Still No Answer to Primordial Lithium Problem

Because secular scientists have materialistic presuppositions, they are compelled to deny special creation using the complex scientific principle of Making Things Up™. The Big Bang is the atheistic myth of cosmic evolution, and then other evolution stories are hitched to that one.

The first three elements of the periodic table, hydrogen, helium, and lithium, supposedly fit Big Bang model predictions. The first two are the most common elements in the universe, so that seems like confirmation bias. Lithium is not cooperating at all.

The Big Bang is the atheistic myth of origins, but is infested with problems. One is the amount of lithium in the universe. New research did not help.
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We need to ride off on a side trail for a moment. A couple of basic science definitions are in order, since people who do not use them frequently get a mite confused. You have a poster of the periodic table of the elements on the wall of your living room, right? Sure, everyone does (mine is out to be resurfaced). It lists atomic numbers, how many protons, neutrons, and electrons in the elements, and all that good stuff.

An ion is an element has lost or gained an electron, so it has a positive or negative electrical charge. The other important word (especially for this discussion) is an isotope, where the element has different neutrons (this short video helps).

Now we're back to the main trail. Secularists think they know what happened in the distant, unobservable past. Conditions pertaining to the Big Bang may look good on paper, but the whole thing is infested with difficulties. They predict that passel of lithium formed as a result of the Big Bang, but that didn't happen. Isotopes of hydrogen and helium fuse to make an isotope of lithium. Other processes destroy it. New research reveals that the problem remains, but they still refuse to abandon naturalism and read the account given by the only Eyewitness: the God who created the universe.
The big bang has been the dominant cosmogony for more than a half-century. One supposed evidence for the big bang model is its prediction of the abundances of the light elements, hydrogen, helium, and lithium. According to the model, these three elements—and only these three elements—were synthesized in the first few minutes of the universe’s existence. All other elements, such as the calcium in your bones and the iron in your blood, were forged in stars that formed much later. The claim is that the observations of the abundance ratios of the isotopes of the three lightest elements match the predictions of the big bang model. While it is true that the measured abundances of hydrogen and helium in the universe match the model predictions, the lithium measurements are far less than the abundance predicted by the big bang model, so much so that this mismatch is called the primordial lithium problem.

To finish reading, bang on over to "The Primordial Lithium Problem Persists." For additional information, there are several links at "Lithium Ruins Big Bang Predictions."