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What a Long, Strange Trip for Pacific Salmon
Consider the Pacific salmon. Sure, most people know that they swim upriver to spawn. But the life cycle is a marvel, and a testimony to the wisdom of their Creator. They are born in fresh water rivers, change, live in the salt water, change again for fresh water and go back to the same rivers of their births.
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Salmon begin their remarkable life-cycle from eggs which have been
laid, fertilized, and covered with gravel (sometimes sand) in the upper
reaches of a river or stream. Water must flow through the gravel to
supply oxygen.
After incubation, tiny alevins (pronounced AL-i-vinz)
emerge from the eggs. Alevins have a yolk sac below their bellies which
contains sufficient nutrition for their early development. They do not
emerge from under the gravel during this alevin stage, but stay there
for protection against predators until their yolk sac is fully absorbed.
When they emerge they are 3-4 centimetres (about 1 1/2 inches) long, and are called fry.
They make their way to larger freshwater pools for protection from
sunlight and predators. The time which fry stay in fresh water varies
with the species, and can be from two to 20 months.
You can read the rest of "Pacific Salmon — The Ocean's High Achievers", here. Addendum: This just in, a new study indicates geomagnetic imprinting in salmon!