
Showing posts with the label Astronomy

Warm Young Moons of Jupiter

Time and time again, evidence shows that the solar system is nowhere near the billions of years in age that secularists expect. Using their calculations, they can only get millions, not billions of years for the rings of Saturn . The moons of Jupiter add further damage to deep-time thinking. The four largest moons (one of which is bigger than the planet Mercury) are giving off heat. According to uniformitarian views and secular planetary formation, this is a cosmic evolution puzzler. Secular scientists need to provide plausible explanations. Jupiter and moons composite, NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The moons are plenty cold for someone who may try to stand on the surface. Evidence indicates that the warmth is deep inside. How? They cannot have leftover warmth from their formation in the standard timescale. Radioactive decay? Doubtful. Tidal heating because of gravity? Maybe, but it requires conditions inside the moons to be exactly right. Then there's t

Secularists Make Excuses for No Space Aliens

Lisa Myworries, supervisor of the Winkie Guards at the Darwin Ranch, recently mentioned having problems. Someone on the staff was selling peyote buttons to the Guards. She said it was difficult enough to keep them on task, then someone gets that stuff to them. The ranch hands hallucinate, which explains some of their Just-So Stories in the name of evolutionary science. Space aliens are the imaginary invisible friends of secularists, and both the ranch hands and the Guards think they are talking to the aliens. Scientists studying space alien, made with Bing AI Image Creator It is a reasonable conclusion that materialists put so much time, money, and effort into finding extraterrestrial life is that they believe it would prove not only evolution, but also a Creator-free origin of life. Think about it: Origin of life studies are not going forward; they are disjointed. Mayhaps someone should ask Dave Farina why their is no unity and so much failure in OoL research. All that wasted educati

Yet Again, Saturn's Rings are Young

For thousands of years, planets were only known as brighter stars that moved differently than the others in the night sky. Telescopes came on the scene, and more wonders unfolded. In 1659, Christiaan Huygens determined that Saturn has a ring system. With greater technology (including space probes to go up and look), more rings in the system have been found. Those around Saturn baffle scientists with their structures and complexity, defying secular planetary formation speculations. Rings have been discovered on other bodies in our solar system . Saturn and rings, NASA / JPL-Caltech and others (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) It amazes this child how biblical creationists will relate that secular scientists admit Saturn's rings are far younger than they thought , then misotheists mock us — yet we are often more current with science than they are! Scientists are adding fuel to the fire by reaffirming the youthfulness of the rings. Also, the rings are  ephemeral . T

Our Moon Formed Very Quickly

Although Riekert Darkens was away from the Darwin Ranch doing his part-time carnival work, he managed to send them a telegram about new speculations in cosmic evolution. The ranch hands received it with the same joy that the early church received epistles from the apostles. Russell Watchtower read it to the group. Secular cosmologists have a variety of ideas for the formation of the moon, but all of them have insurmountable problems. Believers in stardust-to-stenographer evolution have to believe something  because the truth of special creation is unthinkable. Moon over Arizona, Unsplash / Ganapathy Kumar Our moon is unlike any other that we know about, even making it possible for life to be sustained through tidal actions. It is the right distance for a total eclipse, and there are other factors that make its creation the logical conclusion of observed facts . Secularists are going to balk at the new idea from their own people, but they are thinking that it formed very quickly. Gettin

The James Webb Space Telescope and Exoplanets

Hands at the Darwin Ranch over at Deception Pass are excited about how the James Webb Space Telescope is checking out exoplanets: that means evolution. This great and expensive accomplishment is getting some great views of the heavens, but the main goal is to find extraterrestrial life. If there is life, it must have evolved, right. Not hardly! So far, however, it has inadvertently supported creation science predictions instead of materialistic views. Sort of causing secular views rapid unscheduled disassembly... Extrasolar planets are plentiful , but unsuitable for life. Mayhaps the JWST will provide more information. HD 149026b (Smertrios), NASA / JPL-Caltech / T. Pyle (SSC) (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Despite the artwork, nobody really knows what these planets look like. One listed as HD 149026b is also called Smertrios, after a character that eventually merged with the Roman god of war. It is one of those "hot Jupiters", big and unpleasant. Smert

Rapid Expansion of Supernova Remnants

As we know, secular cosmologists use the assumption that the universe is 4.5 billion years old as a starting point. This provides the framework for other theories and models. Those of us involved with biblical creation science see that they are constantly surprised when their expectations fail and observed evidence supports a young cosmos ( such as this example ) — and by default, a young Earth. A supernova (-novae or -novas, plural) is a star that exploded. The remnants expand, but have perplexed secular scientists. Veil nebula, a supernova remnant, NASA /ESA/Hubble Heritage Team (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Although the process is uncertain, astronomers calculate the age of the explosion by the expansion of the remnants. Problems have arisen when supernovas that have been observed are calculated to have happened much too long ago in the cosmic evolution scheme. Explanations for the disparities are unconvincing and even raise additional questions. Creationists m

Failed Predictions and Planetary Formation Theories

Some time after the Big Bang, solar systems formed all over the cosmos. Science does not support any of the solar system formation theories. The nebular hypothesis  is the best of the worst , so secularist keep it on the mantelpiece to show off when company stops by. Like biological evolution, cosmic evolution has a wagon train-load of problems. Just-So Stories are told and adjusted. Oceana is at war with Eur asia and the war with East asia must be won; switch it up without missing a beat and the unthinking public does not notice. NASA /  Jenny Mottar  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Scientists make mistakes and correct them, we get that. But that idea not something that can be used as a place of refuge when predictions are made and observations are recalcitrant toward expectations. There's a great need for humility in the secular science industry. Instead, they pretend to be excited when data refutes their presuppositions. Secularists also stretch, squeeze, pl

Planetary Ring Theory Anomaly

Saturn pleases us when the angle is just right and we can be amazed by its series of rings, but there are other planets that have rings as well. It took powerful telescopes to finally see them. The story goes that smaller bodies get too close to planets and break apart, forming rings. Way out yonder is a minor planet, a trans-Neptunian object, called Quaoar. That name came from a deity of indigenous people in the area that is now southern California. (I reckon it is preferable to one of his other names, Chinigchinix.) Smaller than Pluto, it has a moon. And a ring system ? Quaoar, NASA / JHUAPL / SwRI (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Cosmologists please themselves with their Just-So Stories about solar system formation and cosmic evolution, but those don't withstand scrutiny. Naturalists need tales that reject God the Creator, so they keep them despite their inadequacies. One of these is how rings form. Since a ring system was found around Quaoar where it "s

The Missing Microbes of Mars

Secularists are still gnawing on that bone of extraterrestrial life, and they have not given up on Martian life. Most naturalists know that there is no chance for abiogenesis on Earth, so they look for it elsewhere, wasting our tax money in their efforts to show that the Creator is unnecessary — or does not even exist. Apparently nobody is holding out hope for finding signs of complex life forms or an advanced civilization in the distant past; they seem to think it would make Earth unremarkable. Microbes are a different matter. Mars, NASA / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Although not advanced life, microbes on Mars (or anywhere else up yonder) are thought by naturalists to support their beliefs if they are ever found. There are numerous fantasies masquerading as science about the unobserved distant past of Mars, including how it was a really swell place. Building a Just-So Story upon another, mayhaps there was microbial life underground. Yeah! That'

Stars Killing Offspring Planets

According to the most popular theory for solar system formation, stars are essentially the parents of planets. Staying with the secular model, stars act up quite a bit in their youthful exuberance and do great damage to planets that are trying to evolve into something habitable. Rocky planets (like the first four of our solar system) might not be exterminated if they can fire up their magnetic fields. Earth has one that provides a shield from solar radiation and such, but it is unlikely for other planets under their conditions. Hubble finds blue star cluster, NASA  / ESA, / L. Bianchi (usage does not imply endorsement) Researchers looked at these problems in great detail and realized that the possibility of habitable extrasolar planets has been greatly diminished. They even tried an ludicrous "belatedly habitable" story that eats its own face. When secularists keep trying to deny the reality of the intelligent design of the Creator and of the young universe, they keep wastin

The Absence of Alien Contact

Secularists know  that aliens exist out there, thataway — because evolution. Like other things related to atoms-to-alien evolution, they rely on the compex scientific principle of Making Things Up™. Those of us who are not content to simply accept "scientists say" want explanations. There is a glamorous idea of noble space aliens who are friendly, curious, and scientific. Do secular scientists consider that their invisible friends may be hostile, joyriding children, escaped criminals, trophy hunters, or conquistadors? Asking for a friend. Even so, secularists try to determine their motives for avoiding us. Alien spaceship, Pixabay / Lance One speculation is that Earth doesn't measure up. Our technology isn't advanced enough for them to initiate a first contact. Of all the nerve! There must be hundreds of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations, someone  must want to say howdy. See, I can speculate just as well as they can, and I do it for a lot less money. Materialist

Oort Cloud Fails Secular Cosmologists

A frequent evidence used by biblical creationists in support of  the young solar system is short-term comets . These dirty snowballs have elliptical orbits around the sun, and with each pass, part of each gets burned away. If the solar system were as old as secularists maintain, these comets would no longer exist. Jan Oort used some jiggery-pokery to help save deep time by saying that way out yonder, beyond the orbits Neptune, Pluto, and all that good stuff, is a huge collection of comets just waiting to be stirred up by wandering stars and such. Then we have comets again, deep time be praised. NASA / JPL, based on illustration by Donald K. Yeoman (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) There is no observational evidence for this obvious rescuing device. Like invisible space aliens and the Big Bang, believers in cosmic evolution take this by blind faith. Some are determined to propagate the mythology, sometimes through ignorance, but probably by deceit: Used under federal

Axions: The Dark Matter Show Must Go On

It is obvious that curiosity, exploration, learning, explaining are all a part of human nature. Secular cosmologists and cosmogonists stifle themselves when they presuppose materialism, so they have ruled out the Creator as the logical explanation. These folks believe in cosmic and biological evolution despite the evidence. Huge amounts of money have been spent — wasted — in their search for dark matter and dark energy. The Big Bang has been Frankensteined with new parts for decades. While one concept of dark matter predates the Big Bang, it is still used as a rescuing device. Most of the universe is supposedly comprised of unseen dark stuff. One candidate for dark matter is axions . Galaxy clusters,  NASA / ESA / JPL-Caltech / Yale / CNRS (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Instead of the spirit of investigation, secularists are propping up naturalism with imagined things. CERN was looking for axions, but all they found were places not to look. Still, the show goes on

Enceladus Stupid Astrobiology Trick

Every once in a while, this child gets curious how folks who are edjamakated and have science jobs can be disconnected from logic. Such is the case with NASA, where scientists are still trying to imagine life on Enceladus, a moon of Saturn.  Short form: Mayhaps hydrothermal vents on Enceladus are sources of microbial life, and there may finally be something for astrobiology people to study. I wonder if the publicists were being coached by Russell Watchtower and the hands at the Darwin Ranch's propaganda department, it is so outlandish. Hydrothermal vent, Niua volcano, USGS / PD The word inhabited  was used. It was probably used in reference to microbes, but the connotation is that intelligent life may be found. Maybe it's selling enchiladas on Enceladus. Earth has hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean where hot, nasty stuff comes out but microbes and other life forms are happy to live there. Perhaps the same conditions exist on that moon. Let's get us a passel of grotzits t

Back to the Dry, Young Moon?

NASA chose to name their new lunar project after Artemis, goddess of the moon — and a number of other things. The spacecraft it is carrying is named after Orion the hunter. It has been fifty years since Gene Cernan of Apollo 17 left the last footprints on the moon. The goal of the Artemis program is to eventually setting up a lunar base. Quite a few science fiction stories have been written and filmed about those, but there are several serious problems involved that the writers gloss over. Artemis/Orion launch, NASA / Bill Ingalls (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The Apollo astronauts were up there for days, and NASA wants a permanent station. The moon is outside the protection of Earth's magnetic field, so if the sun got ornery and shot off a flare, the solar wind could be fatal very quickly. There are also temperature extremes, which the Apollo missions minimalized. Light and dark cycles are very long. Another problem remains, and it's a biggie. Water. Coo

Throwing a DART into Space

Imagine you are the near-earth asteroid Didymos, going through space and making chin music with Dimorphos about why neither of you is named after a false god. Suddenly, bam ! Your moon takes it on the chin from a human space vehicle that was designed to crash into it. To add insult to injury, the orbit of Dimorphos was noticeably changed.  Actually, this rude behavior was planned by NASA to see if it was possible to deflect a menacing asteroid headed toward Earth. Dimorphos, NASA / Johns Hopkins APL (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Yes, there have been big meteorite and asteroid strikes on Earth in the past, and there's a passel of 'stroids out yonder. One of significant size striking could be devastating to life here. Scientists wondered if they could make an impact (heh!) and possibly redirect this one through the DART project. The Italian Space Agency spiced things up by furnishing a spacecraft that rode along on DART, detaching a few days before the coll