Baby was Born to Learn

In some ways the belief that babies are born as blank slates may be true, but related ideas have been shown false. One example is the claim that children are born atheist; it's the default position. That is simply an opinion with no empirical data to support it. In fact, the opposite is true, and is one reason that evolutionary indoctrination in schools is accelerated!

Further, it has been shown that young'uns are born with a proclivity for reading. Although amazing, it may be less surprising that children are born ready to learn.

Babies are not entirely blank slates, but are born theist and with a proclivity for reading. They are learning before birth as well as afterward.
Baby with Book, Unsplash / Lavi Perchik, modified at PhotoFunia
Learning probably never stops for many people. For that matter, I have learned a great deal about the blogging and social(ist) media processes as well as some rudimentary HTML, and learning science and theology has been an ongoing pleasure for me. But I tried learning a couple of languages and fell flat.

Parents have been pleased to see their newborns responding to their voices, which is an indication of another truth: They are already learning before birth. As for languages, they learn the language of their environment first (especially when spoken to directly) and can learn other languages as well in their early years.

One of Darwin's acolytes gave credit to evolution as having "unfathomable wisdom," which goes against the dogma of evolution being undirected. In addition, that was the fallacy of reification (making evolution into an entity). But then, evolution is an ancient pagan religious idea, so he was being consistent with that. Anything to escape how the evidence clearly shows that the true wisdom is in the Creator's design work.
How do we learn? The answer is as simple as it is profound: “No surprise, no learning: this basic rule now seems to have been validated in all kinds of organisms—including young children.” So says leading French cognitive neuroscientist Stanislas Dehaene in his intriguing new book, How We Learn: The New Science of Education and the Brain. . . .

Did you know that, “Right at birth, babies can tell the difference between most vowels and consonants in every language in the world”? (p. 65). In addition to this, “babies already prefer listening to their native language rather than to a foreign one—a truly extraordinary finding which implies that language learning starts in utero [in the womb]” (p. 64). In fact, rather than starting off as a tabula rasa (blank slate), a baby’s brain is ready to investigate and interact with the world, like a “true Sherlock Holmes in diapers” (p. 61).

To read the full article, see "Babies are born ready to learn."