
Some Evolutionary Censorship Tactics

On Fakebook, I saw an exchange with an angry misotheist who is also an evolutionist and an anti-Christian bigot. It was about " Lizards Foul Up Evolutionary Timeline ," and the misotheist said, " never see anything like this in legitimate scientific literature." (Note the genetic fallacy with the word "legitimate".) A supporter showed the references from that featured post including Science , Live Science , and others. This showed that the attacker did not even look at the material, and I reckon self-humiliation is unimportant as long as he expresses hatred. It's who they are and what they do. But what of professional evolutionists? Atlantic white shark, National Park Service / Bill Fisher (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) We have seen that secularists have money and power, so they make the rules. Creationists come along with evidence that is contrary to the faith, and they circle the wagons to fire back or simply exclude unple

Abrupt Climate Changes, Global Warming, and the Genesis Flood

Why biblical creationists are interested in claims about global climate change may not be readily apparent, but this is made clear when worldviews are taken into account. There are several interrelated factors involved. Sciences like climate change and evolution depend on an old earth, and an a priori refusal to admit that God is the Creator and makes the rules. The world will end according to his timetable, not human activity. In addition, secular science is openly supportive of leftist causes. Now, about those abrupt climate changes... Glacier, FreeImages /  ainhi People who have been frightened by doomsday prophecies by secularists should ride up on the hill and get the big picture. Not only do they reject the Creator who sustains his creation, but their track record on predictions is dismal . Secularists "see" evidence for their presuppositions where none exists, omit inconvenient information, or draw conclusions without considering all relevant facts. They fuel panic, s

Mount Hermon and the Genesis Flood

Unlike Mt. Sinai , the location of Mt. Hermon seems to be undisputed. (Certain things about its ownership are contested by nations, but never mind about that now.) As it is with other mountainous areas, it is difficult to identify  that one ; Mt. Hermon has three distinct peaks. It is significant in the Bible for several reasons , such as a border marker and probably the place of Jesus' transfiguration. It has also been sacred to other people for a mighty long time. Perhaps there is something to the idea that it was home to the Nephilim? Mount Hermon, Library of Congress , 1905 People have long been interested in end-times prophecy, and it seems to be increasing because of the state of the world today. Mt. Hermon is a focal point for some views. This child is mostly convinced about the identity of the Nephilim, but people have differing views from their own reasons. I have no interest in presenting my beliefs here. Instead, there are things to consider when people who erroneously

Deception in Eye Evolution Story

The Bearded Buddha admitted that the gradual evolution of the eye seemed absurd. Presupposing his conjectures and refusing to consider any other explanation for the origin of the eye, he believed by blind faith that evidence supporting his ideas would be found. Disciples of Darwin have been trying to meet his challenge for years. There are sidewinders who simply avoid the challenge by saying that the human eye was poorly designed, but such a religious claim is based on opinion, not science. Cat eyes, Pixabay / Christel Sagniez It is not just the human eye, though. There have to be gradual stages of development and organisms had to benefit each step of the way.  National Geographic  attempted to support Charlie in 2016, but that effort was shot down by Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell. A more recent contender arose in something called Visual Capitalist , but this deceptive Just-So Story also fails. Indeed, there is dissent in the ranks about not only the evolution of the eye, but how particles-to

Pre-Neanderthal Hominin Footprints Fake Science News

As indicated here numerous times, when it comes to origins science, secularists prioritize the narrative above logic and evidence. As we recently saw, Darwinoids have no problem with rearranging 35 million years in conventional dating for their purposes. Now we have human footprints that do not fit evolutionary schemes, so the age is conveniently redated. In addition, they use dubious reasoning and even the complex scientific principle of Making Things Up™. Unfortunately, people who are committed to their faith in evolution will accept such nonsense because it appears to support their views. What in the world is a "pre-Neanderthal," anyway? There was also reference to the failed Heidelberg Man story. The well-preserved  footprints were given a drastic increase in their assigned age, and all this stuff raises a number of questions that evolution's true believers are loathe to ask. It is clearly evident that human nature involves investigation, creativity, and making life

Missing the Evolution of Mammals

Decker Halls is working with the Darwin Ranch over yonder by Deception Pass, and we spoke for a spell about mammal evolution. I asked him what evidence they had for it, and he replied with the usual boilerplate rhetoric. I asked for specifics, and after nervously adjusting the bough of holly on his lapel, Dekker admitted there was not anything definitive. Sometimes his fellow believers in particles-to-paleontologist evolution can be ornery cusses when trying to sort out their numerous disagreements. Seal, Pexels / Daniel Lee Interesting that people claim that evolution is a fact, but there is quite a bit of serious disagreement in many areas. A study of skulls was undertaken to try to settle things down about mammal evolution. The usual " convergence " was stated, which is a way of saying, "We have no evidence for a certain critter evolving, so we say evolution happened in many, so it must be true" (or something like that). The study did not do well, and earliest an

Baby was Born to Learn

In some ways the belief that babies are born as blank slates may be true, but related ideas have been shown false . One example is the claim that children are born atheist; it's the default position. That is simply an opinion with no empirical data to support it. In fact, the opposite is true , and is one reason that evolutionary indoctrination in schools is accelerated ! Further, it has been shown that young'uns are born with a proclivity for reading . Although amazing, it may be less surprising that children are born ready to learn . Baby with Book, Unsplash / Lavi Perchik , modified at PhotoFunia Learning probably never stops for many people. For that matter, I have learned a great deal about the blogging and social(ist) media processes as well as some rudimentary HTML, and learning science and theology has been an ongoing pleasure for me. But I tried learning a couple of languages and fell flat. Parents have been pleased to see their newborns responding to their voices, whi

Lizard fouls up Evolutionary Timeline

Squamates. Sounds like something on sale at the supermarket along with kumquats and squash, but it refers to card-carrying members of squamata. That is the largest order of snakes and lizards. There are many fossils in storage at museums, many of which are not available for public viewing except on special occasions or privilege. Some have been tucked away for a mighty long time, and when they are finally examined (or reexamined), things get interesting in Darwinland. So, they had this lizard fossil in a cupboard... Tuatara, Flickr / Bernard Spragg. NZ (for Public Domain) Evolutionary paleontologists seem to have no qualms about playing fast 'n' loose with time. In this case, modern lizards originated thirty-five million Darwin years sooner than they thought. This child finds it interesting that although it is claimed that there are numerous transitional and other fossils supporting evolution, just one can derail the entire train. These things that cause disruptions in evoluti

Arctic Fox Displays Amazing Design

When hearing about organisms that live in extreme conditions, hydrothermal vents may come to mind. There are less severe conditions that would kill humans and most critters, but some call them home, e.g. , " Three Well-Adapted Desert Animals ." It also happens in the harsh Arctic environment. Sometimes a person sees a critter that is so cute, he wants to pet it and hug it and squeeze it and call it George. Wild animals are not wont for that sort of thing. Red foxes are cute, so are Arctic foxes. Each is designed to adapt to its own ecological niche. Arctic Fox, Flickr / Eric Kilby ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) These puppies (heh!) don't look like they would do well in winter, let alone the Arctic. They're very thin in summer, do not have a white coat, and they're on the small side. That's in summer. When winter's a-coming, they change. Up at the top of the world are winds that make the cold air temperature seem worse, plus darkness, snowblindness, and more. The Maste

Dismissing Creation Science with Fake Definitions

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When I confronted Rusty Swingset, foreman at the Darwin Ranch near Deception Pass, about why they refuse to consider evidence from biblical creation science, he had a simple reply: "It is not science". I was amazed, and argued that those scientists did not get their degrees from Billy Joe's Bible Church Academy and Bait Shop. In addition, many of them work or previously worked in science professions. To dismiss them out of hand is ridiculous and even cowardly. How can they justify this attitude? Through arbitrary definitions in defense of the General Theory of Evolution. Ashokan Reservoir from Glendord Dike, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen (modified with FotoSketcher) Some years ago, I wrote about a new "Golden Rule" where whoever controls the definitions in a debate or discussion makes the rules . People can "define" science in any way that suits their agenda. Many internet atheists I have encountered try to slap leather with cr