
You Call That a Bird's Nest?

When talking about birds' nests, what comes to mind? Probably the typical thing you can see by looking up in the trees, made of twigs and other things that were liberated for the cause. Then, the expectant mother lays eggs and keeps the eggs warm with body heat until they hatch. We've seen the scenario. This does not fit the malleefowl . Leipoa ocellata (malleefowl) image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Peterdownunder ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) This chicken-sized bird is found in 'Straya and other neighboring areas. It doesn't quite build a nest. Instead, it builds a mound (that is like a housing project) for the purpose of incubating the eggs. After the construction is completed and it's determined to be in the proper temperature range, Mom lays an egg, and does it again every week or two for six months. Dad keeps the temperature at the right level by making adjustments in the mound. Egg design, knowledge of temperature, maintenance, unique features, and more all indicat

Fibers, Burrowing, and Other Biomimetics

Still kind of hard to cognate folks who believe that everything happened by time, chance, and random processes. There is no Master Engineer who designed everything and has explained himself in Scripture, no, can't have that, science is arbitrarily established as having naturalistic beliefs; no creationists need apply. For that matter, use of language in a paper even remotely implying the existence of our Creator gets said paper retracted .  Science is impossible in an atheistic or evolutionary worldview. So, they study the design in nature for human applications. Does that make sense, to study something for the sake of imitating it if that something was the product of chance, and then praising Darwin, blessed be? Not hardly! Credit: Pixabay / StockSnap Okay, I went away for a while, but I'm back now. There's some exciting work being conducted in the field of biomimetics. A sea sponge makes a kind of fiber optic cable, and is being examined for flexible glass. Muss

Simple Eyes and Blind-Chance Evolution

There was a time when individual cells were considered simple, and as scientists learned more, those cells were not so simple after all. They're amazingly complex. The same kind of thing happens when studying marine invertebrates with eyes that should be simple. Well, compared to those of more complex creatures, they're simpler, but those eyes are also very involved.  Image credit: Marijke Wilhelmus / NOAA Evolutionists think that they can find the origin of eyes by backtracking on light-sensitive cells, but that is a fool's errand. Some cells are sensitive to light, and those have microbial rhodopsin, a protein photoreceptor. The patch of photoreceptor cells is has intricate, specified complexity that defies evolution and testifies of creation. The complexity of the vertebrate eye disturbed Darwin, but he supposed it might have originated millions of years ago through a series of small steps that started with a rudimentary light-sensitive spot. Today, evolutionar

More Dinosaur Family Tree Follies

An axiom familiar to computer programmers is GIGO (garbage in, garbage out), which essentially means that if the programming is not done correctly, nonsense ensues. Advocates of universal common ancestor evolution have the same problem on a larger scale, and it strongly impacts their cladograms . Assembled and modified from images at Clker clipart Cladograms are made by finding similar traits in organisms and then producing a tree. The classifications of dinosaurs has been rewritten according to faulty data (assuming a common ancestor, despite no evidence for such a thing) and circular reasoning. A new cladogram is causing consternation for the hands at the Darwin Ranch, since the classifications of lizard-hipped and bird-hipped dinosaurs is up for a makeover. Biblical creationists don't have such problems. These owlhoots keep kicking against the goads, denying that dinosaurs and man were created on the same day of creation week. There was no single tree, it's more like

Misleading Exoplanet Sales Pitches

Evolution is a fact and consistently verified, with no scientific evidence against it, from the Big Bang all the way up to you and me. If you believe that, astronomers have some prime real estate to sell you. The commute to each is a mite long, though. But they're like Earth! Artist's conception of Kepler-10 and planets — Image credit: NASA / Ames / JPL-Caltech (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) When it comes to exoplanets, there's a minimum criteria for the possibility of life evolving on them. (Creation is anathema to them.) It's often called the habitability (or Goldilocks ) zone. There are several factors, including the right kind of star, distance of the planet from it, size, solar neighborhood, and so on. Many of the important parts are left out, and we're sold a bill of goods along the lines of, "Just like Earth" — if Earth was made of lava. Seems like they're getting mighty intent on convincing the public that there&#

How Does a Creationist Student Write a Paper on Evolution?

Christian students in government-run education systems are in hostile territory, especially at the university level . Their faith is being challenged by secularist material (sometimes attacked outright by misotheistic teachers and instructors), and the students want to get good grades so they can graduate or even move on to advanced degrees. Students in these settings are under the control of the secularists in charge (while still having to be respectful), and have to play their cards right. Credit: Pixabay / andrew_t8 What is a student who believes in special creation and rejects evolution on both scientific and theological grounds supposed to do when required to write a paper on evolution? Good students want good grades, but the Christian doesn't want to compromise on principles. Worse, just "doing the assignment" on evolution and giving the materialists what they want would essentially be lying. Sounds bleak, doesn't it? But the situation can be advantag

The Sixth Great Extinction?

According to standard secular geology, Earth has dealt with five "great" extinction events. Recently, new inquiries prompted speculations that there was a sixth major event. None of these fit standard uniformitarian assumptions (present processes are what happened way back when as well as not; "the present is the key to the past"), however. Credit: Pixabay / Free-Photos The megasequences studied must be the result of catastrophic instead of gradual processes. The best explanation for what is observed in found in creationary models of the Genesis Flood. (I know, some tinhorns will say that the Genesis Flood is fiction and could never happen, but such illogical faith statements disqualify them from serious discussion. A response that can be summed up as "Because evolution" is not a rebuttal, Skippy.) Further, the new proposals not only support biblical creation science, but may cause some reworking of our models as well. Geology students memorize the