Geology and Global Flood Paleontology Explained

Defenders of deep time, especially on social(ist) media, despise any discussion of the global Genesis Flood. Many refuse to examine evidence for it, clutching their pearls and crying that there is no reason to consider the evidence because there was no Flood. Because atheism. (One may justifiably wonder if these owlhoots have always been anti-science and anti-thought.) Uniformitarian geology cannot adequately explain many observed facts without making excuses for recalcitrant data, but creation science Flood geology does a better job — especially with an accurate geological model.

Coward's Falls, Flickr / Cowboy Bob Sorensen (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Using extensive data, geologist Dr. Tim Clarey and others from the Institute for Creation Research made a map of the Flood effects. If evidences creationists used to support the Genesis Flood were one-off anomalies, they could arguably be easier to ignore or dismiss. Instead, geological features of the Flood stages span continents. Creation scientists allow that they do not have everything cemented into place and there is still work to be done, but their Flood models are superior integrating stratigraphic data and the fossil record than those of secular geologists.
Most people assume that both geological and fossil evidence support the story of evolution. Geology textbooks portray the formation of canyons, mountains, oil deposits, and other features as representing millions of years. And charts and diagrams line up fossils that supposedly show seamless transitions between life forms that branch from a “simple” initial ancestor to the complex diversity we find today.

But what does the evidence actually show? When you look closely at the rock record, you’ll see that five rules of global Flood paleontology explain both the fossil evidence and also the overall succession of global megasequences that were deposited by the Genesis Flood. No evidence for deep time is found in the rock column, and fossils show the order of burial in the Flood year.
To read the rest of the article and see the hard truths, see "The Five Rules of Flood Paleontology."