
Showing posts with the label Physics

The Absence of Alien Contact

Secularists know  that aliens exist out there, thataway — because evolution. Like other things related to atoms-to-alien evolution, they rely on the compex scientific principle of Making Things Up™. Those of us who are not content to simply accept "scientists say" want explanations. There is a glamorous idea of noble space aliens who are friendly, curious, and scientific. Do secular scientists consider that their invisible friends may be hostile, joyriding children, escaped criminals, trophy hunters, or conquistadors? Asking for a friend. Even so, secularists try to determine their motives for avoiding us. Alien spaceship, Pixabay / Lance One speculation is that Earth doesn't measure up. Our technology isn't advanced enough for them to initiate a first contact. Of all the nerve! There must be hundreds of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations, someone  must want to say howdy. See, I can speculate just as well as they can, and I do it for a lot less money. Materialist

Axions: The Dark Matter Show Must Go On

It is obvious that curiosity, exploration, learning, explaining are all a part of human nature. Secular cosmologists and cosmogonists stifle themselves when they presuppose materialism, so they have ruled out the Creator as the logical explanation. These folks believe in cosmic and biological evolution despite the evidence. Huge amounts of money have been spent — wasted — in their search for dark matter and dark energy. The Big Bang has been Frankensteined with new parts for decades. While one concept of dark matter predates the Big Bang, it is still used as a rescuing device. Most of the universe is supposedly comprised of unseen dark stuff. One candidate for dark matter is axions . Galaxy clusters,  NASA / ESA / JPL-Caltech / Yale / CNRS (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Instead of the spirit of investigation, secularists are propping up naturalism with imagined things. CERN was looking for axions, but all they found were places not to look. Still, the show goes on

Reports of Something from Nothing are Fake News

People may rightly recollect seeing discussions on this here weblog about atheists claiming that everything came from nothing, then becoming furious when this fact is mentioned. They even deny it, even when given evidence that high-profile misotheists believe it . Quantum physics is a valid and rather mysterious science , and can even have temporary violations of the Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy. This law does not apply to God, because the Creator is above creation, upholds all things, and not confined to it. The Big Bang, however, is a naturalistic violation of laws of physics. Graphene, Flickr /  U.S. Army Materiel Command ( CC BY 2.0 ) (Usage does not imply endorsement) Virtual subatomic particles pairs, matter and antimatter, can pop into existence for a fraction of a second before canceling each other out. Julian Schwinger proposed a theoretical way that they could last longer. An experiment to validate the Schwinger effect was conducted using graphene. An article lied outr

Webb Telescope Confirming Creation Cosmology

After many years and a great deal of expense, the James Webb Space Telescope was put in orbit.  Secularists have high hopes for the JWST regarding the Big Bang and life beyond Earth, and were greatly relieved that it is working properly. Now they think they can check out cosmic evolution. It should be kept in mind that we are talking about preliminary findings, and peer-reviewed material takes longer to become available. It's the nature of that beast. We need to look back to see why all the ruckus. JWST deep field galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, NASA / ESA / CSA / STScI (usage does not i mply endorsement of site contents) Regular readers have seen material on how the Big Bang, a concept that was mostly established in the early twentieth century, is often Frankensteined with new parts stitched in (rescuing devices). Although a tenet of faith for materialists who claim to love facts and science, there is no empirical evidence for the Big Bang. Lots of theory, lots of attempted confirmat

Darwinian Magic and Sauropods

 This post needs a different approach than usual, since the article featured below makes two points that are interlaced. It was a mite difficult for me until I caught on to where the author was going with it. First, Darwinists have their own lingo that helps them sound like real scientists. They can baffle and even impress the public with it, and bewildered people accept what scientists say because they're scientists. Evolutionists also hide their appeals to Darwinian magic in their word salad. Sauropod dinosaur, Unsplash /  Vaibhav Pixels This befuddlement is used in discussions of dinosaur size. If you've ever seen movies like  Them!  about giant ants, educated people have to suspend their disbelief with a vengeance. Why? Laws of gravity, physics, and that sort of thing limit the size a creature can reach. Giant ants (or a fifty-foot woman, for that matter) could not attack anything  because they could not move . Our Creator has set growth limits in organisms to they cannot b

A Cyclic Universe Cannot Exist, Genesis Affirmed Again

A spell back, we looked at how secular cosmogonists and cosmologists want to bring back the oscillating universe , also called cyclic and even bouncing universe. There was a Big Bang and inflation, it expands, then slows, collapses in, lather, rinse, repeat. Those owlhoots are still gnawing on that bone, but as discussed a few times, there are secularists who are not content to go with the flow. A couple of physicists decided to examine things their ownselves. They pulled back the reins and hollered, "Whoa!" Universe and Genesis, Bible page from Pxhere  mixed with  NASA / ESA image (usage does not imply endorsement) The biblical account of creation is consistent with the laws of science. (Indeed, Genesis 1:1 is where they are first manifest.) The Creator is the First Cause, but the oscillating universe cannot happen because of that pesky ol' Second Law of Thermodynamics. It indicates all that universe bouncing they propose will stop. Thermodynamics was brought up before

Carbon-14: Not Much Good Anymore

Radiocarbon (Carbon-14) dating is not the thing that believers in deep time use to affirm that Earth is old. This is a common mistake. Instead, C-14 is used to get a handle on the age of something organic. C-14 atoms are unstable, and their therapy is to break down into nitrogen-14, which is a random process (for more on how it works, see " Carbon-14 Dating — Understanding the Basics "). Since C-14 does not last a huge amount of time, it has been somewhat useful to approximate the ages of some things. It is helpful to corroborate it with historical artifacts. Charcoal is almost entirely carbon, Pixabay / Rudy and Peter Skitterians Carbon-14 itself is affected by conditions on Earth. Nuclear bomb experiments decades ago made big changes, but also gave scientists some calibration. However, that is dissipating. In addition, carbon dioxide from fossil fuel emissions is hindering the effectiveness of carbon-14. This will be problematic for old-Earth advocates, who are still deali

That Helpful Magnetic Field of Earth

The magnetosphere of the earth is, in a way, a simple but profound testimony to the Master Engineer. As science progresses, we are learning more about the various ways it is essential for survival. There are also some surprises about it that have come to light. It is huge. But then, so is the Earth, so it would have to be. Space is a dangerous place, full of cosmic radiation from the solar wind (plasma and charged particles from the sun) as well as galactic radiation from parts of our own galaxy. Without our force shield, life could not exist. Earth's magnetosphere, NASA / Goddard / Aaron Kaase (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) In addition, the magnetic field is decaying at a known rate. Calculating backward, it should have been gone long ago and Earth would be subjected to all those destructive forces. Believers in deep time know this and try to find rescuing devices, but they can provide no plausible evidence for their speculations. The magnetic field also show

Disagreements on Dark Matter

It amazes this child that sciency folks believe in things they cannot see or test, but dark matter is at the top of the list along with the Big Bang, cosmic and biological evolution, deep time, and all that good stuff. Creationists tend to reject dark matter because it is a rescuing device for the Big Bang. Also, it can only be inferred, not observed. When searching for images at NASA, I noticed that there were numerous articles where scientists were amazed because the supposed dark matter did not behave in a manner that secular cosmologists expect. Some are getting on the prod about how it constantly defies explanation, and are proposing a replacement. Hubble image of galaxies, NASA , ESA, & J. Lotz & HFF Team (STScI) (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) A few secular cosmologists believe in Modified Newtonian Dynamics. It is thought that this approach to science offers better explanations for what is observed that trying to use dark matter. Of course, the majo

Polaris and the Flat Earth

As a biblical creationist, this child has challenged atheists and evolutionists about why they feel compelled to convert us to their worldviews. After all, they could simply go about their business, quietly snickering to themselves. Using that principle, why bother to refute Flat Earthers? Ironically, atheopaths often use an ad hominem  such as, "You doubt evolution? Betcha think the earth is flat, too!" (The president of the Flat Earth Society is an evolutionist and believes in global warming .) More importantly, some professing Christians believe Flat Earth propaganda, and twist Bible verses so they can pretend to be superior to the rest of us. Polaris time exposure, Unsplash / Javier Esteban Many articles refuting Flat Earthism are listed here , several of which are by the author of the article featured below. This time, claims that Polaris, the North Star, are refuted. The first one is based on perspective, not science: that the star does not move. This is easily refuted

Creation and the Laws of Thermodynamics

For some reason, Stormie Waters was not so active in prospecting. I found out why when she stopped over and brought her new boyfriend, Roland Meadows. He seems a decent sort, and while we were jawing, he suddenly asked me laws of thermodynamics. Not exactly your typical mid-afternoon conversation topic, but I tried to oblige him. He knew that scientific things work their way up from hypotheses, then theories, and if they cannot be disproved yet, they become laws. The laws of thermodynamics are very important, and support recent creation. Universe image:  NASA / ESA / M. Montes (Univ. New South Wales); gavel overlay: Clker clipart (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by anyone) Biblical creationists know that Jesus, God the Son, is the Creator and he also upholds the universe. One way this can be seen is the uniformity of nature , where things will operate tomorrow the same way the are today. Materialists cannot account for this, nor can they account for the laws of logi

Telling Stories about the Evolution of Sounds

No, nobody seems to be speculating on the origin of sound itself yet, but that may happen eventually. This one is about the idea that Earth was quiet for a mighty long time before life evolved. Then, some things began to make sounds. The physics of sound production and travel are understood, and scientists have a handle on how humans and critters make various sounds. One paleontologist in particular presented science-free speculations based on his materialistic worldview of how sounds from organisms evolved. Storyteller  by Anker Grossvater, 1884 / Source:  Wikimedia Commons This owlhoot began with a naturalistic view of origins and history, then commenced to use the fundamental scientific principle so popular in the secular science industry: Making Things Up™. In a recent post, I mentioned the successful advertising promotion, " Where's the Beef? ", which has often been repurposed to indicate that something has no substance. More recently, " Show me the money "

The Non-Science of Physics?

Generally speaking, the term hard science  applies to empirical sciences that are used to observe, test, measure, and repeat things. This also means something should be verifiable. Otherwise, a hypothesis has no practical value and could be pseudoscience. Mathematics and physics get into the workings of the universe, whether the velocity of the coffee cup your cat pushed off the kitchen counter upon impacting the floor, to astronomy and such. Isaac Newton's Laws of Motion explain a great deal, then came Uncle Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. String Theory 2, Flickr / parameter_bond (Public Domain) There are still may things unexplained by various areas in physics, so new ideas a proposed such as string theory, loop quantum gravity, and others. But they have no empirical evidence. In 1984, the Wendy's hamburger chain had an advertising campaign, " Where's the beef? ", stating that their food had beef, but others did not give much. The advertisem

Fusion Power and the JET

Scientists are all a-twitter at the Joint European Torus (JET), which is a plasma experiment in Oxfordshire, UK. A torus can be defined as a hollow donut, a disappointing snack prospect. Actually, this is an experiment to obtain energy through fusion. Something kids learn in school is that the sun is powered through the nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium. That is, those atoms smashing into each other and releasing energy. While there is quite a bit of energy in fission  (splitting atoms), fusion does even more. Joint European Torus, Flickr / Kevan  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Scientists have been attempting to harness fusion power for a mighty long time, and the power output of this was...not that impressive. However, they have to start somewhere, and this is the best performance yet. Hope was renewed. In a not completely inaccurate remark, it was said that they created a miniature sun. In comparison to the simplest cell in biology, a sun is not very complex. Interesting that these types believe

Yet Another Failed Faint Young Sun Paradox Rescue

It is clear that secular scientists are committed to the idea that the earth, the solar system, and even the entire universe are billions of years old. Although most scientists for hundreds of years believed that everything was fairly young, geologist James Hutton proposed an old-earth view, which was expanded upon by lawyer Charles Lyell, who wanted to " free the science from Moses ." His agenda was revealed. Charles Darwin was influenced by Lyell's  Principles of Geology while on the voyage of the Beagle , and he incorporated deep time into his speculations on evolution. Pixabay / jodylehigh Many Christians jumped aboard the deep time thing, possibly to look smart and be accepted by atheists. Moving forward and looking upward, cosmologists and cosmogonists got the bit between their teeth and galloped toward expanding deep time ideas to make the entire universe seem ancient. Of course, there have been many difficulties with the idea of an old earth and solar system in m

The Origin of Energy Problem

The majority of scientists today presuppose materialism, which means there is no Creator, no miracles, and so forth. Conversely, biblical creationists and some in the Intelligent Design community presuppose what is abhorrent to secularists. The beliefs of materialists cause major scientific problems for them. Before materialistic naturalism became the a priori  driving force in the secular science industry, most scientists believed in creation. Those who reject the Creator cannot rationally explain energy in the universe. Ironically, they invoke unscientific philosophical explanations. Big Bang abstract, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann Two of the most important laws of physics are at play when considering the origin of energy. First, energy can be neither created nor destroyed, which is a summation of the First Law of Thermodynamics. (Amazingly, matter and energy are forms of the same thing.) Second, entropy: A summation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics  is that everything runs down. Materia

Antimatter Fails Another Test

The Standard Model for the Big Bang, which has been modified with rescuing devices since its inception, is saturated with difficulties. Products of the Big Bang are expected and look good in models, but have yet to be found out in the wild. Something that is known to people outside the secular science industry and the hallowed halls of academia is the word antimatter . Supposedly, the Big Bang produced equal amounts of matter and antimatter. All that antimatter is missing and the absence is yet to be explained. Antimatter bursts over thunderstorm, NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Antimatter does exist, and when it comes into contact with matter, energy ensues. (That's why we hear about matter-antimatter propulsion units in science fiction.) However, there is not enough of that. Lots of guesswork and rescuing devices, some of which are facepalm-worthy, and even tests at the CERN "antimatter factory". There are amazingl

Still No Answer to Primordial Lithium Problem

Because secular scientists have materialistic presuppositions, they are compelled to deny special creation using the complex scientific principle of Making Things Up™. The Big Bang is the atheistic myth of cosmic evolution, and then other evolution stories are hitched to that one. The first three elements of the periodic table, hydrogen, helium, and lithium, supposedly fit Big Bang model predictions. The first two are the most common elements in the universe, so that seems like confirmation bias. Lithium is not cooperating at all. Modified from an image by  NASA  / JPL (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) We need to ride off on a side trail for a moment. A couple of basic science definitions are in order, since people who do not use them frequently get a mite confused. You have a poster of the periodic table of the elements on the wall of your living room, right? Sure, everyone does (mine is out to be resurfaced). It lists atomic numbers, how many protons, neutrons, and

Secularists Have High Hopes for Webb Telescope

It was natural to doubt the James Webb Space Telescope may not blast off on Christmas Day 2021 as promised, since there were numerous delays over the years. Those with the tingly spider sense were right, and Webb went out there, thataway. Ten billion US dollars was spent on something primarily of interest to astronomers. They hope it works, since unlike the Hubble (which humor columnist Dave Barry called the " Hubble Orbiting Space Paperweight " because it failed at first), there will probably be no second chances. JWST artist's conception, NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Every once in a while, doomsday people issue hysterical clickbait that an asteroid will come "dangerously close to the earth" or some such. Visions of panicked people screaming in the streets and looting, cats and dogs living together — but the asteroid was ten times the distance between the earth and the moon . "Yeah, but by cosmic standards, boy, that's clo

Water in the Far Reaches of the Universe

Way, way out yonder, water was detected in a pair of galaxies known as SPT0311-58. The radiation from them was detected through the help of a massive object between them and us, which caused some gravitational lensing. Uncle Albert Einstein discussed how space is warped by gravity in a way similar to a bowling ball resting on a trampoline. Light from out there gets bent and distorted before it gets here, and that lensing effect made it possible to detect SPT0311-58 at the edge of the known universe. South Polar Telescope, National Science Foundation / Dr. Daniel Michalik Water has never before been detected so far away, but that should not be all that surprising because it is not in liquid form (that has only been found on Earth), and water in other forms is rather common out there. It's probably frustrating to secular scientists because this indicates problems for continually-Frankensteined Big Bang cosmogony. It also brings Genesis 1:6-8 to mind, which mentions the waters above t