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Evolutionary "Science" and a Missing Continent
If there is a formerly undiscovered continent in the Indian Ocean, cherry-picked data from radiometric dating and uniformitarian assumptions are a lousy way to prove it. But then, an ancient Earth is imperative for evolution, and must be justified, yes?
morgueFile/embalu |
By examining zicron in sand from Mauritius, bad "science" has led to the amazing conclusion that there was once a continent in the Indian Ocean, which is now submerged. Never mind the more prosaic data, it's more entertaining (and sensationalistic) to produce tendentious interpretations of a limited amount of other data. Perhaps Atlantis moved?
The lost city of Atlantis has been the source of much legend and
folklore for centuries. The search for archaeological evidence for this
missing city has continued even today, but mostly by amateurs and
fortune-seekers. Now, scientists are making claims of a missing
continent lurking deep beneath—not the Atlantic, but—the Indian Ocean.
A group of European scientists have announced the "discovery" of a
small continent in the middle of the Indian Ocean that doesn't exist on
any known map. What is this proclamation based on? It's based on the age
estimates of some beach sand and a belief that the "absolute dates" the
researchers determined are reliable and factual.
The scientists
sampled beach sands on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius, a volcanic
paradise 550 miles from the nearest continental crust (i.e.,
Madagascar). They found 20 zircon grains in the basaltic sand and had
them dated using uranium and lead isotope ratios.
You can read the rest of "Outlandish Claims for Missing 'Continent'", here.