The Way You Look At Me Tonight

The other day, Lisa Myworries, Winkie Guard supervisor and Stevia Dolcie the baker from the Darwin Ranch dropped by my place. Roland Meadows and Stormie waters were there as well. Stevia brought scones. It was a bit cramped, but we managed.

As you might recollect, Lisa and Stevia were having doubts about some evolutionary propaganda. We commenced to discussing my article on Darwin as an abolitionist, and I kept still for the most part. It is interesting to watch nonverbal communications. The eyes say a great deal.

One way we communicate is with our eyes, and the whites make it possible. Evolutionists try to make us like animals, but end up refuting themselves.
Human eye diagram, Coursehero (CC BY 3.0 US)
At one point, Roland stated that the world was created recently, and the General Theory of Evolution cannot be supported by science. Stevia wasn't feeling too sweet at that time, and she rolled her eyes. Stormie then looked at me, at her fiancée Roland, and back. She wanted me to get involved, so I did say a few things without getting rambunctious. When the ranch women had to leave, we shook hands and parted friendly. There were no scones left.

When I was a little buckaroo, I was taught that in the Revolutionary War that Colonel Israel Putnam told the Colonials, "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes." (That is probably a myth, but it makes sense to hold on until you're sure you can hit your mark.) The technical word for the whites of the eyes is the sclera.

Some animals have this, but something that sets us apart is that we can use our eyes for communication. The white part makes it possible but our Creator didn't wire animals to communicate in this way. Some evolutionists did a study on the sclera but it was essentially nothing but propaganda.  Ironically, some of Darwin's disciples tried to indicate that we are not special, but they ended up doing the opposite. The following article shows how to deconstruct some key points.

Biologists have long noted that unlike most animals, humans have sclera—that white ring around the iris. In the ICR video Adam or Apes, I tried to explain that humans discern many unspoken messages just through interpreting our uniquely human eyes [it is probably this section]. For example, eye contact informs the degree of engagement, and eye direction—such as an eye roll—can express exasperation or guilt. Critics of our video countered that animals actually do have visible sclera, as if that was the relevant topic. New research published in the Journal of Human Evolution confirms that some wild chimpanzees have visible sclera. Are our eyes still uniquely human? Three observations confirm it.

You can finish reading at "Uniquely Human Eyes."