Is There Sea Water In Your Blood?

USFWS/Jerry Reid
Every once in a while, uninformed proponents of evolution resort to using the "proof" for their view that, since we have certain elements in our blood that are also in the sea, we must have evolved from the sea. Not only does such an assertion smack of desperation, but the "facts" we are given about the mineral concentrations are not similar at all. (It is as if someone with the attitude similar to, "I am a physicist, therefore, I am qualified to prove evolution and disprove the biochemists, medical doctors, biologists, geologists, paleontologists, mechanical engineers, botanists and all the other disciplines in creation science" wrote the falsehoods of the alleged sea-water-to-blood similarities.) There are other insurmountable difficulties with these pretend similarities as well. It strikes me that this idea is contrary to evolutionary thinking, which requires huge changes and adaptations in organisms. So why should our blood reflect our alleged sea origins?

Then there is the amazing complexity of human blood, as well as the great dissimilarity to the blood of actual sea creatures...
Sometimes evolutionists claim that our blood has very similar element composition (sodium, chlorine, etc.) to seawater and this they attribute to our ancestors evolving in the oceans eons ago. Various popularisers of evolution have made this claim. For example, Robert Lehrman, in The Long Road to Man (Fawcett Publications, 1961), said:

“One human characteristic, a chemical one, harks back to our ancestry in the ocean … the percentages of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, chlorine, and other minerals in human blood salt coincide with those of sea water. Our ocean–living ancestors developed cells adapted to the chemical environment of sea water. When they left the ocean, they took a part of the environment with them in the form of a fluid that bathes the cells; later it was incorporated into the blood stream.”
Studies of blood reveal how incredible it is!
The argument has not been used widely of late, but it still surfaces from time to time.
There are major problems with the argument:
You really should finish reading "Red-blooded evidence —Refuting the evolutionary ‘sea-water’ argument".