy evolution. Yesterday's post was about the tarsier , and this time, another tree-dweller called the colugo.  I reckon one reason some things are "elusive" is that they live way up yonder in the trees, and are very difficult to observe and track. And colugos kind of fly away. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Lip Kee Yap / CC BY-SA 2.0 One name for the colugo is "flying lemur". It's not a lemur, and it doesn't exactly fly, it glides. Quite a long way if it has a mind to. Evolutionists don't know how to classify it, and it's currently in a class by itself. Creationists believe it is from a separate biblical kind . (By the way, just because creationists use a different categorization method in some cases doesn't give anyone call to go all hayw

Speaking Loudly but Not Being Heard

There's a critter in Philippine jungles that's about as big as your hand, has big eyes, and runs its mouth a lot. You can't hear anything, though. But they can. The tarsier has its own special means of communication that is more than three times the upper limit of what humans can hear. I can name some people that it would be nice if they spoke beyond human hearing frequencies, but never mind about that now. Image credit: NOAA / Tarsier in Philippines by Laura Fralinger , 2008 Naturally, some owlhoots had to spoil the real science with evolutionary assertions, saying things that are nothing but assertions put forward as science. They get paid for this. I'm in the wrong job, I bet I could make up "science", too. Hey, here's one: tarsiers have long legs and can jump huge distances, so they must have evolved from frogs. But seriously, evolutionary "science" aside, the tarsier is another example of the ingenuity of the Creator, and has nothing

Information on the Brain

Remember that post about how DNA stores a tremendous amount of information, and there are biomimetics efforts to develop DNA for data storage ? Well, this ain't it. It's been known for a long time that there is a great deal of information stored and processed in the brain, but discoveries of what's happening at the cellular level show that there is more going on than was ever dreamed of. Image credit: Pixabay / geralt Y'all probably know that the Web has a passel of people all over the world sending, receiving, sharing information, right? That's a lot of computing power and memory going on. Your brain has more power than that. Instead of 1 and 0, the brain transfers 26 levels of synaptic information, and is inspiring ideas of biomimetics for future computer development. Let's face it, cells could not possibly have evolved from simple organisms into such specified complexity — which is still not fully understood. No, the Creator was behind all this. Who

Acorn Worm Genetic Similarities?

Darwinoids are lacking in the ability to use logic in science, plain and simple. At least, that's a reasonable conclusion, what with the heap of bad reasoning that we see. Relevant data are excluded, other explanations are discarded, presuppositions are locked in, and more. Acorn worm / Image credit: NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program, INDEX-SATAL 2010 Since we don't know what happened in the distant past, evolutionary scientists infer relationships between organisms. Again, this is presuming evolution. Reasoning goes something like this: there are similar genes between humans and acorn worms who are descendants of our ancestral worms, therefore, evolution. (Looks like it should be in the bottom of a bottle of tequila as a marketing gimmick .) Sure, I'm a worm. So are you. But neither of us has to be, since our Creator has made it possible for us to become his own children! (John 1:12, Romans 8:15) Aside from that, a skillful designer will not start from scratch; parts un

David Coppedge Interviewed on Real Science Radio

Advocates of molecules-to-machinist evolution can cook up some mighty convincing stories about why and how evolution happened, but they leave out important information and talk about what happened in the distant past without any real evidence. What they come up with are comparable to Kipling's Just So Stories . They sound good, but do not have plausible mechanisms or explanations. And yet, true believers accept them by faith. Regular readers know that I have featured material by Dr. David Coppedge's " Creation-Evolution Headlines " on this site many times. (Here's another: he has some personal anecdotes in an interesting article called " Secret Animal Hideouts ".) Bob Enyart interviewed Dr. Coppedge on Real Science Radio, and they discussed several evolutionary stories, and touched on biomimetics, design, and more. You can listen to or download the podcast by clicking on " headlines on RSR with David Coppedge ". The picture bel

Evolving the Brain's Evolving

The hands at the Darwin Ranch have been holed up down at Horsethief Canyon , telling tales around the campfire. This one's a doozy. A study was undertaken involving the differences between the brains of humans and chimpanzees, and they reached the conclusion that humans evolved the ability to evolve. Of course, no mention was made of how neuroplasticity in human infants was planned by our Creator. Image credit: MR LIGHTMAN at Infant chimps develop more rapidly than human infants — and then their genetic makeup hollers, "Whoa!" Humans continue to develop and the changes are influenced by environment as well as genetics. But we are designed to develop further than our alleged evolutionary cousins. While the study was good while it stayed with operational, observable science, when the owlhoots began to make pronouncements about what happened in the distant past, that stuff left science and entered the realm of campfire stories. Chimpanzees,

A Code Needs a Mind

If I had a notion to type <a href=""><b>Question Evolution Day</b></a>, most people would pay it no nevermind, though many would recognize it as HTML coding. In this text portion of the Weblog, it's only a curiosity and has little function. Putting it where it belongs, you see this link in bold type:  Question Evolution Day . Similarly, Samuel F.B. Morse came up with the first binary code that traveled over the "singing wires" of telegraph lines. Someone who knew that code would send messages to a a clerk who would decode them for the intended recipient. Savvy Native Americans as well as outlaws on the run would cut the lines to hinder communications so town folk couldn't call for help. Image credit: Pixabay / OpenClipartVectors (click link for large image) Languages are complex codes, and anyone with a lick of sense can understand that the words on this site, the

A Frog with Antifreeze?

So, if a creature has no heartbeat, not breathing, is frozen solid, what is the likely medical opinion? "He's dead, Jim." Not necessarily. Some critters have been endowed by their Creator with certain ways of surviving in extreme cold. Why not? They have been enabled to adapt, else we'd have a much larger number of extinctions going on. A spell back, I posted about the "antifreeze" in the Eastern box turtle . There are also some frogs that have similar abilities. Image credit: Modified from US National Park Service The wood frog baffles atoms-to-amphibian evolutionists. Although certain times of year are just what a frog would cotton to, what with insects and all. But when the temperatures go below zero and it turns into a frogsicle, well, how does it survive? During winter in Alaska, the wood frog (Rana sylvatica) freezes so that it looks like a frog-shaped piece of ice. While frozen, the frog stops breathing, its heart stops beating, its blood

A Honey of a Landing

Have you ever watched a bee come in for a landing? Most of us don't pay it no nevermind, but keep an eye out next time and think about pilots of aircraft. It's tricky enough for them to land on a flat surface, and worse on an incline. Bees land on all sorts of inclines, and you don't see them have crash landings. Image credit: Pixabay / skeeze Scientists, many of whom believe that bees and other critters are the products of time, chance, random processes and other evolutionary fables, are looking into intelligently designing biomimetics applications for human use. The bee's brain has a guidance system that was designed by the Creator, not by evolution. That should be obvious. Landing safely is a difficult aspect of flight, because the rate of approach must be reduced to near zero at touchdown. This is hard enough on horizontal surfaces, but even more challenging as inclination increases, i.e. when landing on surfaces of different orientation. Yet honey bees ac

Human-Chimp Similarities — Why?

Proselytizers of microbes-to-monkey evolution are known to point out that humans and chimpanzees have some things in common, even citing spurious data about genetic similarities . EDIT: The preceding link is now out of date and in dispute. See " A Fresh Look at Human-Chimp DNA Similarity " (which was published the same day as this post) and " New Study Indicates Chimp DNA is 88% Similar to Human DNA ". Further research is planned. (Of course, the seventy percent genetic similarity that we have with sea sponges often goes unmentioned.) Using assumptions, circular reasoning, and other bad arguments, resemblances are used to show that we evolved from a common ancestor. Restrain your equines, Ernie, there are some problems here. The check's in the mail. Image credit: morgueFile / lightfoot The hands at the Darwin Ranch are not known for their efficient reasoning abilities. Ignoring data and alternative explanations are common over there, and in this case,

The Birdie is Watching

Back in the early days of photography, subjects were told to " watch the birdie ". Nowadays, that endangered expression merely means that a picture is about to be taken. What do birdies watch? For that matter, another idiom is "get a bird's-eye view", which usually means way up high, getting the perspective of a bird in flight or on top of a tree. Look at it this way... Image credit (cropped): Northern Cardinal  / FreeImages / Maria Corcacas Of course, Darwinists will come up with unsupportable conjectures on the evolution of sight and the ability to see color (birds see more colors, and other things, than we do), but those are guesses passed along as science. The birdie is watching far more than people realize, and their bird's-eye view was designed by our Creator. When you see a hawk soaring high overhead, have you wondered what the view looks like from up there? Well, the bird’s-eye view involves much more than the panoramic view we see from an

Combat Ready — On the Inside!

It's a war zone. No, not a military campaign. This war is going on inside you on the microscopic level. Your immune system identifies threats and discerns how to deal with an intruder (or just ignore it), and the system replaces its working parts, has search and destroy missions, passive barriers, and much more. Camp Lejeune, North Carolina - Marines with Bravo Company, 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion Photo by Lance Cpl. David Hersey Image use does not imply endorsement of any of this site's contents by the US Department of Defense Advocates of molecules-to-Marine evolution have hindered the understanding of biology. We have two lines of defense, and the first line was pretty much ignored as something inherited by our alleged evolutionary forebears. The second line of defense got most of the attention because they assumed it evolved (without anything other than "evolution did it"). A lot of information was undiscovered, and now scientists are realizing that ou

Getting a Charge Out of Electric Fish

It may come as a shock, but various forms of electric current are present in many living things, including people. Various critters have a sensing ability called electroreception, which is present in certain kinds of fish. Darwinists assert (without evidence) that electroreception and the ability to generate current evolved different times. Although that's far-fetched enough, it gets worse for them because some species have direct current, and others have alternating current! Watt will they come up with to explain it? Image credit: morgueFile / DuBoix Let's take a little diversion. Imagine two cowboys meeting on the trail: "What's in them saddlebags, Bob?" "Batteries, Clem. When I camp out, I like to jam on my electric guitar. Want to hear my rendition of 'Purple Haze'?" "I've heard you play. Do you take requests?" "Yup!" "How 'bout them military songs? I'd like you to play 'Down by the River

The Confusing Kiwi

That critter rustling through the brush over yonder in New Zealand isn't a mammal. Fact is, it's a bird. The kiwi. (New Zealanders are called kiwis, but I ask myself, "Why, man?" Well, better than being called a banded dotterel , I suppose. Maybe they call kiwifruit by the other name, Chinese gooseberry .) This bird doesn't look or act like other birds. Kiwi bird with kiwifruit / Image from Clker When you study on it, you'll find that this bird has bones that are unlike other birds, the wings are almost nonexistent, flight muscles are not there, and it has strong legs for running and kicking. It eats worms like many other birds, though. This critter is suited for living in New Zealand. Evolutionists have three main theories as to how it got there, but they don't hold up too well. Creationists have some ideas that make more sense in light of biblical creation and post-Flood circumstances. I reckon that God made this unique kind of bird to exhibit his