Warm Young Moons of Jupiter

Time and time again, evidence shows that the solar system is nowhere near the billions of years in age that secularists expect. Using their calculations, they can only get millions, not billions of years for the rings of Saturn. The moons of Jupiter add further damage to deep-time thinking.

The four largest moons (one of which is bigger than the planet Mercury) are giving off heat. According to uniformitarian views and secular planetary formation, this is a cosmic evolution puzzler. Secular scientists need to provide plausible explanations.

There are many problems for the idea of a young solar system, even admitted by secular scientists themselves. Jupiter has warm moons, another problem.
Jupiter and moons composite, NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents)
The moons are plenty cold for someone who may try to stand on the surface. Evidence indicates that the warmth is deep inside. How? They cannot have leftover warmth from their formation in the standard timescale. Radioactive decay? Doubtful. Tidal heating because of gravity? Maybe, but it requires conditions inside the moons to be exactly right. Then there's the problem of probable liquid water... Problems and convoluted explanations fade away when considering that Earth and the rest of the solar system were created thousands, not billions, of years ago.
In 1610, Galileo Galilei aimed his telescope at Jupiter and discovered the four largest of the planet’s 95 known moons. He recognized them as satellites, and they became known as the Galilean moons. In order of increasing distance from Jupiter, they are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto,

To read the rest, visit "Jupiter's Young Moons."