
Providing Evidence for the Creator

In several places, I have written about how unbelievers often demand that we prove to them that God exists. Apologists can see that this insistence is actually a justification for their rebellion against the God that they already know exists (Romans 1:18-23), and irrationally requiring scientific, material evidence for God . Credit: Freeimages / Maxime Perron Caissy For the most part, the people that comment at The Question Evolution Project are antagonistic and hard-hearted, rejecting any attempt to answer their questions. Once in a while, we (and Bible-believing Christians) encounter people who have saddled up to ride the long trail to seeking truth. If they get up on the hill for the bigger picture, they can see that there is a wagon train-load of evidence for God's existence as well as his character. He is our Creator and has made himself known. We do not need to spend time trying to present evidence to mockers and those who define "reality" through mater

Now Extinction is Evolution?

The Darwinian death cult keeps on getting stranger, quite possibly because their efforts to deny the Creator are downright irrational. We are bombarded with the canard, " It evolved " without models or evidence when reading articles, watching documentaries, and so forth. Not only is evolution assumed in order to provide evidence for it (the fallacy of begging the question), but Darwin's dark dream is often presented as an irrevocable force: things must evolve. Except when they don't. These are the same tinhorns who brought you you, as "science", that parasite manipulation just may have influenced human intelligence. Yes, really. There are many living fossils (an organism was fossilized many evolutionary years ago and its living counterpart is essentially unchanged), so the lack of evolution is evosplained with the unscientific excuse of "stasis" : it didn't feel the need to evolve. Some addlepated evolutionists actually use lack of chan

Atheism and Irrationality

The original definition for atheism is the denial of God and any other supernatural beings, but since they cannot support their claims, they redefined the word to the fatuous "lack of belief" claim. They also pretend to be the paragons of logic and reason, believing in "reality". However, they are not consistent with their worldviews. There are times when people call themselves atheists and say, "You don't know what atheism is!", then proceed to presumptuously speak for all atheists, painting them with a broad brush. Not so fast, Phyllis. Back in 2008, an article in the Wall Street Journal called " Look Who's Irrational Now " cited a survey where atheists admitted to belief in the paranormal and pseudoscience, including astrology. The original article is here , and is reproduced here . More recently, another survey revealed that professing atheists and agnostics believe in some form of the supernatural, including fate, karma, and

Concluding the Engineered Adaptability Series

We have been exploring the Continuous Environmental Tracking engineered adaptability model from the Institute for Creation Research. It has been fascinating to see how the Master Engineer has built adaptations and variations into organisms. Modified from a photo at Freeimages / Tolga Kocak Charles Darwin bushwhacked natural selection and made it his own so he could take God out of the picture. His paradigm is that external forces cause creatures to evolve into something else, but that is not the case. Instead, the CET model shows that adaptations are front-loaded into living things to not only adapt, but anticipate changes. This affects not only individual organisms, but entire populations. For the past two years, the Engineered Adaptability series of articles has explored ways in which scientific methodology and understanding benefit when engineering principles are applied to how living things function. In the process, we have built a conceptual framework for a design-based m

Genetics and the Creation of Eve

Atheopaths and other mockers often point to the Genesis account of the creation of Adam and then Eve.This is in stark contrast to the fact-free fish-to-fool evolution that they falsely call science, yet still insist that we all accept. Adam and Eve before the Temptation / George Frederick Watts I'll allow that the creation of Adam from the dust of the earth and not evolving from critters is a mite startling to some folks. They would do well to consider that the Creator does things the way he sees fit, and there are purposes for his methods. Sometimes he tells us, other times we don't really need to know. The same sort of thinking can apply to the creation of Eve. God showed Adam the animals, but none of them would be suitable ×¢ֵ×–ֶר, helper. He was different from them. God essentially used the first anesthetic, and took a rib from Adam's side to make Eve. In a way, this was the first act of cloning by using genetic material. The science of genetics would not be pio

Unsafe to Question Evolution?

We are just under six months away from the ninth annual Question Evolution Day as I write this post. QED is a grassroots movement to encourage people to share material that refutes evolution and affirms special creation. We are hoping that not only will people reevaluate fake science for evolution, but that some evolutionists themselves will also question it. Ultimately, we want people to come to know the ultimate truth found in our Creator. Yale Old Library - postcard via NY Public Library As we have seen numerous times on this site alone and even more on the sites that are linked to from articles, Darwin's proselytes frequently declare evidence (or even proof) of evolution using incomplete data and spurious reasoning. Many people succumb to the propaganda: "Well, if science says , then it must be true!" Not hardly! Materialism is the dominant religion in the West. No, not officially. But biblical creation science and even the Intelligent Design movement are a

Evolutionary Thinking and Fake Reality

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is interesting to me that many of us who reject the concept of space aliens and unbelievable science in fantastic fiction still tend to put our disbelief in the stable and watch or read these things. Computer simulations can be like high-end video games, totally dependent on programming. Add to these the idea that we are living in a computer simulation. My current favorite is Stargate SG-1. Image credits: The one on the tablet is an artist's conception from NASA , the larger image and modification from PhotoFunia The idea of "you may be just a brain in a vat" has been around a spell. You know how it goes: we're imagining everything we experience but nothing is real. This idea, as well as those "we're living in a computer simulation" concepts, give rise to a passel of science fiction movies like The Matrix, They Live (well, it sort of fits), and others. I have to add a science fiction short story that I read (I disremem