
The Resurrection and Creation

In one of those calendar quirks and because Easter is not on a fixed day, this is also Cosmonautics Day . Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space way back in 1961. However, this pales in comparison to the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Background image: Pixabay / Jeff Jacobs Many things happened on that first Easter morning and the days leading up to Jesus' Resurrection. The Creator of the universe (John 1:1-3, Col. 1:16), who is God the Son, took on human form, died on a cross for our sins, and was bodily raised from the dead. The Lamb of God (John 1:36, 1 Cor. 5:7, Rev. 5:13) is the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Rev. 5:5) has conquered death. Many prophesies were fulfilled, several of which were made centuries before Jesus was born. Easter and creation are important to Christian doctrine in several areas. The featured article has three parts:     Part 1: What the resurrection tells us about God, the world we live in, and Jesus  ...

New Blood Component Discovery Thwarts Evolution

The more we learn, the more we discover that we did not know much at all. Then we realize that we still have much more to learn — and how fundamentalist Darwinists can be obtuse popinjays. Take that red stuff flowing in our veins. A new discovery opens up a passel of possibilities. Credit: PIXNIO / Janice Haney Carr , USCDCP Darwin did not know very much about the natural world, and he should have paid attention to the beginnings of genetics pioneered by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him). An amazing amount of information has been learned about genetics in a short time, and knowledge about blood has also increased. Mitochondrial membrane proteins are an amazing discovery that further support the genius of the Master Engineer. Fortunately, instead of acting like earlier DNA researchers and waving off what they did not understand as "junk", these researchers want to determine the function of circulating mitochondria. It was known that mitochondria are found outside of ce...

Seeing and the Brain

We know the basics of vision, how light is reflected off an object, it reaches our eyes and we see the object. The intricate design of the human eye testifies about the genius of the Master Engineer, but receiving light into our eyes is not the end of the story of sight. Credit: Good Free Photos Like facts and evidence, what has been received must be interpreted. Have you ever looked at the clouds and noticed shapes? Perhaps you were with a friend and each of you saw a different shape until you pointed out the features. Then it changed into something else because of air currents. Your brain was at work trying to make sense of something, often drawing from what you know and have seen in the past. The way the brain makes sense of actual images is quite amazing and is a complex process. We take in colors, patterns, shadows, and all sorts of things. Many parts of the eye and brain are involved, as well as electrical and chemical activities that evolutionists cannot adequately expl...

Worldviews and Secular Morality

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When I go for an oil change, call technical support, order a pizza, see a doctor, or other things, I do not ask about the views of these people. I am more interested in getting the requested service done properly. Perhaps an opportunity to share the gospel or have an interesting discussion will occur. Credit: RGBStock / Sanja Gjenero These days, it seems to be the opposite. There are times when the way you self-identify (ethnicity, sexual preference, political affiliation, environmental extremist, etc.) is more important to misotheists than what you have to offer. In many cases, people with agendas will manufacture a crisis and manipulate the emotions of people. Tinhorns are gleefully hijacking the COVID-19 situation for their own fundamentally flawed worldviews. Dr. R. Albert Mohler discussed how there is an abundance of false research that is supported by the mainstream media. Why? It is no secret that the media are anti-Christian, anti-creationist, ...

Your Ancestor was a Worm

If you find yourself way down South Australia way, you might want to ride over to the tiny town of Beltana on the Warioota Creek. Somewhere around this creek Darwin's acolytes may still be burning prayer candles in his praise because they claim to have found traces of our oldest ancestor. Take your hat off for a minute and try to look solemn. Artist conception of Ikaria wariootia Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Apokryltaros ( CC by-SA 4.0 ) We know that scientists work from their worldviews and interpret evidence according to them. However, when the narrative of naturalism trumps what has been observed, we have some problems. What did they find? Not a whole lot. Traces. Worm burrows, actually. The hysterical press of the secular science industry is inflating the story even worse that the researchers did. Other worm burrows have been dated more recently than secularists dated these. No sign of evolution here, mate. No sign of Darwinism anywhere because life was created recently....

Evolutionary Psychologists Deride Religion

Psychoanalysis was pioneered by Sigmund "Siggy" Freud, who mixed his Jewish heritage with atheism and evolutionism. Today, there are many schools of psychology that do not really work, and few if any address the real problem of the human condition. Meanwhile, evolutionists ridicule religion. Evolution supposedly capitalizes on beneficial mutations and the choices of the false god of natural selection . Darwin's acolytes also extrapolate ad hoc ideas to explain human behavior — free of actual evidence, of course. You would think that religion is a good thing by evolutionary standards because it benefits humanity and brings people together. Although atheists are religious , its adherents deny this fact. Can they make up a story about how and why atheism evolved? Not hardly!  Meanwhile, evolutionary psychologists liken physical disgust with emotional disgust to conjure up another tale about the origin of religion. The "study" lacked many of the elements of ...

Strontium Ratios and the Genesis Flood

Scientists of the biblical creation persuasion are able to use the same evidence that is available to everyone. That is, there is no such thing as "their" evidence and "our" evidence, it is a matter of interpretations of facts based on worldviews. Scientists committed to naturalism often fail in matters of deep time and minerals-to-mycologist evolution. Take the oceanic strontium ratios as another example. Credit: Freeimages /  Matt Sullivan Creationists use secular materials and timescales, but only for points of reference and communication purposes. When checking the rise of the sea levels over millions of Darwin years, there is a change in the strontium isotope ratios. Using a creation science Genesis Flood model (and yes, despite the whining of atheopath sidewinders , there are creation scientists), it can be clearly seen that strontium ratios and other factors support the Genesis Flood. The facts do not support secular paradigms very well. Using the s...

Apex Predators Before the Flood

It is interesting to think of how critters lived before the Genesis Flood, especially those predators that would not take any guff off anyone. But like in the Old West movies where someone says, "This town ain't big enough for the both of us", there is no reason to think that the mean ones all lived in the same area. The Animals Entering Noah' Ark , Jacopo Bassano, 1570s Dinosaurs with sharp claws and (as Tim the Enchanter might say) nasty big pointy teeth. It may be fun to watch them strutting around looking for a fight like rival gang members, but is that plausible? We know from fossil evidence that there were some rip snortin' fights, but those were probably the exceptions. The same kind of safe distance thing can be inferred from predatory animals living today. A [CMI] reader from Ukraine, B.V., asks some interesting questions about what dinosaurs are found buried together and why. His message follows, with a response from Philip Bell, intended to prov...

Creation Virology and COVID-19

Addendum added 4-09-2020   At this point in time, we are all learning about the virus that is known scientifically as SARS-CoV-2. People are wondering why it has been so difficult to deal with, but it is unique and that is why you will often hear the word novel associated with it — everyone is learning. Despite the claims of one owlhoot, COVID-19 is not the end for creationism . In fact, a creation approach is crucial in understanding the virus. Original image from the CDC, then modified with FotoSketcher Darwinian medicine is not only foolish, but downright dangerous . Some people are claiming that this virus is evidence for evolution, but that is completely false . In the original very good creation, viruses, bacteria, and other microbes were prolific and our Creator had a purpose for them. Creation virologists point out that many (if not most) viruses are beneficial. Interestingly, there is disagreement as to whether or not viruses are living things because they do ha...

Fooling with Radiocarbon Contamination Claims

Secular scientists have been stunned — stunned , I tell you — when C-14 has been found in diverse items (including diamonds) that they claim are millions of years old. For a mighty long time, their presuppositions prevented them from bothering to test these things for radiocarbon. Credit: GoodFreePhotos / Thorn Yang I'll allow that there are some things we simply know and do not feel a need to check; I know that when Basement Cat goes down the steps, she will not float to the ceiling because she's not equipped to defy gravity. When it comes to the age of the earth and things in it, believers in deep time do not actually know the facts (and some question those assumptions ). It is inferred, then they presuppose that previous assumptions are correct and that oil, diamonds, and so forth cannot have radiocarbon in them. But they do. That is because the earth is not billions of years old, and the best explanation can be backtracked to the Genesis Flood. Circle the wagons!...