
Ages of Ice Sheets

Using circular reasoning and assumptions reminiscent of those used in radiometric dating, evolutionary geologists believe that ice cores extracted from Greenland and Antarctica reveal that the sheets are very old. Photo courtesy of  Ted Scambos and Rob Bauer , National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, Boulder (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) However, conditions change and new discoveries are made — including the channels under the ice that change the meltwater buildups . Uniformitarian assumptions should have been left back in the nineteenth century. Models based on the biblical global Flood yield much more accurate results. We are constantly bombarded with processes and events claimed to take millions of years. Most of us have heard that it takes coal and oil millions of years to form. The ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica are also said to be millions of years old. The Greenland Ice Sheet supposedly has been the same size fo

Evolution and Antibiotic Resistance

People who believe in evolution frequently do not know what it means, conflating evolution with variation and natural selection. Too often, I see comments such as, "We know that evolution is true because we need to get a flu shot every year", or, "Antibiotic resistance is proof of evolution". Darwin's Cheerleaders who use such remarks are showing that they are enthusiastic but uninformed — we most definitely do not see any evidence of microbes-to-man evolution. Credit: CDC / Cynthia S. Goldsmith and Thomas Rowe The belief in evolution has harmed science and society , and it hinders medical science. Instead of using bad presuppositions, scientists need to spend more time actually learning how antibiotics work and how to make them more effective. At least, they've learned that excessive use of antibiotics is helping the resistant microbes thrive. That's a start. New methodology may help combat what some consider a modern evolutionary nightmare.

Don't Contaminate My Textbooks

Darwin's Cheerleaders are continually on patrol to protect their material from serious scrutiny. Ironically, they use all sorts of logical fallacies to do this. These include equivocating "evolution" with "science, saying that "Intelligent Design" is religion, and using emotionally-loaded terminology such as, "We don't want textbooks contaminated by creationism", or, " Ray Comfort's video is biblical porn ". We had a troll at The Question Evolution Project use a fake name on a recently acquired account, telling us that creationists are stupid and dishonest. Uh, yeah... What would happen if people were trained to think critically and honestly examine the evidence without evolutionary assumptions and presuppositions? They might see that "proofs" of evolution still fail , Haeckel's fraudulent drawings are still used , outdated and fraudulent materials are used in evolutionary indoctrination, lying to students f

Audio Saturday PLUS — More Dinosaur Soft Tissue

One of my contentions about evolutionists and atheists is that, although they claim that they want "evidence" for the God of creation, it is an empty demand. The evidence is all around them. When they go on their rants, I wonder if they are trying to convince themselves that their fundamentally flawed worldview is valid after all, instead of trying to get biblical creationists to embrace their version of "science". For example, when I mentioned that soft dinosaur tissue had been found (which is impossible by evolutionary time scales), one fellow claimed that creationists were wrong, dishonest, had old material and so forth. He refused to accept the actual science, and preferred to cling to his refuted presuppositions. I wonder what he thinks now, since more and more of these frustrations for evolution have been found. Microscopy expert Mark Armitage returned to Real Science Radio to discuss the soft tissue, the CRS iDINO project and other items.

Oil and Gas — Evidence for the Global Flood

Some of us know the Sinclair Oil company's dinosaur logo . The prevalent thinking at the time was that dinosaurs died and turned into oil, so you're putting a dead dinosaur into your fuel tank. Now we know that this idea is incomplete . In addition, we were told that it takes millions of years for oil to form. The truth is that it is conditions, not time, that cause the formation of oil and natural gas. Oil shale (kukersite), northern Estonia / Mark A. Wilson / Wikimedia Commons / PD Huge amounts of oil reserves are trapped in oil shale. Research is being done to extract and use them. Since organic compounds degrade and cannot last for millions of years (even in shale), and since considerable amounts of marine algae and plankton have been turned into oil, these are two of the many indicators that oil deposits in oil shale and other places for a global Flood. Oil resources are in the news nearly every day, with discussions on both the pros and cons of oil “fracking.

Biological Tampering, Morality and Evolution

Some of us know the word "chimera" from mythology and fantasy stories, but it is also used in biology. Scientists are seeing what happens when they do modifications in the DNA, embryos and other parts of creatures; perhaps the combination will yield something useful. This has given us some dreadful sci-fi stories, but progress is being made in the various fields. New species may arise — but it would be helpful if there were not so many definitions of "species". "Chimera of Arezzo"/Lucarelli/Wikimedia Commons While the science itself can be fascinating (and possibly even fun), it raises some serious moral questions and concerns when it involves humans. Especially when the raw materials come from aborted children. In general, evolutionary biologists do not have qualms about this, since they do not see unborn children as persons. The lines are blurred when humans are not special, just another animal in molecules-to-man evolution. Essentially, the mor

Cyanide, the Stuff of Life

It would be amusing if it was not so tragic. The Evo Sith are determined to believe in their failed hypothesis of evolution despite observable evidence and better explanations. Yet, some admit that life could not originate on their version of the primordial Earth, so it must have come from space. What do we have in space? One abundant molecule is hydrogen cyanide. It is exceptionally toxic. But maybe — just perhaps — it was instrumental in the formation of life out there , in space. To test the concept that life may have arisen by chance in the depths of space, scientists would have to very carefully use hydrogen cyanide in controlled conditions and experiments; intelligent design to try to prove that there was no intelligence. The best explanation is unthinkable for them, it seems. Hydrogen cyanide is one of the most reactive and toxic molecules we know, but astrobiologists view it with almost alchemical qualities for the origin of life. In “Hydrogen cyanide and life’

Sickle-Cell Anemia and Evolution

Sickle-cell anemia is a painful disease that is caused by a genetic defect inherited from both parents. Evolutionists proclaim this as definitive proof of evolution, but that is the opposite of the truth. People who have this condition are more resistant to malaria. However, this "benefit" is offset by other unpleasant medical factors. This "proof" is presented, but other important factors are left out. 2009/Janice Haney Carr This "icon" of evolution is removed from its place of honor by an expert in his field, Dr Felix Konotey-Ahulu, M.D. (Lond.), FRCP, DTMH. Not only is he a Christian, but a creationist as well. He explains why sickle-cell anemia does not support evolution. Dr Konotey-Ahulu’s speciality is a serious, chronic and painful blood disorder called sickle-cell anemia , which is supposed to be proof positive of Darwinian evolution. He explains: ‘It is caused by inheriting—from both parents—a defect in t

Audio Saturday — Dr. Sarfati and the Line of Fire

Dr. Michael Brown interviewed Dr. Jonathan Sarfati in the second half of his radio show, "The Line of Fire". On the air, the show runs for two hours, but the posted version is a bit shorter. You can listen on the site, or download the MP3 . Bonus: Dr. Sarfati refutes some atheopaths and evolutionists in the comments. They were hopelessly outmatched.

The World's Largest Volcano Makes Sense in the Light of Global Catastrophe

The largest volcano in the world has been found. "Found? How could someone miss it?" Because it has been under water, a thousand miles east of Japan. This bad boy belched out a huge amount of lava in a short time. But there is no need to worry, it has been inactive for a long time. Its eruption, lava flow and other underwater volcanic activity interferes with uniformitarian "the present is the key to the past" assumptions. Tas Walker explains in a biblical creationist global flood framework. A team of scientists led by William Sager at Texas A&M University reported finding the largest single volcano on earth. It is under the ocean and is now inactive. Dubbed The Tamu Massif it is located about 1,600 km (1,000 miles) east of Japan, and is the largest feature of an underwater mountain range called Shatsky Rise. Reports drew attention to the unusual shape of the huge lava deposit. The volcano is low and broad, a shield volcano. Most other volc