Atheism and Irrationality
The original definition for atheism is the denial of God and any other supernatural beings, but since they cannot support their claims, they redefined the word to the fatuous "lack of belief" claim. They also pretend to be the paragons of logic and reason, believing in "reality". However, they are not consistent with their worldviews.
There are times when people call themselves atheists and say, "You don't know what atheism is!", then proceed to presumptuously speak for all atheists, painting them with a broad brush. Not so fast, Phyllis. Back in 2008, an article in the Wall Street Journal called "Look Who's Irrational Now" cited a survey where atheists admitted to belief in the paranormal and pseudoscience, including astrology. The original article is here, and is reproduced here.
More recently, another survey revealed that professing atheists and agnostics believe in some form of the supernatural, including fate, karma, and reincarnation. This shows what Bible-believing Christians have maintained all along: belief in God is built in. Since atheists reject biblical creation, they (and their compromising religious allies) substitute falderal such as the Big Bang and evolution mythologies to account for the origins of the universe, humanity, and everything else.
This jasper gave a hint that he did not want rational discourse:
This one lashed out with unbridled hate:
Unfortunately, some professing Christians who are not well-grounded in the faith believe in occult things. One of these is a pseudo-karma cause-and-effect along the lines of, "I parked in a handicapped spot for fifteen minutes yesterday, today my car won't start. God is punishing me!" Both the religious and irreligious know that the truth about our Creator and life is found in his written Word.
There are times when people call themselves atheists and say, "You don't know what atheism is!", then proceed to presumptuously speak for all atheists, painting them with a broad brush. Not so fast, Phyllis. Back in 2008, an article in the Wall Street Journal called "Look Who's Irrational Now" cited a survey where atheists admitted to belief in the paranormal and pseudoscience, including astrology. The original article is here, and is reproduced here.
More recently, another survey revealed that professing atheists and agnostics believe in some form of the supernatural, including fate, karma, and reincarnation. This shows what Bible-believing Christians have maintained all along: belief in God is built in. Since atheists reject biblical creation, they (and their compromising religious allies) substitute falderal such as the Big Bang and evolution mythologies to account for the origins of the universe, humanity, and everything else.
This jasper gave a hint that he did not want rational discourse:
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Like others with atheism spectrum disorder, this one chooses to blatantly misrepresent "religion" |
This one lashed out with unbridled hate:
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This bitter demoniac also misrepresents the Bible; click for larger (used under Fair Use provisions for educational purposes) |
A recent study on atheists and agnostics (those who say we cannot know whether or not a God or gods exist) showed that they are not quite as naturalistic as most might believe. Despite not believing in a God (or gods), neither of these groups seem to have completely rejected supernatural beliefs about issues such as “life after death, astrology, and the existence of a life-force.”To read the article in its entirety, click on "Atheists: Believers in Fate, Reincarnation, and Karma?"
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But for most, it is difficult, if not impossible, to reconcile atheism or agnosticism with a religion that believes in God—like Christianity. Nevertheless, atheists and agnostics still borrow many aspects from a biblical worldview—whether they realize it or not. For example, logic, truth, knowledge, morality, and science—which are predicated on the Bible being true—do not come from a materialistic and naturalistic view of things. Atheists and agnostics often agree that logic, truth, morality, and so on exist, but it cannot be justified in their worldview.