
Showing posts with the label Botany

Neglected Abundance of Food

It gets a mite difficult for people like me who can place an order for food on the telephone or on a website for delivery — "You do that quite a bit, don't you, Cowboy Bob?" They told me my weight is genetic. Or something. Moving on... Many of us have little worries about getting victuals (correctly pronounced "vittles") at our convenience, so we may have problems understanding or empathizing with those who are desperate for decent food. In other places, people eat and thrive on things that make those of us in the Western world cringe. Then there are various things that people have not considered for sustenance and could theoretically alleviate starvation. Some of the starvation problems are not simply drought, but bad government. Back in 1985 and following, there were rock concerts and such with the noble intention of alleviating starvation in Ethiopia caused by famine. It was not a good idea because distribution and other factors were not considered. E

Evening Primrose Tunes In

We know that there is more to plants than it seems. In recent years, scientists have discovered that trees in the forest use the wood-wide web to communicate . People believe that talking to plants helps them grow, but there is apparently no evidence to support this. However, an evening primrose may be listening. Credit: Pixabay / Manseok Kim I am not saying that you should talk to a plant and ask for advice in dealing with how evolutionists have hijacked science. The only way a plant could really hear you is if a foreign power slipped a listening device into its pot. An extremely interesting study showed that an evening primrose can sense bee-wing vibrations and quickly sweeten the nectar to attract the bees. Of course, Darwinists just assumed evolution despite no evidence whatsoever. If you study on it, you'll see that proclaiming evolution raises a whole whack of questions. The truth is that there are many interesting mechanisms that the Master Engineer designed; the

Hybridization and the Tree of Life

As any well-indoctrinated schoolchild can tell you Charles Darwin envisioned a tree of life where life evolved from the simple to the complex, with many branches. Hybridization is problematic for evolutionists, and the branches would wind up fusing back together. Otero Tupac working with orchids Credit: CSIRO / Carl Davies  ( CC by 3.0 ) (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Informed creationists do not believe in the "fixity of species". Not only do we accept hybridization and speciation, but they also support biblical creation science. The Master Engineer designed organisms to adapt, and sometimes hybridization is a way they can survive.  Carl Linnaeus established modern taxonomy and saw that new species could arise through hybridization. William Herbert also saw that the created kinds  referred to in Genesis can diversify. Note that the biblical kinds are considered to be above the species level, more closely aligned with the family  classification.

Field Mustard Plants and False Evolution Claims

There is a plant known as Brassica rapa , but it has subspecies that have more familiar names including field mustard. Botanists decided to do some experimenting on the field mustard and pollination, and commenced to not only violating evolutionary dogma, but affirming a creation science biological model. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / TeunSpaans ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) The botanists assumed evolution to prove evolution (circular reasoning), but also made untrue statements. There was no evidence of evolution, just small modifications. Magical mystical "environmental pressures" were assumed as well. However, the continuous environmental tracking model that you have been reading about here has been demonstrated in research and is more scientific than Darwinian selectionism. More specifically, instead of external influences, our Creator used engineering principles and designed living things to quickly adapt. A recent study on a plant in the mustard family ( Brassica Rapa ) pr

Evolutionary Circular Reasoning on Carnivorous Plants

One reason that Darwinian thinking has so many people hogtied is because the non-explanation of " it evolved " is used so freely. Add to this the phrase "scientists say", and too many people will accept such a remark without question. Venus flytrap image credit: CSIRO / Malcolm Paterson   (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) For me, good documentaries on living things are spoiled with assertions of "it evolved", as if homage to the Bearded Buddha somehow provides scientific validation. I'm sure some of you have felt the same way. Why not simply describe what is observed without delving into what is assumed about the subject's history? We have two examples in the article linked below. Folks riding for the Darwin brand commit circular reasoning and other bad logic by assuming evolution to prove evolution. In fact, two carnivorous plants defy evolution. Instead, they show specified complexity that could not have arisen by evolu

Another Plant Evolution Concept

This is one of those times when a very technical article needs to be presented for people who want more in-depth hard science. It helps to have a background in botany, but if you have some knowledge of science, you can still get something out of it. It involves an area that frustrates particles-to-plant evolutionists, and has some support for biblical creation science models. Credit: Unsplash/ Henry & Co. Usually as a reproduction error, polyploidy is a condition where — "You mean like David Gilmour, Roger Waters, Syd Barrett and those guys, Cowboy Bob?" That would be poly Pink Floydy. Let's hope your lapse of reason is momentary. Moving on. Polyploidy is where organisms or cells acquire additional sets of paired chromosomes. Sometimes organisms are deemed "fit", but controversy ensues. It has been suggested that polyploidy is a means of evolution, but that would mean it happens too rapidly, so the fact-free concept of punctuated equilibrium

Bird-of-Paradise Plant Bothers Evolutionists

There is a plant known as the bird-of-paradise or crane flower (genus Strelitzia ), which has a passing resemblance to the head of a bird. A bird exists by the same name , but that has no relevance except maybe for some similar color. You can find these perennial plants in South Africa and they can grow rather large. (Two species are hardy houseplants .) Strelitzia have a clever way of pollinating: when sunbirds perch on them to sip on the nectar, the flowers open to cover their feet with pollen. But that's not what bothers Darwinists. Credit: RGBStock / melodi2 The bright orange coloring is due to pigment. In 2009, researchers were finally able to determine the source of the pigment. It is bilirubin, which is not found in the plant kingdom. No wonder the source was elusive. What is problematic for Darwinists is how bilirubin (which gives that yellowish tinge to that place on your arm when your cousin hit you, and also when people have jaundice) came to be in plants. Inste

The Engineered Adaptability of Sorghum

Many of us are familiar with having syrup on our flapjacks or splurging on the sweeter (but more expensive) real maple syrup. Ever had sorghum syrup? It is similar to molasses and can be quite sweet, to go easy on it until you know what you want. There are other uses for this flowering grain that is in the grass family. Some varieties of this genus can grow as tall as an adult. Sorghum has many uses including cereal and feed for livestock. It also has a way of thwarting evolutionary tales. Sorghum crop near the coastal town of Ayr in central Queensland Credit: CSIRO /  John Coppi ( CC by 3.0 ) This stuff is resistant to drought, which is one reason it is popular in many parts of the world. Research on Sorghum bicolor shows that when it detects a drought coming on, it changes its root system to compensate. Microbes on the roots that have had the pleasure of a mutually-beneficial relationship fade away, and other microbes take over. And back again, as needed. Proselytizers of

The Simple Explanation for Plant Evolution

When hearing a Darwinist evosplain the process of how something got here, you are going to hear a wagon train-load of arbitrary assertions. Instead of beginning at the beginning and investigating if  something evolved according to their definitions of the word, they skip that step and begin with how  it evolved. That is, they presuppose Darwinism. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Pirex Imagine this scenario where a creationist is having a discussion with Rusty Swingset, the foreman at the Darwin Ranch: Rusty Swingset: Now we'll look at how this plant evolved. Inquirer: How do you know it evolved? Rusty: That's how things work. Inquirer: You have quite a few assertions and tell an interesting story, but do you have a mechanism? Rusty: It evolved the way all things do. Inquirer: Is there any empirical evidence to go with the story? Rusty: It evolved, ya idjit! Now shut up and swallow your propaganda! They get on the prod when people do more than just accept their mate

Waterwheel Plant Traps Evolutionists

Shut your trap. No, not you. There are two carnivorous plants with snap traps, one of which is the more famous Venus fly trap , which snaps on insects and so forth for supper. Some people have them, but they are endangered, so you can get in a heap of trouble if you dig one up yourself. However, you can get one from a licensed dealer and make it a kind of pet if you give it the proper care . Credit: US Geological Survey (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) There's another trap shutter called the waterwheel plant. This bad little boy is endangered, has no roots, and floats along. When a small critter triggers its mechanism, the hinge snaps shut in as little as a hundredth of a second. Biomimetics research is being conducted for shading systems in architecture. A couple of papers were submitted in the same month about the waterwheel plant. One discussed the biomimetics application, and details on the plant's operation. The other paper had a little inform

Layer Counting Yields Faulty Dating Methods

Some owlhoots put down the biblical timeline, saying the Genesis Flood could not have happened because some things are dated before it happened. How do they attain such knowledge? By counting things. One popular "refutation" of biblical dating is a thing called dendrochronology.  You may not have known the term as a kid, but remember being shown the stump of a tree that had been cut down and being told that if you count the rings, that's how old the tree was? That is the essence of dendrochronology. The word comes from Greek words for tree  and time, so that works out nicely. This isn't just from cutting them down and counting, they drill core samples so they don't have to bring the whole thing down. But tree growth rings are not consistent. Sometimes a tree will skip a year or more, other times, conditions will influence it to make additional rings in a year. Radiocarbon dating is used to calibrate tree-ring dating, which is used to calibrate radiocarbon

Weeds are Surprisingly Important

A plant is considered a weed partly because it came along and asserted itself without so much as a "by your leave", interfering with the plants that are being cultivated for beauty or food. Persistent, resilient, and with a habit of taking over if left unchecked, weeds are actually doing what the Master Engineer intended. Credit: Unsplash / James Lee If you step back and study on it a spell, you'll see that weeds serve a purpose. We prefer it when they serve their purpose somewhere else. They actually anchor the soil so it doesn't all erode away after construction, for one thing. Also, the lowly dandelion is highly nutritious — all of it, so you can cook up some dandelion greens . Some things considered weeds have medicinal value as well. Don't be getting a notion to be eating or medicating with things you don't know, however.  Remember the post about how the volcanic island of Surtsey and other newcomers are coming along quite well ? Some of the firs

Plants, the Sun, and the Days of Creation

A straighforward reading of the account of creation in Genesis is pretty simple, what with actual days and all. Unfortunately, there are some folks who want to grease up the concept of millions (or billions) of years and force it into the text. The only way to get long ages out of the Bible is to put them in there first, old son. Even so, strange readings of the text, including trying to accommodate the Big Bang, create a passel of problems for both professing Christians and for deep time beliefs. There is just no room for long ages or evolution. Credits: NASA / STEREO / Helioviewer (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) In this case, we see that the heavens and the earth created first (Gen. 1:1). Then we learn that God put light on the subject (Gen 1:2). Okay, that's nice. But soft, what light through yonder universe breaks? The sun was created on the fourth day of creation week. But we already had light! What was that? Plants were created on the third day.

Chemical Bonds in Fossil Plants Oppose Evolution

Believers in evolution and deep time get on the prod when soft tissues are discussed, mainly because they cannot exist over millions of Darwin years. Lately, the most frequent discussion on soft tissues involves dinosaurs, but they are found in other areas, such as the ink in a fossil ink sac that was used to draw a picture . In a similar manner to soft tissues, fossil plants are not cooperating with the evolution narrative. Gingko leaves in autumn, Wikimedia Commons / Joe Schneid  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Even after the alleged millions of years, original plant molecules and chemical bonds were found — and a term that brings the concept of entropy to mind, thermodynamic stability, was used. Worse for Darwin's disciples, plant material was essentially unchanged between those in the fossils and living counterparts. I reckon that the term living fossils may be applicable here. Yee ha boy howdy, evolutionists were frustrated twice in one study! Truth is, the earth is not billions of ye

Things Refusing to Evolve

Advocates of microbes-to-microscopist evolution have a great deal to say about the hows and whys of the appearances of things living today, and of those that went before. However, it is difficult to examine their evidence, because it's mighty scarce. Sure, we get a passel of authoritative assertions of "it evolved that way", but assertions and tall tales are not scientific evidence. What follows are several links illustrating false claims of evolution happening. This will be good for students to examine and see how science and evolution can often be mutually exclusive. Original image credit: US Dept of Transportation / aschweigert (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Non-Evolving Dinosaurs Assertions of "being covered with feathers" without any sign of the things; why some dinosaurs moved fast, but details are expected in the future; a crocodile fossil that dates 170 million Darwin Years old is essentially identical to modern crocodiles

Orchid Pollination — Design, Not Evolution

We ha ve had some heavy-duty material here lately, this piece of light reading may be a nice change of pace. Aside from hybridization and other forms of artificial selection, thousands of orchid species exist in nature. I'll allow that I'm tempted to assign human characteristics to some of them, such as conniving, deceptive, ingenious, and others because of their amazing abilities to get themselves pollinated. They look nice, too. Credit: Morguefile / Moonlightway Most of us know that one of the most important ways for flowers to get pollinated is to let insects — especially bees — do the job. Some orchids mimic insects to attract them, as well as giving a fragrance that appeals to them. There are even a few varieties that have a kind of "catch and release" program for bees — the Bucket Orchid even produces a liquid that makes the male bee attractive to female bees! Other orchids mimic insects to get the attention of other insects. Darwin's disciples

Tree Mail in the Wood Wide Web

Many people believe that it is a good thing to talk to plants. (If you hear them answering, that may be a problem.) It's good for you to get outside (watching out for ticks and dangerous critters, of course), but most of us don't realize that there's a passel of communication happening. Image made with assembled graphics from Clker clipart We looked at an internal tree-mail system a spell back, but the story has grown quite a bit. Trees are sending helpful information to each other and getting cooperation, and sending requests to local fungi to provide them with nutrients. The system is actually quite intricate, and defies evolution because every aspect must be in place and fully operational from the beginning. This tree-mail system is yet another example of the design and provision of our Creator. Stresses constantly threaten to destroy the forest’s surface harmony, and yet modern scientific research is revealing how marvelously the Creator has equipped His woo

Plant Disperal After the Genesis Flood

There are many questions raised about the Genesis Flood, and one of those is about plant survival. Well, they floated. Okay, too short. Many plants are surprisingly versatile and can deal with harsh conditions. The island of Surtsey was formed by a volcanic eruption in 1963, and within a short time, flowering plants were growing there , a fact that baffled Darwinists. Horse chestnut image credit: Freeimages / alesia17 Seeds come in many sizes, and can be tough. Little seeds can give big plants. (Interestingly, we often eat seeds, even from plants that we do not consume in their mature forms, such as various nuts.) Seeds can appear dead, but are actually just dormant, and may become active in the right conditions because the Creator programmed them in several ways. They can be dispersed in different ways, but seeds are not the only ways that plants reproduce and spread. These things may have been less baffling to evolut ionists if they' d paid attention to the science started

Plants Resistant to Evolutionary Concepts

Charles Darwin had a wagon train-load of ideas that he presented but did not have supporting evidence. As time goes on and science develops, evolution has many scientists offering conjectures, but are not offering credible reasons to accept such concepts. They believe by faith in science of the gaps, that maybe someday evidence will be found. That's not science, pilgrim. Welwitchia credit: Wikimedia Commons / Muriel Gottrop ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) One of Papa Darwin's biggest annoyances was the origin of flowering plants. Some evolutionists think they've partially solved the mystery by using circular reasoning and assumptions involving "a rather original gymnosperm called Welwitschia mirabilis". The plant lives in desert conditions and can survive for a thousand years. So, why evolve? Well, maybe to stop being so ugly, but that's ju st my opinion. Still, no sign of evolution. That's because plants were created and not the product of Darwinian hallucinatio

Amazingly Complex Sensors in Plants

Most folks know about young sunflowers following the sun across the sky, which has been a bit of a mystery until lately . Other plants have sensory mechanisms as well to improve their survival opportunities, gotta get the most of that sunlight, don'tcha know. Image credit: National Institute of Health , usage does not imply endorsement of this site Further research shows that plant sensors are far more intricate that just pointing a plant toward the light. They even activate "switches" that control the plant's behavior. This is yet another example of the purposeful engineering of the Master Engineer, and makes Darwinism even less plausible than it is now. Plants’ amazing sensor systems enable them to adapt in response to multiple environmental cues. Since plants can’t get up and move around, they have to grow, develop, and thrive where they are. One of the key factors in a plant’s life cycle is processing sunlight in the form of duration (day length), light