Comb Jellies Thought to be Last Common Ancestor

The name comb jelly does not sound like a real creature. (Indeed, the awful Pexels search engine produced none of them, instead showing people with gel in their hair.) They are almost transparent and seem gelatinous, often with colors that seem like something out of a science fiction movie.

Comb jellies have tentacles so they can eat zooplankton and occasionally small fish. They are not jellyfish despite the resemblance, and their tentacles do not sting. They are common in oceans and seem to like being near the shores of the Americas best.

In the evolution game, comb jellies are now the favored common ancestor of living things over sponges. Storytelling is abundant in this propaganda.
Comb jelly, Wikimedia Commons / Alexander Semenov (CC BY-SA 4.0)
There are about 150 known species of these critters, but some believers in universal common ancestor evolution think they are the descendants of the common ancestor in the distant past. It seems almost a game, jelly fanciers or sponge folks, who will win the prize of determining the ancestor? Let's see if they can explain the complex nervous systems and reproduction of these "simple" and "ancient" creatures. Saying "it evolved" does not count. Neither does storytelling, which we already have in abundance here.

Indeed, evolutionists believe that life evolved from fish and before that was some universal ancestor. This concoction is yet another fact-free way to deceive people into rejecting the Creator. One reason such material is not laughed away is that people do not know how to use healthy skepticism and critical thinking. Take a look at an article with strong sports analogies at "Comb Jellies Take the Lead Over Sponges!" The following video is extremely interesting: