
Showing posts with the label Medical Science

Darwinian Racism in American Medical Research

Regular readers have seen numerous instances where Darwinian views have not only hindered science, but been harmful as well. For example, alleged vestigial organs were surgically removed but later found to have tremendous benefits, and so-called "junk" DNA is useful after all . Darwin's disciples try to downplay  soi-disant  scientific racism and social Darwinism that ran rampant from Victorian times and well into the 20th century. Although some of those things have faded, Americans participated in a disgraceful Naziesque medical study on black men that ended in 1972. Tuskegee syphilis study / CDC (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The United States Public Health Service (PHS) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) promised a six-month study of syphilis on black men, but those men were not informed they had the disease. Nor were they given readily-available treatments. Syphilis is a nasty, sneaky disease that is preventable and can prove fatal. Like N

Ticks, Lyme Disease, and Creation

The post " On the Origin of New Diseases " linked to an article that discussed, from a scientific and biblical perspective, how and why we are seeing new diseases. The article featured below is companion to it. Scoffers often claim that since bad things exist today, there is no loving God and that these are evidence for evolution. Some things such as ticks, Lyme disease, and the so-called brain-eating amoeba  are a challenge for creationists, we try to answer questions from our presuppositions — like our secular counterparts. Female black-legged tick, CDC /  Jim Gathany (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Yes, many things are bad today , but that does not necessarily mean God created them the way they are now. (Darwinists evosplain such things with the vacuous "It evolved" non-answer .) Like everything else, ticks have mutations. Comparing them to mites, ticks may have originally been plant eaters and decomposers in the original very-good creation. T

The Immune System and Biblical Creation

Discussions of life, biology, and so on are dominated by naturalistic underpinnings. Instead of natural selection, mutations, blind luck, and other things causing molecules-to-microbiologist evolution, biblical creation science is based on radically different perspectives. People have been saturated with these evolutionary views over the years, so they tend to be extremely curious and have natural questions for us about the immune system. After all, everything was perfect after God was done creating, so why should we need an immune system in the first place? Why do we need vaccinations, too? Credit: Pixabay /  Herney Gómez We are operating from what we see and experience in the here and now, but biblical creationists are working from both Scripture and science facts. For one thing, the immune system is not only there to fight off diseases, but has a regulatory function as well. Everything was created for a purpose, but many microbes left their first estate after the fall of mankind. Ma

Bad Design Claims and Human Reproduction

Over at The Question Evolution Project on Fakebook, we have been posting one of the favorite giggling points of misotheists. Namely, the alleged bad design of the human eye. Such dysteleology is easily refuted with: This  series of articles by Dr. Jason Lisle  (I linked to the first, the rest are linked at the end of each subsequent article) A  video by the late Tommy Mitchell, MD The article " Backwardly wired retina 'an optimal structure': New eye discovery further demolishes Dawkins " Others However, atheists have a bumper sticker mentality: "Dawkins said it, I believe it, that settles it". (It is indeed unfortunate that people who claim to believe in science and reason reject those very things.) Then they use a faulty appeal to authority to people who have no idea what they're talking about, then use all of those things to confirm their biases. In the same way, faulty presuppositions and bad logic are used to deny God because women have miscarriages

Evolutionary Thinking Unwanted in Medical Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  This is a different kind of article because it begins with a personal story. Although video recorders and cameras are ubiquitous, I think I escaped humiliation on social(ist) media. So I will humiliate myself by presenting a mental image. After doing some errands on the morning of May 17, I returned home and was not paying attention crossing the street. One foot on the curb, fine. For some reason, I did not clear the other foot and had a big fall in the spring. Credits: Freeimages / Kurhan , modified with FotoSketcher While holding the mail in one hand and a small bag with my purchases in the other, I attempted to keep my balance with some very long steps. It did not go well. I smacked into the ground and a glancing blow into a shrubbery. "Did it knock some sense into you, Cowboy Bob?" No, I didn't hit my head. Coming down the stairs of the entrance to the apartment building were two people. They were asking me if I was all right, needed to be take

The Fake Science Peer-Review Virus is Spreading

Angry atheopaths and evolutionists hide behind statements resembling, "Your creation science evidence does not appear in legitimate peer-reviewed journals". Legitimate? They mean secularist evolutionary things. This is a cowardly way of avoiding evidence refuting fish-to-fool evolution and affirming special creation. It is also a genetic fallacy by rejecting science because of dislike for the sources, and an ad hominem  that implies creationists do not know science.  It needs to be repeated again that peer review is not a guarantee of scientific truth. Indeed, the secular science industry is infested with fraud, having numerous retracted papers and a reproducibility crisis . Mistakes and fraud have been around a mighty long time, but recent news reveals that things are getting...truly bizarre. Original image before modification: Pixabay /  Rudy and Peter Skitterians Why the fraud? First of all humans are sinful creatures. Second, lust for prestige and money play a part. Third

Axolotl Salamanders and — Medical Science?

If North Americans ride south down Mexico way (the caravans of people who dislike their own countries are headed north, so you should not get too crowded), keep a-goin' to Mexico City. The southern part. There you'll find the lake that's home to axolotl salamanders. Wikimedia Commons / Stan Shebs ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Those still in the wild need protection because they are in danger of extinction. Interestingly, to keep the lineage going and enrich the gene pools (problems with inbreeding...just ask the Habsburgs ), the axolotls that people keep as exotic pets are usually hybrids of their cousins the tiger salamanders. Different species, but same created kind. Our Creator gave us minds to use, and we do that to study and care for nature. When medical science and technology reached a level of advancement, we began to discover ways to alleviate diseases and suffering. Who would have thought that the axolotl salamander would have been the inspiration for several areas of medical

Nanobots and Biomimetics

Robots have fascinated people for decades. Science fiction stories have frequently made them as humanity's enemies. Similar stories have been written about nanobots , but that technology is only in its early stages. Scientists are hoping they can be used in space exploration and medical technology. Made at PhotoFunia We can guess about the "bot" part of the word, but what is a nano? It's not someone hired to care for the children. A nanometer is very, very small , and nanobots (or nanomachines) are robots that may work on the molecular level, but that is still under development. Sometimes games can be used to stimulate creativity, and there were nanosoccer competitions several years ago — microscopic games, what a concept! There was a movie in 1966 called Fantastic Voyage  that involved a submarine and crew miniaturized, injected into a patient, destroying a blood clot, then escaping. Imaginative stuff, but if nanobots are successfully developed, they may be useful f

Research into the Pre-Flood World

Biblical creationists have long wondered about the world before the Genesis Flood, including why people lived longer. Speculations abound. One thing upon which creationists and secular scientists agree is that the atmosphere was different. Some interesting hyperbaric research ties into geology. Credit: Pixabay /  Sebastian Ganso There is evidence that the ancient atmosphere was much richer in oxygen and had greater pressure, which is indicated by fossils of very large critters. Hyperbaric chambers are used to treat patients with increased pressure and oxygen levels. Their cell metabolisms and telomeres in chromosomes are positively affected, and this may be an indication for why pre-Flood people lived such huge amounts of time. All of this is in preliminary stages as far as creation science is concerned, and it will be interesting to see what other creation scientists have to contribute. There are some strong indications about ancient Earth's atmosphere from this hyperbaric researc

Children Born Wired for Reading

Unlike that unscientific arbitrary assertion of misotheists that "Children are born atheist, which is the default position", research shows that they are born theists . To make matters worse for those who have Atheism Spectrum Disorder, children are also born hardwired for reading. Credit: Unsplash / Lavi Perchik Research comparing brain fMRIs of adults and newborns indicates that the areas of the brain that process this kind of information in children are saddled up and ready to ride from the get-go. This brings to mind a remark by Dr. G. Charles Jackson said regarding the speech abilities of monkeys that they have the hardware but not the software drivers. They don't need it for their existence. Also, it gives new meaning to the expression, "Born that way". Born to read is a problem for proponents of minerals-to-mother evolution, since there is no plausible mechanism or even a need to evolve the ability to read. After all, according to their philosophies, in

The Pituitary Powerhouse

It is never a good idea to underestimate small things. While viruses are a prime example, a very small gland keeps many important things running in your body. It is the supervisor of endocrine glands, and without it, serious conditions can develop. Credit: Wikimedia Commons, public domain image edited by Jim Thomas ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) The pituitary is beneath the hypothalamus in both authority and its literal position. This regulates the pituitary's functions and supplies it with hormones (chemical messengers). If you study on it, the entire system is yet another example of specified complexity that time, chance, random processes, mutations, natural selection, and other Darwinian concepts can produce. We are talking about the work of the Master Engineer. Tucked away at the base of your brain, behind your sinuses, is a pea-size gland called the pituitary. People once mistakenly thought this little organ simply made mucus when your nose runs. Now it is called “the master gland” because

Humans Evolving Now — No 'Arm in Trying

It is tragic as well as humorous when misotheists say that evidence for creation is everywhere, but they must continually reinforce their presumption that there is no God, that things only appear  designed. Meanwhile, many silly things are proclaimed as evidence for evolution , but they are nothing of the kind. A recent example is the human median artery. Credit: Stocksnap / Michael Mroczek If you have the median artery, you shouldn't. The Master Engineer put it in place for when a baby is developing so blood reaches the hands. When other arteries develop, this goes away. Usually. Some jaspers took a study of Australian cadavers and found that many still had it. They took this extremely limited population sampling, saw that there was little reference to the artery's existence in old literature (which stinks to me of an argument from silence), the proclaimed evolution. Hail Darwin, blessed be! The area around Deception Pass will be echoing the noise of the celebrations at the Da

Good Scientists were Poor Students?

There are some people who may have impressive academic credentials, but they lack the sense that God gave a goose. Is it untrue that institutions of higher learning are supposed to equip students to face the challenges of the future and to contribute to their fields? Credit: Pexels / Polina Tankilevitch Today's schools are indoctrination centers for profit. If the university gets the money (the most important part) and the student can correctly answer test questions and write a dissertation, they win the prize. Yes, this child is cynical. Today's institutions have "safe spaces" and try to protect hurt feelings instead of spurring students to meet and deal with confrontations and challenges. If any become scientists, I reckon they'll be mediocre at best but excel in promoting evolutionism. More than once I have encountered people who have claimed to be scientists who  did not exhibit much skill in the use of logic. One on social media who was pronounced in

No Evolution Needed for Plagues

My prospector friend Stormie Waters was heading out Folly Road, but she was woolgathering and not paying attention so she missed her turn-off. Out past Stinking Lake, near Deception Pass, almost to the Darwin Ranch when she met up with Jacqueline Hyde. For some reason, they commenced to jawing about evolution and plagues. Original image: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Modified with oil painting effect from FotoSketcher (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by anyone anywhere) As I heard about it, Jacqueline was saying that the hands at the Darwin Ranch are trying again to make everything about evolution, like they are doing with the COVID-19 . Those sidewinders should learn that evolution corrupts science. There were two studies released in the week of July 20, 2020 regarding plagues and diseases. One involved mosquitoes that involved speculations that were self-refuting, the other was about smallpox and the activities of viruses. Instead of app

COVID-19 and Consensus Confusion

When people talk about consensus, it generally means that there is an overwhelming agreement. The public has a strange mixture of admiration and suspicion for scientists, but they tend to fall in line when confronted with "consensus science" claims about universal common descent evolution, anthropogenic climate change, and more. With the COVID-19 crisis, we are learning more about how scientists act. Made from Piltdown Gang  by John Cooke, 1915 As we saw in " An Abundance of Dubious Models ", healthcare professionals and scientists had to learn as much as possible in a short amount of time. Not only does the COVID-19 coronavirus research have leftist political influences, but there is no "consensus science". Indeed, the professor with the dire predictions that affected so many people was so wrong, he resigned in disgrace . We also see quite clearly that science is no done from an intellectual or morally neutral approach: everyone interprets data fro

Attempting to Direct Evolution

It becomes very difficult to take Darwin's acolytes seriously when they contradict themselves about their own foundations. Most of us know that evolution is supposed to be without purpose or direction, then its purveyors tell us that they have controlled evolution. That is an oxymoron. Original image from Clker clipart Some very interesting research was conducted. Dr. Frances Arnold added random genes into peptides until she obtained the desired results that were useful. In another instance, Dr. George Smith worked on bacteriaphages, and Dr. Gregory Winter build on that work in pharmaceutical products and gave the world the drug Humera. They called it directed evolution, but true evolution does not take direction well. Some folks seem to think that it's not science if research is not sanctified by the word evolution  somewhere. Perhaps they burn a prayer candle with Darwin's picture on it. In reality, what they did was intelligently design and modify things, and e

The Amazing Design of Hemoglobin

Hemoglobin (HGB) is one of thousands of proteins designed by our Creator. We know that it carries oxygen through the bloodstream, but hemoglobin (Hgb) was designed Hgb to fulfill a number of detailed functions. Even the oxygen delivery is regulated for various needs. Credit: Pixabay /  Narupon Promvichai The intricacies of the biology of living things continue to become more amazing and complex as more research is conducted, including a surprising blood component that was recently discovered . Believers in universal common descent evolution cannot adequately explain Hgb and its specified complexities, so they simply evosplain it away . There are also Hgb molecules produced by humans for fetal development as needed for various functions. Also, organisms that breathe air experience regulation from Hgb so that when the need for oxygen is lower (at rest), not as much is delivered. The opposite is also true. Further, the gas nitric oxide is needed and Hgb extends its extremely short

The Coronavirus and Faith in Scientism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There are people who label biblical creationists with the absurd pejorative "science deniers" because we reject atheistic interpretations of historical science regarding fish-to-fool evolution. (Labeling is easier than thinking.) Having faith in operational science is justified to some extent, but some do it religiously. Before we continue, it should be noted again that mockers accuse creationists of creating the distinction between operational and historical science, but that is demonstrably false . The COVID-19 novel Coronavirus has people frightened. This is exacerbated by several factors: leftist politicians using the situation to gain power and instill fear, confusing and unreliable models , fake news sites citing  spurious "studies" , Darwin's disciples falsely claiming that it is evidence of evolution , and so on. In the midst of all this, the public wants scientists to make things better. Unfortunately, God has been evic

An Abundance of Dubious Models

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Models and simulations are important in many areas related to science, but they are only as good as the information that are utilized. Regular readers have seen many posts with links to articles discussing faulty models (including yesterday's " Increasing Dark Matter Desperation ") using mathematics and various scenarios. Credit: Freeimages / Sanja Gjenero No researcher is completely unbiased and objective. They operate from their worldviews, presuppositions, and agendas. Many times, important data are ignored or even suppressed, which frequently happens with global climate change models. Michael Mann used a fraudulent "hockey stick" graph to support global warming. Indeed, environmentalists are driven by their emotions and agendas, with predictions that have failed many times over the years, often suppressing pertinent information and indulging in fake science (see " Climate Change Alarmism vs God " and " Deluded