New Jellyfish Discovered, no Evolution

In a way, it should not be surprising that a jellyfish was discovered way down in the deep blue sea — well, not so blue at such depths. More like black because light does not reach there. We have not explored the sea extensively because of darkness, pressure, temperatures, and more.

We looked at how anemones are unfriendly to believers in descent with modifications evolution a while ago. They are so delicate, fossilization is rare. Jellyfish are also fragile and the proper conditions are necessary for fossilization.

Most of the deep sea has not been explored, so it should not be surprising that a new jellyfish was discovered. Jellyfish do not support evolution.
Jellyfish Atolla reynoldsiNOAA (CC BY-SA 2.0), modified at PhotoFunia
The fossil record shows something that is unsurprising to biblical creationists: Jellyfish have always been jellyfish even after millions years in the conventional dating system. They were created to be what they are. Sure, there are varieties. But no sign of transitional forms in all that time. The eyes of the box jellyfish are baffling to secular scientists. Maybe A. reynoldsi has some interesting traits for scientists to discover.
One of the more fascinating animals in God’s creation is the ubiquitous and strange jellyfish.

They are members of the subphylum Medusozoa, making up a major portion of the phylum, Cnidaria. Five evolutionists stated, “Cnidarians are an ancient group with the longest fossil history of any animal, reaching back more than 700 million years.” Supposedly, for over 700 million years jellyfish have always been jellyfish.

To have jellyfish (95% water) preserved in sedimentary rock layers is amazing in itself.

You can read the rest at "A New Jellyfish."