
Not Loving Lucy the Australopithecus Afarensis

Over the years, I have featured several articles on the alleged transitional form, the ape with kaleidoscope eyes, commonly known as Lucy. Earnest evolutionists try to slap down biblical creationists and other Darwin doubters claiming the ape from afar ( Afar is far from here, anyway) with talking points. A big problem with popularized science is that folks get notions lodged in their craniums, but retractions and refutations are often ignored. Indeed, knowledgeable creationists often correct believers in universal common descent with the facts. A great deal of information about Lucy in the public mind is wrong. Modified photo by Wikimedia Commons /  Shalom ,  kaleidoscopes from Freeimages /  Frizzy Lee Those who insist in atoms-to-ape evolution frequently present A. afarensis as a link as if scientists were in complete agreement, which is false. Lucy is contested as a link between apes and humans, and the walking upright thing is also a source of disagreement. Its status is sketch

The Talkative Bones Within

Last night I was talking with the skeletons in my huge walk-in closet, asking what would happen if someone discovered them. They just looked at me without answering. I gave up and closed the door. As I walked away, I heard them laughing. Okay, we all know that skeletons in the closet are not real except for use as props or classroom instruction. Actual skeletons do not talk. Interestingly, trees talk in their own way , and our bones have vitally important discussions inside us — through cellular communication. Skeleton at the disco, Pixabay, background by Geralt , skeleton by Rachaelmarie , I also used A researcher with an appropriate name, Lynda F. Bonewald, was told not to waste her time studying one of the three main bone cell types, osteocytes, even though they are about ninety percent of bone tissue. Apparently osteocytes didn't have a known function, so ignore them. Good thing she ignored her advisors. Lynda showed scientific inquiry, and found that osteocyte

Noah as a Straw Man

Recently, there was an infestation of fundamentalist evolutionists at The Question Evolution Project on Facebook who were outraged — outraged , I tell you — about " Evolutionists Deny Evidence to make Darwin Smile ." Deal with the post? Nope. Their reactions indicated that it was threatening to their worldview. They used ad hominem s , red herrings, tu quoque , equivocation on both evolution with science  and modification with evolution . There are also arbitrary assertions and ignorance of evolutionary mythology. Darwin's internet disciples, just like the brass in the secular science industry, have an a priori  commitment to materialism. Straw man Noah and the Ark* Of course, they utilized one of the most common attacks of their kind, the straw man fallacy. Misotheists and other anti-creationists demonstrate that they are unwilling to learn what we actually believe and teach. Secularists criticize creation science from their  sources, their  perspectives and opinions,

Beekeeping is Sweet Stewardship

One of the strongest evidences for the existence of God is specified complexity, whether on the cellular level or living things. Some sidewinders who claim to believe in science latch onto the unscientific opinion  that things only appear  designed. Frankly (mind if I call you Frank?), that is just plain stupid. Evidence for God is all around (Rom. 1:18-24). A spell back, we looked at how honeybees are clearly engineered . Now we will consider how beehives also show engineering, and that beekeeping is an example of stewardship. Honeybee brood frame at Wright-Patterson AFB (public domain, but endorsement is not implied) A bit of terminology. We hear the word brood  frequently used regarding birds and their nests, but it also applies to bees. A brood refers to the eggs and various stages of the development of the young'uns. Briefly, God gave us dominion over the earth,  we are given stewardship to take care of things (Gen. 1:26, 28). You savvy? While beekeeping may be done as a hobb

Blue Sky, Red Sky

Hammond Suisse and I were out riding out of town on Folly Road, then noticed Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as it sounds). It was getting late in the day, and we saw the red sun reflecting in the water. He mentioned that he read " Nice Planet, Good Neighborhood, Great Atmosphere ." We got to jawing about the article that was linked in that post. While we both understand a little bit about light scattering to make the sky blue, we are unskilled in knowing why the atmosphere is blue, but then has those other colors early and late in the day. The Sunrize in Feodosiya , Ivan Aivazovsky, 1855 Our Creator designed our atmosphere to sustain life, and he apparently made the laws of physics so that the atmosphere itself is enjoyable. The material mentioned above provided a brief discussion about the colors of the sky, but not everyone gets why there is a variation in the colors in the evening and morning, but is pretty much the same during daylight hours. Someone wrote in to Creat

Put a Soul in that Robot!

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Yesterday we looked at how artificial intelligence and transhumanism can work together in an effort to replace the true God with a god of our own making . There is talk of giving souls to robots, but that idea has several built-in problems. Materialists contradict their worldviews when they try to find consciousness (or a conscious spot) in the brain. They have not found it . For that matter, consciousness is difficult to define. Many equate it with the soul. Computers and robots do not have those things that are considered soul-ish. Laughing robot made at Bing AI Image Creator Those stories and fears about AI becoming self-aware and taking over the world are about pragmatism: It is reasonable to eliminate inferior humans (a biased, pessimistic outlook by the writers). But getting a soul or consciousness? Mayhaps it would be through spontaneous generation. In 1972, Robert Sheckley wrote a short story called "Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?" about

Artificial Intelligence as the Replacement God?

Interest in and development of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly increasing, as are considerations of cautions and speculations of its dangers portrayed in science fiction. C.S. Lewis gave a warning in That Hideous Strength back in 1946 that seems almost prophetic in some ways. There are several related and even overlapping ideas working at once. People have used machines since creation (keep in mind that levers, pulleys, and other things are considered machines). Obviously, many sophisticated machines have been made over the years. AI Cyborg adored by mindless masses* People use whatever means are available to better their lives, and also invent things to help in that pursuit. From here, humans add mechanical things to themselves such as replacement limbs. Then it gets darker. Some people want to go trans — transhuman, that is. The transhumanist movement seeks to replace humanity with machines so the consciousness can live forever. People need to think biblically about that . Ar

Evolutionists Deny Evidence to make Darwin Smile

Added link about altering facts to fit views on 10 July 2023. As we have seen many times, people interpret evidence according to their worldviews. For example, an evolutionist can see a trilobite fossil and say that it is millions of years old, a biblical creationist uses the same evidence and interprets it as representing the Genesis Flood. Nobody is strictly neutral. Secular scientists are thought to be objective, following where the evidence leads, but that does not happen when the narrative is paramount. It is adjusted so Darwin's frown will turn upside down and people continue to be hoodwinked. Darwin Approves of Evoluton Fairy Tales, modified from Favourite French fairy tales / Barbara Douglas , 1921 In The Face of Evil , a 1977 "Dr. Who" story, The Doctor was given these words by writer Chris Boucher: You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common, they don't alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views,

For Love of Bacteria and Viruses

It is common to find people who fear microscopic organisms, but that feeling is probably because the bad guys get the headlines. Bacteria and viruses are everywhere (except possibly in a cleanroom ). Some people may be shocked to learn that God created bacteria and viruses. Even more startling to the uninformed is that there are millions of the things living in and on everyone. Our eyes even have their own biome. Most are not only good, but essential for our health. And not just ours, but for living things on Earth! Bacteriophage, Wikimedia Commons / Dr. Victor Padilla-Sanchez, PhD ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Interestingly, bacteriophages are viruses that use and destroy bacteria as a means to keep their populations under control. It is possible that phage therapy may be developed for use when antibiotics are ineffective. Medical science was fooled by evolutionary pronouncements based on ignorance and preconceptions that the appendix is an evolutionary leftover and could be removed. Now we know

Evolutionary Religion and Mysticism

When dealing with Darwin's disciples on teh interwebz, most are professing atheists who say they are driven by reason , not faith. When informed that atheism is a religion and that evolution has also become a religion , they become incensed. Some say that religious people want to atheists like them. Huh? I had a couple of trolling raids on social(ist) media that were saturated with fallacies and disingenuous questions. "Creation 'science' 🤣" ... "The human eye proves evolution" ... "Lucy is a human ancestor," and more. They ignored or rejected evidence that people presented. Summoning the Spirit of Darwin, made at PhotoFunia When on their secular jihads, these owlhoots are confirming that they do indeed have faith. Evolution cannot even be questioned. Sure, the minutiae, but not the "fact" of universal common ancestry — even though there are secular scientists who doubt evolution . "Where do fanatical evolutionists get their id