Bubbles of Abiogenesis

Proponents of molecules-to-milliner evolution are still having problems overcoming the original hurdle: the origin of life. Some even try to rework the failed Miller-Urey experiment, and others try to find different ways to justify the non-science of abiogenesis. One desperate idea was to invoke a kind of intelligent design by space aliens. Oh, please! 

Liquid droplet story of abiogenesis fails
Image credit: Pixabay / Alexas_Fotos
Some owlhoots try to distance themselves by resorting to the canard that the origin of life has nothing to do with evolution. Sure, pilgrim. You want us to spot you the most difficult part, and then you'll take the bit in your teeth and run with it from there. Claiming that abiogenesis (also known as chemical evolution) is irrelevant is, I believe, blatantly dishonest, since they should know that the origin of life is in evolution textbooks, on documentaries, and so on.

Denying relevance of abiogenesis. Lying, stupid, or something else?
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A more rational idea involves primordial liquid droplets. They're sort of like bubbles, but do not have air. These droplets contain materials that could maybe somehow someday bring forth primitive life. This contains a great deal of Creator-denying wishful thinking, presumptions that common-ancestor evolution did happen, and assuming they know the conditions of Earth way back yonder — a subject that scientists are still scrapping about. Let's take a look at what the droplet people are doing wrong.
Life? How did something so complex begin? Biological observations all show that life only comes from life. (This is called biogenesis.) Nevertheless, evolutionists confidently tell us that life evolved from nonliving chemicals through random natural processes.

Believing life began through abiogenesis despite the lack of observable scientific support, evolutionary scientists naturally search for ways to show how this could have happened. One of their latest notions suggests that the barrier between living cells and their surroundings got its start in self-replicating liquid droplets.
To read the rest, click on "Liquid Droplets Begat Life?