Lignite in Iceland and the Genesis Flood

Ever hear of peat? That and peat moss grow in boggy places, and they contain decaying plant material. They are acidic and help improve soil. Kick it up a notch and we get lignite, which is called brown coal. It has noticeable plant material. Lignite has uses, but less energy output than true coals.

Lignite was found in Iceland, and the plants of the lignite beds were preserved by lava layers on top of each other. Uniformitarian scientists are baffled as to how some plants reached Iceland in the first place.

Lignite brown coal was found in seams under lava flows in Iceland. Plant material in it puzzles secularists, but is explained by the Genesis Flood.
Lignite Brown Coal, WikiComm / Anton Lefterov (CC BY-SA 3.0)
The usual belief is that plants were buried where they grew, but there is no evidence that several of the plants in the Icelandic lignite ever lived there. Some plants can reach remote islands through various means. A few of those in the lignite, however, are not good travelers. Secular scientists suggested ad hoc rescuing devices, but once again, the best explanation for what is observed is found in creation science Genesis Flood models.

Lignite layers have been found within six different sedimentary units along Iceland’s coast, mostly on the northern and western flanks. Some of these layers contain leaf fossils, stems, and pollen. About 40 species of flowering plants, seven conifers, and four ferns and fern allies have been identified in the lignite beds. Many of these same plant fossils are found on North America and Europe at the same geological level.

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