Breeding Humans and Chimpanzees

In my early 2018 article " Human-Chimp Hybrids? ", I discussed some of the science philosophy and ethical concerns with this breeding concept. The article linked below deals with some of the science as well as other problems. Purveyors of molecules-to-monkey evolution and other secularists have long sought to do away with the Creator in regards to their version of science. Charles Darwin was influenced by Charles Lyell's ideas of geology, and Lyell wanted to divorce geology "from Moses" . A similar view has been used in attempts to breed humans with chimpanzees. Credit: RGBStock / Stella Bogdanic No, we're not talking about actual physical contact, as breeding between the two does not and cannot happen in nature. Efforts have been made to make it happen artificially (with a racist approach, no less), but always failed. Now another sidewinder wants to use the CRISPR gene editing device to try again. He argues that humans are just animals and not ...