
New Jellyfish Discovered, no Evolution

In a way, it should not be surprising that a jellyfish was discovered way down in the deep blue sea — well, not so blue at such depths. More like black because light does not reach there. We have not explored the sea extensively because of darkness, pressure, temperatures, and more. We looked at how anemones are unfriendly to believers in descent with modifications evolution a while ago. They are so delicate, fossilization is rare. Jellyfish are also fragile and the proper conditions are necessary for fossilization. Jellyfish Atolla reynoldsi ,  NOAA ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia The fossil record shows something that is unsurprising to biblical creationists: Jellyfish have always been jellyfish even after millions years in the conventional dating system. They were created to be what they are. Sure, there are varieties. But no sign of transitional forms in all that time. The eyes of the box jellyfish are baffling to secular scientists. Maybe A. reynoldsi  has some interes

Secularists Make Excuses for No Space Aliens

Lisa Myworries, supervisor of the Winkie Guards at the Darwin Ranch, recently mentioned having problems. Someone on the staff was selling peyote buttons to the Guards. She said it was difficult enough to keep them on task, then someone gets that stuff to them. The ranch hands hallucinate, which explains some of their Just-So Stories in the name of evolutionary science. Space aliens are the imaginary invisible friends of secularists, and both the ranch hands and the Guards think they are talking to the aliens. Scientists studying space alien, made with Bing AI Image Creator It is a reasonable conclusion that materialists put so much time, money, and effort into finding extraterrestrial life is that they believe it would prove not only evolution, but also a Creator-free origin of life. Think about it: Origin of life studies are not going forward; they are disjointed. Mayhaps someone should ask Dave Farina why their is no unity and so much failure in OoL research. All that wasted educati

Why James Tour Lost the Origins Debate to Dave Farina

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Something that keeps getting slipped over the transom in my study is news about Dr. James Tour. He is a professor of several things including chemistry at Rice University, and friendly with the Discovery Institute, an Intelligent Design organization. He makes Darwin sad by refuting claims of materialists on the origin of life. No, I refuse to accept the claims of Darwin's acolytes on social(ist) media and elsewhere that the OoL has nothing to do with evolution, as that has been handily refuted many times over. Background image by Cowboy Bob Sorensen , photos from James Tour's YouTube post, then modified* Dave Farina considers himself an educator on science topic and has made good use of the popularity of YouTube. His channel is Professor Dave Explains . (People call themselves whatever they want, but in science and academia, claiming titles like doctor or professor is akin to stolen valor in the military .) Like other atheists, he presupposes a materiali

The Carnian Pluvial Earth History Fiction

Every once in a while, the hands at the Darwin Ranch out yonder near Deception Pass like to join in the celebrations when secularists bring something out of mothballs and parade it like it was actual science. Since climate change is a big subject nowadays, the Carnian pluvial episode was promoted. Most people are probably unaware of this story, but it involves a supposedly wet period of a million or two years in Earth history. It was in the Carnian stage of the Triassic period. Water on rocks, Pixabay / Dominik Fuchs When the tale is told, it is said that this period was important for the evolution of dinosaurs, mammals, and other critters. There was also a great deal of climate change (when it wasn't raining). The evidence is subjective, and once again, a desperate attempt to explain history and evolution fails in light of creation and the Genesis Flood. Lots of story, very little substance This is leading up to a feedback article at Creation Ministries International, which provid

Yet Again, Saturn's Rings are Young

For thousands of years, planets were only known as brighter stars that moved differently than the others in the night sky. Telescopes came on the scene, and more wonders unfolded. In 1659, Christiaan Huygens determined that Saturn has a ring system. With greater technology (including space probes to go up and look), more rings in the system have been found. Those around Saturn baffle scientists with their structures and complexity, defying secular planetary formation speculations. Rings have been discovered on other bodies in our solar system . Saturn and rings, NASA / JPL-Caltech and others (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) It amazes this child how biblical creationists will relate that secular scientists admit Saturn's rings are far younger than they thought , then misotheists mock us — yet we are often more current with science than they are! Scientists are adding fuel to the fire by reaffirming the youthfulness of the rings. Also, the rings are  ephemeral . T

Anemones are Unfriendly to Evolution

Sea anemones are not helpful to evolution. These friends of clownfish did not fossilize easily, like their jellyfish cousins. Apparently anemone fossils are rarer than those of jellyfish. Like with so many other creatures, there is no sign of evolution in the fossil record. The old story of something dying and sinking, then getting covered up and eventually become permineralized into the fossils we all know and love is false, but secular dogma. That is why secular scientists are started by fossils of soft creatures, organs, and the like. Sea Anemone, Flickr / Bernard Spragg (public domain) For something to fossilize, it requires rapid burial. This provides the materials as well as the conditions lacking in the typical secular story. The overwhelming majority of the billions of fossils that were buried all around the globe are marine organisms. This easily indicates the Genesis Flood. Interestingly, secularists are also discussing rapid burial. Unsurprisingly, they do not mention the

Genetics and the Old Recipe Box

Nonfiction books in libraries are usually filed according to the Dewey Decimal System, grouping subjects in an order that many people prefer (unlike the Library of Congress system). This child was reasonably skilled at using the library card catalog . It was a pointer of sorts, indicating the probable place on the shelf where a book was located. More involved was another system, unique to each designer, of recipe cards. Standard index cards were stored in metal or wooden boxes, having details of recipe ingredients and instructions. They were often grouped by subjects. Recipe Box, Flickr / Joy Garnett ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ), modified The article featured below takes a unique approach that shows similarities and differences between the ol' recipe box and the science of genetics pioneered by creationist Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him). Both have sets of instructions for making an organism. Some living things could have similar ingredients, but differences in finer details yield different

No Love for Dinosaur Soft Tissues

Keep in mind that the word fossil  is often used loosely in paleontology, not always permineralized (turned to stone). Soft tissues and the like have been found for many years, and fossil hunter Mary Anning did paintings with fossilized octopus ink in 1865 . Squid ink was allegedly 165 million years old  and also used for artwork. Believers in an ancient earth were forced to notice soft tissues when Mary Schweitzer announced soft, pliable dinosaur blood vessels in 2004. This could not be ignored. Claiming contamination did not work, so to give Darwin the millions of years he needs his wonders to perform, weird excuses ensued. Dinosaur, RGBStock / Kevin Tuck , modified at Photo Funny In their worldview, secular scientists presuppose that Earth is ancient and that life evolved from minerals. They are continually thwarted by the facts, and have to force what is observed into their presuppositions. It would be in their best interests to question deep time and question evolution, since the

Evolutionists Blunder on Bumblebee Intelligence

Riding back one day after visiting my prospector friend Stormie Waters, I felt a thump  near my left shoulder but paid it no nevermind. A few seconds later and owwww ! Near as I can figure, a bumblebee smacked into me, fell down a ways, crawled up and stung me. These fuzzy creatures are sometimes thought of as stupid and aggressive, but neither is true . The incident was just one of those things. They have good eyesight to distinguish flowers, and they are better pollinators than honey bees. Bumblebee, Hippopx ( CC0 1.0 ) Many creatures have been discovered to have higher levels of intelligence than expected. They also have abilities that are truly amazing (such as birds having a built-in GPS ). Bumblers were presented with a puzzle box that would give them a tasty reward when opened. Some could figure it out themselves, but did better when they watched other bumblebees — and learned. Of course, Darwinists had to talk about the origin of such behaviors in social insects instead of sta

Sanitizing Darwin's Racist History Again

Sometimes when creationists bring up Charles Darwin's racism, it puts  burrs under the saddles of his followers. They claim it is an ad homiem  and a distraction, but the fact remains despite their protestations. It has also been extensively documented. His racism is extremely relevant, as it is entrenched in his evolutionary conjectures. We saw how a couple of his biographers falsely tried to say that his theory had a noble motive , the abolition of slavery. Professor Joseph L. Graves, Jr. is up to something similar. Celebration of Abolition of 1866 via NYPL , colorized at Palette , then modified at PhotoFunia The professor is celebrated as the first black man to get a doctorate in evolutionary biology, and my response is, "Big deal." Evolutionary biology is self-serving and has little value to real science. Also, how many black people are attracted to studying something this area? (Asking for a friend.) Seems strange to prop up a field where your "rac