
Showing posts with the label Question Evolution Day

"Evolution's Achilles' Heels" — Book Review

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Greek mythology tells us that Achilles was a great warrior and was invulnerable except in his heel. When Paris, son of the king and queen of Troy, shot him in the heel, he was able to be killed . This gave rise to the expression Achilles' heel to indicate someone's weakest point. Common-ancestor evolution has a passel of weak points, and several of them are quite serious. Disclaimer: none. I bought Evolution's Achilles' Heels all by my lonesome, so I received no benefits for writing this here review. Just over a year ago, I gave a favorable review of the 96-minute documentary by the same name , and it's fitting that I write about the book as well. I reckon that because people are enamored with credentials and such, the good folks at Creation Ministries International didn't give scoffers the excuse of saying someone is "not a scientist" — the book has nine Ph.D. scientists, and the documentary ups the ante to fifteen.

Darwin Day Religiosity and Question Evolution Day Summary

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article is about the religious nature of evolutionism, reactions of anti-creationists to the fifth annual Question Evolution Day , a discussion of some behind-the-scenes aspects of QED, and more. Spreading the Word A few years back, a reporter asked me if there were "supporters" for Question Evolution Day. I figured that he meant famous people or organizations. In the past, I had several interviews on radio and podcasts , usually about QED. This year, I increased my efforts to obtain interviews or at least mentions on sites and things. Of the twenty or so contacts I made, most did not bother to reply. (That's a mite disheartening, since most of them agree in principle with the purposes of QED.) One gave a brusque brush-off, one waited too long to reply, another got the notion to do an interview when time was short, but there was no time, what with conflicting schedules and all. There was only one interview, but it was a good one

Clarifying the Concept of Question Evolution Day

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This short article is informational, and a bit of a rant. As regular readers are aware, February 12 is Question Evolution Day . Other readers have just been made aware. Isn't it great how the sharing of information works? Anyway, I have posted links, made videos, written articles, and other things to promote the event. Many people have expressed interest and enthusiasm. Feel free to download this image to use as a profile icon or use it to show your support in other ways. Part of awareness-raising is to make an "event", such as this one on Facebook . I've received responses from people who are biblical creationists and agree with what QED is all about that are along the lines of, "Thanks for the invite, but I'm busy that day". I get mighty puzzled about that. Did they read the material or watch any of the short videos in the link? Let me commence to laying things out. I'm not asking anyone to come to Kingston, New

Book Review — Defending Genesis: How We Got Here & Why It Matters

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When I was pondering which horse to saddle up and ride for Question Evolution Day (since every day is QED for me), Tony Breeden came along at the right time and said that he had a new book coming out, Defending Genesis: How We Got Here & Why It Matters . That title is singing my song. "But Cowboy Bob, he writes science fiction and stuff!" Yeah, well, so did C.S. Lewis and others. Tony has been writing nonfiction for years, and my favorite of his sites is " Defending Genesis " (no surprise that I like that one). He spearheads " Creation Sunday ", a response to the efforts of deceptive atheist Michael Zimmerman to get Christians to compromise with evolution. Breeden has interacted with a variety of people, from obstreperous atheist stalkers to enthusiastic supporters and those in between. Defending Genesis is written in a conversational style for the most part, and has some humor throughout. There are 22 chapters plus

A View from the Bunker, the Reality Bomb, and Question Evolution Day

In the Doctor Who mythos, Davros wanted to destroy the universe with the Reality Bomb , a device that makes all matter go to pieces. Even if someone was that stupid and insane, Christians know that such a thing is impossible (Hebrews 1:3, Colossians 1:16-17). But let's borrow from the Reality Bomb concept, shall we? Darwinistas ( thanks to Chris Rosebrough for that word ) cling to their faith in evolutionism despite the evidence, not because of it. If they were to seriously examine goo-to-you evolution, they would see that nothing is holding it together; Question Evolution Day could be the Reality Bomb for evolution! Question Evolution Day works in layers: Standing together to affirm intellectual, religious, speech, academic and other basic human rights, that those of us who reject evolution should be able to state our views without censorship and reprisals Sharing links, graphics and so forth showing that the evidence supports creation and not goo-to-you evolution

Pirate Christian Radio and Question Evolution Day

The third of three audio interviews I did is the first to be released. I was excited to be on Chris Rosebrough's Fighting for the Faith , a production of Pirate Christian Radio. He's excited about Question Evolution Day . Modified and used with permission. I reckon it's not exactly right to call this an interview since it was more like a discussion and interview combination. Maybe it's because he's an experienced interviewer that made it seem more like a talk. Anyway, Chris is a very intelligent Christian apologist, and sees the importance of Genesis to Christians; this was the emphasis of our talk. He had some excellent comments. Maybe that was the pastor in him coming out. And we had a few laughs as well. But my stuff isn't the whole show, the rest of the podcast is definitely worth your attention. Phil Johnson, executive director of " Grace to You ", has a strong sermon called "Why I Don't Believe in Atheists", that fits in w

Question Evolution Day is Atheist Nightmare Day (Video)

Wild Bill missed Question Evolution Day last year (it is every year on February 12, Darwin's birthday) and posted an excellent video on March 24, 2013 (which is when I am writing this up). He made some great points in this three-minute video; atheists hate Question Evolution Day because it prompts people to think for themselves. Then there's a bonus music video after his.

Anti-Creationist Intolerance Helps Show the Importance of Question Evolution Day

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen For many years, I have long contended that people are bombarded with goo-to-you evolution as if it was a fact. Darwinian evolution is not confined to college textbooks and academia, it also permeates our literature, entertainment, animated cartoons, everyday speech, politics, sports, and more. In addition, Darwin's Cheerleaders are so intent on protecting their fundamentally flawed worldview from scrutiny, they resort to sneaky word games such as equivocating "evolution" into "science", so that when we say that we oppose evolution and affirm creation, we're "science" deniers.  Anti-creationists are also very evangelistic, although many of those owlhoots don't even know what they believe and why, they just "know" that evolution is true and we're wrong. Somehow. Two of their favorite tools are badgering and ridicule, and those are often intertwined. A politician says that he rejects evolution, and left

Piltdown Superman and 2015

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Happy New Year! Not that I think there's anything special about changing calendars or New Year's celebrations, but it's a good time to stop and plan. Some of my readers may know that my goal is to get these written and scheduled from 3-7 days ahead of time. But that's short-term planning, I reckon this is about longer-term planning. A side note for people who like to make resolutions: Don't get carried away. If you make a big list, you'll probably get discouraged trying to do too much. If you make a big list, fine, but I suggest that you do just do a couple of resoultions. In a month or three, do a couple more. Where was I? Oh, yes. I'm back behind my unlicensed assault keyboard, bringing you evidence that refutes the fundamentally flawed evolutionary worldview, and supports the reality-based biblical creation evidence. The big attention-getting holidays are over with (including Thanksgiving for Americans), and there's no