
Showing posts with the label Christian Rock

The Star-Nosed Mole Also Defies Evolution

People with Atheism Spectrum Disorder and other Darwinists get on the prod when biblical creationists and Intelligent Design folks get mighty ornery when we say that some creature thwarts, defies, baffles, or something similar in regard to evolutionists. There are quite a few. That dark thing scurrying over, not a large mouse or a small rat. Look at that face, it is split into tentacles like it belongs in an H.P. Lovecraft story. There are several things about the star-nosed mole that mystify not only evolutionists, but the scientific community. Star-nosed mole, Flickr / gordonramsaysubmissions ( CC BY 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunny For some reason, this child expected the star-nosed mole to reside in more exotic areas. It lives in the Northeastern U.S. and on up into Canada. The first thing that baffles evolutionists is that there is no evolutionary history. Beyond that, star-nosed moles have an exceptional sense of smell. The big puzzler is that the nose has exceptionally

Horsemanship and Evolution

The age of the American cowboy on the great cattle drives was from 1866 to 1886. They moved longhorns from Texas to railheads in Kansas, but the need for that work ended when railways were established further south. They knew, and other folks who work with horses know, that a horse and rider essentially become a unit. American Indians, Mongol warriors, and other groups of people throughout history also learned the joys and efficiency of working with horses. Reality and history do not fit Darwinian beliefs, however. A Turk Surrenders to a Greek Horseman , WikiArt / Eugene Delacroix Evolutionists essentially believe that our ancestors swung down from the trees, but they were too stupid to do much. So, they sat around in caves for a huge amount of time, presumably waiting for their brains to develop. The evolutionary timeline of history has a whole lotta nuffin, then many accomplishments in a tiny section at the end of the timeline. Sense it makes no. When history is examined, people are

Touching and Feeling

Our Creator has designed us so we are able to receive multiple stimuli, yet are not overwhelmed by too much too soon. Talking to another person in a room full of other people who are talking, yet speech from most of the others do not register on our minds. When it comes to touching and feeling, we have a similar system in place. There is a great deal happening at this very moment as I am still recovering from knee surgery. Several stimuli from the laptop, various minor bodily pains, those are in the background. Hand touching water, Pexels / Ashutosh Sonwani You got a lotta nerve! That phrase really has little to do with nerves. I have one nerve left, and you're getting on it! Aside from the obvious remark about losing patience, that may actually have a physiological basis. Some areas of our skin are far more sensitive than others (and we often seek to have them stimulated), but excessive stimulation can actually be painful. Sensitivity comes from nerve placement, as God designed us

Evolutionary Psychology is Absurd

When people have mental health difficulties, it is often recommended that they see a psychologist. The largely discredited Sigmund Freud probably comes to mind, but there are many versions of psychology. They are all wrong. Talking to a therapist may help and whatever medication cocktail that is prescribed may benefit (even though they do not really know how those medicines work). Pretty much all kinds of psychology are based on atheistic materialism. The worst of the lot is evolutionary psychology . Psychologist, Pexels / Alex Green Give it some thought. They believe there is no God and presuppose evolution, then try to justify their malarky by building on a faulty foundation. Their philosophies and conjectures are fraught with contradictions. Do you want to trust you mental health to someone who believes in luck but has a nihilistic outlook on life? No Creator, no hope, no final justice or rewards, no joy. Some of the newest ideas are...truly bizarre. One tinhorn thinks that psychop

Doubts on the Authorship of 2 Peter

Admittedly, this post is a departure from the usual fare of this weblog. It is because Christians need to know about not only evidence that supports the authenticity of the Bible (such as historical records and archaeology), but dealing with attacks on it as well. Taking a critical view of many things is helpful, but when this approach is coupled with a scoffing attitude, almost nothing can penetrate such a mindset. A person like this presumes the worst about possible evidence against the Bible. Apostle Peter statue, Pixabay / Dog Warrior , edited at removebg , then cropped The Second Epistle of Peter was met with suspicion because it did not read like his previous epistle. Liberal scholars who tend to disbelieve the authority and authenticity of the Bible brought several assumptions to the table. Peter was lacking the intelligence that is exhibited in the second epistle, they claimed. There are several explanations to remove both of these doubts. People have different writing styles f

Evolutionists and their Love of Abortion

A few years ago, I noticed that atheists tend to be political leftists and approve of many behaviors that are against the commands of God. Particles-to-politician evolution is a tenet of atheism, so they fight red in tooth and claw to defend and promote it. To be blunt, evolutionism is a death cult, because advancement up the tree of life happens because of death. Things die and new ones evolve. You savvy that? Like people in various religious cults, people involved seldom consider in depth what their organizations believe. Bassinet, Freestocks / Joanna Malinowska While society is deteriorating, the murder of unborn children is gaining ground. It has been said that abortion is a sacrament to Democrats and other leftists. Many people know full well that they are ending lives (they admit it), and they do not care. Some are proud of the number of abortions they've had! That's depravity. Those people need to humble themselves and repent to Jesus Christ. Two things I've said bef

Knee Joints and Alleged Evolution

Some of the most common physical ailments in people are found in the knees, and this child has had some. The patella (kneecap) on the left knee was fractured after slipping on ice. Kneeling has long been painful. This time, the right knee. I may be undergoing surgery as you are reading. Something something torn meniscus something. Partly from age and mild arthritis. Unofficially, a great deal of strain on it in the workplace contributed. Some Darwinists claim that knee joints show poor design, therefore, there is no Creator. Human knee, Wikimedia Commons / BruceBlaus ( CC BY 3.0 ), modified at home and then  PhotoFunia We tend to take for granted, what our knees do for us. They bear the load (sometimes far more than they were designed for, put that box of donuts down), bend, stop suddenly, and more. F'rinstance, you are walking along at a brisk pace and suddenly remember that you forgot something. Plant  your foot, pivot , push , twist , complete the turn. You may even run back t

Babylon, the Tower, and very Ancient History

Try a different kind of relativity. Kingston, New York has a corner in town where four buildings exist that were built around the time of the Revolutionary War. Quite a bit older than apartment complexes in the area. St. Augustine was established in 1565. Pretty old, but that would make someone from Europe yawn because they have some very old areas. Rome, Italy is thought to have been founded in 753 BC. Do we have a winner? Not yet. Take a look at Jerusalem, that  is old! But then...Babylon. Tower of Babel  by Lucas van Valckenborch, 1594 Babylon is the oldest city. Period. The Bible is the primary historical document, and Genesis tells us that after the global Flood, people weren't interested in obeying God and dispersing around the world. Nimrod was a bad dude  (even worse than Corn Pop ). He was a tyrant, organizer, city founder, and built the Tower of Babel. Nimrod was the Devil's quockerwodger . We have the Bible as history, and there are other historical and archaeologica

Stars Killing Offspring Planets

According to the most popular theory for solar system formation, stars are essentially the parents of planets. Staying with the secular model, stars act up quite a bit in their youthful exuberance and do great damage to planets that are trying to evolve into something habitable. Rocky planets (like the first four of our solar system) might not be exterminated if they can fire up their magnetic fields. Earth has one that provides a shield from solar radiation and such, but it is unlikely for other planets under their conditions. Hubble finds blue star cluster, NASA  / ESA, / L. Bianchi (usage does not imply endorsement) Researchers looked at these problems in great detail and realized that the possibility of habitable extrasolar planets has been greatly diminished. They even tried an ludicrous "belatedly habitable" story that eats its own face. When secularists keep trying to deny the reality of the intelligent design of the Creator and of the young universe, they keep wastin

Bird Beak Evolution Upended

Riekert Darkens of the Darwin Ranch is an evolutionary astrologer and part-time carnival worker who gives lectures in town. It is not a large town, but has supplies that ranchers and folks like me need. When someone is going to give a talk, people want the entertainment. Darkens tried to evosplain away a problem. It has long been a dogma of Darwinism that bird beaks evolved from fused upper beaks (they could not be moved). Then hinged beaks evolved, so that is what modern birds have. Emus, ostriches, and others that have fused upper beaks are deemed "primitive." Because evolution. Emu, RGBStock / CMC13 , edited at remove bg and Pixlr Darkens couldn't explain how a fossil of a bird with a hinged beak was discovered, and that it caused serious ripples throughout bird evolution. Again, speculations by evolutionists about the distant past based on their assumptions do not replace the truth about the Creator. Science is dynamic. What was considered incontrovertible for decade

The Genesis Flood, Doggerland, and the Ice Age

In uniformitarian beliefs, Earth is billions of years old and most geological events happened slowly. With their deep-time assumptions, there were multiple ice ages in the distant past that did not leave evidence of their occurrences. The so-called last ice age is what is usually discussed. Sea levels were lower for a good part of the Ice Age. Land bridges connected many parts of the world , such as Australia to New Guinea, Alaska to Siberia, the Weald-Artois Anticline connecting Britain and France, etc. People and animals traveled. That last one is the area where Doggerland was above water for a spell. Doggerland, Wikimedia Commons / Polaris999 (PD) Although there are speculations about places and events in the past, Doggerland was real. Artifacts are being found even now. Sea levels were lower, but the ice sheets melted and the levels rose again. Doggerland was submerged. The land bridge connecting Britain and France was destroyed. All y'all gotta stay put, c'est la vie. Sec

Stupid Evolution Tricks — Hummingbirds and Human Brains

It is so  easy to find flaws in evolutionary thinking, even a layman can do it. Of course, it helps when we have creationists who have scientific training to help point out their dreadful reasoning and show us that some evolutionary things are giggle-worthy. Mayhaps purveyors of evoporn are getting used to having their pronouncements accepted by the unthinking masses. Outrageous stories are becoming more transparent and more frequent. Here, we have hummingbirds and human brains portrayed as the products of accidents. Hummingbird and DNA brain , images from Open Clipart People who can set aside their Darwin indoctrination and honestly consider hummingbirds should be able to admit that they are miraculous examples of design . Darwinoids say they are the products of a lost gene and are stuck in high gear, but learned to evolve. Other "mistakes" were involved. Like the bumper sticker that says, "If it ain't country, it ain't music", nauralists act like, "I

Warnings about Scientific Models

There can be no doubt that models are used extensively in scientific research, a subject we have discussed before. Models have a long history in science, and many were physical, not calculations on paper (so to speak). They have limitations and can also be used for nefarious purposes. Models (like computer programming and artificial intelligence) rely on the information they are given. Climate change models are known for having a basis in using data that will further an agenda, so inconvenient information is often omitted. Similar things happen with models involving the origin of the universe, evolution, climate change, and so on. Model of Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5, Unsplash / Matias Luge Some folks are concerned about the way modeling is conducted in the secular science industry. There are times when models are too cumbersome and better results could be obtained with less, but there are disingenuous reasons for those at times. They are useful, but not so much when they are used to

Design Denial is a Science Stopper

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen From the standpoint of producing evidence for what they teach, biblical creationists can be baffled by the resistance displayed by anti-creationists. Some tinhorns claim that we never produce evidence — making such insipid claims on posts such as " Overview of Geologic Evidence of the Flood !" Material exposing evolutionary fraud and bad science is ignored or waved away. In literally thousands of books, articles, videos and such, Creationists and Intelligent design proponents have discussed how evidence for design is abundant. Instead of intelligently discussing interpretations of evidence, atheists and evolutionists go beyond insults and attempt to dehumanize us . Red-bellied woodpecker, Unsplash / Joshua J. Cotten When misotheists attempt to dehumanize us, it shuts down rational discourse. It also indicates fear on their part. Can't be letting evidence for design get wide circulation, nosiree! That's bad medicine for atheism. Further, what doe

Brain Fossil Unexpectedly Supports Creation

With improved technology and analytic skills, well-preserved fossils are discovered more frequently. Older fossils are also being reexamined with new technology. Yet another fossil from the Cambrian is causing consternation for evolutionary paleontologists. Sometimes it is a bit surprising that previously-studied fossils are reexamined, and certain details are studied that could easily be overlooked. Bones and other hard things — sure those are are expected to be fossilized, but when brains and nervous systems were involved, paleontologists are surprised. Neurons, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann Tiny worms in the Cambrian were found to have brains. Even secular scientists will admit that brains are incredibly complex things, but to have such soft things fossilize cannot happen with the slow 'n' gradual scenario. The critters had to be buried quickly, like all those other organisms in the Cambrian, during the Genesis Flood. Once again, a rewrite of textbooks on "how brains evolved&q

Uncertainty in Scientific Interpretations

When someone says that the facts speak for themselves , not only is that a bit of the reification fallacy, but facts need to be interpreted. This is taught in introductory creation science where it is pointed out that we all have the same facts. Science is involved, sure, but worldviews are extremely important. From the beginnings of COVID-19 through variants today, people are proclaiming facts that seemingly support differing viewpoints. People supposedly prove the vaccines cause more harm than good, others point to the efficacy of the Fauci jab. However, there is a greater principle involved here. Medical material, Pixnio / Bicanski One of the problems in the peer review process is that results in papers often cannot be replicated. Similarly, there are "facts" that have gone unchallenged for years, then someone wants to do science and discovers that those facts aren't. Some rabidly believe in Scientism  as the only means to truth. It doesn't work that way. Whether i

Sleep is a Gift of the Creator

As I write this, I am recovering from the Rona. If I previously had a fever over 100, it is not in my memory. Doing the standard things: keep hydrated, fever reducers, stay cool but avoid getting a chill, eat if possible — and get plenty of sleep. This may be off the wall, but I have heard it said that if people push themselves too hard, their systems will lay them low. You will  get rest. That includes getting real sleep, sometimes quite a bit (like I have been doing the past couple of days). The Master Engineer designed sleep for several purposes. Sleeping baby, RGBStock / Adrian van Leen A couple more personal views before we move on. Some folks have dreams, then grab a book that supposedly tells them what it means. Some make sense (crossing a bridge while preparing to travel), others are ridiculous. Actually, dreams are usually the subconscious is trying to work things out. We sleep in different stages in our lives. Infants need a great deal of it, but not all at once. Later, we sl

Copying Fruit Fly Eye Jitters

When the results of a research project is announced, do you ever wonder why they did it in the first place? Some things seem obvious, but others...not so much. Scientists took a notion to study the retinas of fruit flies. Since the eyes of insects do not move, fruit flies can continually track motion because their retinas have fast jitters. Humans also track moving objects, so homage was paid to the Bearded Buddha by invoking the secular miracle of convergent evolution . Fruit fly liking a coffee fruit, USDA-ARS /  Scott Bauer  (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Tiny things, tiny brains, short lives (probably due to global warming), but with so few photoreceptors, they see rather well. While I still wonder why they bothered with this research, there is a practical benefit in biomimetics. That is, copying the movements of their retinas to help the resolution of cameras. Of course, engineers will not give credit to the Master Engineer and evidence is actually guesswork.

He Arrived with Humility

Study on it a while. Jesus is God the Son, the second person of the Trinity. God is perfect in holiness and majesty, and everything in creation belongs to him. Jesus is the Creator (John 1:1-3, Heb. 1:2-3, Col. 1:16). He was born in the jerkwater town of Bethlehem, and lived in Nazareth — which was not exactly the Gangnam District of Seoul, savvy? We have all sinned against God, and are deserving of death (Rom. 3:23, 6:23). This began with Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:1-7). God could have simply made the world go away. The Adoration of the Shepherds   /   Giorgione, 1505-1510 (they all look very white, though) The gap between creation and Creator is unfathomable, so why would he want to come to Earth? Out of love (Rom. 5:8), he emptied  himself , giving up his glory and took human form (Phil. 2:5-8). He was born of a virgin in humble circumstances. He was never regal in his earthly life. One reason for that is that Jesus was acceptable to the common man, not someone only catering to the rich

Some Evolutionary Censorship Tactics

On Fakebook, I saw an exchange with an angry misotheist who is also an evolutionist and an anti-Christian bigot. It was about " Lizards Foul Up Evolutionary Timeline ," and the misotheist said, " never see anything like this in legitimate scientific literature." (Note the genetic fallacy with the word "legitimate".) A supporter showed the references from that featured post including Science , Live Science , and others. This showed that the attacker did not even look at the material, and I reckon self-humiliation is unimportant as long as he expresses hatred. It's who they are and what they do. But what of professional evolutionists? Atlantic white shark, National Park Service / Bill Fisher (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) We have seen that secularists have money and power, so they make the rules. Creationists come along with evidence that is contrary to the faith, and they circle the wagons to fire back or simply exclude unple