
Showing posts with the label Uniformitarianism

Secular Geologists Revise Age of Yosemite — Downward

Those of us who pay attention to biblical creation science articles, videos, and so on are unlikely to be surprised to learn that Yosemite National Park is having its age changed. Signs of the times? Well, the signage has been revised in several places, making those parks officially younger. Uniformitarian geologists presuppose deep time and gradual processes, so many of their assertions are not based on any empirical evidence. Occasionally, secular scientists want to dig deeper. What they find often shocks the scientific establishment. This occurred with Yosemite. El Capitan, Yosemite Valley, 1903 / NY Public Library Dating methods involve a framework that uses numerous assumptions. Even so, this research overturned previous guesses. While the dates do not line up with those of biblical creationists, they are a great deal younger than previous guesses and put a frown on Papa Darwin's face. The scientists also did not resort to the complex scientific principle of Making Things Up™

Enigmatic Clastic Pipes and Flood Geology

Ever see those rocks sticking up, especially in the American Southwest? They vary a great deal in size and are consistently vertical. Those are clastic pipes . Quite a few are found at the Kodachrome Basin State Park , but they exist around the world. Uniformitarian (gradual processes over long periods of time) geologists are baffled by clastic pipes, since clastic rock is comprised of pieces of other rocks that were broken and re-formed. They have several competing speculations on how the pipes formed. Some suggest they also exist on Mars . Clastic pipes at Kodachrome Basin State Park, Pixabay / Aline Dassel Deep-time views are inconsistent with what is observed, and would require some unlikely scenarios in numerous places. (That is, clastic pipes are not a one-off anomaly in a specific region.) Creation geologists agree with their secular counterparts that earthquakes played a part in their formation, but they would have had to have been extremely strong. Also, there is a great dea

Magma Chambers and the Age of the Earth

Once again, a uniformitarian (slow and gradual processes over millions of years) assumption was challenged by researchers who wanted to give something a closer look. Volcanoes have a habit of blasting out lava, erupting for centuries all the way down to a year or so. Some eruptions are more like geological indigestion and do not send sonic waves around the world. Where do they get all that magma, anyway? (Magma is molten rock, and when it is sent through the earth's crust, it is called lava.) Geology is a historical science, and there are magma chambers  below the earth's crust. Magma builds up there until eruptions occur. Lava Toe Forming at Kilauea, US Geological Survey / Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The Yellowstone supervolcano has a pair of sizeable magma chambers that are detected through seismic tomography , which brings to mind the procedures used in medical CT scans. Radiometric dating has failed scientists, who trus

Grand Teton, Foxes, and Mountains

 Not too long ago, we discussed some interesting things about  Yellowstone National Park . Now we can go just a short distance south and take in  Grand Teton National Park . Folks in the formerly United States may want to experience nature there in autumn. Many things are happening, including migrations of birds and animals. The wildlife is diverse, and foxes are prominent there. Have you ever seen those pictures that say, " Firefox has crashed ", and it shows a fox half buried head first in the snow? Grand Teton National Park, view from Blacktail Ponds, National Park Service /  J. Tobiason  (usage does not imply endorsement) Aside from being funny to us, foxes have a good reason for those actions. They are hunting some critters by their hearing  — plus magnetism. Believers in universal common descent wave off these fox features with a hearty " It evolved ", which fails as an explanation. For that matter, substitute "It happened by magic", and see how well

Yellowstone 2022 Flooding and Rethinking Deep Time

Something that this child does not get weary of saying is never underestimate the power of water ! Videos of people trying to drive through flash floods and getting trapped when their cars are swept away, mudslides causing destruction, and more should warn people. Yellowstone National Park (the first ever, from 1872) was an example of quick flooding in June, 2022. Fortunately, there were no injuries or deaths (that I could find reported). There was great deal of damage, but repair efforts were undertaken and things are much better now. Uniformitarian geologists have been rethinking their beliefs lately. Yellowstone N.P. north entrance road damage, National Park Service / Doug Kraus (usage does not imply endorsement) A report said this flooding was a "once in a thousand year event" or "once a century flood, which is silly because nobody was there to see previous big floods. Secular scientists are finally comparing Yellowstone's fossil forests with mudflows from Mount

Fact and Fiction about Dinosaur-Age Bacteria

American tax dollars through the National Science Foundation fund the JOIDES Resolution  research vessel, partly named after Captain James Cook's HMS Resolution  which was used for quite a bit of exploring. The acronym stands for Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling . The ship is packed with scientists and crew, and they do quite a bit of drilling for ocean floor core samples. Since the research is international in scope, one particular journey was led by Japanese researchers and explored the South Pacific. What they discovered astonished them. JOIDES Resolution , WikiComm /  John Newcomb  ( CC BY 3.0 ), slightly enhanced They got themselves a passel of bacteria that were "sleeping", and were successfully awakened. (Unlike a predictable science fiction movie, they didn't turn everyone into evil monsters.) Here's where the secular old-earth paradigm kicks in. Those bacteria were in an area that they could not have reached without help.. Assuming

Mammoth Mysteries Explained by the Genesis Flood

Uniformitarian (slow and gradual processes) scientists are baffled by the woolly mammoths, those elephants frequently associated with the Ice Age. These critters primarily lived in the upper areas of the Northern Hemisphere. A huge mystery is why they went extinct. Among the millions of remains, those found in permanently frozen soil way up north baffles secularists the most. These areas did not have glaciers, so they are not found in glacier ice. Imaginative speculations about these mysteries have stampeded for many years. Mammoths image, Flickr /  Andrew Wilkinson  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Some people think (and I bought into this years ago) that they were frozen very quickly. A reason people got that idea is because food was still in their stomachs. That concept fails for several reasons, including elephant stomach biology and the fact that they died in different seasons, not all at once. These and other problems for evolutionists are answered by using biblical creation science models of t

Explaining Dry Valleys on the Jurassic Coast

Linked below is a technical article dealing with the geology of the Jurassic Coast, but if this child can learn something from it, so can you. Since such articles are written more for people with scientific backgrounds than for folks like us, they contain specialized language. One is geomorphology , the study of changes in land features ( geo and morph ). The predominant word  periglaciation was new to me so I had to look it up . It involves permafrost areas, and uniformitarian (slow and gradual processes over long periods of time) geologists believe that periglaciation, which is the freezing, thawing, and land-shaping that occurred around glaciers, may have formed the dry valleys of the Jurassic Coast. Jurassic Coast, Dorset; Pixabay /  Roman Grac Dry valleys are dry. That is, no rivers flow through them. Secular scientists expect rivers to carve out valleys over long periods of time. They have twenty possible explanations for the dry valleys. Periglaciation is the one they like bes

Creation Science Predictions of Seafloor Spreading Confirmed

Over yonder past Deception Pass, you can find the Darwin Ranch. Rusty Swingset is the foreman. He can be pleasant when he is not overworked or moody. Today he is on the prod because of a report on the seafloor spreading. This involves that fun phrase, oceanic plate subduction . The idea that the earth has moving plates on its outer shell, some of them continent-size, began to take hold in the 1960s. When they collide, something has to give. That is where one plate asserts dominance and the other is pushed underneath. What has been observed is troubling to uniformitarian geologists. World Ocean Floor, Library of Congress / H. Berann et al. Uniformitarianism is the secular doctrine that geological processes were slow and gradual over great periods of time. Plate tectonics  is the description of how those plates are moving (the older theory was called continental drift ). Right now, they're moving, subducting, and so on at a slow and constant rate. The predominant view of biblical cre

Disarming Chicxulub Dinosaur Casualty Story

As you probably know, the story that big space rock smacked the earth near Chicxulub caused the extinction of the dinosaurs (which was selective in what critters it made extinct) is the prevailing view. Not all secularists support idea. Neither do creationists, for several important reasons . Up North Dakota way, scientists found a limb from a dinosaur known as a  Thescelosaurus , a wonder lizard. "Was it called that because it wondered where its limb went, Cowboy Bob?" Good possibility. So, the impact was in Mexico, but the limb is found in North Dakota... Asteroid and Earth, FreeDigitalPhotos / Idea go There were other assorted animals at the site as well. In addition to some absurd statements about the rock column, secularists are making claims that the shock waves from Chicxulub went around the world. That would provide selective devastation, but they are also invoking flood scenarios. They're getting closer to the globally catastrophic Genesis Flood, which is the sup

Folded Rocks and the Genesis Flood

When discussing geological features, secular scientists tend to get bent out of shape when the Genesis Flood is mentioned — especially since the Flood is the best explanation for bent and folded rocks. Biblical history, including the Flood, was accepted by most people for many years. James Hutton petulantly stamped his foot and declared that geology must  be explained by naturalistic gradual means, so leave God and miraculous processes out of it. He spread his ideas in the 1780s, and people began to accept the philosophical view of deep time. Uniformitarianism is the dominant position today. Folding rock, Flickr / John Fowler  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Pick up a piece of sedimentary rock. Mayhaps you have a piece of shale handy. Fold it and mail it to me. No, you can't because it breaks (if you're strong enough in the first place). Secular geologists insist that those layers of folded rocks are the result of slow 'n' gradual effects over millions of years. However, there is no obse

Geology and Global Flood Paleontology Explained

Defenders of deep time, especially on social(ist) media, despise any discussion of the global Genesis Flood. Many refuse to examine evidence for it, clutching their pearls and crying that there is no reason to consider the evidence because there was no Flood. Because atheism. (One may justifiably wonder if these owlhoots have always been anti-science and anti-thought.) Uniformitarian geology cannot adequately explain many observed facts without making excuses for recalcitrant data, but creation science Flood geology does a better job — especially with an accurate geological model. Coward's Falls, Flickr / Cowboy Bob Sorensen  ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) Using extensive data, geologist Dr. Tim Clarey and others from the Institute for Creation Research made a map of the Flood effects. If evidences creationists used to support the Genesis Flood were one-off anomalies, they could arguably be easier to ignore or dismiss. Instead, geological features of the Flood stages span continents. Creatio

Volcano Research Supports Creation Science Flood Models

The Genesis Flood is extremely important in creation science, and there are Flood models postulated to correspond with observational evidence. Of course, biblical creationists disagree on details and put forward differing models, but agree that the Word of God is of primary importance. People tend to have a superficial knowledge of the Flood, thinking it was only  40 days and nights. No, the waters were on the earth for 150 days. There was much more happening than rain, and creationists are interested in paleontology, geology, and volcanism. Havre Volcano, original image: NASA / Jeff Schmaltz LANCE / EOSDIS MODIS Rapid Response Team, GSFC (usage does not imply endorsement) Submitted for your approval are two short articles. First, biblical creationists reject the stories of multiple ice ages that secularists tell because there is no real evidence for them, but there is abundant evidence for one Ice Age. The global Flood of Noah's day involved catastrophic geological processes, inc

Our Beautiful Wrecked World

Well, something escalated quickly. My prospector friend Stormie Waters stopped by my place, then we went into town for supplies. After loading up her buckboard, we went to lunch. Al Buehterawl and Lotta Lyez from the Darwin ranch joined us. Our jawing turned to the beauty of the canyons, buttes, arches, rock layers, and so on. I agreed and added that this planet is wrecked, and that nobody can imagine its splendor before the Genesis Flood. Lotta Lyez was incensed, and Al Buehterawl took a deep breath and railed against the Flood. Victoria Falls gorge and bridge, Wikimedia Commons /  JackyR  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Al and Lotta went on to make the ridiculous boilerplate remark from anti-creationists that there is no evidence for the Flood. I pointed out that if secularists would remove their uniformitarian slow 'n' gradual processes spectacles , they might be able to honestly examine the evidence and see that yes, there is a passel of evidence for the Flood. Lotta turned a shade of pur

Michigan Pictured Rocks and Flood Geology

People who are looking for outdoor recreation should seriously consider the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, as there are many activities available. Spending time outdoors is good for people . Go straight up through the mitten, across the Mackinac Bridge, further north to Paradise. Then find the Tahquamenon Falls State Park . East from there is Munising and  Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore . For even more intense nature, head further east to the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park . (Plan your trip, unlike Clark Griswold going to Walley World.) You'll thank me later. Creation geologists should spend much more time researching up there. Flickr / calamity_sal  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Actually, we do have an article about one of the stops suggested above, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. (Suzie doesn't sell seashells there, but Lucy loves lichens by the lakeshore.) There is a lot of talk about state and national parks, but a national lakeshore ? Sure. The US National Park Service take

Why Atheists Despise the Genesis Flood

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  When unbelievers assault the Bible, God, Jesus, miracles, and so forth, they make attacking the first eleven chapters of Genesis a priority. Something I learned long ago is that they are likely to receive more resistance when railing against the Resurrection and so forth, but Genesis is foundational to the gospel message. Since Christians ceded science to secularists, embracing deep time and evolution, atheists have Churchian allies in bushwhacking biblical creationists and Genesis — and undermining biblical foundations. It is interesting that people who claim to "lack belief" in God spend so much time being vindictive, abusive, and bigoted toward Christians. Their primary focus is the true God as explained in the Bible. Not Thor. Not the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. Not much time is spent on Islam, either. They hate God and suppress the truth (Romans 1:18-23). But why? I have a few reasons assembled from Scripture and my experiences. Pixabay /  Ria So

Forcing Another Cold Period in the Neoproterozoic Era

In this rather technical piece, it is clearly seen that some secular geologists are making a case using not only broad presuppositions, but with very little evidence as well. Biology has a taxonomy hierarchy of seven levels, geology also has divisions: Eon, era, and period. From these we get about thirty-five words to work with. The Neoproterozoic is one of three eras in the Proterozoic Eon. This supposedly lasted millions of years by secular reckoning. Certain rocks and their placement in geologic layers are used to signal the existence of ice ages. Dropstone in sediment image by James St. John at Flickr ( CC BY 2.0 ) Uniformitarian processes (slow and gradual, except when the secular narrative needs an exception) dictate that sedimentary rock layers are deposited about one layer a year. Varvites (or varved deposits ) are usually composed of fine-grained silt, but sometimes a stone is dropped from a glacier or something, rudely disrupting the layers. By assuming evolution to support

New Dinosaur Tracks in Wales Testify of Genesis Flood

Over yonder in southern Wales near the southern end of Cardiff Bay is the seaside resort and community of Pernath. Scientist found fossilized dinosaur tracks that indicated they were walking on soft ground. It was not that some dinosaur decided to head out for a stroll on two legs in the mud, as several of these things seemed to be in a mighty big hurry. The deposited sediments had minerals that are characteristic of a marine environment, which puzzled the scientists. These tracks were from Benedicts Rock, Wales, credit: Flickr / Dr. Mary Gillham Archive  ( CC BY 2.0 ) The secularists tried to evosplain why dinosaurs would be making tracks in ocean sediments, and even used a bit of the just-so story principle. (No mention if they found fossils of the dinosaurs that made the tracks.) For that matter, there are fossils of land and marine creatures buried together all over the world. If they weren't married up with atheistic uniformitarianism, scientists might see that observed eviden

Secular Geologist Getting Closer to the Truth

For many years, the secular science industry has relied on a uniformitarian (slow and gradual, the present is the key to the past) paradigm. After all, Darwin requires deep time so he can work his evolutionary miracles and secular geologists obediently provide it. In many cases, the narrative take priority over the evidence and proper scientific investigation. Fortunately for science, this is not always the case. Occasionally, scientists are willing to question the prevailing paradigm, which would be good for secular geology. Royal Gorge Bridge near Cañon City, US National Weather Service  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Sometimes while doing research, scientists are prompted to think about how their existing framework needs serious retooling. One scientist found evidence of tremendous flooding in many areas. He suggested prolonged floods, but Royal Gorge and the Rocky Mountains do not cooperate with that. He had other ideas that didn't quite fit. He's getti

Obscuring the Origin of Continental Crusts

 Secular geologists have long struggled to fit the origin of Earth's continental crust into their uniformitarian paradigm. While scientists can see ocean ridges giving up oceanic crust at the seafloor, continents are composed of a different kind of crust. The hot filling for the crusts is actually the magma underneath.  Of course, these geologists get ideas and then they try to make them look plausible. They have assertions based on what their naturalistic narrative demands, but their views are seldom supported by evidence. My photo of a rock formation near Hurley, NY, modified at  PhotoFunia A study relied on the assumption that the crusts all popped up at once 2.5 billion years ago, but there is no evidence for this. Imagination, you betcha. Based on that forming-at-the-same-time assumption, only a comparatively small belt of rock was tested. It did not go well. The origin of the continental crust continues to baffle secular geologists who often refer to this mystery as the "