
Showing posts with the label Natural Selection

More Gaia Paganism in Evolution

Humans are designed to have a knowledge of God, and this manifests itself in many ways as they try to worship something, but they suppress the knowledge of the true God (Rom. 1:18). Instead, other things are worshiped — even atheists are essentially religious . Evolutionists also express their false religion. Gaea  (another spelling of Gaia) by Anselm Feuerbach, 1875 In Jeremiah 10:3-5, God is telling Israel that pagans cut down trees, carve out idols, decorate them, and nail them down. These things that they made are the objects of their worship. In a similar manner, many evolutionists worship nature . They also acts as if evolution was an intelligent being, making decisions and causing organisms to evolve.  A variation on that is when natural selection is also deified and the religion is selectionism. This is another example of the incoherence and irrationality of atheism, as natural selection was developed by creationist Edward Blyth . Creationists accept natural s

Informed Creationists Affirm Natural Selection

This title may be alarming to some creationists and startling to believers in scum-to-skeptic evolution, but things should be clarified if you stay with me. Like any other science, creation science has had some errors and had to deal with misconceptions from opponents. Credit: Good Free Photos When creationist Carl Linnaeus developed his classification system, may creationists believed in what is sometimes called the "fixity of species". There are evolutionists who think that's what creationists believe, but they obviously are using extremely outdated material. Modern creationists know that natural selection, speciation, and variations are a part of God's design. I have encountered uninformed creationists who hold to that view. Perhaps they believe that admitting natural selection exists is a compromise in favor of evolution. That is understandable to some extent because Papa Darwin hijacked a legitimate concept and redefined it for his own ends. Unfortunat

Flighty Evolutionists Invoke Adaptation as Evolution

Knowledgeable creationists tend to understand Darwinism more than typical village atheists and evolutionists . However, sometimes unskilled anti-creationists are more consistent with evolutionary ideas than the professionals in the secular science industries. Your typical internet troll is committed to naturalism and rejects teleology while Darwin's handmaidens are making fabricating goal-oriented entities. Credit: PIXNIO There is a great deal of confusion among evolutionists about the workings of natural selection and adaptation. While writing their evoporn, secularists will often refer to natural selection, adaptation, and evolution interchangeably. They will even make one or all of them into deities , which is contrary to the nature of evolution (along with teleology). Part of this definition confusion is the result of not understanding the concepts they are proclaiming, secularists are also committed to dealing from the bottom of the deck to trick people into believing

Guppies and Natural Selection — but Not Evolution

It has been established for many years that Darwin was wrong, natural selection is not evolution. Sure, his followers believe that natural selection and mutations work in conjunction with evolution, but natural selection itself does what it is supposed to do. So why do so many evolutionists, including those in a study of guppies, disingenuously claim that evolution occurred? Credit: Flickr / Mark Turner  ( CC by 2.0 ) Guppies are generally good-natured and frequently included in a community tropical aquarium. Very attractive. They breed a lot, too, even in captivity. Guppies are found down Trinidad way for the most part, and scientists did some studies on them. What they found were some great examples of natural selection (a concept that creationists affirm), but they said that the guppies exhibited evolution. That'll be the day! In addition, they demonstrated why peer review is failing because of what this child considers circular appeals to authority. No guppies were adapti

Coyotes Have Gone to the Dogs

Out riding a forest trail at night, it is common to hear a coyote howl. This can give a greenhorn a bit of a start, but not as bad as hearing a cougar. Is the word pronounced KY-ote or ky-O-tee? Depends on where you are. While coyotes frequently make guest appearances in Western shows, they are found in most of these here United States, including New York and Alaska. They have a bad reputation, but it may not be entirely deserved. Credit: Flickr / AdititheStargazer ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) These critters are crafty, stealing and eating all sorts of things. Sometimes they hunt in packs or even team up with other animals. By the way, the one in the cartoons should have caught the roadrunner because coyotes are faster. Like their jackal and dingo cousins, they are considered pests. Some folks try killing them off which actually causes them to increase their population ! They breed well, and the Eastern coyote has been found to have domestic dog DNA. Those in the wild have been known t

Scratch Another Fake Evolution News Report

Darwin's disciples often try to tell us that a little bit of evolution builds up to minerals-to-mocker evolution, but such a claim ignores facts of biology. It also involves equivocation on the word evolution  when variations, speciation, and natural selection are observed. Such is the case in research on pigeons. Pigeon on a Peach Branch  by Emperor Huizong, 1108 Specifically, the research is on  the pigeons: lice. That's one reason you see birds preening. Evolutionists are claiming that their research shows microevolution and that this leads to full-blown evolution. ( Biblical creationists should avoid the word microevolution  because of confusion and deception.) What did they find? Natural selection, a concept that creationists affirm. No genetic information was added, and the lice remained lice. They were created to adapt, not change into something else, old son. Mayhaps those sidewinders wanted to pull another peppered moth icon, which has been soundly refuted . A

The Magic of Evolution

Since evolutionism is pantheistic in nature, we should not be surprised then its adherents appeal to animism regarding the origin of life or the usual "forces" and "evolutionary pressures" in their imagined explanations. If you ponder it a spell, evolution seems like magic more than science. Background image credit: Pixabay / Kai Kalhh Papa Darwin bushwhacked creationist Edward Blyth and stole his concept of natural selection , then then turned it upside down. Instead of culling the unfit and preserving the best members of a species, Darwin imagined it as a creative force. It was largely abandoned, but neo-Darwinism conjures up new life forms through mutations and natural selection. Like magic. via GIPHY Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ will use evolution to "explain" anything, even when phenomena are contradictory. If something explains everything, it really explains nothing, old son. The late Philip Skell was an evolutionist, and he had proble

Engineered Adaptability and Populations

Further development of the continuous environmental tracking (CET) model by the Institute for Creation Research has previously examined how organisms are designed to respond to environmental changes. This is the opposite of Charles Darwin's view and that of his followers. What about adaptation by populations? Credit: Unsplash / Chad Kirchoff This model takes an engineering perspective; the Master Engineer designed both individuals and populations to work together in order to solve problems. Since they are designed to adapt, there is no randomness involved. Organisms have adapted rapidly, rocking evolutionists back on their heels with exclamations of "faster than we expected". After all, their paradigm requires long ages and slow processes. At the population level, natural selection envisions these organisms locked in mortal competition with each other, with a few individuals emerging victorious at the expense of the rest of the population. They pass on their gene

Detecting Baloney in Natural Selection

There is a popular cold cut product in these here United States that is popular for lunches. While it is not my first choice, baloney  (Brits call it polony ) is okay when it is fried up. The stuff is made of scraps of beef, pork, chicken, or whatever, then seasoned, cooked, and packaged. The word is also an exclamation of disbelief. Cropped from Pixabay / Erad Ever have someone describe something you said or wrote as baloney?  Seems like when people say it with enthusiasm, some bark it out like three short words. Apparently it has been mostly replaced by something more profane involving cattle.) Mayhaps the ingredients of the sausage food product inspired the exclamation. Biblical creationists who keep up with material on the origins controversy tend to develop an eye for faulty science. It is mighty helpful to learn to spot logical fallacies , watch for arbitrary assertions, just-so stories without substance, piles upon piles of unsubstantiated conjectures, and that sort

The Samurai and the Evolutionist Storyteller

Julian Huxley was a propagandist for Darwinism, and he published something in 1952 that should have been immediately dismissed. Huxley, and later Carl Sagan, claimed that the "Samurai Crab" (heikegani) is an example of evolution in action, and people ate up this concept — but not the crabs. Samurai statue image credit: Pixabay/ Samuele Schirò In their efforts to dismiss our Creator, Huxley and Sagan claimed that natural selection was at work because superstitious Japanese fisherman threw the heikegani back into the water because they resembled samurai warriors. The samurai became the military ruling class and rose to prominence during medieval times. So, the crabs with the resemblance to samurai warriors were thrown back and kept reproducing. People accepted this dishonest propaganda. I believe that is is partially based on authority because Huxley and Sagan were scientists. Being a scientists does not make someone right, pilgrim, but it impresses people who are unwi

Engineered Adaptability through Logic

Some folks get a mite intimidated by the subject of logic, expecting highfalutin philosophical lingo and such. We are not going into that, even though it can be interesting. Everyone uses logic, but most do not even realize it. It is also the basis of computers and other electronic equipment. Original image from Clker clipart , then modified The basis for logic in electronics is very binary. Zero or one, on or off, yes or no, and so on. Contingencies are built on that ("If yes, then do this thing, else do something else") based on the sophistication of programs. It is amazing that living things have built-in logic systems. The continuous environmental tracking (CET) model that is being designed by the Institute for Creation Research is demonstrating that Darwin was wrong. He utilized pantheism , such as external "forces", natural selection, and vague "pressures" to cause organisms to evolve. In reality, organisms are designed to adapt by the

Galapagos Islands Showcase Creation

Devotees of Darwin can head down yonder to Ecuador and take a jaunt into the Pacific Ocean to see the sacred site known as the Galapagos Islands. Even though we hear about all the scientific research being conducted, people take vacations there. The Bearded Buddha made many observations there while making his voyage on the Beagle, but made seriously erroneous conclusions. Credit: RGBStock / Stella Bogdanic One writer referred to the Galapagos Islands as a "laboratory for evolution". Unfortunately, Darwin's disciples deceive others as well as themselves by conflating variation with evolution, implying dust-to-deceiver evolution. What we see is a passel of different critters, and varieties of those critters, just as the Master Engineer designed them to have. We do not observe evolution. A recent Livescience article is entitled “The Galápagos Islands: Laboratory of Evolution.” It addresses, among other things, “unique examples of plant and animal life.” The island

"Genesis: Paradise Lost" Movie Review

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen The idea of making Genesis: Paradise Lost dates back ten years. It  began in 2007 when Eric Hovind of Creation Today had a discussion with Ralph Strean, who would later become the director and a producer. They wanted to reach younger people with the truth of the gospel and its foundation in creation. After years of writing, CGI work, filming, and fund raisers, the project was completed and released in cinemas for one-night showings on November 13, 16, and December 11, 2017. Now it is available for the rest of us. This is the first part of a proposed trilogy, and is focused on the opening chapter of Genesis. Image courtesy of Creation Today "Did you say fundraisers, Cowboy Bob?" Yes, yes I did. After all, they don't have a $200-400 million USD budget like secular film studios have.The internet and its surly kid brother (social media) are conducive to many activities, including this kind. Several sites are established for these purposes

Mystical Natural Selection Tour

Although evolution through natural selection alone has been largely rejected, drummers for Darwin continue to claim it is essential. A spell back, we looked at how evolutionists were trying to predict a natural process and instead supported the Stuff Happens Law . Some other jaspers also inadvertently supported the Stuff Happens Law by claiming that it's not "fitness" that leads to survival, but just plain luck (see " Natural Selection? No – Sheer Dumb Luck "). Seems like evolutionists are appealing to luck with greater frequency. Mayhaps they're inspired by Clinton Richard Dawkins and his Mount Improbable foolishness . Keep reading, things are getting stranger. Generated at Some of the problems evolutionary scientists are having could have a simple explanation: they are unclear on the concept of natural selection. For that matter, scientists disagree on evolution (often attributing variations and minor changes to their blind, mad, gibberin

Predicting Natural Selection — and Failing

Proponents of atoms-to-entomologist evolution include natural selection as a means of evolution, although that has been largely abandoned. Except when it is convenient to equate natural selection with evolution. It is often included with mutation as a means of upward changes. Evolution itself is not operational (observable) science, but is historical science instead. Also, science needs to make predictions, which is something that evolution fails more often than not. Walking stick image credit:  Aurea Moragón , US Department of Agriculture (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) A study of those stick insects ("walking sticks") was undertaken to see if random chance could be predictable. Yes, it doesn't make sense to me either: random doesn't lend itself to predictability. What did researchers find? Disagreement. via GIPHY David Coppedge, the author of the article linked just below, shows how the concepts of Darwin and his successors fit the

The Peppered Moth and Evolutionary Fake News

On the plus side, Darwin bots can get away with bad science, dishonesty, and outright fraud for decades. However, the down side is that the embarrassing truth is often discovered. Those of us who appreciate truth in science (and science reporting) do not cotton to being deceived for the sake of getting us to believe in evolution. Light and dark varieties of peppered moths Credit: both from Wikimedia Commons / Olaf Leillinger ( link to top is here , link to bottom is here ) One of the oldest "proofs" of evolution is the peppered moth. Essentially, the dark version supposedly alighted on soot-covered trees in England and were left alone while the light version was victuals for birds. The population of the lighter critters decreased. "Aha! Evolution! Hail Darwin, blessed be!" No. Most of the story was fake news. Actually, it may have been an example of natural selection (a concept that creationists also accept), but they were still moths. Nothing changed

Humans Helping Birds Evolve?

A major problem found in proponents of atoms-to-ornithologist evolution is that they are uncertain of their own belief system, seeing small variations in living things as examples of "evolution". While many make honest mistakes, there are blackguards who equivocate on evolution to convince people that Darwin was right, and there is no Creator. To further complicate matters, the definition of species is disputed , and although evolution is supposed to be a slow process, quick, observable variation flusters evolutionists , such as with the rapid gecko changes . Credit: Pixabay / Sara Price Parus major (also known as the great tit ) is a relative of the chickadee, tufted titmouse, and a few cute little chirpers. They're mainly found in the Northern Hemisphere, and are very popular in Britain. People over there are very fond of feeding birds (my wife and I do some ourselves here in New York), and some changes in beak size have been noticed. Some folks have called th

The Snow Lotus and False Evolution Claims

Way, way up yonder at the " Roof of the World " in Chinese-occupied Tibet (and a few neighboring regions) is a highly-prized plant. Saussurea laniceps is known as the cotton-headed snow lotus or the Tibetan snow lotus ( click here for image ). Quite a long and difficult trip to pick one, since it's not only mighty cold, but altitude sickness caused by the thin air can be lethal . Amazing that some folks are able to live up there . Credit: Jeff Schmaltz , MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents People have been picking the cotton things, taking the taller ones and leaving the shorter ones. Evolutionists are all agitated about it. "Hail Darwin, blessed be, evolution in action." That'll be the day! Their death cult falsely claims credit for "evolution in action", since what happens is just a form of natural selection (given human helping hands), and a loss of genetic information. Simply put, the