
Showing posts with the label Intelligent Design

Your God-Given Teeth and You

Do these crowns I own mean that I'm a royal personage? Probably not, they're all in my mouth. Bacteria gets in there, wreaks havoc, and I pay big money to get the crowns. Still, our teeth are very strong. Dentin, that stuff beneath tooth enamel, is actually quite durable. It has to be, since out teeth come into contact about 1.8 million times a year, and a bit is somewhere around 70 pounds per square inch (mainly in the back molars). A silverback gorilla bite at 1,300 PSI, and the saltwater crocodile chows in at about 7,700 PSI. Not important, but I thought it was interesting anyway. Image credit: Clker clipart Scientists did a study on dentin, and were impressed at what what they found. In addition, they are hoping for biomimetics development so we can have replacement parts more along the lines of what our Creator gave us. Aspects of human teeth appear over-designed for their function. Apparently German scientists are less reticent about appealing to the supernatu

Flying High Without Oxygen

Let's start by over-stating some basics. First, we depend on oxygen to survive. Down around sea level, the pressure is fine and we can get what we need. You go up the mountains, the air is thinner. Death Valley is below sea level, so don't be in a great hurry to go from there to Denver, the "Mile High City". (Baseball players don't always cotton to playing up there .) Mountain climbers need to take extra precautions, as do pilots. (For that matter, your big ol' jet airliner trip was in a pressurized cabin.) Fighter pilots have oxygen masks. Taking your dog with you on a bombing mission can be bad news if you're both unprepared; going up too high too fast, or just too high at all, can be disastrous. Whitney Smith, the 53rd Wing honorary commander US Air Force photo / Sara Vidoni (Usage does not imply endorsement of this site or its contents by the US DoD.) So how is it that birds can easily fly at altitudes that would be lethal to humans? Evolutio

Striking Out On Bat Evolution

Proponents of bacteria-to-bat evolution have a high percentage for assertions, conflation, and conjectures. When it comes to actually providing evidence for their claims, their batting average that's lower than a snake's belly in a wagon wheel rut. The evolution of the bat is a noteworthy failure as far as evidence is concerned. Indeed, the evidence shows that bats (along with other critters, plants, humans, and so forth) were all created, not products of evolution. Flying fox (fruit bat) image credit: Morguefile / kconnors The idea is that bats supposedly evolved from some kind of rodent. Maybe it's because bats look kinda sorta like rodents, except the limbs are all wrong. Also, there's no evidence of transitional forms in the fossil record. Imagine that, a bat is just a bat. There are many specialized systems in place for the bat's flying ability, echolocation, variety, and more. No, these helpful creatures were designed by their Creator, and that's w

Bearded Dragons, Dreams, and Evolution

Ever notice that some people get a mite irritable when they don't get enough sleep? We need it to process events, and possibly help get some things locked down in memory. It's important to people and critters, and the need for sleep doesn't just apply to mammals. (I feel sorry for Basement Cat when she's had a bad dream, mewing in her sleep and then waking up looking afraid and confused.) We need REM sleep to get dreams, as well as the other kind. People and animals deprived of sleep can get a bit mentally disturbed. Sleep is a gift of God, who set an example for us by resting (Exodus 20:11). It looks like the bearded dragon goes into REM sleep stages as well. Bearded dragon image modified from Morguefile / cooee A simple study on electrical impulses in the brains of bearded dragons led to a study their sleep patterns, and it looks as if they do some dreaming as well. Unfortunately, some evolutionist jasper (who seems to be hallucinating from sleep deprivation) de

Transformer — Octopus in Disguise

There are many critters that give advocates of microbes-to-marine biologist evolution conniption fits, since they refuse to cooperate with evolutionary ideas. Instead of giving credit where it belongs, to the Creator, they put the machinery of the Evolutionary Excuse Factory® into high gear. Sometimes, they even resort to metaphysical evolutionism, giving their puny god credit for having intelligence and foresight. Not that this has a bit to do with actual science, of course. Suppose a marine biologist went to a Transformers movie, had some peyote buttons , then had a nightmare where his world and the movie world met. He or she might dream up the mimic octopuses. However, such a creature really does exist, and it's an excellent example of the intricate design work of God. Evolutionary ideas, whether using mutations, natural selection, or any combination of ideas, will not suffice. This creature can mimic other creatures in a big hurry, and it has its own "database"

Competition and Evolution

Maybe the main reason the owlhoots at the Darwin Ranch cheat at cards and at science is because they believe their own philosophies: competition, survival of the fittest, and that sort of thing. The strong survive, one critter gets to eat, the other one starves, the survivors propagate the species. People believe these things because they trust what "scientists say" — even without evidence, and even when scientists are wrong. Scarlet Tanager image credit: Morguefile / AcrylicArtist (Rodney Campbell) There are times when we see animals fighting over what they consider their stash, even though there's enough food available for everybody. But there are other times when they will help each other out. Sometimes it's a one-on-one thing, gotta watch out for your own kind and so forth, but there are also baffling instances of symbiosis, inter-species assistance where both parties benefit. Such things refute Darwin's idea, and show that the Creator has design plan

Better Mining Through Fungus?

At first, I was going to start this article with "fungi to be with", but decided that joke is in spore taste. "Not funny, Cowboy Bob!" Right, I'd better get on with it. There's a ground fungus known as Talaromyces flavus that actually "knows" how to get what it needs when it encounters iron: it essentially mines it. Original image source: Clker clipart The fungus uses acid etching and extraction techniques quite similar to those used by humans. It should be obvious that the Designer of all creation gave it this unique ability to survive. If the trait was a product of evolution, it would never happen because the fungus would be stopped in its tracks (so to speak) and die. What happens when a soil fungus runs into a hard mineral containing precious trace amounts of nutritious iron? A poorly designed fungus might go hungry and languish like a forlorn noodle, but researchers recently found ways that a soil fungus conducts a miniature m

Making Connections in the Brain

Once again, the more we learn about living things, the more there is to learn. Problem is, we don't rightly know what we need to learn. Especially the human brain. Noggin neurons are communicating, and some change as the need arises. Axons find ways to make connections and follow "beacons" to do so. Another interesting aspect is that messenger RNA gets involved in axon navigation. This specified complexity is further evidence of the wisdom of our Creator, and works against evolutionary paradigms. Evolutionists should use their intelligently designed minds, you savvy? Scientists are beginning to be able to watch nerve cells reaching out and forming connections. “'A day in the life of a synapse' reveals new facets of the adult brain,” a headline on Medical Xpress teases. Yes, even cells have a list of things to do today. Synapses are the gaps between nerves where the signal turns from electrical to chemical and back again. Why would nerves make that break

Hello There, Honey!

Gotta admit that an article on honey didn't get my excitement meter buzzing, but when I read it, I realized that it was actually quite interesting. "Oh, look! A bee!" Yeah, I see it, too. One thing I learned is that there are about 20,000 species classified as bees, but only seven of them make honey. These bees eat nectar and pollen (performing a service by visiting a whole heap of flowers every day and helping pollinate), and they make the honey for surplus food during the off-season. Image credit: Freeimages / MMNoergaar The whole hive process should be the envy of manufacturing companies. They have many workers collecting the supplies (using efficient built-in navigation systems ), returning back to the hive, making the honey, doing construction and other hive-related activities — the expression "busy as a bee" was probably concocted before it was realized just how busy they really are. This testifies of the Creator's design and stings bacteria-

Encouraging Cancer Research Through Deliberate Mutations

Darwinists are fond of mutations, because they think that they are the main mechanism by which slime-to-sandblaster evolution occurred. They have a problem finding undisputed  beneficial  mutations, which are highly unlikely in their worldview of random, purposeless events. But there are beneficial, targeted  mutations by design. "Digital Illustration Of Dna Structure" image credit: / hywards We have a passel of cancer cells every day, but our immune system fights them off. Our system even sends special mutations of its own making to trouble zones, as it was created to do. When the system fails and cancer cells grow out of control, that's when the problems set in. New research involves taking out cells, doing intelligently designed mutations, inserting them back — and having a huge success rate of leukemia patients going into remission. And no, evolutionary "science" had nothing to do with this. CBS News has reported on a new cancer

Epigenetics Further Affirms Creation

Remember when particles-to-peddler evolutionists said that certain parts of DNA were "junk", and that was thoroughly refuted ? Further research keeps showing inconvenient genome truths refuting evolution, such as the " epigenetics switch ". The hands at the Darwin Ranch down at Deception Pass were embarrassed, and it's getting worse. Image credit: Freeimages / Rainer Berg The more scientists learn about the genome, the more complicated it gets — including epigenetics. It seems that our functional chemistry can be changed, but the base pairs comprising the DNA code are unaltered. Changes happen through epigenetic switches and cellular machinery, and the whole thing is far more complex than ever imagined. This further refutes evolution and affirms the brilliant design work of our Creator. In complete contradiction to evolutionary predictions, the language systems in the genome continue to reveal nothing but unimaginable complexity. As a news story on a re

Hummingbirds Fly in the Face of Evolution

Have you ever been around a hummingbird after seeing a Star Wars  movie? Funny that their buzzy flying has a sound like a lightsaber. I almost expect to hear the bird say, "You should not have come back..." By the way, I've said this before, and I'll say it again: if you don't want to poison the cute little things, clean your hummingbird feeders often , you savvy? Good. Image credit: Anna's Hummingbird by Alan Vernon, ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) These winged little marvels have been studied for biomimetics (where humans observe something in nature, claim it happened by accident, then try to intelligently design an application) for miniature flying robots . As if drones peeking in windows weren't bad enough. (For me, it's, "Mr. Drone, say hello and goodbye to Samuel Colt!" Privacy concerns , you know. But I digress.) The hummingbird frustrates bacteria-to-bird evolution. In fact, it frustrates other-bird-to-hummingbird evolution because it

Evolutionary Research Resorts to the "DUH" Factor

When Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and others insist that intellectual and scientific progress are only possible through belief in evolution, they are actually promoting the dumbing down of Western civilization. (Sure, look what atheism and social Darwinism have done for the culture and technology of North Korea, for example.) Several Darwinistas have been not only insisting on using natural selection as the means of evolution, but point at alleged "vestigial structures" as evidence of onward and upward evolution. Researchers in Sweden are showing blatant stupidity — and getting their "research" published. Not only are they uninformed about the differences between Salmonella and cheetahs, they "prove" natural selection by making things unfit. Then they ignore other evidence and explanations that they should have examined, even from a naturalistic standpoint. Worse for these tinhorns is that their conclusions actually support the work of the Creator

Nature's Web Designer

Ever have that experience of walking through the woods, a field, or maybe an unused building and getting a spider web in your face? Turns you into a karate master , some say. Well, yeah, I don't reckon many people like to be startled with that sticky stuff, especially if they've seen too many scary movies or been reading up on dangerous spiders . Now, your toughest cowboy has to watch where he's working in the stable, woodpile, and such, and check very carefully at the outhouse. Image credit: Freeimages / Aleš Čerin That web site you just ruined is strong in its proportions, and has different kinds of webbing. Some parts will give a bit before breaking so the whole shootin' match doesn't come down easily. If you study on it, spider webs are masterpieces of design, the ability for which was given to spiders by the Designer, and not by time and chance evolution. Take a good look at a web glistening in the sunlight sometime, and don't bring it down. Spider

Genome Increasingly Unfriendly to Evolution

When using language, there are basic rules for proper communication, especially in written form. Using dialects, slang, idioms and such can make you mighty hard to understand when writing off a letter to greenhorns. Like so. Computer languages are very complex and specific, and an error in coding can disrupt the entire process in some cases, or render something tedious at best, such as faulty HTML code. Computer languages are very linear, going in only one direction. What if a language worked in several directions, including three dimensions? Proselytizers of goo-to-geneticist evolution often assert that DNA proves evolution. Not hardly! Genetics research is not a good employee at the Darwin Ranch, contributing information that affirms creation instead of evolution. The genome is amazingly complex and structured, obviously the product of our Designer. A recent press release from a prominent European research group started off with this amazing proclamation: “A new study from

Flighty Evolutionary Fantasies

Purveyors of molecules-to-mallard evolution believe they have some ducky explanations for the origins of flight in various creatures, but they have one small problem: the explanations are anti-science. Sure, they sound good to the uneducated and will satisfy True Believers®, but cannot withstand scrutiny. "Swallow in Flight" image credit: morgueFile / AcrylicArtist Evolution is supposed to be gradual and accidental, relying on mutations (with a bit of help from natural selection). When different creatures have similar abilities, Darwinists use the fact-free faith-based claim of "convergent evolution". What makes things worse for them is that for something to evolve the ability to fly, everything has to be in place at the same time for this to happen. Otherwise, nothing makes sense, and evolving the necessary apparatus for flight one piece at a time would be harmful for the organism; such specified complexity happening by time and chance is ridiculous. No, th

Serial Cells Frustrate Evolutionary Ideas

Although biology is foundational to amoeba-to-man evolution, it is not supportive of the concept. Increasing knowledge of biological functions supports what biblical creationists have been saying all along: life was intelligently designed by God, who is revealed in the Bible, and evolution has no part in the matter. Background texture from Image*After Serial cell differentiation is a system-intensive process require a great deal of energy from an organism. This is to keep certain cells from proliferating too rapidly, and is a hindrance for mutations. Single celled organisms replicate as fully functional cells, and they maintain cellular integrity through a system of direct epigenetic inheritance, or ‘cell memory’. Some tissues in multicellular organisms proliferate in the same way. However, the majority of tissues in adult multicellular organisms don’t. Most tissues in mature multicellular organisms replicate via a method called serial differentiation.2 Cells go through a se

Eye Variety and Evolution

There's no shortage of tales to tell by evolutionary owlhoots for the sake of propping up their presuppositions. What does the variation in eyes throughout living things tell you? Simple answer first: the variety of eyes tells you that there's a variety of eyes. National Geographic  people are saying that they can reconstruct the history of evolution based on computer programs and speculations. Evidence for evolution? That'll be the day! Cats' eyes have a tapetum lucidum that reflects light back through the eye so they can see better in the dark. Part of the story is that "convergent evolution" (a theoretical excuse that is used when there is no actual evidence) for eyes happened at least 40 times. Also, evolution is given a demigod status here, too, exhibiting creativity and thrift. Not hardly! This evolutionary storytelling is also an example of ignoring certain data and alternative explanations. The best explanation is that the Creator designed diff

Tales of Whale Evolution

As we have seen many times (and further examples are scheduled here), telling stories about evolution takes a great deal of imagination, but precious little actual evidence. When facts are examined, Darwinistas need to backpedal to change the stories — or ignore the evidence and let people continue to believe outdated material. Humpback whale image credit: via Wikimedia Commons Tales of whale evolution have changed over the years, but the simplified version: we all evolved from sea creatures, then some mammals commenced to thinking they liked it better in the water, so they evolved into whales. Even worse, some evolutionary sidewinders are telling distinct untruths based on their "here's evolution because we want  to see it" paradigm. Vestigial hind legs and a pelvic girdle? Nope, those are used for making little whales . The same falsehood is said about hip bones. Ethics and integrity in science, indeed! There is nothing "vestigial" in whal

The Puzzling Colugo

If you get to roaming around the jungles of Southeast Asia, watch your step, know when and where to look (what with many being elusive and all), you'll find a whole heap of beasties that defy evolution. Yesterday's post was about the tarsier , and this time, another tree-dweller called the colugo.  I reckon one reason some things are "elusive" is that they live way up yonder in the trees, and are very difficult to observe and track. And colugos kind of fly away. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Lip Kee Yap / CC BY-SA 2.0 One name for the colugo is "flying lemur". It's not a lemur, and it doesn't exactly fly, it glides. Quite a long way if it has a mind to. Evolutionists don't know how to classify it, and it's currently in a class by itself. Creationists believe it is from a separate biblical kind . (By the way, just because creationists use a different categorization method in some cases doesn't give anyone call to go all hayw